• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Network Resource

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Interorganizational Networks of the Self-supporting Service Organizations in Chonju Area (전주지역 자활 관련 조직들의 네트워크 구조에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Kyung-Zoon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.49
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    • pp.7-33
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    • 2002
  • This study analyse interorganizational networks of the self-supporting service organizations using data on the 31 organizations in Chanju area. Interorganizational networks are operationalized in two ways: conference network and referral network. First, this study attempt to examine the characteristics of interorganizational networks of the self-supporting service organizations. Using block model, I can capture some of the structural features of interorganizational networks. Major findings of block modeling are as follows: (1) Public organizations are more inactive to make a connect with other organizations. (2) Most of organizations incline to make a connect with same kind organizations. Namely, employment service organizations incline to flock together, and social welfare organizations are also much the same. Second, this study attempt to examine the determinants of interorganizational networks of the self-supporting service organizations. Relations between pairs of organizations are modeled as a function of dyadic level covariates in accordance with resource dependence, transaction cost, and organizational domain theory. Measure of informal ties between organizations are also included as covariates. Applying logit and tobit regression methods, this study reveals that most variables have effects on the dyadic relations of organizations. Through this empirical analysis, I can suggest policy implications for the self-supporting programs in Korea.

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Determinants of the Economic Activity of the Poor Elderly (빈곤노인의 경제활동 결정요인 연구)

  • Lee, Sungeun
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.39-58
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the factors determining the participation of the poor elderly in economic activity. This study analyzed secondary data of the second wave of Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Binary logistic regression was used to identify the factors that are associated with the economic activity of the poor elderly. The results of the analyses showed that age, gender, region, public assistance, education, health status, chronic illness, contacts with acquaintances, and support from children were associated with participation in economic activity. The study's findings have several implications for policies and services. The study identified the need for an age- and gender-specific approach to promoting participation in economic activity among the poor elderly. Regional differences should also be considered in the creation of work opportunities for older adults. In terms of human capital, the positive effect of good health indicates that strategies are needed to address the needs of older adults with health issues. In addition, there is a need for more jobs for elderly job seekers with high levels of education. Finally, policy makers and practitioners should explore interventions for enhancing the social network involvement and community support for the elderly living in poverty.

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Analysis of Research Trends on Social Network Service: focusing on the Studies of Twitter (소셜 네트워크 서비스의 연구경향 분석: Twitter관련 연구 중심)

  • Ha, Ilkyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.567-581
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    • 2014
  • Recently, with the introduction of social network services, studies that try to make use of them for the various purposes have been actively developed. In order to proceed with the research that takes advantage of social network services, it is necessary to review the relevant literature and to identify trends in researches. However, the researches of social network service since 2007 are massive amount, so to review the huge amount of relevant research literature is a very difficult task. Therefore, in this study, we analyze systematically the tendency of research related to social network service focusing on Twitter. Especially, we use the SLR(Systematic Literature Review) technique for systematic literature survey and analysis. For the literature survey, we select five well-known literature resource sites and 128 studies of literature that are surveyed. In order to identify various research trends, we conduct the survey with two research groups: researches since 2007 and researches since 2011. As a result of the investigation, since 2007, the researches associated with "Application", "User Activity" and "User Content Analysis" main study topics have been mostly carried out. In addition to the result, the trend of secondary study topics in a main study topic, trends in research based on the number of citations and the scale of the experimental data and characteristics of the author are analyzed from a variety of perspectives.

The Influence of the Founder's Social Competence and Social Capital on Access to Funding Sources (창업자의 사회적 역량과 사회적 자본이 투자유치 시도방식에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Gyehyun;Kim, Dohyeon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2021
  • Based on social capital theory, this study investigated the influence of the start-up founder's social competence on the start-up's access to funding sources and performance through the mediating role of the type of social network. This study aimed to examine two types of social networks empirically (i.e., personal networks and business networks) as social capital in analyzing the effect of the founder's social competence and social capital on the method of accessing funding sources. A self-report questionnaire was administered to 252 South Korean start-up founders whose businesses are based in South Korea. Path analysis and mediation effect analysis were performed by structural equation modeling(SEM) using STATA 16.1. This study examined the full mediating effect of the founder's social competence on his/her personal and business networks, respectively, and how the effect leads to different methods to approach funding sources. This is the first study in South Korea to analyze empirically how social competence has contrasting effects on personal and business networks as well as how each type of network varies in its influence on the method founders use to attract investment. This study is also significant in that it proposed a new methodology by utilizing the position generator as the measure of personal and business networks to analyze social networks in detail. The analyses of 252 survey data collected over a period of six months will be a valuable resource that may provide researchers, founders, investors, and other stakeholders in the start-up ecosystem with meaningful implications.

The Factor Analysis for the Improvement of Community Enterprises Organizational Performance and Sustainability -Focused on Community Enterprises in the Busan Area- (마을기업의 조직성과와 지속가능성 향상을 위한 요인분석 - 부산지역 마을기업을 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Kyung-Soo;Ha, Tae-Young
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.241-261
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to vitalize and develop community enterprises through an empirical research on what factors are required to improve the performance and to achieve the sustainable growth of community enterprises. To this end, we surveyed community enterprises located in Busan and verified the fact that social entrepreneurship, organizational justice, organization trust, psychological ownership, network activities, human resource development(education) are required to improve organizations' performance and its sustainability. We intended to find the implications of the study result and draw policy-based support programs to provide supplement points and countermeasures, to set conditions for the vitalization of Community Enterprises, and to create Community Enterprise-friendly environments.

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The Effect of Regional Differential Electricity Rate System using LMP (Locational Marginal Price) (LMP(Locational Marginal Price) 방식에 의한 지역별 차등 전기요금 제도의 효율성 분석)

  • Jaedo Song
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.203-239
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    • 2024
  • The introduction of a regional differential electricity rate system is being discussed, and the LMP (Locational Marginal Price) method is mentioned as a promising alternative. Under this background, this study analyzed a mathematical model and suggests that the LMP method produces results that maximize social welfare. The analysis was conducted separately for long-term decision-making where transmission capacity can be expanded, and for short-term decision-making in which transmission capacity is given. The analysis for short-term decision-making was conducted for peak load situations where capacity is insufficient and for non-load situations with spare capacity. The results of the analysis suggested that the price to maximize social welfare is equal to the marginal power generation cost by region, and the difference in marginal cost by region reflects the value lost due to transmission loss and compensation for transmission network investment. In addition, if the transmission capacity is less than the optimal capacity, the compensation for transmission network investment exceeds the incremental cost, providing an incentive to invest in the transmission network. If the transmission capacity exceeds the optimal capacity, the compensation for transmission network investment becomes lower than incremental cost or zero and the investment is not recovered, suppressing the investment in transmission networks. The results are the same as the LMP method suggests, and this means that this method maximizes social welfare and provides an optimal transmission network investment signal. The above analysis results contribute to understanding the characteristics of LMP. In addition, this study discussed what changes are needed in the electricity market when introducing the LMP concept.

A study on women's welfare organization's network -Focusing on network centrality and organizational effectiveness- (여성복지조직의 네트워크에 관한 연구 -네트워크 중심성(centrality)과 조직효과성을 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Yeon Jin
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.313-343
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this study is to examine the factors influencing network centrality on women's welfare organizations, and to investigate how the level of network centrality influence the effectiveness of the organization. To achieve this goal, this study conducted a survey on women's welfare organizations in Seoul from March to June, 2009. Network analysis method was used to get each organization's network centrality value. Also, through the Structural Equation Modelling, organizational characteristics predicting network centrality and effect of network centrality on organizational effectiveness. The main results are as follows. First, the significant affecting factors were different between three types of centralities with regards to the type of organization, recognition of resource dependency, attitude of top manager, and established year. Second, the common factors affecting three network centralities were the number of informal ties, accepting feminism as the main organizational philosophy, and the number of qualified staffs. Third, only closeness centrality positively predicted the level of organizational effectiveness among three types of centralities. The faster the organization reaches to other organizations in a network, the organizational effectiveness becomes higher, which means high closeness centrality is more important factor than high degree centrality or high betweenness centrality to increase organizational effectiveness. This result shows social welfare organization should consider changing inter-organizational network strategy from quantity-focused to quality-focused.

Online and Offline Social Capital and Psychological Well-being of University Students (대학생의 온라인 및 오프라인 사회적 자본과 심리적 복지감)

  • Park, Mee Sok;Chang, Jin Kyung;Son, Seohee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.547-555
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research is to examine the relationships between online and offline social capital and psychological well-being of university students. Data came from 236 university students who attended 4-year universities in Seoul and had used Social Network Service. The results of this study indicated that only offline social capital was statistically significant to predict psychological well-being including depression and happiness when both online and offline social capital variables were entered. In detail, the university students' depression was associated with their gender, satisfaction with their economic status, and offline bridging social capital. In addition the students' happiness was associated with their satisfaction with their economic status, offline bridging, and bonding social capital. These results indicate that offline social capital is more important for improving psychological well-being of university students compared to online social capital. Policy implications for improving psychological well-being of university students are discussed.

Research Trend on Social Welfare Administration in Korea - Using both Network and Content Analysis for the Recent 10 years - ('한국사회복지행정'의 최근 10년간 연구경향 특성 - 네트워크분석과 내용분석의 활용-)

  • Choi, Jae-sung;Cheong, Sejeong;Cho, Jayoung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.68 no.1
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    • pp.73-94
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the trend of the studies on Korean social welfare administration over a recent 10 year period. Employing both network analysis and content analysis, which are representative statistical strategies to identify research trends, we analyzed 221 articles published in the Journal of Korean Social Welfare Administration from 2005 to 2014. The major findings were as follows; First, we found two clusters -"social (welfare) service" and "social welfare organization"- in the studies of social welfare administration. In addition, more than 80% of articles are mainly related with human resource management, including job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and so forth. Second, the newly emerging academic subjects such as social enterprise and community network appeared to be done independently of traditional subjects. Third, the proportion of quantitative studies being focused on human resources was overwhelmingly high compared to the other types of studies; therefore, there are a few studies using qualitative or mixed method, evidence based practice, and discourse studies. In addition, the studies of the rural areas, which are a blind spot of the social service delivery system, and the studies about information management, financial management, marketing, organization innovation rarely appeared, despite their significance.

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An Exploratory Study on the Effects of Social Capital mediated Corporate Entrepreneurship of Venture upon Corporate Performance (벤처기업의 사회적 자본이 조직기업가정신을 매개로 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Chung, Dae-Yong;Roh, Kyoung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.1863-1872
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    • 2010
  • Researches recently made in advanced countries into entrepreneurship found that various resources and information are mainly provided to ventures through social capital, which is a resource capital based on a network, and through corporate entrepreneurship. This research is an exploratory study on the effects of social capital and corporate entrepreneurship of new ventures upon their corporate performance, conducted from the standpoint of dynamic capability. For that purpose, a questionnaire investigation was made of 171 venture entrepreneurs in Korea, and the following are the results of an empirical analysis of responses to the questionnaire. First, it was found that social capital, which is a resource capital based on a network, had a significant effect on corporate entrepreneurship. Second, social capital also had a significant effect on ventures corporate performance. Third, corporate entrepreneurship had a significant effect on corporate performance. These results imply that social capital and corporate entrepreneurship have a significant effect on the corporate performance of ventures, which have innate disadvantages concerning the supply of resources. On the other hand, ventures, which encounter relatively more intense demands for change and renovation, can be managed in a sustainable manner just when they adequately accumulate their social capital and utilize their external resources and appropriately conduct their corporate entrepreneurship activities.