• Title/Summary/Keyword: Silkworm varieties

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Studies on the Pathogenicity of Cytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus and the Phenomena of Induction and Interference by Oral Inoculation of Foreign Virus to the Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (가잠에 있어서 세포질다각체 바이러스의 병원성 및 이형 바이러스 접종에 의한 유발 간섭현상에 관한 연구)

  • 김근영;문재유;임종성;정태암
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 1975
  • The pathogenicity of hexagonal and tetragonal cytoplasmic polyhedron virus to one of present leading silkworm varieties, Jam 103${\times}$Jam 104, and its parents, Jam 103 and Jam 104, was investigated. The activation of occult virus by oral inoculation of foreign virus as well as the interference phenomena between the activated and inoculated cytoplasmic polyhedron viruses was observed and the results obtained are as follows. 1. The pathogenicity of cytoplasmic polyhedrosis viruses. 1) There was a high significant difference in the pathogenicity of hexagonal polyhedron virus between the hybrid and its parents showing the lowest infection rate in the hybrid (Jam 103${\times}$Jam 104), medium infection rate in the Japanese line (Jam 103) and the highest infection rate in the Chinese line (Jam 104). In the pathogenicityof tetragonal polyhedron virus, a significant difference was observed only between the hybrid (Jam 103${\times}$Jam 104) and the Chinese line (Jam 104) by showing a higher infection rate in the Chinese line than in the hybrid. 2) The pathogenicity of both hexagonal and tetragonal polyhedron viruses showed a high significant difference in different silkworm instars inoculated by showing a higher infection rate at the second instar than at the fourth instar. 3) The pathogenicity of both hexagonal and tetragonal polyhedron viruses was increased as the concentration of viruses inoculated increased. 2. The phenomena of induction and interference by oral inoculation of foreign virus. 1) The induction rate of cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus was higher in the parents than in the hybrid. In the parents. a higher rate in the Chinese line than in the Japanese line was observed. 2) The effect of inoculation at different instars on the induction was studied and the induction rate was higher at the second instar inoculated than at the fourth instar inoculated. 3) The degree of activation of hexagonal polyhedron virus with inoculation of tetragonal polyhedron virus was very high when a lower concentration of virus was inoculated and it was very low when a higher concentration of virus was inoculated 4) The degree of activation of tetragonal polyhedron virus with inoculation of hexagonal polyhedron virus was very low when a lower concentration of virus was inoculated and it was not observed when a higher concentration of virus was inoculated. 5) The mixed infection rate with hexagonal and tetragonal polyhedron viruses was higher at the second instar inoculated than at the fourth instar inoculated. 6) It was observed that the secondary hexagonal pc]yhedron virus activated interfered with the primary tetragonal polyhedron virus inoculated when the inoculated concentration of the primary virus is low and the primary virus inoculated interfered with the secondary virus activated when the inoculated concentration of the primary virus is high.

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Studies on Pathogenicity of Nosema bombycis Naegeli to Parents and Hybrid in the Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) (원종 및 교잡종에 대한 미립자의 병원성에 관한 연구)

  • 김종수;김문협;채수군;임종성
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 1972
  • Studies on Pathogenicity of Nosema bombycis Naegeli are summarized as follows: 1. The mortality of the parents, Jam 103 and Jam 104, is remarkbly higher than that of the hybrid, Jam 103$\times$Jam 104, whereas there is no difference in the mortality between the parents. 3. In the mortality of the pathogen-concentration, it is increased in order of the following concentrations inoculated, 10$^{8}$ , 10$^{7}$ , 10$^{8}$ and 10$^{5}$ /ml. 3. In the mortality of each instar, it is high in order of 5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd instar. 4. In the interaction between the mortalities of the varieties and the concentrations, 1) The mortality shows no differences between the parents and the hybrid in the high concentration of 10$^{8}$ /ml. 2) The mortality of the hybrid is lower than that of the parents in the low concentration of 10$^{5}$ /ml, whereas no difference is found between the parents. 3) The interaction appears at the same level in the middle concentration of 10$^{6}$ /ml to the parents and of 10$^{7}$ /ml to the hybrid. 5. It was pointed out that active immunity depends upon the volume of antigen injection, immunizing period, and injection intervals. In this experiment, it is noticed that the optimum volume of injection is above 20ml and D is the best one of the four treatment (A.B.C.D.). 6. The immune sera indicate such a 12,800 high titer in the indirect method can be obtained from the D immunizing method. Silkworm tissues and N. bombycis spores show self-fluorescence, but it is able to distinguish it from the F.I.T.C. by using the U.V. filter. 7. The midgut epithelium is examined to be the first site of the tissues which are penetrated into and multiplied by the inoculation of the pathogen per os.

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Quantitative analysis of rutin with mulberry leaves (I) (뽕나무 계통(품종)별 뽕잎의 rutin 함량 변이(I))

  • Kim, Hyun-Bok;Kim, Sun-Lim;Seok, Young-Seek;Lee, Sun-Ho;Jo, You-Young;Kweon, HaeYong;Lee, Kwang-Gill
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 2014
  • We analyzed rutin content using mulberry genetic resources. They were grown under the same environment and conditions. Mulberry leaves were collected and then freeze-dried and powdered for rutin test. As a result, mean content of mulberry strains was $0.52{\pm}0.25%$, and the coefficient of variation (CV) was 47.9%. The variation between the strains was greatly severe. Among the tested strains, 'Buyoungsang' was showed the highest content of 1.37%, whereas 'Cheongeunsipmunja' and 'Mujeonsipmunja' were showed the lowest content of 0.06% respectively. The content of rutin of 16 mulberry varieties for silkworm rearing were compared. 'Cheongolppong' was showed the highest content of 0.69%, whereas 'Cheongilppong' was showed the lowest content of 0.14 %. Finally we selected rutin high-containing 9 strains. They are as follows. 'Buyoungsang', 'Yeulbon', 'Dangsang 5', 'A8', 'Aja', 'Seongsu 5', 'Sawonppong 12', 'Hwanyoupjosaengnosang' and 'Hwansipjosaeng' which are more than twice of the overall average content.

A Literature Study on the Korean Acupuncture for Oral, Glottal, Labial and Dental diseases (구설순치(口舌脣齒)질환에 대한 한국 침구서적의 치료법 비교 연구)

  • Han, Chang-Hyun;Ahn, Sang-Young;Kwon, Oh-Min;Park, Sang-Young;Lee, Jeong-Hyeon;Ahn, Sang-Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.182-198
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    • 2010
  • Background : The varieties of manifestations referred to oral, glottal, labial and dental diseases has been long complicated physicians in the efficient diagnosis and treatment of these diseases. Acupuncture has been widely used in Korea throughout the history and provides an efficient method in the treatment of them Objectives : Establish a distinctive and efficient acupuncture method for the treatment of oral, glottal, labial and dental diseases based in literature research Method : We reviewed four Korean medical literature, "Guide to Swollen Sore Treatment", "Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine", "Experiential Prescriptions of Acupuncture and Moxibustion", and "Essential Rhymes on Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Master Sa-am", and analyzed the therapeutic characteristics in the treatment of oral, glottal, labial and dental diseases Result : 1. According to "Guide to Swollen Sore Treatment", we could noted frequent application of blood letting methods in the affected area, then rinse ones mouth with salty water and further application of taro plaster. Also found acupuncture methods utilizing heated mole cricket or silkworm in the sublingual region. Regarding herbal method, Realgar was rubbed in the affected area. Mainly used acupuncture points in the treatment of oral, glottal, labial and dental diseases were GV20, GB20, LU5, and auricular anterior hairline 2. In "Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine", blood letting method in the sublingual region and burning needle searing method were the most frequently applied in the treatment of oral, glottal, labial and dental diseases. Moxibustion was also applied in the treatment of labial and dental diseases. Particularly, said to apply 3 moxa cones in ear zones of both sides, when no medicine is effective. This demonstrates how emphasized the importance of moxibustion in this kind of disease. Mainly used acupuncture points were GV16, CV24, LI4, EX-HN12, and EX-HN13 3. In "Experiential Prescriptions of Acupuncture and Moxibustion", no other methods beside wrist. Superstitious methods like applying moxibustion on the tooth picture drawn on the roofing tile need further confirmation. Mainly used acupuncture points were LI4, ST36, and HT7. 4. "Essential Rhymes on Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Master Sa-am", identified the cause of diseases according to visceral pattern identification. Stomach and Spleen in charge of vocal, lingual, and labial disease, Kidney for dental disease, and further scrutinizing identification according to Liver, Heart, Stomach, Lung, and Kidney manifestations. Used supplementation and draining needling methods of self meridians and other correlating meridians. Conclusions : After previous study on stroke and eye diseases, we could also find various efficient methods according to oral, glottal, labial and dental diseases, through literature research of korean medical classics. This study will concurrently result in establishing distinctive therapeutic method characteristic of Korea.