• 제목/요약/키워드: Sense of the Term

검색결과 315건 처리시간 0.026초

치과의료 종사자들의 연봉제 실시에 관한 의식도 조사연구 (A Study on the Awareness of the Yearly Income System among Dental Personnels)

  • 윤미숙;이경희
    • 치위생과학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 2003
  • 치과의료 종사자의 연봉제 도입에 대한 의식 고찰을 통하여 연봉제에 대한 바람직한 방향 설정과 활성화 방안을 모색하는 계기를 마련하고자 문헌과 자료를 조사하고, 전국 치과 병, 의원에 종사는 구성원 95명을 대상으로 2002년 4월부터 8월까지 약 5개월 동안 설문조사를 실시하여 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 근무하는 병원의 형태에 따라 연봉제에 대한 인식을 살펴본 결과, 치과병원의 종사자가 치과의원의 종사자보다 연봉제 실시로 인한 경영참여의식(p<.001)과 업무생산성의 향상(p<.01), 목표달성에 대한 사명감(p<.01), 장래에 대한 불안감(p<.05)에 대해 더 높은 인식을 보였다. 2. 연봉제에 대한 치과의사와 치과위생사의 인식을 살펴본 결과, 치과의사가 치과위생사보다 연봉제 실시로 인한 성과평가의 공정성(p<.01)과 능력발휘 풍토변화(p<.01), 업무생산성의 향상(p<.001), 목표달성에 대한 사명감(p<.001), 그리고 연봉제에 대해 높은 인식(p<.01)을 보이고 있음을 알 수 있다. 3. 근무경력에 따라 연봉제에 대한 인식을 살펴본 결과, 근무경력이 오래될수록 업무의 엄격성 강화정도(p<.05)와 단기 업적주의 치중 가능성(p<.05)에 대해 높은 인식을 보였으며, 3~5년 종사자가 다른 종사자보다 근무시간의 변화(p<.01)에 대해 높은 인식을 보였고, 2년 이하의 종사자가 연봉제에 대해 가장 높은 인식(p<.05)을 보이고 있음을 알 수 있다. 4. 연봉제가 성과를 거두기 위한 전제조건으로 평가결과의 공정성이 전제되어야 한다고 인식하는 치과의료 종사자가 31.6%로 가장 많았으며, 다음으로 노사 상호간의 이해와 신뢰구축 26.3%, 연봉제의 구성원들에 대한 긍정적인 태도 16.8%, 연봉제에 대한 최고경영자(주체)의 확고한 신념 12.3%, 연봉산정의 기준이 되는 목표치의 달성가능 10.5% 순으로 나타났다. 또한 치과의원 종사자가 치과병원 종사자보다 연봉제가 성과를 거두기 위해서는 연봉제의 구성원에 대한 긍정적인 태도(p<.05)가 전제되어야 한다고 인식하였고, 치과의사가 치과위생보다 연봉산정의 기준이 되는 목표치의 달성가능(p<.001)이 전제되어야 한다고 인식하였다.

  • PDF

21세기 바람직한 정부조직과 정부조직법 (The Government Organization Act and the Desirable Government Structure in the 21st Century)

  • 성낙인
    • 법제연구
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    • 제44호
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    • pp.241-281
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    • 2013
  • 첫째, 정부조직은 그 출발에서부터 국가형태 정부형태와 연계되어 논의되어야 한다. 현실적으로는 정부조직 법정주의와 비법정주의의 조화가 필요하다. 우리의 정부조직 법정주의에서 정부조직의 유연성을 확보하기 위해서는 새 정부의 출범과 더불어 새 정부가 요구하는 정부조직을 의회는 가급적 수용하는 자세가 필요해 보인다. 이를 통해서 정부조직 법정주의의 경직성을 완화시켜 주어야 한다. 하지만 새 정부의 정부조직이 지나치게 많은 변화를 요구하는 것은 자칫 헌법이 추구하는 정부조직 법정주의의 본질을 훼손시킬 우려가 있다. 그런 점에서 새 정부의 지나치게 자의적인 정부조직 변경은 바람직하지 않다. 그 어떤 경우에도 정부조직은 장기적 안정성을 담보해야 한다. 둘째, 행정각부가 아닌 일반적인 행정기관은 국무총리의 통할을 받지 아니하고 대통령 직속으로 설치해서는 아니 된다. 헌법이 대통령${\rightarrow}$국무총리${\rightarrow}$행정각부의 하이라키를 형성해 두고 있음에도 불구하고 대통령${\rightarrow}$집행기관을 설치하는 것은 원칙적으로 위헌이라고 보아야 한다. 그러므로 대통령실에는 대통령비서실과 특수한 임무를 가진 기구의 설치에 한정되어야 하며, 대통령실에 일반행정기관을 편의적으로 설치하는 것은 현행헌법의 정신에 어긋난다. 셋째, 국무총리실은 명실상부한 내치의 중심축이어야 한다. 그런 점에서 대통령은 국가원수로서 국가의 나아갈 방향을 그리는 큰 정치에 전념해야 한다면, 국무총리실을 중심으로 한 내각은 국가의 일상적인 업무를 총괄해야 한다. 넷째, 집행기관의 두 축은 총리실과 행정각부가 된다. 잦은 행정각부의 명칭 변경에 따른 혼란을 수습하고 아울러 전통적인 행정 각부의 명칭과 권위를 복원시키고, 국가의 정통성을 회복시켜야 한다. 한국적 민주주의의 정착을 위해서는 민주법치국가의 공고화를 위한 제도적 설계가 필요하다. 또한 공안부처와 경제부처도 시대적 현실에 부응한 개혁의 필요성이 높다. 또한 시대변화에 순응하는 기술과 정책의 융합을 합리적으로 해결해 나가야 한다.

아동·청소년 복지의 개념과 법체계의 개선방안 (Definition of Child and Youth Welfare and Proposals for the Reform of Legal System)

  • 조성혜
    • 법제연구
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    • 제41호
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    • pp.43-85
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    • 2011
  • 아동복지(또는 청소년복지)와 관련한 법제를 연구하는 데는 다양한 접근이 가능하다. 최협의로는 아동복지법에 대한 연구이고, 최광의로는 아동 또는 청소년복지와 관련된 일체의 법령에 대한 연구이다. 또는 아동복지를 사회보장(사회복지)의 일종으로 보아 출산, 양육, 보육에 대한 경제적 지원으로 한정해 볼 수도 있다. 그런데 어떠한 접근을 하든 우리나라에서 아동복지 또는 청소년복지 관련 법이 무엇인가를 살펴보고자 하면 불가피하게 다음과 같은 미결의 문제에 직면하게 된다. 우선 아동과 청소년의 개념이 불분명하다. 아동복지법은 18세 미만의 자를 아동이라고 하고 있는 반면(제2조 제1호), 청소년기본법에서는 "청소년"을 9세 이상 24세 이하의 자라고 하고 있고(제3조 제1호), 청소년보호법은 청소년을 만 19세 미만의 자를 말한다고 규정하고 있다(제2조 제1호). 아동과 청소년의 법적 개념이 모호한 결과 아동복지와 청소년복지의 개념과 범위도 불분명해진다. 아동복지가 청소년복지를 포함하는 개념인지, 청소년복지가 아동복지를 포함하는 개념인지, 아니면 양자는 별개의 개념인지가 모호하다. 아동복지법에는 아동복지에 관한 개념 규정이 없고, 청소년기본법에서 청소년 복지를 "청소년이 정상적인 삶을 영위할 수 있는 기본적인 여건을 조성하고 조화롭게 성장 발달할 수 있도록 제공되는 사회적 경제적 지원을 말한다"(제3조 제4호)고 정의하고 있으나, 아동복지와 청소년복지를 구분하는 단서는 없다. 또한 아동복지법과는 별도로 청소년복지지원법이 있는데, 양 법에 의해 아동복지와 청소년복지가 분리되는 것인지도 분명치 않다. '아동복지법'이든 '청소년복지지원법'이든 복지를 다루고 있다는 점에서는 차이가 없는데 '복지법'과 '복지지원법'이라는 명칭 때문에 아동복지와 청소년복지가 구분된다고 보는 것은 타당치 않아 보인다. 그런데 실제로 아동복지법은 요보호 아동에 관한 규정을 두고 있는 반면, 청소년복지지원법은 모든 청소년에 대한 보편적 복지를 주요 내용으로 하고 있다. 그러한 연유에서인지 최근 사회복지 분야에서는 아동복지와 청소년복지를 구분하여 전자는 주로 요보호 아동에 대한 선별적 복지를, 후자는 모든 청소년에 대한 보편적인 복지를 의미한다고 보고 있다. 그러나 용어만으로 볼 때 아동복지를 요보호 아동에 대한 복지, 청소년복지를 모든 청소년을 대상으로 한 복지라고 할 만한 근거는 없다. 이같은 문제를 염두고 두고 아래에서는 아동 및 청소년 관련법이 어떠한 이유로 현재의 혼란스러운 상태에 이르게 되었는가를 그 역사적 발전과정을 통해 살펴본 후 현행의 법률들이 아동 및 청소년을 어떻게 정의하고 있는가, 그 대상은 누구인가를 검토해 본다. 나아가 아동 및 청소년복지 법제의 헌법적 근거와 그 범위 획정에 대하여 알아보고, 법 체계상의 문제점과 개선방안이 무엇인가를 모색해 보기로 한다.

대순사상의 남녀평등이념과 여성성 재조명 - 여성해원의 원리로 본 공덕과 실천을 중심으로 - (Reviewing the Concept of Gender Equality and Femininity in Daesoon Thought: Focusing on Meritorious Deeds and Implementing a Practice on the Based on the Resolution of Grievances for Women)

  • 박민미;황희연;박용철
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제29집
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    • pp.209-239
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구의 목적은 대순사상에 입각한 여성성(女性性)과 외부담론인 페미니즘(Feminism) 이론을 통해 여성과 여성성에 대한 개념 및 그 역할의 의미와 가치를 재조명해보고자 하는 데 있다. 특히 남녀평등 이념을 실현하는 과정에서 대순사상의 여성해원(女性解冤)과 관련하여 여성으로서의 공덕(功德)과 이를 위한 실천적 부분에 대해 집중적으로 살핌으로써 여성해원의 적극적이고 바람직한 역할을 도출하고자 한다. 그럼으로써 상극(相克)의 세계를 상생(相生)의 세계로, 억음존양(抑陰尊陽)의 상황이 낳은 갈등을 정음정양(正陰正陽)할 수 있는 길을 모색하고자 한다. 1세대 페미니즘은 평등 지향 논리로 요약될 수 있다. 이를 대순사상과 관련시켜 볼 때, 남녀를 떠나서 완전한 인간완성을 이루고자 한다면 여성의 입장에서 보았을 때 대순사상에서 제시하는 가장 이상적인 여성상은 여성도통군자(女性道通君子)일 것이다. 후천에서는 남성과 여성의 구별이 없이 노력한 만큼의 결과를 얻을 수 있다. 도의 이치에 대한 깨달음, 즉 음양의 이치를 깨달은 상태에서는 남성과 여성의 구별이 무의미하며 남녀 모두 '도통군자(道通君子)'에 다름 아닌 것이다. 따라서 페미니즘 1세대의 평등이념과 여성해원 사상은 그 개념 구사의 유사성에도 불구하고 평등의 이념이 도달하고자 하는 차원이 명백히 구별되는 논의라고 할 것이다. 2세대 페미니즘의 대표적 논증은 '배려'라는 여성적 특질의 강조이다. 대순사상에서 이와 관련되는 개념은 자모지정(慈母之情)이다. 그런데 자모지정은 비단 여성만이 가지는 덕도 아니고 어머니인 사람만이 가지는 덕이 아니라 '음덕(陰德)'이라고 하는 '음(陰)'의 가치이다. 자모지정은 자신을 적극적으로 내세우는 것이 아니라 낮추고 타인의 뜻을 이루도록 돕는 실천 영역을 지칭하며, 음(陰)이라는 원리의 환유적 차원인 '여성성'과 닿아있는 가치이다. 이를 사회적으로 확산시키는 과정 중에 하나로써 중요한 것이 포덕이라고 할 수 있으며, 이러한 포덕을 통해 화(和)를 이끌어내면 '정음정양'이라는 도가 실현된 평(平)의 상태에 도달할 수 있는 것이다. 그리고 이 평의 차원은 정음정양이 실현된 우주적 과정이기 때문에 단순히 사회에서의 평등 구현이라는 페미니즘, 혹은 다수의 이데올로기들의 세간적 차원의 목표와 명백한 차이를 가지고 있다. 상극의 시대인 선천에서 상생의 시대인 후천으로 나아감에 있어서 '평(平)'의 원리와 '화(和)'의 원리를 부단히 실천해가야 한다는 논리를 제시한다고도 볼 수 있는 대순사상의 관점에서 그 출발점에 있는 '화(和)'와 '포덕(布德)'의 관계성과 그 가치에 대한 강조가 중요하다고 할 때 대순사상의 실현은 '자모지정'이라는 여성적 가치의 활성화에 그 출발점이 있다고 밝힐 수 있다.

상호작용적 작품에서 놀이속성: 모리스 베나윤(Maurice Benayoun)의 작품을 중심으로 (Attributes of "Play" in Interactive Art: Interpreting Maurice Benayoun's Artworks)

  • 박연숙
    • 미술이론과 현장
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    • 제15호
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    • pp.83-109
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    • 2013
  • The study mainly discusses appreciation of interactive art works seen from the perspective of play attributes that make spectators glimpse the truth of things. The general studies of interactivity, as one of remarkable features in contemporary art, are regarding the relation between the effects of digital media and interactivity as well as video games. From the preceding discussion, I analyze the effects of the appreciating interactive art works which are focused on new sensory systems, the methods to intuit the essence of the art works. Based on the concept, as I investigate the play attributes found in the interactive art works, this study gives attention to the possibility that if the spectators can reach the inherent aspects of interactive art works, while interacting them. Thus to discuss the properties of the play, this article studies play concept of Johan Huizinga(1872-1945), psychologist and anthropologist and play theory of Hans Georg Gadamer(1900-2002) who considers play as a metaphor for art. As Huizinga thinks acting is the important attribute of play, Gadamer argues whenever the term 'play' is used, we should think about 'to-and tro movement' and the movement is absence of goal as well as endlessly renews through repetition. Then what we should pay attention to, seeing the essence of art and play as similar? That is, Gadamer claims, we can understand the truth of things through the play. To apply the play concept to the interactive art works, I research the works of Maurice Benayoun(1957 - ), French interactive artist. By employing interactivity, he attempts to extend and affect the experience of his art works to one of social phenomenon. Striving this, spectators can widen and deepen the breadth of their intuition and recognize the essence of art works. It is the interactive art works that can be the apex of the transformation of structure from the play to the art. The endless repetitive process of play, which is free creation-annihilation process, is similar with the interactive experience of spectators that is variable, de-centered, and multi-sensory. The pure action of the play lets us recognize, sense and accept the world and through the system of interactive art experience, we can expand the horizons of perception. Interactive art works with these play attributes are capable of playing the role that the spectators glimpse the truth of things and experience the world around them.

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농촌문화마을 조성 및 활성화 방안연구(1) - 김제시 대산마을(현황분석 및 기본구상)을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Creation and Activation Program of Cultural Rural Village - Focused on the Case in Dae -San Village, Kimje-si, Chonbuk Province -)

  • 최만봉
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2000
  • Now in order to overcome the weakest points of the rural areas of the city of Kimje and, transform them into rural cultural villages which have local governing systems suitable to new localization age and activate this plan, we selected Daesan Village as a model village which had shown a lot of potentials in the basic research and studied it dividing it into the former part and the latter part. We studied Daesan village in the former part focusing on state analysis and basic ideas and in the latter part focusing on master plan and detail planning. We can summarize the conclusion like the followings. 1. Daesan Village located 8 kilometer away from the downtown Kimje and the city of Iksan respectably has comparatively good environment of good sunny place as an open field whose surrounding configuration of the ground consists of farming lands and low hills in front and rear. It has 38 farming households in all. 2. Human environment(인문환경); the village road whose width is about 4 meters is forming a flow system forking off into three. There is a route bus which operates three times a day even into the inside of the village. The main sources of revenue are vegetables in facilities, fruits and floriculture. Their average revenue is about 10.5 million won. 3. Here in DaeSan Village a legend dealing with Teasan literally meaning a big mountain consist of th village's tradition and you can see the tombs of a very faithful son and Anwi an army general in the age of the Japanese Invasion of Korea of 1592 to 1598 inside the village. 4. 85 out of the eitire population 141 whose age are over 20 showed very positive attitudes in a questionnaire about, making the village a cultural one and its development. 5. The basic of planned ideas is to increase the revenue of the farming household by making the village a professional farming one which has a state-of the-art production facility and agricultural technique. It is to make the village the one where people can enjoy the sense of the rural life and the farmer can enjoy their lives through consumptive and consistant leisure and resting activities. 6. We are planning to make entrance space, life space, rest and sport space, and cultural space considering the characteristics of the village and the demand of the resident. We are also planning to make tile entire city of Kimje an information transmitting base in short and long term perspectives. 7. DaeSan Village was planned as a place where tradition and the future exist together. On the basis of this concept we planned future programs for Daesan Village and in the latter part of the study master plans and detail plans will be continued.the regional agricultural condition. The development permissions were only during the period of restricted to use ($1979.12{\sim}1993.11$). We propose that the authority of development permission should be given to the local autonomy government, because the local government has the knowledge of its individual agricultural conditions.

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A Study on Korean Male Cosmetics Analysed Through The Newspaper Articles From 2000 To 2010

  • An, Jin-Kyung;Hong, Na-Young
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.63-83
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to prove the changes, development and social background of Korean male cosmetics over the period of 2000-2010. There were total 574 articles written about male make-up and cosmetics in Chosun Daily, Joongang Daily and Donga Daily, which are the top three Korean local daily newspapers in terms of sales revenue for that period. These articles were analyzed together with social background research from various books and daily newspapers. The analysis of articles was divided into different categories; such as foundation cosmetics, color cosmetics, hair, and the social background. It was found that the articles related to foundation cosmetics were written the most, the articles related to male appearance management were second, articles on other items including how to manage the skin being the least. As for the social background of Korean male cosmetics, first of all, a change in social recognition can be pointed out. The traditional understanding of gender roles has changed, men's appearance management has started to be regarded as a competitive talent, and at the same time, the esthetic viewpoint for men also has changed. One example is the newly made popular term, "flower-handsome man", which shows the new trend of favoring males with nice skin. Second, the expansion of mass culture can be pointed out. As consumers can get information and fashion trends easier and faster, the fashion spreads fast, and this has led to the generalization and popularization of the sense of beauty. Third, the development of scientific technology and medical science can be pointed out. Thanks to the progress in those areas. the extension of youthfulness has become possible and the cosmetics industry was also affected greatly, as shown in the market spread of functional products for anti-ageing and wrinkle control as the interest in anti-ageing has grown. There are benefits from the development of scientific technology, but the problem of environmental pollution has appeared due to machinery and industrialization and thus the issue of well-being has been raised. Rising interest in naturalism, pro-environmentalism and organic cosmetics has influenced the cosmetics industry. In addition, the quantity of ultraviolet rays exposed to our skin has increased due to the air pollution caused by the destruction of environment, leading to increased usage of sun block lotion. Lastly, the influence of consumer society and the expansion of consumerism culture can be pointed out. In the modern society, consumption acts not only as the use of products and services but it also has an important role of mediating individuals with others and the society. The market for male cosmetics has been expanding and the number of men putting on make-up has been increasing rapidly. Therefore, this study is meaningful in that the analysis of the mode of change and the social background are an essential process in order to provide a direction for the future market for male cosmetics.

Arshile Gorky와 Jackson Pollock의 Painting이 현대의상 직물 문양에 미친 영향 (The Influence of Arshile Gorky's & Jackson Pollock's Painting on Modern Fashion)

  • 정흥숙
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.197-207
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    • 1992
  • Expressionism, is as diverse as the artists invo)ved, in a very broad sense two main tendencies may be noted. The first is that of the Action painters, concerned in different ways with the gesture of the brush and the texture of the paint. It included such major artists as Arshile Gorky, Jackson Pollock, Willem De Keening, and Franz Kline. The other group consisted of the Color Field painters, concerned with the statement of an abstract sign or tranquil image in terms of a large, unified color shape or area. Here must be included Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, Ad Rdinhardt, as well as, to a degree, Adolph Gottlieb, Robert Motherwell, and Clyf(ord Still. In this paper, 1 selected two artists Arshile Gorky and Jackson Pollock independent charac-teristics and studied the influence of their Action painting on the fabrics of modern fashion. However, it should be noted it was never the intention of the critic Harold Rosenberg, in coining this term, to imply that Action painting was a kind of athletic exercise. Nor is it true that the furious and seemingly haphazard scattering of the paint involved a completely uncontrolled, intuitive act. There is no question that, in the paintings of Jackson Pollock, Arshile Gorky and many of the other Abstract Expressionists, the element of intuition or the accidental plays a large and deliberate part; this was indeed one of the principal contributions of Abstract Expressionism which had found its own inspiration in surrealism's 'psychic automaton'. However, nothing that an experienced and accomplished artist does can be completely accidental. Aside from their intrinsic quality, the spun-out skeins of poured pigments contributed other elements that changed the course of modern painting. There was the concept of the all-over painting, the painting seemingly without beginning or end, extending to the very limits of the canvas and implying an extension even beyond. The feeling of absorption or participation is heightened by the ambiguity of the picture space. The colors and lines, although never punctur-ing deep perspective holes in the surface, still create an illusion of continuous movement, a billowing, a surging back and forth, within a limited depth. To study the influence of Abstract Expressionism on the fabric of modern fashion, 1 selected and examined four fashion magazines: Collezioni published in France, Bazaar in Italy, Gap in Japan and Vogue in the U.S.a. froim January 1989 to June 1991. As a result of this review I found that some fabrics used in modern clothing are printed in a dripping, pouring and splashing style without any meaning or form. Slides included in the presentation show that modern fabrics which are printed in such a style were influenced by Abstract Expressionism. The slides also show that these abstract prints are well suited to modern fashion design.

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The Effects of the Attractiveness of an Internet Shopping Mall and Flow on Affective Commitment

  • Kang, Sung-Ju;Kim, Jae-Yeong;Park, Young-Kyun
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2011
  • With the many advantages of the internet, online shopping has become one of the fastest growing types of retail businesses. However, internet-based firms are much more firmly required to retain existing customers rather than secure new ones, and to make them revisit the site by strengthening trust and loyalty, thereby improving profits and outrivaling competitors. Commitment is an essential part of successful long-term relationships between buyers and sellers. Although commitments by both parties in an exchange can provide the foundation for the development of relational social norms, disproportionate commitments can lead to opportunism by the less committed partner. Moreover, flow, which is characterized by intense concentration and enjoyment, was found to be significantly linked with exploratory use behavior, which in turn was linked to the extent of computer use. The level of flow was, itself, determined by the individual's sense of being in control, and the level of challenge perceived in maneuvering a website. Website attractiveness goes hand in hand with the attractiveness of an internet shopping mall, and it can be conceptualized as the persuasive effectiveness of a message by the use of familiarity, favor, similarity, etc. It occurs when information receivers try to achieve self-satisfaction when they actually or emotionally identify themselves with an information source. This study investigates the relationship between the perceived system characteristics of an internet shopping mall and the loyalty of online consumers, and it examines how perceived website attractiveness and flow play mediating roles between the perceived system characteristics of an internet shopping mall and the affective commitment in the context of a clothes internet shopping mall. For these purposes, a structural model comprising several variables was developed. That model was tested with an analysis of moment structure (AMOS) using data from respondents who had purchased clothing through the internet during the past three months. In this model, the perceived system characteristics of an internet shopping mall, such as familiarity, reputation, uniqueness, positive emotions, self-efficacy, and interactivity, were proposed to affect the website's attractiveness and flow, and lead to a higher affective commitment over time. Thus, the perceived website attractiveness and flow were proposed as core mediating variables between perceived system characteristics and affective commitment. The results of a reliability test using Cronbach's Alpha, and a confirmatory factor analysis warranted using unidimensionality for the measures for each construct. In addition, the nomological validity of the measures was warranted from the results of a correlation analysis. The results of empirical analyses indicated that systematic attributes resulting in website attractiveness and user's characteristics, thereby triggering customers' flow, play a crucial role in inducing customers' affective commitment, and a user's characteristics are twice as important as systematic attributes in this study. Moreover, familiarity, reputation, and uniqueness all have a significant effect on website attractiveness, and the research showed that uniqueness took the first place, and that familiarity and reputation followed in order of magnitude. The fact that reputation was not the most important factor that affects the attractiveness of an internet shopping mall, with uniqueness or familiarity having a greater impact, suggests much deeper implications. Finally, positive emotion, self-efficacy, and interactivity all have a significant effect on customers' flow. In particular, the fact that positive emotion, compared to self-efficacy or interactivity, has much more impact on flow is very suggestive.

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학교 수학 기하 용어의 의미론적 탐색 - 기하 용어의 역사적 변천 및 국제 비교를 중심으로 - (A Semantic Investigation of Geometric Terminology in School Mathematics)

  • 박경미;임재훈
    • 대한수학교육학회지:수학교육학연구
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.565-586
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    • 1998
  • Like many other school subjects, terminology is a starting point of mathematical thinking, and plays a key role in mathematics learning. Among several areas in mathematics, geometry is the area in which students usually have the difficulty of learning, and the new terms are frequently appeared. This is why we started to investigate geometric terms first. The purpose of this study is to investigate geometric terminology in school mathematics. To do this, we traced the historical transition of geometric terminology from the first revised mathematics curriculum to the 7th revised one, and compared the geometric terminology of korean, english, Japanese, and North Korean. Based on this investigation, we could find and structuralize the following four issues. The first issue is that there are two different perspectives regarding the definitions of geometric terminology: inclusion perspective and partition perspective. For example, a trapezoid is usually defined in terms of inclusion perspective in asian countries while the definition of trapezoid in western countries are mostly based on partition perspective. This is also the case of the relation of congruent figures and similar figures. The second issue is that sometimes there are discrepancies between the definitions of geometric figures and what the name of geometric figures itself implies. For instance, a isosceles trapezoid itself means the trapezoid with congruent legs, however the definition of isosceles trapezoid is the trapezoid with two congruent angles. Thus the definition of the geometric figure and what the term of the geometric figure itself implies are not consistent. We also found this kind of discrepancy in triangle. The third issue is that geometric terms which borrow the name of things are not desirable. For example, Ma-Rum-Mo(rhombus) in Korean borrows the name from plants, and Sa-Da-Ri-Gol(trapezoid) in Korean implies the figure which resembles ladder. These terms have the chance of causing students' misconception. The fourth issue is that whether we should Koreanize geometric terminology or use Chinese expression. In fact, many geometric terms are made of Chinese characters. It's very hard for students to perceive the ideas existing in terms which are made of chines characters. In this sense, it is necessary to Koreanize geometric terms. However, Koreanized terms always work. Therefore, we should find the optimal point between Chines expression and Korean expression. In conclusion, when we name geometric figures, we should consider the ideas behind geometric figures. The names of geometric figures which can reveal the key ideas related to those geometric figures are the most desirable terms.

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