• Title/Summary/Keyword: Section analysis method

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Review of Land Cover Classification Potential in River Spaces Using Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning-Based Image Training Method (딥 러닝 기반 이미지 트레이닝을 활용한 하천 공간 내 피복 분류 가능성 검토)

  • Woochul, Kang;Eun-kyung, Jang
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.218-227
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    • 2022
  • This study attempted classification through deep learning-based image training for land cover classification in river spaces which is one of the important data for efficient river management. For this purpose, land cover classification analysis with the RGB image of the target section based on the category classification index of major land cover map was conducted by using the learning outcomes from the result of labeling. In addition, land cover classification of the river spaces was performed by unsupervised and supervised classification from Sentinel-2 satellite images provided in an open format, and this was compared with the results of deep learning-based image classification. As a result of the analysis, it showed more accurate prediction results compared to unsupervised classification results, and it presented significantly improved classification results in the case of high-resolution images. The result of this study showed the possibility of classifying water areas and wetlands in the river spaces, and if additional research is performed in the future, the deep learning based image train method for the land cover classification could be used for river management.

Single-Channel Seismic Data Processing via Singular Spectrum Analysis (특이 스펙트럼 분석 기반 단일 채널 탄성파 자료처리 연구)

  • Woodon Jeong;Chanhee Lee;Seung-Goo Kang
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.91-107
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    • 2024
  • Single-channel seismic exploration has proven effective in delineating subsurface geological structures using small-scale survey systems. The seismic data acquired through zero- or near-offset methods directly capture subsurface features along the vertical axis, facilitating the construction of corresponding seismic sections. However, substantial noise in single-channel seismic data hampers precise interpretation because of the low signal-to-noise ratio. This study introduces a novel approach that integrate noise reduction and signal enhancement via matrix rank optimization to address this issue. Unlike conventional rank-reduction methods, which retain selected singular values to mitigate random noise, our method optimizes the entire singular value spectrum, thus effectively tackling both random and erratic noises commonly found in environments with low signal-to-noise ratio. Additionally, to enhance the horizontal continuity of seismic events and mitigate signal loss during noise reduction, we introduced an adaptive weighting factor computed from the eigenimage of the seismic section. To access the robustness of the proposed method, we conducted numerical experiments using single-channel Sparker seismic data from the Chukchi Plateau in the Arctic Ocean. The results demonstrated that the seismic sections had significantly improved signal-to-noise ratios and minimal signal loss. These advancements hold promise for enhancing single-channel and high-resolution seismic surveys and aiding in the identification of marine development and submarine geological hazards in domestic coastal areas.

Wave Height Estimation with a Short Return Period (짧은 재현기간의 파고 추정)

  • Hong-Yeon Cho;Min-Ji Che;Gi-Seop Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2024
  • Bisection and grid search methods are proposed as wave height estimation techniques for short return periods (hereafter RP; reference, one year) using long-term wave monitoring data. The proposed method is compared and evaluated with the estimation results using GP (generalized Pareto) and GEV (generalized extreme value) distribution functions, which are widely used as extreme value analysis methods. The wave height data used for the estimation were KMA Ulleungdo Ocean Buoy's wave height data observed for 12 years from 2012 to 2023. The estimation results show that the annual frequency wave height is 4.55 m, the 90% confidence interval (±5%) is [4.18, 4.69] (m), and the confidence interval for the RP is [0.58, 1.42] (years). The difference from the GP and GEV estimation results (4.61 m and 4.53 m, respectively) was statistically 'no significance difference.' The method proposed in this study can estimate design variables for RPs without assumptions on candidate extreme distribution functions or parameter estimation procedures, so it can be used to estimate wave heights for short RPs of one year or less when observation data of approximately ten years or more are available.

Comparative analysis of medicinal expenditure archives in Korean medicine : Focusing on survey methods and expenditure of Korean medicine clinics in 2012 (한의의료비 자료원의 비교 분석 연구 : 조사 방법 및 2012년 한의원 의료비를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dongsu;Chong, Myongsoo;Lee, Eunkyoung;Ko, Seong-Gyu
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2015
  • Objective : In order to understand the scale of medicinal expenditure in the Korean medicine, an analysis has been made of Korean National Health Account and statistic archives used to estimate the Korean National Health Account and also of such archives as are contributory to learn the scale of total health expenditures in the Korean medicine. Method : From the Korean National Health Account archives, an analysis has been made of National health insurance statistic annual reports, National health insurance non-payment items, Korean Economic Census (The Service Industy Survey), and Korea Health Panel data. Moreover, in order to know the sales of overall Korean medicine clinics, relevant data have been utilized and cited from investigations into National tax statistics, Korean medicine medical institutions and Korean medicines used, and current states of medicinal herbs and Korean medicine industry. Results : It is found that the average scale of each section of the medical expenditures archives in the Korean medicine in 2012 was KRW 3.5638 billion and that the average medical expenditures in the Korean medicine derived from Total Health Expenditure, The Service Industy Survey, National tax statistic, and Korean medicine industry are approximately KRW 3.3901, 3.4796, 3.7218 and 3.9634 billion. And the average expenditures derived from National health insurance patients and Korea Health Panel data are 2.5162 and 2.2292 billion won and those from the users and consumers of Korean medicines and herbs are 5.6,461 billion won. In order to verify the appropriateness of estimated medical expenditures in the Korean medicine included in the archives, an analysis has been made of uninsured costs which come from the aggregate sales amount surveyed minus health insurance treatment expenditures and it is found that the ratio of insured costs against total health expenditures in 2006 was 50.67% and 41.92% in 2012 and that the ratio based on National tax statistics and The Service Industy Survey was 52.19% and 49.28% in 2006 and 50.54% and 50.64% in 2012 and that the ratio of uninsured costs against Korean medicines and herbs and Korean medicine industry was 37.5% and 58.27% in 2013. Conclusion : It calls for the improvement of the accuracy of an investigation into Total Health Expenditure which comprise the actual conditions of health insurance and Korea Health Panel, the development of statistic schemes for understanding and classifying medical expenditures of all the Korean medicine medicinal institutions like medicinal clinics, and enhanced methods for independent panels to comprehensively collect and analyze the number of sampled Korean medicine medical institutions.

Development of the U-turn Accident Model at Signalized Intersections in Urban Areas by Logistic Regression Analysis (로지스틱 회귀분석에 의한 도시부 신호교차로 유턴 사고모형 개발)

  • Kang, Jong Ho;Kim, Kyung Whan;Kim, Seong Mun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.1279-1287
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the U-turn accident model at signalized intersections in urban areas. The characteristics of the accidents which are associated with U-turn operation at 3 and 4-legged signalized intersections was analyzed and the U-turn accident model was developed by regression analysis in Changwon city. First, in order to analyze the effectiveness on traffic accidents by U-turn installation, the difference of mean of traffic accident number are measured between two groups which are composed by whether or not U-turn installation the groups by Mann-Whitney U test. The result of significance test showed that intergroup comparison on mean by accident types made difference except rear-end accident type and by accident locations exit section only showed difference in significance level at 4-legged intersections, so the accident number have more where the U-turn is permitted than not. Response measures about the number of accidents were classified by whether accidents occurred and accident model were constructed using binomial logistic regression analysis method. The developed models show that the variables of conflict traffic, number of opposing lane are adopted as independent variable for both intersections. The variables of longitudinal grade for 3-legged signalized intersection and number of crosswalk for 4-legged signalized intersection at which the U-turn is permitted is adopted as independent variable only. These study results suggest that U-turn would be permitted at the intersection where the number of opposing lane is more than 3.5 each, the longitudinal grade of opposing road is upward flow and there is need to establish the U-turn traffic sign at signalized intersections.

Accuracy Analysis of Velocity and Water Depth Measurement in the Straight Channel using ADCP (ADCP를 이용한 직선 하천의 유속 및 수심 측정 정확도 분석)

  • Kim, Jongmin;Kim, Dongsu;Son, Geunsoo;Kim, Seojun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.367-377
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    • 2015
  • ADCPs have been highlighted so far for measuring steramflow discharge in terms of their high-order of accuracy, relatively low cost and less field operators driven by their easy in-situ operation. While ADCPs become increasingly dominant in hydrometric area, their actual measurement accuracy for velocity and bathymetry measurement has not been sufficiently validated due to the lack of reliable bench-mark data, and subsequently there are still many uncertain aspects for using ADCPs in the field. This research aimed at analyzing inter-comparison results between ADCP measurements with respect to the detailed ADV measurement in a specified field environment. Overall, 184 ADV points were collected for densely designed grids for the given cross-section that has 6 m of width, 1 m of depth, and 0.7 m/s of averaged mean flow velocity. Concurrently, ADCP fixed-points measurements were conducted for each 0.2m and 0.02m of horizontal and vertical spacing respectively. The inter-comparison results indicated that ADCP matched ADV velocity very accurately for 0.4~0.8 of relative depth (y/h), but noticeable deviation occurred between them in near surface and bottom region. For evaluating the capacity of measuring bathymetry of ADCPs, bottom tracking bathymetry based on oblique beams showed better performance than vertical beam approach, and similar results were shown for fixed and moving-boat method as well. Error analysis for velocity and bathymetry measurements of ADCP can be potentially able to be utilized for the more detailed uncertainty analysis of the ADCP discharge measurement.

A Study on the Abstraction of Movements Based on Laban's Space Theory "Choreutics" (라반의 공간조화이론 "코레우틱스(Choreutics)"를 활용한 움직임의 추상적 시각화 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeran;Lee, Sang Wook
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.371-381
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents a methodology for creating abstract animation based on the human movement theories originating from the work of dance theorist Rudolf von Laban. Laban Movement Analysis is a method and language for describing, visualizing, interpreting and documenting all varieties of human movement, and Choreutics is based on universal patterns of nature and of human as part of a universal design. Laban defines the space of movements in a profoundly dualistic way. Outwardly, his objective and scientific definitions provide a concrete base for generating human movements in computer graphics in terms of geometric and motion primitives such as points, lines, planes, polygons, linear and nonlinear movements. On the other hand, he also offers a system for understanding the subtle characteristics about the way a movement is dynamically done with respect to inner intention. Laban's interpretations of human motion can be utilized potentially in plastic arts and computer arts. Our work was inspired by those physical and psychological analyses and computer algorithms have been developed for creating abstract animation. We presented our computer animation works entitled "Choreography" in the exhibitions: a special section in "2015 Craft Trend Fair" and "Make Your Movement" held in the Korean Cultural Centre in UK, 2016. In this paper, we describe our ideas and methods for creating abstract object movements based on the Laban's motion representations.

Hydrogeochemistry and Statistical Analysis for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site in Gyeongju (경주 중·저준위 방폐장의 수리지화학 및 통계 분석)

  • Soon-Il Ok;Sieun Kim;Seongyeon Jung;Chung-Mo Lee
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.629-642
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    • 2023
  • Currently, low and intermediate level radioactive waste is being disposed of at the Gyeongju disposal site for permanent isolation. Since 2006, the Korea Radioactive Waste Agency has been conducting site characteristics surveys continuously verifying changes in the site based on the site monitoring and investigation plan. The hydrogeochemical environment of the disposal site is considered for the evaluation of natural barriers. However, the seawater must be considered because of the regional characteristics of Gyeongju, which is near the East Sea. Therefore, this study, collected 30 samples for deriving the groundwater quality data from seven wells and compared with two seawater samples collected from October 2017 to June 2022. Additionally, the study explores the groundwater monitoring method using statistical tools such as clustering and background concentration analysis. The groundwater samples in the study area were classified into two to four clusters depending on their chemical constituents-especially, EC, HCO3, Na, and Cl-using statistical analysis, molar ratio, and K-means clustering.

Dynamic Analysis of MABB(Multiple Arches Bowstring Bridge) and Single Arch Subjected to Moving Loads (이동하중을 받는 다중아치와 일반아치의 동적거동 분석)

  • Yhim, Sung Soon;Kim, Dong Yong;Son, Suk Ho;Kong, Min Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.17 no.5 s.78
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    • pp.537-547
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    • 2005
  • MABB(Editor's note: Please spell out "MABB" upon first mention)is a new structural type of arch that connects arch ribs and stiffened girders with two internal arches. In this study, the static and dynamic behavior of MABB were analyzed in comparison with those of conventional arches for the investigation of the structural effect of MABB on moving loads. For the purpose of surveying the effect of internal arches on the dynamic behavior of structure, natural frequency and natural vibration mode were investigated and the static and dynamic behavior were analyzed by the method of idealizing train loads as traveling loads consisting of a group of concentrated loads. From the results, the following conclusions were known. First, it is concluded that with MABB, decreasing the section of stiffened girders is possible as compared with conventional arches because the increase of stiffness by internal arches is larger than that of the mass of internal arches. Second, MABB has the advantage of assurance of stability of dynamic behavior because the dynamic behavior of MABB on moving loads is usually investigated in a more stable way than that of conventional arches.

Drone Detection with Chirp-Pulse Radar Based on Target Fluctuation Models

  • Kim, Byung-Kwan;Park, Junhyeong;Park, Seong-Jin;Kim, Tae-Wan;Jung, Dae-Hwan;Kim, Do-Hoon;Kim, Taihyung;Park, Seong-Ook
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.188-196
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents a pulse radar system to detect drones based on a target fluctuation model, specifically the Swerling target model. Because drones are small atypical objects and are mainly composed of non-conducting materials, their radar cross-section value is low and fluctuating. Therefore, determining the target fluctuation model and applying a proper integration method are important. The proposed system is herein experimentally verified and the results are discussed. A prototype design of the pulse radar system is based on radar equations. It adopts three different pulse modes and a coherent pulse integration to ensure a high signal-to-noise ratio. Outdoor measurements are performed with a prototype radar system to detect Doppler frequencies from both the drone frame and blades. The results indicate that the drone frame and blades are detected within an instrumental maximum range. Additionally, the results show that the drone's frame and blades are close to the Swerling 3 and 4 target models, respectively. By the analysis of the Swerling target models, proper integration methods for detecting drones are verified and can thus contribute to increasing in detectability.