• Title/Summary/Keyword: So-Yang type

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An Experimental Study on the Comparison between Sasang Herbal Medicine for So-Eum and So-Yang Type Using Issatchenkia orientalis (KCTC 7277) (Issatchenkia orientalis (KCTC 7277)를 이용한 소음인과 소양인 약재의 비교 실험연구)

  • Park, Young Joo;Choi, Ji Eun;Kang, Young Min;Kim, Jong Yeol
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2017
  • There are four types (So-Eum, So-Yang, Tae-Eum, Tae-Yang type) in Sasang constitutional medicine (SCM). In SCM, not only people but also herbal medicine are classified into four types. To date, there has been very little evidence of experimental classifications in SCM. So, we adapted Issatchenkia orientalis in two different culture media made from the herbal medicines for So-Eum and for So-Yang type. And the adapted Issatchenkia orientalis was inoculated into another eight culture media made from the herbal medicines for So-Eum and for So-Yang type. The mass reduction was measured every 12 hours for 2 days. Then, we analyzed the statistical differences of herbal medicines for So-Eum and for So-Yang type. There were significant differences of variables (R: rate of change in mass reduction, S: convex degree of mass reduction graph) in herbal medicine media for So-Eum (p=0.001, 0.001, respectively.). Suggesting a microbiological method of Sasang medicine research, current study may contribute to the establishment of experimental Sasang constitutional herbal medicine.

Sasang Typology from a Personality Perspective (사상 유형학의 성격심리학적 고찰)

  • 채한;이수진;고광찬
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2004
  • Objectives : The objective of this study was to examine the biopsychological traits of each Sasang type from a personality theory perspective. Methods : A review of different theories of personality is provided, in addition to review of ten previous studies on the psychological characteristics of the Sasang types. Results : 1. Similarities and differences were found between Sasang typology and Western theories of personality. 2. The prevalence of Sasang type was 28:36:36 (So-Yang:Tae-Eum:So-Eum), and the majority of the study sample were males in their twenties. 3. The Yin-Yang and Large-Small axes of Sasang typology were comparable to Eysenck's Extraversion and Neuroticism dimension. So-Yang type showed high extraversion and low neuroticism, and So-Eum type exhibited low extraversion and high neuroticism. Tae-Eum type was extravert and neurotic, and highly distinctive in such physical traits as Body Mass Index and blood triglyceride concentration. 4. We make recommendations for future studies on Sasang typology within a biopsychosocial and cognitive framework. Conclusions : This study demonstrates the possibility of Sasang typology being explicable from a cross-cultural biopsychosocial theory.

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A study on the type of Bi(肥) and Su(痩) of Body in 'Yellow Emperior's Nei-Ching' (${\ll}$내경(內徑)${\gg}$을 중심(中心) 한 체형(體型)의 비수(肥痩)에 대(對)한 고찰(考察))

  • Chun, Tae Kang;Hong, Won Sik
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.6
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    • pp.176-188
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    • 1993
  • After studing on the type of Bi(肥) and Su(痩) of Body in 'Yellow Emperior's Nei-Ching', I reached the following conclusions; 1. The specific charactor of bi(肥) and su(痩) were explained in table 1. 2. The specific charactor of gi(脂), ko(膏) and youk(肉) were explaned in table 2. 3. Obserbing the type of bi(肥) and su(痩) by the view of YinYang(陰陽), bi(肥) belongs to Yin(陰) and su(痩) belongs to Yang(陽). Also the each of bi(肥) and su(痩) could obserbed by the view of YinYang(陰陽). The type of su(痩) easily becomes to yanghea(陽虛) because chi(氣) easely becomes to exhaust also easely becomes to yinhea(陰虛) because blood(血) easely becomes to exhaust. So the outer of body is cold, the inner of body is hot. The type of bi(肥) easely causes YinYang(陰陽) to exceed because blood(血) easely becomes to black and turbid(血黑以濁), chi(氣) easely becomes to rough and slow(氣澁以遲). So the outer of body is hot, the iner of body is cold 4. Obserbing the type of bi(肥) and su(痩) by the view of viscera, in view of upper and lower(上下觀點) su(痩) is yang(陽) so heart and lung belongs to su(痩) bi(肥) is yin(陰) so liver and kidney belongs In bi(肥). in view of inner and outer(內外觀點) su(痩) is inner(內) so heart 3I1d liver belongs In su(痩) bi(肥) is outer(外) so lung and kidney belongs to bi(肥). 5. Obserbing the type of bi(肥) and su(痩) by the view of body constitution(體質), partially body constitution was divided into gi(脂), ko(膏) and youk(肉), entirely there was OhtaeinLon(五態人論) and four constitutional medicine(四象醫學) I thing that taeyangin(太陽人) and soyangin(少陽人) belong to su(痩), taeyinin(太陰人) and soyinin(少陰人) belong to bi(肥).

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An assumption about the symptoms that have same pathologic pattern with the point of view, So-Yang-In's general pathology (소양인(少陽人) 범론(泛論)의 동출일속(同出一屬)병증에 대한 고찰)

  • Jang, Hyeon-lok
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 1998
  • The symptoms that have same pathologic pattern written in the chapter of Soyangin's general pathology of the book 'Dongyi Soose Bowon' can give us a key to the Dr.Lee Je-Ma's point of view about the constitutional pathophysiology. As the result, Dr. Lee called the person who has yang-hyperactivity/yin-hypoactivity as So-Yang-In. And the Soyangin has two basic pathologic pathway ; excess of Yang-hyperactivity/excess of Yin-hypoactivity. Each pathologic pathway has variatons though, the pathologic pattern results in above two type. Excess Yin-hypoactivity has three variations of pathologic pattern. 1. smaller excess of Yin-hypoactivity with the normal range of Yang-hyperactivity 2. larger excess Yin-hypoactivity with the excitation of Yang-hyperactivity by the extrinsic factor 3. smaller excess Yin-hypoactivity with the loss of Yang-hyperactivity. And excess Yang-hyperactivity also has three variations. In my point of view, CVA, Hematemesis, Vommiting, Abdominal Pain, Gastric Dyscomfort has No.3 type and Asthmatic condition, Dysentery, Edema has No.1 type.

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Comparison of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity between Sasang Consititutions and ACE Gene Polymorphismn (사상체질과 ACE 유전자 다형성 분류에 따른 유·무산소성 능력비교)

  • Seck, Dong-Sun;Park, Kyu-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.340-353
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    • 2015
  • Purpose. This study of purpose was to to compare of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity between Sasang Constitutions and ACE Gene Polymorphism. Methods. 24 healthy males were participated in this experiment who were in their twenties and had no disease, then they were divided by ACE type and by Sasang constitutions with QSCC II. According to these group, the body compositon, Aerobic capacity including VO2max, Anaerobic Capacity were measured. Results. In this study, According to ACE type, ID type were 8, II were 8 and DD type were 8 persons. According to ACE type, there were significant difference among type, especially, II, ID type more than DD. II type is more higher than any type and DD type is lower in the ratio of Blood Lactic recovery. DD type was more excellent than other type in Anaerobic power. According to Sasang Constitutions, there were 8 SoYang, 5 Taeum, 11 Soeum and then no TaeYang constitution. In Aerobic capacity, Taeum constitution had significantly high means and Anaerobic threshold. In the ratio of Blood lactic recovery, Taeum constitution was excellent and SoYang had poor recovery capacity. SoYang had more excellent than other constitution significantly in Anaerobic capacity. Comparing ACE type with Sasang constitution, Soyang constitution included 4 ID types, Taeum inclued 2 II types and 2 ID types then Soeum included 6 DD types. Compared of Aerobic and Anaerobic capacity between Sasang constitutions and ACE type, Soyang constitutions were similar to ID type, Taeum similar to II type and ID type and then Soeum were DD type. Conclusions. This study had made it clear that there were similar feature between ACE type and Sasang constitutions. Also it's possible to predict the Aerobic capacity that may be foreseen by ACE type with Sasang questionnaire method but not Anaerobic capacity.

Extended indications of Four-Constitution Medicinal formula analyzing composition on Dongeuibogam formula II (『동의보감(東醫寶鑑)』 처방(處方)의 약재 용량 분석을 통한 사상방(四象方) 적응증 확장 연구 II)

  • Baek, Jin-Ung;Lee, Byung-Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to extend indications of Four-Constitution Medicinal formulas by comparing with formulas on Dongeuibogam(東醫寶鑑), focusing on their composition. Methods : 1. We analyzed the composition of Four-Constitution Medicine formula which are mentioned on Donguisusebowon(東醫壽世保元), focusing on their composition. 2. We analyzed the composition of formulas on Dongeuibogam(東醫寶鑑) comparing with 24 formulas for So-Eum type, 17 formulas for So-Yang type, 24 formulas for Tae-Eum type, 2 formulas for Tae-Yang type. Results & Conclusions : 1. We finally selected 14 formulas and its effect as similar formulas with Bojungyikgi-tang, Insamjinpi-tang, Cheongunggyeji-tang, Palmulgunja-tang, Hwanggigyejibuja-tang, Hwanggigyeji-tang for So-Eum type. 2. We finally selected 4 formulas and its effect as similar formulas with Dokwaljihwang-tang, Sukjihwanggosam-tang for So-Yang type.

Neurotic Characteristics of Sasang Types with SCL-90-R (SCL-90-R을 사용한 사상체질별 심리정신 특성 연구)

  • Chae, Han;Lee, Soo-Jin;Park, So-Jung;Kim, Byung-Joo;Hong, Jin-Woo;Hwang, Min-Woo;Lee, Sang-Nam;Han, Chang-Hyun;Kwon, Young-Kyu
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.722-726
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    • 2010
  • This study was to examine the neuroticism related to psychological characteristics of each Sasang types using SCL-90-R with 107 students from College of Oriental Medicine, Daeguhaani University. We did ANOVA analysis with seven neuroticism-related sub-scales and found significant differences in somatization (F=3.701, p=0.028) and hostility (F=4.396, p=0.015). The post-hoc analysis showed that the So-Yang type ($23.17{\pm}8.95$) has significantly (p=0.048, p=0.012) higher score than Tae-Eum ($19.25{\pm}5.97$) and So-Yang($19.25{\pm}5.76$) type in somatization. In hostility, the So-yang type ($11.31{\pm}3.98$) has significantly (p=0.011, p=0.015) higher score than Tae-Eum ($8.80{\pm}2.61$) and So-Eum ($9.44{\pm}3.35$) type. The ANOVA analysis with female subjects found significant differences in anxiety (F=3.88, p=0.03) and hostility (F=5.04, p=0.01). The post-hoc analysis showed that the So-Yang type ($20.36{\pm}5.44$, $12.36{\pm}3.82$) has significantly (p=0.043, p=0.015) higher score compared to the So-Eum type ($15.46{\pm}3.36$, $8.69{\pm}2.06$) in anxiety and hostility. The profile analysis using seven neuroticism-related subscalesof SCL-90-R did not revealed significant differences (Flatness with Greenhouse-Geisser (F=202.347, p=0.0001), Parallelism with Greenhouse-Geisser (F=1.428, p=0.191)). We discussed the implications of neuroticism in Sasang typology and SCL-90-R somatization, anxiety and hostility scales. This study showed opposite results compared to the previous studies that So-Eum type has higher neuroticism compared to the So-Yang and Tae-Eum type. The reason for this discrepancy between this and previous studies, and differences between male and female should be examined thoroughly with larger and balanced sample.

A Study of Specific Amino acid Characteristics on the Blood in Four Type of Physical Constitution (체질(體質)에 따른 혈중(血中) Amino acid 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Yeun, Hong-Sik
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 1992
  • Comparative amino acid quantities on the blood analysis was carried out to investigate the amino acid specific characters on the blood in four type of physical constitution 1. In TAE-EUM-IN group, compared with control group, the proline and the serine were more observed. 2. In SO-EUM-IN group, compared with control group, the aspartic acid was more observed. 3. In SO-YANG-IN group, compared with control group, the proline was more observed. but the threonine and the aspartic acid were less observed. 4. In SO-EUM-IN group, compared with TAE-EUM-IN group, the aspartic acid and the serine were more observed. 5. In SO-YANG-IN group, compared with TAE-EUM-IN group, the serine and the proline were more observed, but the glutamic acid and the threonine were less observed. 6. In SO-YANG-IN group, compared with SO-EUM-IN group, the threonine and the aspartic acid were less observed.

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The Crown Prince Sohyen's Constitution on the Basis of Sasang Constitituional Medicine and Cause of Death (소현세자의 체질과 사망원인분석)

  • Kim, Jong-Dug
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.58-71
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    • 2009
  • 1. Objectives : The Crown Prince Sohyen(1612-1645) has been believed ro have been poisoned to death because of the political conflict with the King Injo. However, the Crown Prince Sohyen who was So-yangin(SY type) didn't be treated properly at that time. This paper is supposed to explain the reason why he died by reference. 2. Methods : The prescription which was made out to the Crown Prince Sohyen is analyzed, based on the Sasang Constitutional Medicine(SCM) through Shimyang-ilgy and Ulyudongkung-ilgy. 3. Results : 1) In the case of the prescription where So-yang medical stuffs were contained a lot or Gunyak(the main madical stuff) was So-yang one, the Crown Prince Sohyen was better, while that of Tae-eum and So-eum medical stuffs didn't work. Therefore, the Crown Prince Sohyen can be considered So-yangin. 2) The So-yang in's symptom was misunderstood as Hakjil and treated, which could lead him to be put to death 4. Conclusions : The Crown Prince Sohyen is supposed to be Soyang-in(SY type), and accordingly the So-yang in's symptom was misunderstood as Hakjil and treated, which could cause him to pass away.

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The Study of Soldier's Sasang constitutions

  • Kim, Dae-Yil
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2019
  • This research aims to analyze the Sasang constitutions of army soldiers using the measuring tools which were developed by the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine the government-affiliated Ministry of Science. Then, this research compares the The Sasang constitutions of soldiers to the Sasang typology of Yi Je-Ma, who systemized Korean traditional medicine in 1800s. Also, by comparing each result of subjected army unit, we will recommend proper diet management at regular intervals in order to enhance morals of soldiers. Finally, we also suggest to apply Sasang constitution to consultation in military so as to strengthen the combat power of the army.