• Title/Summary/Keyword: Section analysis method

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Performance Evaluation and Forecasting Model for Retail Institutions (유통업체의 부실예측모형 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Uk
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - The National Agricultural Cooperative Federation of Korea and National Fisheries Cooperative Federation of Korea have prosecuted both financial and retail businesses. As cooperatives are public institutions and receive government support, their sound management is required by the Financial Supervisory Service in Korea. This is mainly managed by CAEL, which is changed by CAMEL. However, NFFC's business section, managing the finance and retail businesses, is unified and evaluated; the CAEL model has an insufficient classification to evaluate the retail industry. First, there is discrimination power as regards CAEL. Although the retail business sector union can receive a higher rating on a CAEL model, defaults have often been reported. Therefore, a default prediction model is needed to support a CAEL model. As we have the default prediction model using a subdivision of indexes and statistical methods, it can be useful to have a prevention function through the estimation of the retail sector's default probability. Second, separating the difference between the finance and retail business sectors is necessary. Their businesses have different characteristics. Based on various management indexes that have been systematically managed by the National Fisheries Cooperative Federation of Korea, our model predicts retail default, and is better than the CAEL model in its failure prediction because it has various discriminative financial ratios reflecting the retail industry situation. Research design, data, and methodology - The model to predict retail default was presented using logistic analysis. To develop the predictive model, we use the retail financial statements of the NFCF. We consider 93 unions each year from 2006 to 2012 to select confident management indexes. We also adapted the statistical power analysis that is a t-test, logit analysis, AR (accuracy ratio), and AUROC (Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic) analysis. Finally, through the multivariate logistic model, we show that it is excellent in its discrimination power and higher in its hit ratio for default prediction. We also evaluate its usefulness. Results - The statistical power analysis using the AR (AUROC) method on the short term model shows that the logistic model has excellent discrimination power, with 84.6%. Further, it is higher in its hit ratio for failure (prediction) of total model, at 94%, indicating that it is temporally stable and useful for evaluating the management status of retail institutions. Conclusions - This model is useful for evaluating the management status of retail union institutions. First, subdividing CAEL evaluation is required. The existing CAEL evaluation is underdeveloped, and discrimination power falls. Second, efforts to develop a varied and rational management index are continuously required. An index reflecting retail industry characteristics needs to be developed. However, extending this study will need the following. First, it will require a complementary default model reflecting size differences. Second, in the case of small and medium retail, it will need non-financial information. Therefore, it will be a hybrid default model reflecting financial and non-financial information.

Estimation of Road-Network Performance and Resilience According to the Strength of a Disaster (재난 강도에 따른 도로 네트워크의 성능 및 회복력 산정 방안)

  • Jung, Hoyong;Choi, Seunghyun;Do, Myungsik
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2018
  • PURPOSES : This study examines the performance changes of road networks according to the strength of a disaster, and proposes a method for estimating the quantitative resilience according to the road-network performance changes and damage scale. This study also selected high-influence road sections, according to disasters targeting the road network, and aimed to analyze their hazard resilience from the network aspect through a scenario analysis of the damage recovery after a disaster occurred. METHODS : The analysis was conducted targeting Sejong City in South Korea. The disaster situation was set up using the TransCAD and VISSIM traffic-simulation software. First, the study analyzed how road-network damage changed the user's travel pattern and travel time, and how it affected the complete network. Secondly, the functional aspects of the road networks were analyzed using quantitative resilience. Finally, based on the road-network performance change and resilience, priority-management road sections were selected. RESULTS : According to the analysis results, when a road section has relatively low connectivity and low traffic, its effect on the complete network is insignificant. Moreover, certain road sections with relatively high importance can suffer a performance loss from major damage, for e.g., sections where bridges, tunnels, or underground roads are located, roads where no bypasses exist or they exist far from the concerned road, including entrances and exits to suburban areas. Relatively important roads have the potential to significantly degrade the network performance when a disaster occurs. Because of the high risk of delays or isolation, they may lead to secondary damage. Thus, it is necessary to manage the roads to maintain their performance. CONCLUSIONS : As a baseline study to establish measures for traffic prevention, this study considered the performance of a road network, selected high-influence road sections within the road network, and analyzed the quantitative resilience of the road network according to scenarios. The road users' passage-pattern changes were analyzed through simulation analysis using the User Equilibrium model. Based on the analysis results, the resilience in each scenario was examined and compared. Sections where a road's performance loss had a significant influence on the network were targeted. The study results were judged to become basic research data for establishing response plans to restore the original functions and performance of the destroyed and damage road networks, and for selecting maintenance priorities.

A Study on Comparison Experiments for Judgement to the Nondestructive Analysis of Gold Plated Silverware Remains (비파괴분석법에 의한 은제금도금유물의 판단을 위한 비교실험 연구)

  • Sim, Myung-Bo;Yu, Hei-Sun;Kim, Soo-Ki
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2011
  • If the nondestructive analysis is carried out by using an X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer(XRF) for ingredient analysis with the target of gold plated silverware that plates gold on a silver basis, a singular point showing big difference at the value of weight percent(wt.%) according to the electron orbit of the principal ingredient can be confirmed. The present research made reproduced samples and carried out comparative analysis in order to suggest a basis that can judge whether the technique of gold plated silverware was used in case of remains uneasy to understand with eyes by using this singular point. As a result, the same result as analysis results of actual remains could be seen in specimens manufactured by a mercury amalgam plating method. However, in case of gold and silver alloy specimens, it could be confirmed that the difference according to the electron orbit of the principal ingredients is slight unlike plated specimens. The reason appearing at plated specimens seems to be generated while absorbing XRF beam at plated layers by double structure due to plating instead of single material. Accordingly, if this result appearing at nondestructive analysis is used, it was confirmed that the application of the technique of gold plated silverware can be judged without observing its section.

A Study on the RCS Analysis and Reduction Method of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (무인수상정의 RCS 해석 및 감소 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Min-Seok;Ryu, Jae-Kwan;Hong, Soon-Kook
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.425-433
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, the RCS analysis of the 10m unmanned surface vehicles was performed, and the factors of RCS increase were analyzed. Modeling techniques by transforming a geometric shape can reduce the RCS area, which can be used to develop stealth unmanned surface vehicles. In order to reduce the RCS, the existing Top Mast part was moved 1m to the tail part, the 5 degree tilt angle was moved below 0.5 m, and additional guided walls were installed to minimize the influence on the center and surrounding corner reflecting structures. As a result of comparing and analyzing the RCS analysis value with the existing model, it can be seen that the reduced countermeasure model is -3.79 dB lower than the existing model for all elevations. In particular, it can be seen that the strong scattering phenomenon is substantially removed in the region except the sacrificial angle region. In addition, it can be seen that in the case of -5m to 2m where the guide wall is added, the reflected signal is improved up to 20 to 40 dB or more, so that it does not appear on the 2D ISAR image. RCS analysis of unmanned surface vehicles explained the process of analyzing and identifying problem location through distance profile analysis and ISAR image analysis.

Spatial Factors' Analysis of Affecting on Automated Driving Safety Using Spatial Information Analysis Based on Level 4 ODD Elements (Level 4 자율주행서비스 ODD 구성요소 기반 공간정보분석을 통한 자율주행의 안전성에 영향을 미치는 공간적 요인 분석)

  • Tagyoung Kim;Jooyoung Maeng;Kyeong-Pyo Kang;SangHoon Bae
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.182-199
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    • 2023
  • Since 2021, government departments have been promoting Automated Driving Technology Development and Innovation Project as national research and development(R&D) project. The automated vehicles and service technologies developed as part of these projects are planned to be subsequently provided to the public at the selected Living Lab City. Therefore, it is important to determine a spatial area and operation section that enables safe and stable automated driving, depending on the purpose and characteristics of the target service. In this study, the static Operational Design Domain(ODD) elements for Level 4 automated driving services were reclassified by reviewing previously published papers and related literature surveys and investigating field data. Spatial analysis techniques were used to consider the reclassified ODD elements for level 4 in the real area of level 3 automated driving services because it is important to reflect the spatial factors affecting safety related to real automated driving technologies and services. Consequently, a total of six driving mode changes(disengagement) were derived through spatial information analysis techniques, and the factors affecting the safety of automated driving were crosswalk, traffic light, intersection, bicycle road, pocket lane, caution sign, and median strip. This spatial factor analysis method is expected to be useful for determining special areas for the automated driving service.

Hydrodynamic Motion and Structural Performance of Concrete Floating Structure by Length Using Numerical Analysis (수치해석을 통한 콘크리트 부유구조체 길이에 따른 운동 및 구조성능 검토)

  • Lee, Du-Ho;You, Young-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.401-409
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    • 2013
  • In the present study, numerical analysis was performed for hydrodynamic motion and structural performance on four different concrete floating structures, which have same cross-section but different length. The hydrodynamic analysis of floating structures is carried out using ANSYS AQWA with the different 34 wave load on regular wave period from three seconds to ten seconds in 35 m water depth. In order to evaluate structural performance of floating structures under the critical wave load which obtained from hydrodynamic analysis. The integrated analysis is also carried out through the mapping method, which can directly connect the wave-induced hydraulic pressure obtained form ANSYS AQWA to Finite Element Model in ANSYS Mechanical. As a results of this study, the hydrodynamic motion of floating structures is decreased as the length of structure increased. It means that the effect of wave-structure interaction is strongly dependent on the relationship between a wave period and a length of structure. Moreover, it is found that tension stress on bottom slab of floating structure is occurred by the critical wave load, the sectional force is not influenced by length of a structure.

Analytical Study on Seismic Performance Assesment of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall using High-Strength Reinforcing Bar (고강도 철근을 적용한 철근콘크리트 전단벽체의 내진성능평가를 위한 해석적 연구)

  • Cheon, Ju-Hyun;Kim, Kyung-Min;Park, Kwang-Min;Shin, Hyun-Mock
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.138-145
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to establish a reasonable analytical method for the estimation of overall behavior characteristic from cracking to yielding of rebar and crushing of concrete and seismic performance of reinforced concrete shear wall with high-strength reinforcing bar. A total of 8 specimens of reinforced concrete walls which have constant aspect ratio and a variety of variables such as reinforcement ratio, reinforcement yielding strength, reinforcement details, concrete design strength, section shape and whether lateral restraint hoop were selected and the analysis was performed by using a non-linear finite element analysis program (RCAHEST) applying the proposed constitutive equation by the authors. The mean and coefficient of variation for maximum load from the experiment and analysis results was predicted 1.04 and 8%. The mean and coefficient of variation for displacement corresponding maximum load from the experiment and analysis results was predicted 1.17 and 19% respectively. The analytical results were predicted relatively well the fracture mode and the overall behavior until fracture for all specimens. These results are expected to be used as basic data for application of high-strength reinforcing bar to design codes in the future.

Evaluation of Environmental Stress for Highway Construction Project by Life Cycle Assessment Method (전과정평가기법에 의한 도로건설공사 환경부하량 평가 연구)

  • Moon, Jinseok;Ju, Kibeom;Seo, MyoungBae;Kang, Leenseok
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2014
  • The global community demands the reduction of environmental pollution such as greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions. According to these requirements, the road construction project in the highest energy consuming industry is required the efficient way of reducing environmental pollution emissions. In this study, during the whole life cycle process, an environment impact assessment was performed for the several road construction projects in order to evaluate environmental stress through the road construction process. This study provides a proper process of environment impact assessment for life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis of road construction project, and figures the environmental stress regarding to the major construction materials for the case projects. In addition, this study conducted a sensitivity analysis for the key materials of environmental stress through the quantity analysis of major materials for the 1km section of a road construction. By this sensitivity analysis of total environmental stress change from the different volumes of constructing materials, it would be useful information for the environment impact assessment for the future road construction project.

Development of Computation Model for Traffic Accidents Risk Index - Focusing on Intersection in Chuncheon City - (교통사고 위험도 지수 산정 모델 개발 - 춘천시 교차로를 중심으로 -)

  • Shim, Kywan-Bho;Hwang, Kyung-Soo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2009
  • Traffic accident risk index Computation model's development apply traffic level of significance about area of road user group, road and street network area, population group etc.. through numerical formula or model by countermeasure to reduce the occurrence rate of traffic accidents. Is real condition that is taking advantage of risk by tangent section through estimation model and by method to choose improvement way to intersection from outside the country, and is utilizing being applied in part business in domestic. However, question is brought in the accuracy being utilizing changing some to take external model in domestic real condition than individual development of model. Therefore, selection intersection estimation element through traffic accidents occurrence present condition, geometry structure, control way, traffic volume, turning traffic volume etc. in 96 intersections in this research, and select final variable through correlation analysis of abstracted estimation elements. Developed intersection design model taking advantage of signal type, numeric of lane, intersection type, analysis of variance techniques through ANOVA analysis of three variables of intersection form with selected variable lastly, in signal crossing through three class intersection, distinction variable choice risk in model, no-signal crossing risk distinction analysis model and so on develop.

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A Study on Evaluation of Floor Vibration for Steel Frame Modular Housing (철골 조립식주택 바닥판 진동 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Sung;Jo, Min-Joo;Kim, Seung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.104-111
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    • 2016
  • The steel frame modular housing of which the research and development has been actively carried out recently cannot be constructed through monolithic placement like the reinforced concrete deck of general structure due to the characteristics of construction method of production in the factory and assembly on the site. And floor vertical vibration and deflection caused by inhabitants' activities may become an important issue in the aspect of usability evaluation due to a decrease in the section size of member, a decrease in weight, and so on. Therefore, this study evaluated the vibration performance of deck by using formula of AISC Design Guide 11(hereinafter AISC formula) which was practically used in general for modules where a stud was and wasn't installed at the center of beam in the longitudinal direction in the modular housing to be studied, and examined the applicability of AISC formula through comparison with the results of analysis using a general-purpose analysis program. On the basis of this, a structural cause for an error to occur between analysis result and AISC formula in the deck of module in which a stud was installed was analysed, and measures for considering this were suggested. Besides, an analysis model with the variables of measures for improving the floor vibration performance of modular housing to be studied was established. And measures having excellent vibration performance and economic feasibility were suggested through vibration response analysis and economic evaluation.