• Title/Summary/Keyword: Slope method

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Analysis Method for Full-length LiDAR Waveforms (라이다 파장 분석 방법론에 대한 연구)

  • Jung, Myung-Hee;Yun, Eui-Jung;Kim, Cheon-Shik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.44 no.4 s.316
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2007
  • Airbone laser altimeters have been utilized for 3D topographic mapping of the earth, moon, and planets with high resolution and accuracy, which is a rapidly growing remote sensing technique that measures the round-trip time emitted laser pulse to determine the topography. The traveling time from the laser scanner to the Earth's surface and back is directly related to the distance of the sensor to the ground. When there are several objects within the travel path of the laser pulse, the reflected laser pluses are distorted by surface variation within the footprint, generating multiple echoes because each target transforms the emitted pulse. The shapes of the received waveforms also contain important information about surface roughness, slope and reflectivity. Waveform processing algorithms parameterize and model the return signal resulting from the interaction of the transmitted laser pulse with the surface. Each of the multiple targets within the footprint can be identified. Assuming each response is gaussian, returns are modeled as a mixture gaussian distribution. Then, the parameters of the model are estimated by LMS Method or EM algorithm However, each response actually shows the skewness in the right side with the slowly decaying tail. For the application to require more accurate analysis, the tail information is to be quantified by an approach to decompose the tail. One method to handle with this problem is proposed in this study.

A study on Waviness of Large Discontinuity using 3D Laser Scanner (3D Laser Scanner를 이용한 대규모 불연속면의 굴곡도 측정 연구)

  • Kim, Yong;Lee, Su-Gon;Kim, Chee-Hwan
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.119-124
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    • 2017
  • The waviness of Large Discontinuity rock is the one of important elements that judges the stability of rock slope. When the waviness of large discontinuity is measured in the field, there are many limitations Therefore this research was carried out to measure waviness of large rock discontinuities using 3D laser scanner to supplement this problem. This research established one 3D model that actual X, Y and Z coordinates through the integrated data gained from one that calculates waviness of base lock using CAD program was compared and analyzed to that of disc-clinometer. As its results, the high reliability of results could be recognized as it belongs to mechanical tolerance $1{\sim}2^{\circ}$ and the results belong to the measured values of Mean DIP and Mean are all within $1^{\circ}$. So, the investigation method of waviness of large discontinuity rock face using 3D laser scanner was verified as more prompt, effective and reliable method than conventional direct site measuring method.


  • Seok, Chang-In;Um, Chung-Moon
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.432-461
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    • 1995
  • The basic principles in the design of Class II amalgam cavity preparations have been modified but not changed in essence over the last 90 years. The early essential principle was "extension for prevention". Most of the modifications have served to reduce the extent of preparation and, thus, increase the conservation of sound tooth structure. A more recent concept relating to conservative Class II cavity preparations involves elimination of occlusal preparation if no carious lesion exists in this area. To evaluate the ideal ClassII cavity preparation design, if carious lesion exists only in the interproximal area, three cavity design conditions were studied: Rodda's conventional cavity, simple proximal box cavity and proximal box cavity with retention grooves. In this study, MO amalgam cavity was prepared on maxillary first premolar. Three dimensional finite element models were made by serial photographic method. Linear, eight and six-nodal, isoparametric brick elements were used for the three dimensional finite element model. The periodontal ligament and alveolar bone surrounding the tooth were excluded in these models. Three types model(B option, Gap option and R option model) were developed. B option model was assumed perfect bonding between the restoration and cavty wall. Gap option model(Gap distance: $2{\mu}m$) was assumed the possibility of play at the interface simulated the lack of real bonding between the amalgam and cavity wall (enamel and dentin). R option model was assumed non-connection between the restoration and cavty wall. A load of 500N was applied vertically at the first node from the lingual slope of the buccal cusp tip. This study analysed the displacement, 1 and 2 direction normal stress and strain with FEM software ABAQUS Version 5.2 and hardware IRIS 4D/310 VGX Work-station. The results were as followed. 1. Rodda's cavity form model showed greater amount of displacement with other two models. 2. The stress and strain were increased on the distal marginal ridge and buccopulpal line angle in Rodda's cavity form model. 3. The stress and strain were increased on the central groove and a part of distal marginal ridge in simple proximal box model and proximal box model with retention grooves. 4. With Gap option, Rodda's cavity form model showed the greatest amount of the stress on distal marginal ridge followed by proximal box model with retention grooves and simple proximal box model in descending order. 5. With Gap option, simple proximal box model showed greater amount of stress on the central groove with proximal box model with retention grooves. 6. Retention grooves in the proximal box played the role of supporting the restorations opposing to loads.

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A Study on Detection Algorithm of Open Phase Fault in Grid-Connected Transformer for PV System (태양광전원 연계용변압기의 결상사고 검출 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Kab-Seok;Tae, Dong-Hyun;Lee, Hu-Dong;Rho, Dae-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.22-33
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    • 2021
  • In the case of open phase faults caused by the disconnection of distribution feeders interconnected to a PV system, many problems can occur depending on the core type and wiring method of the grid-connected transformers. Moreover, open phase faults are difficult to detect because the open phase voltage of the existing protection relay (Open Phase Relay (47)) can be maintained, even though a disconnection fault occurred, depending on the wiring method and the iron core type of the grid-connected transformer for a PV system. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel algorithm to detect open phase faults by comparing the currents and phases between the primary and secondary sides of a grid-connected transformer. In addition, this paper presents the modeling of a distribution system and protection devices for detecting open phase faults using PSCAD/EMTDC S/W, and implements a test protection device for detecting open phase faults based on the above-mentioned modeling. The simulation and test results confirmed that the proposed algorithm is useful for detecting open phase faults according to the wiring method and iron core type of grid-connected transformer for a PV system because operation slope and unbalance rate of the primary current exceed the setting value (30[%]) of the protection device.

Evaluation of the Degenerative Changes of the Distal Intervertebral Discs after Internal Fixation Surgery in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

  • Dehnokhalaji, Morteza;Golbakhsh, Mohammad Reza;Siavashi, Babak;Talebian, Parham;Javidmehr, Sina;Bozorgmanesh, Mohammadreza
    • Asian Spine Journal
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.1060-1068
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    • 2018
  • Study Design: Retrospective study. Purpose: Lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration is an important cause of low back pain. Overview of Literature: Spinal fusion is often reported to have a good course for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). However, many studies have reported that adjacent segment degeneration is accelerated after lumbar spinal fusion. Radiography is a simple method used to evaluate the orientation of the vertebral column. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the method most often used to specifically evaluate intervertebral disc degeneration. The Pfirrmann classification is a well-known method used to evaluate degenerative lumbar disease. After spinal fusion, an increase in stress, excess mobility, increased intra-disc pressure, and posterior displacement of the axis of motion have been observed in the adjacent segments. Methods: we retrospectively secured and analyzed the data of 15 patients (four boys and 11 girls) with AIS who underwent a spinal fusion surgery. We studied the full-length view of the spine (anterior-posterior and lateral) from the X-ray and MRI obtained from all patients before surgery. Postoperatively, another full-length spine X-ray and lumbosacral MRI were obtained from all participants. Then, pelvic tilt, sacral slope, curve correction, and fused and free segments before and after surgery were calculated based on X-ray studies. MRI images were used to estimate the degree to which intervertebral discs were degenerated using Pfirrmann grading system. Pfirrmann grade before and after surgery were compared with Wilcoxon signed rank test. While analyzing the contribution of potential risk factors for the post-spinal fusion Pfirrmann grade of disc degeneration, we used generalized linear models with robust standard error estimates to account for intraclass correlation that may have been present between discs of the same patient. Results: The mean age of the participant was 14 years, and the mean curvature before and after surgery were 67.8 and 23.8, respectively (p<0.05). During the median follow-up of 5 years, the mean degree of the disc degeneration significantly increased in all patients after surgery (p<0.05) with a Pfirrmann grade of 1 and 2.8 in the L2-L3 before and after surgery, respectively. The corresponding figures at L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 levels were 1.28 and 2.43, 1.07 and 2.35, and 1 and 2.33, respectively. The lower was the number of free discs below the fusion level, the higher was the Pfirrmann grade of degeneration (p<0.001). Conversely, the higher was the number of the discs fused together, the higher was the Pfirrmann grade. Conclusions: we observed that the disc degeneration aggravated after spinal fusion for scoliosis. While the degree of degeneration as measured by Pfirrmann grade was directly correlated by the number of fused segments, it was negatively correlated with the number of discs that remained free below the lowermost level of the fusion.

Experimental Evaluation of the Flexural Behavior of SY Permanent Steel Form for RC Beam and Girder (SY 비탈형 보 거푸집의 휨 거동에 대한 실험적 고찰)

  • Bae, Kyu-Woong;Boo, Yoon-Seob;Shin, Sang-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2022
  • Currently, in the domestic construction industry, the free web method has been emerging as a potential solution to the shortage of skilled workers due to the prolonged COVID-19 crisis, as it helps in securing economic feasibility through shortening the construction period and reducing labor costs. To consider one part of the construction method, in this study, the bending behavior according to the load was evaluated for the SY slope-type beam formwork, which was manufactured at a factory, assembled with rebar, brought into the site, and then poured into the site. For the SY Beam standard cross-sectional shape, a cross-sectional dimensional width of 400mm and depth 600mm determined through structural modeling using the MIDAS GEN program were applied. A total of 6 specimens were made with a member length of 5,000mm, 5 specimens and one RC specimen in the comparison group were manufactured in real-size format using the thickness of the steel plate(0.8, 1.0, 1.2mm) as a variable, and bending experiments were performed. In the bending test, the steel plate deck showed high initial stiffness and maximum strength as it yielded, which showed that it sufficiently contributed to the flexural strength. It is judged that additional analysis and experimental studies for 1.05, 1.1, and 1.15mm are needed to derive the appropriate steel plate thickness and the method for calculating the tensile force contribution of the steel plate to secure the manufacturing, construction and economic feasibility of SY Beam in the future.

Evaluation of Accuracy of Spatio-Temporal Image Analysis Methods Using Artificial Images and Proposal of a Hybrid Method (인공시공간영상을 이용한 시공간영상분석법의 정확도 평가와 혼합분석법의 제안)

  • Kwonkyu Yu
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.100-109
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    • 2024
  • There are various methods in surface image velocimetry that can measure the flow velocity of a river surface using footage of a river surface. Among them, spatio-temporal image velocimetry (STIV) is widely used. This paper analyzed advantages and disadvantages of two STIV methods developed by the author, correlation-based STIV (C-STIV) and FFT-based STIV (F-STIV). This study also proposed a new method, hybrid STIV (H-STIV), that could supplement the advantages and disadvantages of the two existing methods by combining them. For the analyses, 20 cases of artificial spatio-temporal images, having image displacement ranging from 0.1 px/fr to 19.0 px/fr, were prepared. As a result, F-STIV was accurate with footage containing small image displacements and C-STIV was more accurate with footage containing large image displacements. For images with medium displacement, the two methods showed similar accuracies. Based on this result, H-STIV was proposed to adopt the result of F-STIV in displacements smaller than 2.0 px/fr (image strip slope 63.4°) and the result of C-STIV in larger displacements. As a result of applying the proposed method to argumentation, it was confirmed that H-STIV could calculate the flow velocity efficiently according to the situation.

Comparison of Treadmill and Cycle Ergometer in Male Korean College Students (한국 남자 대학생을 대상으로 시행한 Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test에서 Treadmill과 Cycle Ergometer의 비교 분석)

  • Chang, Yoon-Soo;Park, Jae-Min;Choi, Seung-Won;Ahn, Gang-Hyun;Lee, Jun-Gu;Yang, Dong-Kyu;Kim, Se-Kyu;Chang, Jun;Ahn, Chul-Min;Kim, Seong-Kyu;Lee, Won-Yong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.26-34
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    • 1999
  • Background : Generally $VO_2$ max is higher in treadmill exercise than cycle ergometer exercise. According to Hassen and Wasserman, $VO_2$ max with treadmill exercise is higher at ratio of 1.11 than that with cycle ergometer. $VO_2$ max also is influenced by race, sociocultural background, exercise habit In this study, $VO_2$ max and AT were evaluated between Treadmill and cycle exercise in male Korean college students. Method: Study subjects were 44 male college students. We randomized them into 2 groups; 24 students did treadmill exercise at first and 1 week later did cycle ergometer. Another 20 students did in opposite method. They made symptom limited maximal exercise. Author defined maximal exercise as followings: 1) respiratory exchange ratio(RER)> 1.1, 2) plateau>30 sec, 3) heart rate reserve(HRR) <15%, or 4) breathing reserve (BR)<30%. Otherwise their results are excluded as submaximal exercise. Anaerobic threshold(AT) was estimated by V-slope method. Results: $VO_2$ max and AT was $45.1{\pm}6.66m\ell$/kg/min and $26.0{\pm}6.78m\ell$/kg/min in treadmill and $34.9{\pm}5.89m\ell$/kg/min, $19.5{\pm}4.77m\ell$/kg/min in Cycle Ergometer. The measured-$VO_2max$/pred-$VO_2max$ was $98.8{\pm}13.24%$ in treadmill; $84.4{\pm}13.42%$ in cycle ergometer. Comparing $VO_2$ max in treadmill with that obtained by Hassen's method, there were significant differences.(p<0.01). At maximal exercise there were differences in HRR, $O_2$/pulse, BR, $V_E$/MVV, $V_E/VCO_2$ between treadmill and cycle but not in $V_E/VO_2$, Vd/Vt, Ti/Ttot. At AT there were differences in $O_2$/pulse, BR, $V_E$/MVV, Ti/Ttot between treadmill and cycle, otherwise not. Conclusion: According to the result of this study, there are larger gap between treadmill and cycle ergometer in normal Korean adults than foreign data, and it needs further study to obtain reference value of Korea.

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Temperature Compensation of Optical FBG Sensors Embedded Tendon for Long-term Monitoring of Tension Force of Ground Anchor (광섬유 센서 내장형 텐던을 이용한 그라운드 앵커의 장기 장력모니터링을 위한 온도보상)

  • Sung, Hyun-Jong;Kim, Young-Sang;Kim, Jae-Min;Park, Gui-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2012
  • Ground anchor method is one of the most popular reinforcing technology for slope in Korea. For the health monitoring of slope which is reinforced by permanent anchor for a long period, monitoring of the tension force of ground anchor is very important. However, since electromechanical sensors such as strain gauge and V/W type load cell are also subject to long-term risk as well as suffering from noise during long distance transmission and immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI), optical FBG sensors embedded tendon was developed to measure strain of 7-wire strand by embedding FBG sensor into the center king cable of 7-wire strand. This FBG sensors embedded tendon has been successfully applied to measuring the short-term anchor force. But to adopt this tendon to long-term monitoring, temperature compensation of the FBG sensors embedded tendon should be done. In this paper, we described how to compensate the effect in compliance with the change of underground temperature during long-term tension force monitoring of ground anchors by using optical fiber sensors (FBG: Fiber Bragg Grating). The model test was carried out to determine the temperature sensitivity coefficient (${\beta}^{\prime}$) of FBG sensors embedded tendon. The determined temperature sensitivity coefficient ${\beta}^{\prime}=2.0{\times}10^{-5}/^{\circ}C$ was verified by comparing the ground temperatures predicted from the proposed sensor using ${\beta}^{\prime}$ with ground temperatures measured from ground thermometer. Finally, temperature compensations were carried out based on ${\beta}^{\prime}$ value and ground temperature measurement from KMA for the tension force monitoring results of tension type and compression type anchors, which had been installed more than 1 year before at the test site. Temperature compensated tension forces are compared with those measured from conventional load cell during the same measuring time. Test results show that determined temperature sensitivity coefficient (${\beta}^{\prime}$) of FBG sensors embedded tendon is valid and proposed temperature compensation method is also appropriate from the fact that the temperature compensated tension forces are not dependent on the change of ground temperature and are consistent with the tension forces measured from the conventional load cell.

A Study on the Precise Lineament Recovery of Alluvial Deposits Using Satellite Imagery and GIS (충적층의 정밀 선구조 추출을 위한 위성영상과 GIS 기법의 활용에 관한 연구)

  • 이수진;석동우;황종선;이동천;김정우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.363-368
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    • 2003
  • We have successfully developed a more effective algorithm to extract the lineament in the area covered by wide alluvial deposits characterized by a relatively narrow range of brightness in the Landsat TM image, while the currently used algorithm is limited to the mountainous areas. In the new algorithm, flat areas mainly consisting of alluvial deposits were selected using the Local Enhancement from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The aspect values were obtained by 3${\times}$3 moving windowing of Zevenbergen & Thorno's Method, and then the slopes of the study area were determined using the aspect values. After the lineament factors in the alluvial deposits were revealed by comparing the threshold values, the first rank lineament under the alluvial deposits were extracted using the Hough transform In order to extract the final lineament, the lowest points under the alluvial deposits in a given topographic section perpendicular to the first rank lineament were determined through the spline interpolation, and then the final lineament were chosen through Hough transform using the lowest points. The algorithm developed in this study enables us to observe a clearer lineament in the areas covered by much larger alluvial deposits compared with the results extracted using the conventional existing algorithm. There exists, however, some differences between the first rank lineament, obtained using the aspect and the slope, and the final lineament. This study shows that the new algorithm more effectively extracts the lineament in the area covered with wide alluvlal deposits than in the areas of converging slope, areas with narrow alluvial deposits or valleys.

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