Intelligent missing persons index system Implementation based on the OpenCV image processing and TensorFlow Deep-running Image Processing

  • Baek, Yeong-Tae (Dept. of Multimedia, Kimpo University) ;
  • Lee, Se-Hoon (Dept. of Computer Systems & Engineering, Inha Technical College) ;
  • Kim, Ji-Seong (Dept. of Computer Systems & Engineering, Inha Technical College)
  • Received : 2017.01.03
  • Accepted : 2017.01.20
  • Published : 2017.01.31


In this paper, we present a solution to the problems caused by using only text - based information as an index element when a commercialized missing person indexing system indexes missing persons registered in the database. The existing system could not be used for the missing persons inquiry because it could not formalize the image of the missing person registered together when registering the missing person. To solve these problems, we propose a method to extract the similarity of images by using OpenCV image processing and TensorFlow deep - running image processing, and to process images of missing persons to process them into meaningful information. In order to verify the indexing method used in this paper, we constructed a Web server that operates to provide the information that is most likely to be needed to users first, using the image provided in the non - regular environment of the same subject as the search element.



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  1. Detection of Moving Direction using PIR Sensors and Deep Learning Algorithm vol.24, pp.3, 2017,