• 제목/요약/키워드: Smart Metering System

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Anomaly detection of smart metering system for power management with battery storage system/electric vehicle

  • Sangkeum Lee;Sarvar Hussain Nengroo;Hojun Jin;Yoonmee Doh;Chungho Lee;Taewook Heo;Dongsoo Har
    • ETRI Journal
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.650-665
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    • 2023
  • A novel smart metering technique capable of anomaly detection was proposed for real-time home power management system. Smart meter data generated in real-time were obtained from 900 households of single apartments. To detect outliers and missing values in smart meter data, a deep learning model, the autoencoder, consisting of a graph convolutional network and bidirectional long short-term memory network, was applied to the smart metering technique. Power management based on the smart metering technique was executed by multi-objective optimization in the presence of a battery storage system and an electric vehicle. The results of the power management employing the proposed smart metering technique indicate a reduction in electricity cost and amount of power supplied by the grid compared to the results of power management without anomaly detection.

IoT 기반 가스 원격검침(AMI) 플랫폼과 서비스의 실증 연구 (An Empirical Research on the IoT Basis Gas AMI Platform and Smart Metering Services)

  • 이승우;이상신;송민환;권영민
    • 한국가스학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2020
  • 이 논문은 가스 산업 현장에서 사용하기 위한 스마트 가스미터링 (AMI)의 아키텍처와 서비스의 개발에 관한 내용을 기술하고 있다. 일반적인 가스 AMI 시스템은 스마트 가스 계량기, IoT 네트워크, AMI 플랫폼, 보안 및 운영관리 시스템으로 구성되어 진다. 제안된 가스 AMI 플랫폼은 스마트 미터링 장치와 AMI 서비스 간의 양방향 통신을 지원하고, 여러 타사의 가스미터와 이종 IoT 네트워크와의 상호 운용을 위한 oneM2M 기반의 표준이 적용된다. 제안한 플랫폼을 적용한 AMI 시스템의 실증을 위하여 약 2,900대의 스마트 가스미터를 실제 환경에 설치하고, 1년 동안 가스AMI 시스템을 가동시켰다. 약 94%의 가스미터가 정상적으로 동작하고, 원격검침 서비스가 어떤 에러나 고장 없이 안정적으로 운용되었음을 확인하였다.

한국형 스마트 전력량계 부가서비스 적용방안 연구 (A Study of an Application Scheme for Smart Meter and Value Added Services Based on Korean Environment)

  • 김석곤;이한별;이영주;최용성
    • 전기학회논문지P
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    • 제59권1호
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    • pp.106-111
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    • 2010
  • Electronic watt hour meters(WHM) for high pressure running in domestic were installed to the digital type meter and ones for low pressure are expected to complete within several years. Domestic power metering technology is being beyond a simple framework with an electronic type and is rapidly evolving to intelligent smart metering systems in conjunction with promotion of a national smart grid project. Major policy outlook of the world's major power company regarding Intelligent metering is the application of the fare structure diversification and is the improvement of level of service to customers. In addition, electric power companies should focus on the cost reduction and the improvement of management efficiency through an efficient operation of distribution facility. In this paper, we are about to make an observation of the additional services technology development trend of the overseas smart meter and to have a view of value-added services(VAS) system of smart meter suitable for the domestic environment based on the technology development of VAS utilizing electronic watt hour meter performed by recent research projects.

도시철도 직류 전력량 계측을 위한 직류용 스마트미터링 시스템 개발 및 성능시험 (Development and Performance Test of DC Smart Metering System for the DC Power Measurement of Urban Railway)

  • 정호성;신승권;김형철;박종영
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제63권5호
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    • pp.713-718
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    • 2014
  • DC urban railway power system consists of DC power network and AC power network. The DC power network supplies electric power to railway vehicles and the AC power network supplies electric power to station electric equipment. Recently, because of power consumption reduction and peak load shaving, intelligent measurement of regenerative energy and renewable energy adapted on DC urban railway is required. For this reason, DC smart metering system for DC power network shall be developed. Therefore, in this paper, DC voltage sensor, current sensor, and DC smart meter were developed and evaluated by performance test. DC voltage sensor was developed for measuring standard voltage range of DC urban railway, and DC current sensor was developed as hall effect split core type in order to install in existing system. DC smart meter possesses function of general intelligent electric power meter, such as measuring electricity and wireless communication etc. And, DC voltage sensor showed average 0.17% of measuring error for 2,000V/50mA, and current sensor showed average 0.21% of measuring error for ${\pm}2,000V/{\pm}4V$ in performance test. Also DC smart meter showed maximum 0.92% of measuring error for output of voltage sensor and current sensor. In similar environment for real DC power network, measuring error rate was under 0.5%. In conclusion, accuracy of DC smart metering system was confirmed by performance test, and more detailed performance will be verified by further real operation DC urban railway line test.

A Study on De-Identification of Metering Data for Smart Grid Personal Security in Cloud Environment

  • Lee, Donghyeok;Park, Namje
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.263-270
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    • 2017
  • Various security threats exist in the smart grid environment due to the fact that information and communication technology are grafted onto an existing power grid. In particular, smart metering data exposes a variety of information such as users' life patterns and devices in use, and thereby serious infringement on personal information may occur. Therefore, we are in a situation where a de-identification algorithm suitable for metering data is required. Hence, this paper proposes a new de-identification method for metering data. The proposed method processes time information and numerical information as de-identification data, respectively, so that pattern information cannot be analyzed by the data. In addition, such a method has an advantage that a query such as a direct range search and aggregation processing in a database can be performed even in a de-identified state for statistical processing and availability.

PLC를 이용한 저압 AMI(Advanced Metering Infrastructure) 시스템 구축 (Development of Low Voltage AMI(Advanced Metering Infrastructure) System using PLC)

  • 정준홍;김성만;정수미;김광영;김홍산
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2011년도 제42회 하계학술대회
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    • pp.743-744
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    • 2011
  • Currently, the major issue in power system is construction of smart grid. Unlike conventional electricity grids, smart grid allows two-way communication between electricity suppliers and consumers, as well as enabling more dispersed generation and storage of power. The AMI(advanced metering infrastructure) system is the core technology of smart grid and this paper deals with the design methodology of AMI System using PLC(power line communication) networks.

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전력선 통신을 이용한 전력량계 모니터링 시스템 구현 (Implement of a Watt-Hour Meter Monitoring System using Powerline Communication)

  • 박근수
    • 한국전자통신학회논문지
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    • 제8권8호
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    • pp.1143-1148
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문에서는 가정용 계량기의 데이터를 PC로 모니터링할 수 있도록, 전력선 통신(PLC : Power Line Communication) 모뎀과 데이터 수집 장치 (DCU : Data Concentrator Unit)를 적용한 시스템을 구현하였다. 전력선 통신 모뎀은 기존의 전력선에 데이터를 실어 보내는 기술로 별도의 신호선 설치에 대한 부담을 개선한다. 본 시스템은 가정용 계량기의 데이터를 수집하여, 각 가정의 전, 현 월 사용 전력량을 서버용 PC로 확인하여 요금 관리, 고장 관리를 편리하도록 한다.

분전반 전력관리용 지능형 계측 제어 시스템 개발 (A Development of Intelligent Metering and Control System for Energy Management of Electric Cabinet Panel)

  • 박병철;박재성;송성근;신중린
    • 조명전기설비학회논문지
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    • 제27권8호
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2013
  • In recent years, the many electric saving methods are studied because of difficulty of meeting the demand. The electric energy management such as monitoring of branch power consumption, demand control, metering, power quality monitoring, electric safety monitoring can make energy saving. The purpose of this paper is to develop a system which can provide the integrated management of various functions required for energy management by consumers. In this system all functions which were embodied into each devices are integrated into intelligent meter. The developed systems are tested and implemented by installing at consumer electric distribution panel.

스마트계량시스템을 활용한 수요관리자원에 대한 가치평가연구 (A Economic Evaluation for Demand-Side Resource using Smart Metering System)

  • 임상국;신희상;조성민;이희태;윤용태;김재철
    • 조명전기설비학회논문지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 2010
  • 에너지관련 자원가격의 급등으로 전력생산비용이 증가하여 세계 여러 나라의 전력회사들이 재정적인 어려움에 직면하고 있다. 이러한 전력 생산비용과 판매가격의 왜곡을 해결하기 위한 다양한 방법이 모색되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 제안된 스마트계량시스템은 전력 소비자의 전력사용 정보제공을 통한 소비패턴을 변화시켜 전력에너지절감을 유도하는 효과가 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 우리나라에서는 스마트계량시스템의 보급을 위해 2008년도 실효성 검증을 위한 실증연구 과제를 추진하였으며, 본 논문에서는 그 결과를 바탕으로 스마트계량시스템 보급에 따른 잠재적 이득과 캘리포니아 테스트를 통한 가치평가 결과를 제시하였다.