• Title/Summary/Keyword: Search for Missing Person

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Developing a Method to Define Mountain Search Priority Areas Based on Behavioral Characteristics of Missing Persons

  • Yoo, Ho Jin;Lee, Jiyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.293-302
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    • 2019
  • In mountain accident events, it is important for the search team commander to determine the search area in order to secure the Golden Time. Within this period, assistance and treatment to the concerned individual will most likely prevent further injuries and harm. This paper proposes a method to determine the search priority area based on missing persons behavior and missing persons incidents statistics. GIS (Geographic Information System) and MCDM (Multi Criteria Decision Making) are integrated by applying WLC (Weighted Linear Combination) techniques. Missing persons were classified into five types, and their behavioral characteristics were analyzed to extract seven geographic analysis factors. Next, index values were set up for each missing person and element according to the behavioral characteristics, and the raster data generated by multiplying the weight of each element are superimposed to define models to select search priority areas, where each weight is calculated from the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) through a pairwise comparison method obtained from search operation experts. Finally, the model generated in this study was applied to a missing person case through a virtual missing scenario, the priority area was selected, and the behavioral characteristics and topographical characteristics of the missing persons were compared with the selected area. The resulting analysis results were verified by mountain rescue experts as 'appropriate' in terms of the behavior analysis, analysis factor extraction, experimental process, and results for the missing persons.

Implementation of YOLO based Missing Person Search Al Application System (YOLO 기반 실종자 수색 AI 응용 시스템 구현)

  • Ha Yeon Km;Jong Hoon Kim;Se Hoon Jung;Chun Bo Sim
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.159-170
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    • 2023
  • It takes a lot of time and manpower to search for the missing. As part of the solution, a missing person search AI system was implemented using a YOLO-based model. In order to train object detection models, the model was learned by collecting recognition images (road fixation) of drone mobile objects from AI-Hub. Additional mountainous terrain datasets were also collected to evaluate performance in training datasets and other environments. In order to optimize the missing person search AI system, performance evaluation based on model size and hyperparameters and additional performance evaluation for concerns about overfitting were conducted. As a result of performance evaluation, it was confirmed that the YOLOv5-L model showed excellent performance, and the performance of the model was further improved by applying data augmentation techniques. Since then, the web service has been applied with the YOLOv5-L model that applies data augmentation techniques to increase the efficiency of searching for missing people.

Intelligent missing persons index system Implementation based on the OpenCV image processing and TensorFlow Deep-running Image Processing

  • Baek, Yeong-Tae;Lee, Se-Hoon;Kim, Ji-Seong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we present a solution to the problems caused by using only text - based information as an index element when a commercialized missing person indexing system indexes missing persons registered in the database. The existing system could not be used for the missing persons inquiry because it could not formalize the image of the missing person registered together when registering the missing person. To solve these problems, we propose a method to extract the similarity of images by using OpenCV image processing and TensorFlow deep - running image processing, and to process images of missing persons to process them into meaningful information. In order to verify the indexing method used in this paper, we constructed a Web server that operates to provide the information that is most likely to be needed to users first, using the image provided in the non - regular environment of the same subject as the search element.

A Comparative Study on Private Investigators in the United Kingdom and South Korea - Focusing on the Missing Person Investigation System - (영국과 한국의 민간조사원 비교 연구 - 실종자 조사시스템을 중심으로 -)

  • Kwak, Minjun;Choi, Yeon-Jun;NamKung, Lock
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.59
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    • pp.189-215
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    • 2019
  • As modern society has become specialised and complex in all areas of politics, economy and society, it has reached a point where it is difficult to control crime with the general public power. Private security, which began to fluctuate after the 19th century, has expanded its scope to subsidise public power in various areas, sometimes beyond public power. Among these private security activities, the private investigate system has long been used to provide private investigate services that are safe from personal human rights protection and crimes. This study investigate the private investigation system in the United Kingdom and South Korea focusing on the missing person investigation system by using the qualitative content analysis of research methods. First, the results of the qualitative content analysis are described through methods such as literature reviews and interviews on how the British private investigation system and the missing persons search system are implemented. Next, the results of the content analysis are presented through the methods of literature reviews and questionnaires on how the implementation of the civilian survey in Korea and the search for missing people is proceeding. It is a very important field in both countries, and there is a very limited study, especially from a Korean perspective. Therefore, it is expected that this study will not only facilitate discussions for the successful legalisation of the private research system, but also provides a basic foundation for future research. The study of the private research system should be ongoing and periodic, not temporary. In addition, in order to introduce Korea's private survey system, the private investigation system should be developed by discovering the problems of the Private Investigation Law mentioned in this study and collecting opinions from citizens, academics and related institutions. The introduction of the private investigation system requires the connection of the efforts and interests of citizens, academia and related institutions.

iDENTIfyme Informative Campaign: Raising Forensic Dental Identification Awareness in the Community

  • Nuzzolese, Emilio
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.218-219
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    • 2021
  • The identification of human remains can be performed visually through families and next-of-kin, but it is not advisable to rely only on visual recognition; instead, it is preferable to conduct a forensic comparison of antemortem and postmortem data for primary identifiers (fingerprints, DNA, and dental data). A dental autopsy is particularly valuable in the identification process of skeletonized, carbonized, saponified, and fragmented human remains. The principal challenge in the identification process is the search and collection of antemortem data. To this end, all dental information held on a missing person can represent a precious source of individualizing information that families should share with the police or investigating agencies after reporting a disappearance.

A Study on the Application and Analysis of FPV Drones Using Virtual Reality (가상현실을 활용한 FPV드론에 대한 분석 및 활용분야에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Sung-Jun;Song, Eun-jee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.312-314
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    • 2021
  • The government sees drones as a key future growth engine, prepares plans to foster the nation-led drone industry, conducts pilot projects in various fields, such as transporting goods, forest protection, monitoring, facility safety diagnosis, and is actively in the use of drones. In particular, the police are attempting to use drones to search for missing people. However, existing drones have a short operating time due to the limitation of battery time. The effectiveness of the existing drones is insufficient because it has no choice but to search by aerial photography on the mountain tops in hillside or dense forest. In this study, we propose an FPV drone that utilizes virtual reality as a drone that can overcome the limitations of searching for missing people.

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Study on the Quadcopter for Person Search using PID Control and HSV (PID 제어 및 HSV를 활용한 인명 수색용 쿼드콥터에 관한 연구)

  • Ji, Min-Seok;Kim, Byeong-Kwan;Kim, Jun-Woo;Park, Nae-Hyeok;Park, Hyoung-keun
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2022
  • Mountain accidents such as forest fires and missing people are increasing as hikers increase due to indoor activities restrictions caused by the prolonged COVID-19 incident. If a dangerous situation occurs at outside where rescue workers cannot reach, the search time for person can be reduced using a quadcopter. Considering this, in this paper, Multiwii is used to smoothly hover the quadcopter by setting optimized PID values of the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis (Yaw) according to the change in the inclination of the gas. In addition, after installing Open CV on Raspberry Pie, the camera uses HSV color space to filter the color such as the description of the person, and uses a thermal imaging camera to receive thermal sensing images in real time in environments where color extraction is difficult. As a result, it was confirmed that hovering was possible at a height of 2 to 8 m, blue extraction was possible at a height of 5 m, and heat detection was possible at a distance of less than 10 cm.

A study on the creation of mission performance data using search drone images (수색용 드론 이미지를 활용한 임무수행 데이터 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Beom;Lim, Jin-Taek
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 2021
  • Along with the development of the fourth industry, the public sector has increasingly paid more attention to search using drones and real-time monitoring, for various goals. The drones are used and researched to complete a variety of searching and monitoring missions, including search for missing persons, security, coastal patrol and monitoring, speed enforcement, highway and urban traffic monitoring, fire and wildfire monitoring, monitoring of illegal fishing in reservoirs and protest rally monitoring. Police stations, fire departments and military authorities, however, concentrate on the hardware part, so there are little research on efficient communication systems for the real-time monitoring of data collected from high-performance resolution and infrared thermal imagining cameras, and analysis programs suitable for special missions. In order to increase the efficiency of drones with the searching mission, this paper, therefore, attempts to propose an image analysis technique to increase the precision of search by producing image data suitable for searching missions, based on images obtained from drones and provide the foundation for improving relevant policies and establishing proper platforms, based on actual field cases and experiments.