• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social venture company

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The Impact of Social Responsibility Management Certification on Venture Company's Formation of Organizational Trust (사회적책임경영(CSR) 인증이 벤처기업의 조직신뢰 형성에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Heon-Deok;Sung, Jong-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.126-144
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    • 2012
  • Lately, the importance of social responsibility of venture companies is becoming highlighted in Korea.This study is to empirically suggest that the practice of social responsibility by venture companies will become the foundation for formation of the organizational trust and for the sustainable growth of the organization. The certification on social responsibility for venture companies has been conducted for past five year and based on the research on difference of organizational validity on companies that are certified and non-certified by its practice of social responsibility, we've found organizational trust difference in two groups; the companies that already formed organizational trust did not have new mediation effect due to organizational commitment but the non-certified companies that did not have organization trust created new medication effect from organizational commitment. This can be understood that the organizational commitment effect through social responsibility is already formed for companies that have created organizational trust through social responsibility certification. The organizational infrastructure is needed for sustainable growth and development of an organization; therefore, the differentiated organizational trust for social responsibility certified organization will become the infrastructure for growth of the certified organizations.

Top Management's Human and Social Capital Effect on Governmental R&D Support System Utilization and Success (최고경영진의 인적 및 사회적 자본이 정부의 R&D 지원제도 활용과 초기 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Je-Keum;Hwang, Hee-Joong;Song, In-Am
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - This study attempts to analyze whether or not there are characteristics among the top management of companies that promote corporate performance at venture companies. It investigates the characteristics of the human and social capital that are inherent in top management at a venture company and conducts an empirical analysis of hypotheses examining if these characteristics will affect utilization of the governmental R&D support system as well as affect the firm's initial success. Research design, data, and methodology - This study conducted theoretical and empirical research together to accomplish the goal of the study. The pilot study researched human capital and social capital as the independent variables; the governmental R&D support system as the parameter; and, the initial success as the dependent variable. The empirical study carried out research on the model, establishment of hypotheses, and the statistical treatment. A survey was conducted targeting top management of high-tech venture companies in Daedeok Innopolis; 500 questionnaires were distributed; and, 222 were collected. Results - The human and social capital inherent in top management at venture companies in the early stages of their existence become good evaluation data for those who are invested in similar resources. If top management includes strong human and social capital, access to external resources will be easier; these will have a positive influence on the selection of overnmental support systems; and, this proper support will also have a positive influence on the initial success of the venture company. The results revealed the following. First, it was found that when the educational level and functional background, (the top management human capital), are the output function, top management human capital had a significant influence on selection of governmental R&D support funds. Second, it was found that the internal social capital and external social capital, (the top management social capital), had a significant influence on selection of governmental R&D support tasks. Third, it was found that selection of the governmental R&D support tasks at the start of the venture company had a positive influence on the corporate financial performance such as sales, business profits, and the increase in workers; and, had a significant influence on nonfinancial performance such as market share, competitive position, product competitiveness, and the future product development. Conclusions - Selection of the governmental R&D support system is not recognized as part of the direct sales of a venture company in its early stages, but as it can reduce costs for technical development and helps significantly in creating test products and mass production, it has a positive influence on the company's financial performance and nonfinancial performance as a result. Therefore, companies should take great efforts to frequently be selected as a candidate in the governmental R&D support system, as it can help facilitate R&D that requires extensive funds. As a result, companies can expect effects such as job creation and patent applications and they can advance future product sales.

An Exploratory Study of a Chinese IT Unicorn Company (유니콘 기업의 성공에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 탐색적 연구: 중국 IT 기업을 중심으로)

  • Jin, Yuan-Jing;Huh, Moon-Goo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.101-120
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - As the research of Chinese unicorn companies is still in early stages, this paper aims to investigate the factors that influence the success of Chinese IT unicorns. Design/methodology/approach - This study is conducted as a single case study and used various sources such as interviews, internal data, press releases, IR data, etc. to enhance the reliability and validity. Findings - First, the characteristics of the start-up team, social capital, and strategies as internal factors affect the success of unicorns. Among them, the more Guanxi in social capital factors, the greater the possibility of growing into an IT unicorn company. Second, the role of venture capital and geographical location have been identified that two factors affect the success of unicorns. In the role of venture capital, it has been confirmed that the world's top-level venture capital company or a company that has been invested by "BATJ" is more likely to grow into a unicorn company in China. Research implications or Originality - This paper distinguishes between internal and external factors to explain the factors that affect the growth of unicorn companies, which lays the foundation for future research, such as the exploration of the unicorns and the development of new variables.

The Empirical Study on Relationship Between Corporate Performance and Related Business Experience of Game Company's CEO : Moderating effect of Social Capital (게임기업 CEO의 관련사업경험이 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증적 연구 -사회적 자본의 조절효과를 중심으로-)

  • Seo, Tae Geon;Yang, Dong Woo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.1408-1418
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    • 2015
  • As the CEO`s of game companies should be ready for the rapid change of technical environment of game industry, highly skilled employees and the social capital become very important factors in doing game business. 2013 Korea Game White Paper shows that many game companies prefer employees with job experience. The social capital and network help game companies get industrial information easily. This study empirically examines the relationship among CEO`s related business experience, corporate performance and social capital based on 134 Korean game companies. CEO`s characteristics are measured by using demographic characteristics including age, amount of education, and prior job experience and psychological characteristics, but this study focuses on related business experience. The results of this study show some significant relationship between the related business experience of CEO and nonfinancial performance of the firm. Secondly, this study verifies the moderating effect of the social capital between the related business experience of CEO and non-financial performance of the firm. The results of the moderating effect of the social capital show that social capital increases the non-financial performance.

An Empirical study on the effects of the founder characteristics of a venture company and its enterprise growth phase for management difficulty factors (벤처기업 창업환경 및 기업성장단계가 경영애로사항에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증 연구)

  • Park, Sungho;Yang, Dongwoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.291-299
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    • 2015
  • This study analyze empirically how the characteristics of a venture business' founder and company development stage will affect on B2B transactions and business management difficulties based on "2012 Survey of Korea Venture Firms". According to this study, there are different frequencies of difficulties in B2B transactions depending on the founder's age and educational background as well as different recognitions about business management difficulties with considering the founder's age, educational background, major and other factors. It is analyzed that in educational background factor, master's degree and in major factor, humanities and social science show comparatively frequent business management difficulties. On the other hand, it is analyzed that there is not meaningful difference in the recognition about the difficulty-frequency in B2B transactions in each company growth stage. It is considered that the difficulties occur frequently in every company growth stage but, these types of difficulties are solved routinely. At the Exit phase, however, there is high recognition about business management difficulties as the transaction with the companies in this stage is avoided.

A Study on Ways to Vitalize Digital Contents Business through IP Holding Company

  • Jung, Jai-Jin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2011
  • In order to have the highest level of a certain society's technology be evaluated as digital contents technology the value concept of such technology's social utilization must be established while active investment on the technology takes place and makes it the subject of social capitalization. This study wishes to discuss the strategies and methods of establishing and managing IP holding company which requires business activation with digital contents technology at its base, research ways of vitalizing IP holding company to expand social utility values of contents technology, suggest necessary systemic improvements and investment activation methods, management structure, and governance structure by investigating ways to stimulate the industrialization of contents technology through the establishment and management of this IP holding company, and finally come up with a realistic measure to establish and manage a IP holding company. Strategies on commercialization of digital contents technology and acceleration of technology development, as well as activation of venture business set-ups will be analyzed and suggested based on such suggestions while IP holding company's digital contents technology investment activation model will be established to produce means to realize discovering superior contents companies and activation of investment, and activating high quality contents production for the global market.

Factors Affecting the Success of IT Service Venture Firms (IT서비스 벤처기업 성공에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • An, Won Young;Oh, Jay In
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.47-64
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    • 2017
  • Three years after establishment, companies are said to face a period of risk called the "valley of death." To start a venture company and make it sustainable, the chance of failure must be minimized. According to an in-depth assessment report on special taxation in 2015, the one-year survival rate of Korean companies was about 60 percent and the five-year survival rate about 30%. These rates are low compared to those of major OECD member countries. Worse, such rates in Korea are decreasing year by year. The purpose of this study is to classify the success factors behind venture companies into human capital, social capital and financial capital, and verify through empirical analysis the factors influencing the success of venture companies based on the mediating roles of capability of the startup team and that for innovation. To find the success factors behind venture companies, this study first examined the theories derived from previous studies. SPSS 21 was used as the study method, while descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis and CMB test were conducted. In addition, SmartPLS 2 was used for confirmatory factor analysis, hypothesis test, mediation effect. The results of this study can help efforts toward job creation and economic revitalization pursued by the creative economy policy of the incumbent Korean administration. They can also be used as the cornerstone for venture companies in their pursuit of success.

The Relationship Between Social Legitimacy and Performance in Venture Businesses (벤처기업의 사회적정당성과 성과 간의 관계)

  • Park, Chan Woo;Choi, Chang Bum
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the relationship between the social legitimacy and financial performance perceived for venture company. In particular, social legitimacy was classified into prior experiences, organizational competency, market-related, and government-related legitimacy according to the characteristics of venture businesses, and its effect on the financial and non-financial performance of venture businesses was verified. Data were collected by conducting a survey among 300 domestic venture businesses. According to the results it can be understood that social legitimacy affects the financial and non-financial performance of venture businesses. In other words, it was found that the acquisition of resources from external investors and governments which is justified by stakeholder and investors, venture business executives and employees' prior experience such as start-up experience, and retention of outstanding talent, etc., developing trust from the market and consumers through high organizational competency and differentiated product provision, have a positive effect on the financial and non-financial performance of venture companies. It can be interpreted that higher survival is possible through running the venture businesses with social legitimacy. In addition, this study is meaningful in that it presents a new standard for survival through measuring the relationship of the influence on substantial performance of venture businesses by expanding the existing sociological research to business management research.

The Analysis of Failure Causes on Technology Venture: A Start-up case of the Government Research Institute(GRI) (기술벤처의 실패요인 분석: 연구소 창업기업 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Ki Hwan;Choi, Jong In
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2015
  • Start up a company is critical to the regional economy and job creation and so get support from government and other organizations, but there are still exist of high rate of failure and CEO's stressful fear of failure. New firms are of utmost importance for the vitality of national economic driving forces but for those failed firms, they caused social and economic problems directly and indirectly, and brought frustration to the founders. The many education and research programs about entrepreneurship and venture creation were undertaken by the country and organizations, but the education and research about the vigilance of failed to start up company were almost ignored. If the attention can be put into the research about failed companies and the research can make the founders and pre-CEOs aware the failure of establishing a company, that would be very valuable as scenarios to see the company risks. This case study shows the finding the reasons which caused the failure of small venture companies and it's implications in the filed of establishing companies. The technology based venture company which had run 10 years in Daedeok's IT field was selected as the research object. The results show that the important factors such as entrepreneur characteristics(lack of communication and management knowledge), business management(lack of business expertise) and technology(loss of unique feature of product and lack of product extension) were the root cause of failures.

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The Effect of Consumption Value and Creating Shared Values on Purchase Intention - Focused on Outdoor Brands - (소비가치와 기업의 공유가치창출활동이 구매의도에 미치는 영향 - 아웃도어 브랜드 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kil-Gu;Yi, Seon-Gyu
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2019
  • This study empirically analyzed the effect of outdoor brand consumer's consumption value and company's creating shared values activity on consumers' purchase intention. The sub-variables of consumption value were set as functional value, conditional value, and emotional value as factors affecting consumers' purchase intention. The sub-variables of company's creating shared values activities were set as economic value, relational value, social value. As a result of analysis, functional value, conditional value, and emotional value of consumption value were found to have a positive effect on purchase intention, and economic value, social value, and relational value of company's creating shared values were all positively influenced Respectively. According to the results of the analysis, it is found that both consumption value of outdoor brand consumers and company's creating shared values activities are positive factors for purchase intention. This result can be deduced that consumers 'consumption value and company's creating shared values activities in outdoor brand industry are already reflected in consumers' purchase intention.