• Title/Summary/Keyword: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise

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A Comparative Study of Smart Manufacturing Innovation Supply Industry in Germany and Korea (독일과 한국의 스마트 제조혁신 전략에 대한 비교분석 및 시사점 - 양국의 공급산업 전략을 중심으로 -)

  • Sang-Jin Lee;Yun-Hyeok Choi;Jae Kyu Myung
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.601-608
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    • 2022
  • This study examines the current status of smart manufacturing innovation policies in Germany and Korea, compares and analyzes the supply industry strategies of both countries, and suggests the direction for Korea's smart manufacturing innovation supply industry. Germany's supply industry strategy aims to strengthen the market dominance of domestic suppliers through high technology, compatibility, and high reliability based on reference for global demanding companies. On the other hand, the Korea's supply industry strategy remains at the level improvement of the demanding companies by stage, so it is time to take a long-term and consistent response with the goal of implementing smartization at the advanced level. By referring to Germany's supply industry strategy for the advancement of smart factories, it was intended to help in establishing government support policies and supplier strategies. In addition, based on the analysis results of the supply industry strategies of both countries, improvement measures for the advancement of Korea's smart factories were presented. Ultimately, the contents of this study can be used as basic data for policy establishment to strengthen the industrial competitiveness of Korea's small and medium-sized suppliers.

A Study on Utilization Effect and Implementation Model of Directory Service Based Information Resource Management System (디렉터리 서비스 기반 정보자원 관리시스템의 활용 효과 및 구축 모델에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Jun;Kim, Hyuk;Lee, Kwang Soo;Kim, Minsoo
    • Journal of Information Technology and Architecture
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.427-439
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    • 2014
  • Introduction of new information systems due to continuous progress of ICT has made the enterprise IT environment into a mixed pot of various IT resources. Rapidly changing business situation has emphasized the integration of organizational IT resources as one of key competitive advantages. Those distributed IT resources are now demanding to solve the problems not only on their own effective management but also on security and control issues against unauthorized infiltration and information leakages. Under the situation that the number of IT resources is constantly increasing, it is needed to study a management model and its implementation that integrally solves above all problems. In this paper, it is revealed that a directory service can be used to integrally manage distributed IT resources and a directory service based system model for distributed IT resource management is suggested. By implementing an HR solution over active directory service, it is demonstrated that our integrated management model for distributed resources is applicable to real business cases. It is expected that for small and medium sized enterprises with limited IT investments, directory service based IT resource management system can be a cost-effective solution for increasing security threats and lack of governance.

Factors Affecting International Transfer Pricing of Multinational Enterprises in Korea (외국인투자기업의 국제이전가격 결정에 영향을 미치는 환경 및 기업요인)

  • Jun, Tae-Young;Byun, Yong-Hwan
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.85-102
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    • 2009
  • With the continued globalization of world markets, transfer pricing has become one of the dominant sources of controversy in international taxation. Transfer pricing is the process by which a multinational corporation calculates a price for goods and services that are transferred to affiliated entities. Consider a Korean electronic enterprise that buys supplies from its own subsidiary located in China. How much the Korean parent company pays its subsidiary will determine how much profit the Chinese unit reports in local taxes. If the parent company pays above normal market prices, it may appear to have a poor profit, even if the group as a whole shows a respectable profit margin. In this way, transfer prices impact the taxable income reported in each country in which the multinational enterprise operates. It's importance lies in that around 60% of international trade involves transactions between two related parts of multinationals, according to the OECD. Multinational enterprises (hereafter MEs) exert much effort into utilizing organizational advantages to make global investments. MEs wish to minimize their tax burden. So MEs spend a fortune on economists and accountants to justify transfer prices that suit their tax needs. On the contrary, local governments are not prepared to cope with MEs' powerful financial instruments. Tax authorities in each country wish to ensure that the tax base of any ME is divided fairly. Thus, both tax authorities and MEs have a vested interest in the way in which a transfer price is determined, and this is why MEs' international transfer prices are at the center of disputes concerned with taxation. Transfer pricing issues and practices are sometimes difficult to control for regulators because the tax administration does not have enough staffs with the knowledge and resources necessary to understand them. The authors examine transfer pricing practices to provide relevant resources useful in designing tax incentives and regulation schemes for policy makers. This study focuses on identifying the relevant business and environmental factors that could influence the international transfer pricing of MEs. In this perspective, we empirically investigate how the management perception of related variables influences their choice of international transfer pricing methods. We believe that this research is particularly useful in the design of tax policy. Because it can concentrate on a few selected factors in consideration of the limited budget of the tax administration with assistance of this research. Data is composed of questionnaire responses from foreign firms in Korea with investment balances exceeding one million dollars in the end of 2004. We mailed questionnaires to 861 managers in charge of the accounting departments of each company, resulting in 121 valid responses. Seventy six percent of the sample firms are classified as small and medium sized enterprises with assets below 100 billion Korean won. Reviewing transfer pricing methods, cost-based transfer pricing is most popular showing that 60 firms have adopted it. The market-based method is used by 31 firms, and 13 firms have reported the resale-pricing method. Regarding the nationalities of foreign investors, the Japanese and the Americans constitute most of the sample. Logistic regressions have been performed for statistical analysis. The dependent variable is binary in that whether the method of international transfer pricing is a market-based method or a cost-based method. This type of binary classification is founded on the belief that the market-based method is evaluated as the relatively objective way of pricing compared with the cost-based methods. Cost-based pricing is assumed to give mangers flexibility in transfer pricing decisions. Therefore, local regulatory agencies are thought to prefer market-based pricing over cost-based pricing. Independent variables are composed of eight factors such as corporate tax rate, tariffs, relations with local tax authorities, tax audit, equity ratios of local investors, volume of internal trade, sales volume, and product life cycle. The first four variables are included in the model because taxation lies in the center of transfer pricing disputes. So identifying the impact of these variables in Korean business environments is much needed. Equity ratio is included to represent the interest of local partners. Volume of internal trade was sometimes employed in previous research to check the pricing behavior of managers, so we have followed these footsteps in this paper. Product life cycle is used as a surrogate of competition in local markets. Control variables are firm size and nationality of foreign investors. Firm size is controlled using dummy variables in that whether or not the specific firm is small and medium sized. This is because some researchers report that big firms show different behaviors compared with small and medium sized firms in transfer pricing. The other control variable is also expressed in dummy variable showing if the entrepreneur is the American or not. That's because some prior studies conclude that the American management style is different in that they limit branch manger's freedom of decision. Reviewing the statistical results, we have found that managers prefer the cost-based method over the market-based method as the importance of corporate taxes and tariffs increase. This result means that managers need flexibility to lessen the tax burden when they feel taxes are important. They also prefer the cost-based method as the product life cycle matures, which means that they support subsidiaries in local market competition using cost-based transfer pricing. On the contrary, as the relationship with local tax authorities becomes more important, managers prefer the market-based method. That is because market-based pricing is a better way to maintain good relations with the tax officials. Other variables like tax audit, volume of internal transactions, sales volume, and local equity ratio have shown only insignificant influence. Additionally, we have replaced two tax variables(corporate taxes and tariffs) with the data showing top marginal tax rate and mean tariff rates of each country, and have performed another regression to find if we could get different results compared with the former one. As a consequence, we have found something different on the part of mean tariffs, that shows only an insignificant influence on the dependent variable. We guess that each company in the sample pays tariffs with a specific rate applied only for one's own company, which could be located far from mean tariff rates. Therefore we have concluded we need a more detailed data that shows the tariffs of each company if we want to check the role of this variable. Considering that the present paper has heavily relied on questionnaires, an effort to build a reliable data base is needed for enhancing the research reliability.

A study for efficient operation of the e-commerce guarantee financing system in domestic industries (국내 전자상거래 보증제도의 효율적 운영방안에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Soon-Duck;Choi, Kwang-Don;Shin, Seung-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 2011
  • This research suggests for efficient operation of the e-commerce guarantee financing system in domestic industries by reviewing the definition, current situation and problems of the e-commerce guarantee financing system in operation since 2001. Throughout the 10 years of the e-commerce guarantee financing system's implementation, technological development has solved many previously concerning factors. The goal of the study is to resolve the current issues of the e-commerce guarantee financing system and offer means by which to expand the accessibility of the system to domestic industries and further assistance to firms already using the system. One of the primary policies supported by the research is the reallocation of funds from archaic means of exchanging finances to the modem e-commerce guaranteed financing methods because of the increased transparency of the trading. Specifically, the funding operated by government guarantee agencies requires systematic promotion, justifying subsidies and tax breaks to companies that are using e-commerce guarantee financing because of the increased overall transparency. In addition, the benefits of e-commerce guarantee financing as a means of funding are numerous: the promotion of good business, relaxation of credit ratings for company loans, construction of the mobile operating system for small businesses, and creation of policy flexibility in operating fund agencies run by government. Future research areas include continued collection and analysis of the above data provided and new market feedback such as direct poll surveys of the operating staff in companies using e-commerce guarantee financing agencies.

The Comparative Analysis about the Firm Growth Between Large Enterprises and SMEs in the IT Companies located in Gyeonggi-do (경기지역 IT산업의 대·중소기업간 성장성 분석)

  • Yoon, Choong-Han;Son, Jong Chil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.2376-2381
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    • 2014
  • The necessity for co-prosperity between large and small businesses has emerged as a top policy priority as economic polarization has been exacerbated since the 2008 global financial crisis. Against this background this paper makes a detailed analysis of differences between SMEs (Small and Medium sized businesses) and large enterprises located in Gyeong-do, in respect of growth. The data set used in the analysis is the 15 year(1996-2010) panel data of IT companies (large enterprises: 80 data and SMEs: 437 data) collected from the KISVALUE database. The estimation results of Pooled OLS indicate that the coefficients representing corporate size are less than 1, which implies that the Gibrat's law, no correlation between the size of a firm and its growth rate, is not supported by the data. In the meantime, the estimated coefficients representing corporate age are negative, which implies that Jovanovic hypothesis, inverse correlation between the age and the growth rate of a firm, is consistent with the data. In short, SMEs, which are generally younger than big enterprises can achieve higher growth rate than the latter ones which are usually believed to be older. In addition, the more export- and innovation-oriented the firm, the higher its growth rates.

A Study on the Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Manufacturing Industry Employees: Focused on the Effects of Entrepreneurship and Personal Characteristics (중소 제조업 종사자의 창업의도에 미치는 영향 요인에 관한 연구: 기술개발 지원사업의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Yong-Sik;Kim, Jae-Hong;Lee, Il-han
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.135-151
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    • 2021
  • This research attempts to analyze the factors influencing the entrepreneurial intention of employees in manufacturing field. In particular, key factors of entrepreneurship and personal characteristics explain a significant association with the intention to start-up. And study whether R&D support from public enterprise adjusts intention to entrepreneurial Intention. This study conducted a online survey on 292 small and medium-sized enterprise manufacturing employees in May 2020. Using linear regression model and binary logistic model. The main study results are the following: First, among the key factors(innovativeness, proactiveness, risk-taking) of entrepreneurship, proactiveness hardly influenced the opportunity competency. Second, among the factors(risk-taking propensity, locus of control, tolerance for ambiguity) of personal characteristics, locus of control hardly influenced the opportunity competency. Third, opportunity competency(opportunity recognition and opportunity evaluation) had positive influence to entrepreneurial intention. Fourth, the study investigated the mediated effect of opportunity competency. The result showed that among the factors of entrepreneurship and personal characteristics, only two factors that are proactiveness and locus of control were not mediated by opportunity competency. and opportunity evaluation was acted as a mediator between proactiveness and entrepreneurial Intention, compared with opportunity recognition. Lastly, public enterprise's R&D supporting moderated the entrepreneurial intention). Based on the result, the study showed that first, the key factors of entrepreneurship except for proactiveness and personal characteristics(risk-taking propensity, locus of control, tolerance for ambiguity) except for locus of control affect the intention to start-up, repeatedly. This results are explained that employees have not started a business yet. Second, research on start-up suggests the need to analyze factors differentiated before and after the start-ups. Based on the results, entrepreneurship and personal characteristics show that study on the effects of start-up intentions should be carried out before and after the actual start-up takes place, and can be used as effective data in policies to promoting start-ups in manufacturing field.

Youth Employees Turnover Determinants by Business Scale and Wage Effects (청년 취업자의 기업규모별 이직 결정요인 및 임금효과)

  • Moon, Young-Man;Hong, Jang-Pyo
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.195-230
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    • 2017
  • This study combined Youth Panel Data(2009~2014) to analyze youth employees' turnover determinants by business scale and wage effects and the results are as follows: First, the turnover rate of youth employees was analyzed and as a result, the average turnover rate in 2014 was 26.3% and was found to be small company 25.6%, medium-sized company 25.1%, large company 17.2% in terms of business scale (based on regular permanent position), showing that the larger the company size, the lower the turnover rate. Second, turnover reasons of youth employees were found to be dissatisfaction with working conditions 40.3%, job mismatch 39.2%, personal reasons 11.8% in order and turnover by job mismatch was higher in large companies (41.5%) than in small and medium enterprises (38.5%). Third, job satisfaction and job-major agreement depending on the status of turnover were analyzed and as a result, the lower the job satisfaction and job-major agreement, the higher the turnover rate in all areas. Fourth, scale turnover determinants by business scale were analyzed through panel regression analysis and as a result, variables significantly affecting turnover were analyzed to affect objective working conditions such as wage and employment type and job satisfaction and 'job-level of education skill level major'agreement variables to lower the turnover rate as well. Fifth, wage effects depending on the status of turnover were estimated and as a result, the wage level of youth employees who changed their job was lower than that of youth employees working in the same company by about 3.1% and this wage gap was further expanded over time. But, turnover of changing employment type(temporary position${\rightarrow}$regular permanent position) and company size (small and medium enterprise${\rightarrow}$large company) was not the case. Therefore, in order to reduce the turnover rate of youth employees, it is necessary to increase overall job satisfaction and job-major agreement with objective working conditions and working in the same company for a long period of time rather than changing jobs frequently can be said to be rational choice in terms of youth employees.

An Empirical Study on the Influence of Humane Entrepreneurship on SMEs Performance: Focused on the Serial Multiple Mediation Effect (사람중심 기업가정신이 중소기업 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 직렬다중매개효과 분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, II-Han
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.221-234
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    • 2020
  • The role of entrepreneurship has become important for the continuous growth (scale-up) of companies in a rapidly changing economic environment. However, research has focused mainly on business-oriented growth that emphasizes efficiency only. However, in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, people have become more important than corporate efficiency. In particular, there are few studies on SMEs. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the characteristics of human - centered organizational culture affects the business ecosystem and firm excellence of SMEs, and how business ecosystem and firm excellence affect the performance of corporations. Therefore, this study focuses on the empathy, enablement, empowerment, and engagement of the corporate culture characteristics of the enterprise and the effects of the independent variables on the business ecosystem and the flower excellence as the parameters and the business ecosystem and company excellence. The main research subjects are the causality analysis that examines the effects on the management performance. The results of the study are as follows. Empathy, enablement, empowerment, engagement have a significant impact on the business ecosystem. In addition, the engagement have a positive effect on firm excellence. The results of empirical studies on the causal relationship between business ecosystem, corporate competence, and company excellence and business performance show that business ecosystem has no statistically significant effect on business performance. Corporate excellence has a significant effect on business performance Respectively. In addition to the above findings, this study can suggest the following implications. First, it is an empirical study of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by utilizing people-oriented entrepreneurship in addition to existing research. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are expected to have lower perceptions of people-oriented management than large corporations or public institutions, but the analysis shows that people-centered entrepreneurship has a significant impact on the business ecosystem. Second, the research results of the serial multiple mediating effect analysis show that the higher the atmosphere of entrepreneurship in a company, the higher the atmosphere of entrepreneurship, and the parameters of business ecosystem and company excellence in the effect of people-oriented entrepreneurship on management performance. It is that the path through which people-oriented entrepreneurship influences management performance was verified by verifying the mediating effect by inputting. Lastly, it is hoped that research on people-oriented entrepreneurship in Korea's SMEs will be activated, providing a theoretical basis for transforming SMEs' business models into innovative types.

Importance of End User's Feedback Seeking Behavior for Faithful Appropriation of Information Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises (중소기업 환경에서의 합목적적 정보시스템 활용을 위한 최종사용자 피드백 탐색행위의 중요성)

  • Shin, Young-Mee;Lee, Joo-Ryang;Lee, Ho-Geun
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.61-95
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    • 2007
  • Small-and-medium sized enterprises(SMEs) represent quite a large proportion of the industry as a whole in terms of the number of enterprises or employees. However researches on information system so far have focused on large companies, probably because SMEs were not so active in introducing information systems as larger enterprises. SMEs are now increasingly bringing in information systems such as ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning Systems) and some of the companies already entered the stage of ongoing use. Accordingly, researches should deal with the use of information systems by SME s operating under different conditions from large companies. This study examined factors and mechanism inducing faithful appropriation of information systems, in particular integrative systems such as ERP, in view of individuals` active feedback-seeking behavior. There are three factors expected to affect end users` feedback-seeking behavior for faithful appropriation of information systems. They are management support, peer IT champ support, and IT staff support. The main focus of the study is on how these factors affect feedback-seeking behavior and whether the feedback-seeking behavior plays the role of mediator for realizing faithful appropriation of information systems by end users. To examine the research model and the hypotheses, this study employed an empirical method based on a field survey. The survey used measurements mostly employed and verified by previous researches, while some of the measurements had gone through minor modifications for the purpose of the study. The survey respondents are individual employees of SMEs that have been using ERP for one year or longer. To prevent common method bias, Task-Technology Fit items used as the control variable were made to be answered by different respondents. In total, 127 pairs of valid questionnaires were collected and used for the analysis. The PLS(Partial Least Squares) approach to structural equation modeling(PLS-Graph v.3.0) was used as our data analysis strategy because of its ability to model both formative and reflective latent constructs under small-and medium-size samples. The analysis shows Reliability, Construct Validity and Discriminant Validity are appropriate. The path analysis results are as follows; first, the more there is peer IT champ support, the more the end user is likely to show feedback-seeking behavior(path-coefficient=0.230, t=2.28, p<0.05). In other words, if colleagues proficient in information system use recognize the importance of their help, pass on what they have found to be an effective way of using the system or correct others' misuse, ordinary end users will be able to seek feedback on the faithfulness of their appropriation of information system without hesitation, because they know the convenience of getting help. Second, management support encourages ordinary end users to seek more feedback(path-coefficient=0.271, t=3.06, p<0.01) by affecting the end users' perceived value of feedback(path-coefficient=0.401, t=6.01, p<0.01). Management support is far more influential than other factors that when the management of an SME well understands the benefit of ERP, promotes its faithful appropriation and pays attention to employees' satisfaction with the system, employees will make deliberate efforts for faithful appropriation of the system. However, the third factor, IT staff support was found not to be conducive to feedback-seeking behavior from end users(path-coefficient=0.174, t=1.83). This is partly attributable to the fundamental reason that there is little support for end users from IT staff in SMEs. Even when IT staff provides support, end users may find it less important than that from coworkers more familiar with the end users' job. Meanwhile, the more end users seek feedback and attempt to find ways of faithful appropriation of information systems, the more likely the users will be able to deploy the system according to the purpose the system was originally meant for(path-coefficient=0.35, t=2.88, p<0.01). Finally, the mediation effect analysis confirmed the mediation effect of feedback-seeking behavior. By confirming the mediation effect of feedback-seeking behavior, this study draws attention to the importance of feedback-seeking behavior that has long been overlooked in research about information system use. This study also explores the factors that promote feedback-seeking behavior which in result could affect end user`s faithful appropriation of information systems. In addition, this study provides insight about which inducements or resources SMEs should offer to promote individual users' feedback-seeking behavior when formal and sufficient support from IT staff or an outside information system provider is hardly expected. As the study results show, under the business environment of SMEs, help from skilled colleagues and the management plays a critical role. Therefore, SMEs should seriously consider how to utilize skilled peer information system users, while the management should pay keen attention to end users and support them to make the most of information systems.

A Study on Food Service Franchise Location Factors and Quality of Service Factors, The Impact on Customer Satisfaction (외식 프랜차이즈 입지요건과 서비스 품질 요인이 고객만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jo In Seog;Cho, Kyu Youn;An, Sang
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 2016
  • This study is to examine the importance of site selection and service quality in franchise business as food service franchise became one of the fastest-growing service industries today. The chief finding of this study is as follows: First, a survey in locational and service quality factors affecting food service franchise shows that responders are more concerned with hygiene and visibility of the store than proximity and transportation advantages which reflects low statistical significance, thus the distance did not seem to be a big problem for the responders in the context that they mostly visit nearby food franchise. Second, the examination of the influence by the service quality factors and customer satisfaction shows significant positive relation with customer response, speed and accuracy, and accuracy factors which reveals that the responders prefer prompt response and swift judgment toward the customer's needs and expectations, professional knowledge services to the credibility factors in which little correlation with the customer satisfaction were found. Third, the examination of the influence by the service quality factors, locational factors, and re-visit reveals that customer response and specialty showed statistically significant correlation with intention of WOM (Word of Mouth) and revisit, which suggests that swift judgment and response toward the customer's needs and expectations, professional knowledge services is of great importance to both customer satisfaction and revisit. The study on the aspects of locational and service quality factors affecting franchise industry's customer satisfaction was conducted as above, an investigation in both factors' influence on the customer satisfaction was made, and based on the results of the analysis, this research seeks an optimal operation strategy of a franchise business. Food service franchise are relatively very competent to business adminstration and reaction capability to consumption changes due to the already established market, and there are stores springing up everywhere inspired by the founders who are too confident of their success in the franchise business. However, it is necessary for the franchise beginners to figure out a zone oriented, regular customer oriented business strategy than just complying with the head office manual. Owing to an increasing trend of opening medium to large sized stores and investments in the wake of converting to multiple business type Korean food franchise, there is growing need to set up new concept of store development and operational management strategy in order to overcome the excessive competition and limited sales volume of the old-fashioned small sized, small capital franchise stores. Furthermore, as most business category of food service franchise serve very similar menus, from a product differentiation point of view, it is required to map out flexible sales concept including the adoption of competitive and low-price strategy. In conclusion, as is shown in the analytical research, the customers' optimal choice fluctuate over their preferences like customer convenience and circumstances rather than insisting on specific brand, thus it will be necessary for the franchise stores to draw up aggressive strategy and planning in running food service franchise to maximize their profits.

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