• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Network Resource

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The Relationship Between Information-Sharing and Resource-Sharing Networks in Environmental Policy Governance: Focusing on Germany and Japan

  • Lee, Junku;Tkach-Kawasaki, Leslie
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.176-198
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    • 2018
  • Environmental issues are among the most critical issues nowadays. These issues are no longer confined to individual countries, and international society has been progressing in building global dialogues since the early 1970s. Within these international efforts, Germany and Japan have played essential roles in global environmental governance. However, there are major differences in nation-level environmental policies in both countries. Governance based on network structure is more efficient than that based on hierarchy for solving complex problems. The network structure is formed through horizontal cooperation among various autonomous actors, and the relationship intensity among actors is one of the key concepts in the governance. Using social network analysis as a framework to explain complicated societal structures explains how interaction among actors creates networks, and these networks further affect their interactions. The purpose of this study is to investigate the structure of environmental policy governance as collaborative governance in Germany and Japan. To address this goal, this paper analyzes the relationship between the informational dimension of governance networks and its complement resource-sharing networks in both countries. The results show that the information-sharing networks have lower-level network influence on the resource-sharing networks as higher-level networks even if not all of the information factors have singular influences. The results suggest that the information-sharing networks may be one of the pieces of the puzzle for explaining this phenomenon in environmental governance in Germany and Japan.

QoS-, Energy- and Cost-efficient Resource Allocation for Cloud-based Interactive TV Applications

  • Kulupana, Gosala;Talagala, Dumidu S.;Arachchi, Hemantha Kodikara;Fernando, Anil
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.158-167
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    • 2017
  • Internet-based social and interactive video applications have become major constituents of the envisaged applications for next-generation multimedia networks. However, inherently dynamic network conditions, together with varying user expectations, pose many challenges for resource allocation mechanisms for such applications. Yet, in addition to addressing these challenges, service providers must also consider how to mitigate their operational costs (e.g., energy costs, equipment costs) while satisfying the end-user quality of service (QoS) expectations. This paper proposes a heuristic solution to the problem, where the energy incurred by the applications, and the monetary costs associated with the service infrastructure, are minimized while simultaneously maximizing the average end-user QoS. We evaluate the performance of the proposed solution in terms of serving probability, i.e., the likelihood of being able to allocate resources to groups of users, the computation time of the resource allocation process, and the adaptability and sensitivity to dynamic network conditions. The proposed method demonstrates improvements in serving probability of up to 27%, in comparison with greedy resource allocation schemes, and a several-orders-of-magnitude reduction in computation time, compared to the linear programming approach, which significantly reduces the service-interrupted user percentage when operating under variable network conditions.

Effects of the Network Characteristics of Healthy Family Support Center on its Performance (건강가정지원센터의 네트워크 특성이 사업성과에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Choi, Ok Ja;Park, Hyun Sik
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.85-100
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    • 2013
  • The purposes of this study are to explore the effect of the network characteristics of Healthy Family Support Center on its performance, and also to investigate the mediating effect of the organizational properties on the performance. We used the data from 148 healthy family support centers in National Survey in Korea. The analytic sample for this study consists of 102 responses.(response rate=68.9%) Multivariate regression model estimated the effects of the network's structural, interactive and functional characteristics and the interaction between the network's characteristics and organizational properties on the performance The findings of this study demonstrate that healthy family support centers with higher closeness centrality and with better functional characteristics reported more performances. Moreover, Centers that are more independent in organizational properties showed higher performances. However, the findings did not show that the interaction between the network's characteristics and organizational properties mediates on the performance.

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The Social Networks and Psychological Well-Being of Korean Women Immigrants (한국 여성 이민자의 사회적 지지와 심리적 복지)

  • Seo, Lee-Na
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.87-107
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    • 2006
  • A study of 117 Korean immigrant women who had husband and(or) children in Hawaii found the relation between social networks and psychological well-being. Social networks composed supporters, support structure, and support contents. Psychological well-being examined family life satisfaction, family life stability, and women's psychological health. Results showed as followed. First, the choice of immigration place among Korean immigrant women and her family based on other family members and friends lived in there. Second, her supporters were family and relatives, Korean friends, foreign friends, religions, belonged organizations and groups, public agencies in Hawaii, and mass-media. The best supporters of them was family and relatives and they mostly provided mental health to Korean immigrant women. Family, Korean friends, foreign friends, and religions tended to support emotional assistance. Third, the level of psychological well-being was higher. Her level of psychological health was higher than the others. Fourth, the best predictors of psychological well-being were child existence, occupation, and immigration duration. Fifth, psychological well-being significantly distinguished different relations of supporters from support structure of social network. The number and support duration with foreign friends supporter and the support duration and the level of perceived useful support content highly related with psychological well-being.

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Age Effects of Social Capital on the Economic Well-Being in Korea (중년기 및 노년기 사회자본의 경제적 복지 효과 비교)

  • Seo, Jiwon
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.207-218
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    • 2013
  • Social capital theory provides a framework for analyzing the economic well-being. The purpose of this study is to analyze the age effect of social capital by comparing middle aged and the elderly, as well as to investigate the independent effects of social capital on their subjective economic well-being, respectively. The two concepts of "trust" and "social network" were used to measure the level of social capital. Comparisons between the age groups were made regarding the relationships between social capital and economic well-being of four age groups, including younger middle-aged, older middle-aged, younger elderly, and older elderly. Data from the $2^{nd}$ wave of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (KLoSA) were used. The final sample for this analysis is 8,406 respondents aged 45~84. The major findings are as follows. First, the level of social capital, trust and social network, is statistically different by age groups. Second, the model fits in the case of model including social capital variables are all larger than their counterparts in the four age groups. Third, social capital is "resource" that can contribute to increasing the subjective economic well-being. Based on the empirical results, implications for welfare policies related with issues of social security for the elderly in Korea are provided.

Establishing the Process of Spatial Informatization Using Data from Social Network Services

  • Eo, Seung-Won;Lee, Youngmin;Yu, Kiyun;Park, Woojin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2016
  • Prior knowledge about the SNS (Social Network Services) datasets is often required to conduct valuable analysis using social media data. Understanding the characteristics of the information extracted from SNS datasets leaves much to be desired in many ways. This paper purposes on analyzing the detail of the target social network services, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to establish the spatial informatization process to integrate social media information with existing spatial datasets. In this study, valuable information in SNS datasets have been selected and total 12,938 data have been collected in Seoul via Open API. The dataset has been geo-coded and turned into the point form. We also removed the overlapped values of the dataset to conduct spatial integration with the existing building layers. The resultant of this spatial integration process will be utilized in various industries and become a fundamental resource to further studies related to geospatial integration using social media datasets.

An Activity-Performer Bipartite Matrix Generation Algorithm for Analyzing Workflow-supported Human-Resource Affiliations (워크플로우 기반 인적 자원 소속성 분석을 위한 업무-수행자 이분 행렬 생성 알고리즘)

  • Ahn, Hyun;Kim, Kwanghoon
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose an activity-performer bipartite matrix generation algorithm for analyzing workflow-supported human-resource affiliations in a workflow model. The workflow-supported human-resource means that all performers of the organization managed by a workflow management system have to be affiliated with a certain set of activities in enacting the corresponding workflow model. We define an activity-performer affiliation network model that is a special type of social networks representing affiliation relationships between a group of performers and a group of activities in workflow models. The algorithm proposed in this paper generates a bipartite matrix from the activity-performer affiliation network model(APANM). Eventually, the generated activity-performer bipartite matrix can be used to analyze social network properties such as, centrality, density, and correlation, and to enable the organization to obtain the workflow-supported human-resource affiliations knowledge.

Improved Internet Resource Recommendation Method using FOAF and SNA (FOAF와 SNA를 이용한 개선된 인터넷 자원 추천 방법)

  • Wang, Qing;Sohn, Jong-Soo;Chung, In-Jeong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.19B no.3
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    • pp.165-176
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    • 2012
  • In recent years, due to rapidly increasing user-created internet contents coupled with the development of community-based websites, the internet resource recommendation systems are attracting attentions of the users. However, most of the systems have failed in properly reflecting users' characteristics and thus they have difficulty in recommending appropriate resources to users. In this paper, we propose an internet resource recommendation method using FOAF and SNA which fully reflects the characteristics of users. In our method, 1) we extract the data about user characteristics and tags using FOAF; 2) we generate graphs representing users, user characteristics and tags after inserting data into 3 matrixes and integrating them; 3) we recommend the appropriate internet resources after selecting common characteristics of the recommended items and Hot tags by analyzing social network. For verification of our proposed method, we implemented our method to establish and analyze an experimental social group. We verified through our experiments that the more users added in the social network, the higher quality of recommendation result we got than the item-based recommendation method. By using the suggested idea in this paper, we can make a more appropriate recommendation of resources to users while effectively retrieving explosively increasing internet resources.

Network Analysis to Describe Service Link for Customized Visiting Health Care Program (맞춤형방문건강관리사업의 지역사회 네트워크 탐색)

  • Jang, Soong-Nang;Cho, Sung-Il
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: The nurse visiting health service named Customized Visiting Health Care Program(CVHCP) requires the service innovations incorporating community support into a local service network. The purpose of this study was to assess the community network in CVHCP and inform improvement in this network. Methods: We used Social Network Analysis(SNA) in one CVHCP at H city. Network links were generated by self-administered questionnaires by the 14 community resource centers who quantified their links to all other 25 agents on the list. Links were analyzed by a dichotomous scale for any experience of collaboration and a scored scale of 0 to 3 for level of collaboration using UCINET v6. Results: A list of 14 agents was generated, and local network was dominated by the Public Health Center and a local welfare center named Unlimited Care Center(UCC). According to centrality score, UCC was the most prominent agent, and Public Health Center was the most influential agent, being a link in the pathway flow between other agents for 9.5% of contribution. CVHCP scored lower rank of prominent with 30.8% of other agents reported referring to it. Conclusions: Social network analysis provides a useful network description for informing and evaluation service network improvement in maximizing its service for the CVHCP.

The Network Analysis for Community Voluntary Organizations and Its Implication for Community Capacity Building Toward Health Promotion (지역사회 자발적 결사체의 연결망과 지역사회 역량)

  • Jung, Min-Soo;Cho, Byong-Hee;Lee, Sung-Cheon
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.54-81
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    • 2007
  • The paradigm of health promotion requests community participation and its active problem-solving. Community is conceptualized as a resource pool to be organized. Such resource is called community capacity. Community participation is a process of capacity building. Community voluntary associations are considered as valuable resource to be used for health promotion. This paper tried to identify the network structure among community voluntary associations and to infer the possibility to make such network of organizations participate in health promotion programs. Two survey data were used for this research: 1) Measurements and Evaluations of Community Capacity on Dobong-gu (N=94) 2) A development plan of health medicine service to be Healthy Gangdong-gu (N=69). The questionnaire included such variables measuring community capacity as leadership, membership, organizational resources, and inter-organizational network, etc. Both regions had the following common characteristics: 1) There were positive correlations between the organization's budget and membership. 2) Organizational types were associated with their founded years. Two regions showed the following differences: Dobong displayed the high density of community organizations, but Gangdong showed the low density. Dobong community organizations were able to be classified into three network clusters such as women & environments, youth & adolescent, and sports organizations. Each cluster of organizations favored the different type of health promotion programs. Gangdong community organizations were less developed, and not possible to be clustered. Depending upon the level of community capacity or community organizations' differentiation, the strategy of community participation could be settle down in different ways. Particularly the health agency had to pay more attention to support the growth of civil organizations.