• Title/Summary/Keyword: Scientific Techniques

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A Three Schematic Analysis of Information Visualization (정보시각화에 대한 스킴모형별 비교 분석)

  • Seo, Eun-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.175-205
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    • 2002
  • Information visualization in information retrieval is a creating tool that enables us to observe, manipulate, search, navigate, explore, filter, discover, understand, interact with large volumes of data for more rapidly and far more effectively to discover hidden patterns. The focus of this study is to investigate and analyze information visualization techniques in information retrieval system in the three-schematic levels. In result, it was found that first, scientific data, documents, and retrieval result information are visualized through various techniques. Second, information visualization techniques which facilitate navigation and interaction are zoom and pan, focus+context techniques, incremental exploration, and clustering. Third, the visual metaphors used by the visualization systems are presented in the linear structure, hierarchy structure, network structure, and vector scatter structure.

Analysis of the Thermal Environment Characteristics of Thatched Roof for Eco-friendly Rural Housing Development -Focused on the Neolithic Thatched Roof Dugout Hut- (농촌 친환경 주거 개발을 위한 이엉지붕 열환경 특성 분석 -신석기시대 이엉지붕 움집을 대상으로-)

  • Song, Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2014
  • Due to the development of civilization, the humans is privileged the rich of technologies for housing thermal environment. But, this kind of technological development caused enough trouble of energy excessive consumption. For solve this problem, many researchers strive to exploit the low energy sustainable techniques. For such a reason, the eco-friendly techniques of vernacular house are resurfacing. These traditional techniques are applied to a development of eco-friendly modern housing. They are no longer recognized as outdated products. On this context, this study proposes an scientific analysis on the thermal environment characteristics of Neolithic thatched-roof dugout hut(Um house). So far the several studies have been carried out in viewpoint of the history and structural compositions of the Um house which has been used as the normal housing for about 1000 years in the Neolithic era, however the thermal characteristics analysis of the Um house has never been studied. Um house is not a housing which has been composed by the scientific analysis or architectural design technology, but evolved empirically over a long period. This study on the thermal environment characteristics of Um house would provide basic information for the development of korean eco-friendly rural housing by korean climate characteristics. In this study, the thermal environmental characteristics of the Um house in the Neolithic era was analysed experimentally. The results of this study could be summarized as follows: 1. When the solar insolation and the ambient temperature in the daytime were $420W/m^2$ and $17^{\circ}C$ respectively, the surface temperature of the Um house roof covered with the rice straw was $37^{\circ}C$ and that in the roof $32^{\circ}C$, and in the conditions above the air temperature in the room was $15^{\circ}C$. 2. When the ambient relative humidity was 40%, that in the room of the Um house 50%, and at the ambient relative humidity of 90~100%, that in the room was 60%. 3. Through the experimental analysis, it was verified that the enthalpy and relative humidity is in an inverse relationship. 4. In general the comfort degree in the living space is changed with the seasonal climate, also in this study, the comfort degree in the room of the Um house in October and November was higher than that in May and June.

Nano-Structures on Polymers Evolved by Ion Beam/Plasma

  • Moon, Myoung-Woon;Lee, Kwang-Ryeol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.08a
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    • pp.76-76
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    • 2012
  • Surface engineering of polymers has a broad array of scientific and technological applications that range from tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, microfluidics and novel lab on chip devices to building mechanical memories, stretchable electronics, and devising tunable surface adhesion for robotics. Recent advancements in the field of nanotechnology have provided robust techniques for controlled surface modification of polymers and creation of structural features on the polymeric surface at submicron scale. We have recently demonstrated techniques for controlled surfaces of soft and relatively hard polymers using ion beam irradiation and plasma treatment, which allows the fabrication of nanoscale surface features such as wrinkles, ripples, holes, and hairs with respect to its polymers. In this talk, we discuss the underlying mechanisms of formation of these structural features. This includes the change in the chemical composition of the surface layer of the polymers due to ion beam irradiation or plasma treatment and the instability and mechanics of the skin-substrate system. Using ion beam or plasma irradiation on polymers, we introduce a simple method for fabrication of one-dimensional, two-dimensional and nested hierarchical structural patterns on polymeric surfaces on various polymers such as polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), poly (methyl methacrylate) PMMA, and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).

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Materials and Compartments for Flexible Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (유연 염료감응 태양전지 소재 및 요소기술 동향)

  • Jung, In-Soo;Park, Byung-Wook;Lee, Jae-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.86-94
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    • 2015
  • In order to solve incoming environmental crisis and an energy crunch caused by the consumption of fossil fuels, lots of investigations and developments for solar cell application are getting a spotlight in various aspects. Amongst many solar cells, a flexible dye sensitized solar cell is an attractive research field from fundamentals to commercialization. In this manuscript, we introduce materials and available techniques for the future scientific research and technical developments in commercialization.

A Study on the Possibility of Digital Design in Architectural Design (건축디자인에서 디지털디자인의 적용가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Young-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2002
  • Purpose of this study is studying direction that change of design by development of new digital technology. And with new technology, find direction of architectural design. Digital technology for architectural design demonstrates hightechnology or is not limit. Must recognize change for our idea and necessity. We can know change in relation of photography and impressionism. Idea and hitting on a thought which is arts by new technology changed. Finally, we must develop techniques of design on the basis of technology and look for possibility of new expression. Digital medium expands communication with designer and customer because there is special quality of nonlinearity, interactivity and audiovisuality unlike old medium. Digital medium can take advantage of techniques of new design. Can construct R&D and database of design and improve quality of design. Designer must master use skill to take advantage of digital technology in design. Because quality of design becomes different according to degree that use. Also, developer of digital technology must supply design tool such as previous design method. Creativity that architectural design that allow fetters in digital technology can understand design in new viewpoint is required. Architectural design may be magnified by architectural design that allow fetters in multimedia. We may see experience between new time and space of architectural design and reappearance space reappeared in cyberspace. Architect is going to run role as developer of culture. Value and technology of digital design may offer more more possibility and an opportunity since Intustrial-Revolution.

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Quantification of Feng-Shui Principles in the Design of Korean Houses

  • Chang, Dongkuk;Kim, Kyongwon;Park, Joohee;Kim, Backyong
    • Architectural research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2014
  • Although Feng-Shui has been widely used in architecture and urban design and planning for thousands of years, it has not been properly studied as a scientific and thus rational approach. Feng-Shui has been recognized as an environment-friendly design and planning method in recent years due to its thoughtful consideration on the harmonious relationship between architecture and the natural environment. This study investigates its major principles and techniques that have been widely used in the design of houses through previous relevant researches. Then, the principles and techniques that are relevant to the residential uses are indexed for the quantification of Feng-Shui. Ten Feng-Shui indices are formulated and each index is quantified to make five points for a perfect match. These indices are then tested on three different types of house in Korea, namely traditional Korean houses, contemporary Korean style houses and contemporary architects' houses. The result shows that the first type of house records the highest Feng-Shui points and then the second and third types in that order. This result convinces us that the Feng-Shui indices can very effectively represent the degree of environmentally friendly design.

The SWG Component Technology Classification Scheme Researchthrough the Technology Trend Analysis

  • Son, Hong Min;Hu, Jong Wan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.48 no.11
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    • pp.945-955
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    • 2015
  • The technology of the SWG (Smart Water Grid) as one of most important national projects results in significant assignment that is closely associated with systematic management and effective operation. The individual component technics are required to establish directory and classification for the purpose of effectively managing their information related to research and development (R&D). The national science technology (S&T) standard classification tree which results in the representative example has been established with an intention to manage R&D information, human resource, and budget. It has been also revised every five years and then used in the various fields related to the evaluation, administration, and prediction of the national R&D projects. In addition, the standard classification system for R&D projects has been widely used in the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and EU (European Union) since the Frascati Manual was established in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Therefore, it is necessary for SWG techniques to develop the standard S&T classification tree for research management and evaluation. For this, it is essential to draw the core techniques for the SWG, which are incorporated with IT (Information Technology), NT (Nano Technology), and BT (Biology Technology).

A Study on the International Standard for CCM Related RFID Packaging Technology (CCM(Cold Chain Management)과 연계된 RFID 패키징 국제 기술 표준의 분석)

  • Yoon, Seong-Young;Cha, Kyong-Ho;Park, Su-Il;Kim, Jai-Neung
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2009
  • The introduction of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology into cold chain system will be essentials for the better quality preservation of chilled products in the near future. The object of this study is to analyze the trends of international standardization activity for cold chain system and RFID packaging. The standardization of RFID technology is related to SC31 of ISO/IEC JTC1. The established standard from EPCglobal includes the air interface of UHF substitute actors, the control of EPC tag data and the event collected from RFID readers, the directory services and information storage of ONS and EPCIS, and securities. Also, EPC standards include the sensor functions of the cold chain. In Korea, the RFID packaging related techniques and their engineering standard are less studied as compared with Europe or North America. For effective application of RFID in the cold chain and packaging, scientific and systematic researches on RFID, including technical standards for domestic RFID frequency, will be key elements for preoccupation of these application techniques.

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Reproduction a Loop-handled Sword from Suchon-ri Site During the Baekje Kingdom (백제시대 수촌리유적 출토 환두대도의 복원제작)

  • Chung, Kwang-yong;Lee, Hyun-sang
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.27
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    • pp.83-102
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    • 2006
  • The Suchon-ri tomb No. 1 is the earliest one among the Suchon-ri tombs excavated in 2003. The Suchon-ri tomb No. 1 yielded a number of valuable artifacts furnished with burial goods such as gilt bronze items of a crown, a pair of earrings and shoes and a loop-handled sword with inlaid silver decoration. In particular, a loop-handled sword drew scholarly attention in that it showed characteristics of Baekje such as wave patterns on a silver plate decorated in the handle and sheath and inlaid dragon design on the loop-handle. In the process of the reproducing the loop-handled sword, classification methods of the loop-handled swords, iconography decorated on the swords, unearthed loop-handled swords of the Three Kingdoms Period have been investigated along with studying the reproduction cases in Japan. In addition to the study focused on the shape of the swords, manufacturing techniques have been thoroughly analyzed through scientific methods. Finally, based on the synthesis of a series of studies and analyses, traditional manufacturing techniques employed by Baekje artisans had been inferred and a replica of the loop-handled sword was manufactured with the traditional methods.

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The Study of Semicomical Approaching Method in Advertising Expression Technique - Focus on Korea TV Advertisements - (광고표현기법에서의 기호학적 접근방식 연구 - 국내 TV 광고 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Hyun-Jo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2006
  • A study of advertising semiotics is very important area based on the whole area of Film Industry and the study of semiotics has been continuously studied in the TV advertising field. If we only insist on the existing research area and expression techniques without considering new expression techniques resulted in consuming class and technological development, the scientific approach and analysis of advertising semiotics should be confronted by the limitation. so the purpose of this thesis is to analyze semicomical approaching method and analysis in TV advertising field through the meaning of advertisement and the technique of TV advertisements and show the necessity of study and production for the effective approach in both sides of commerce and art.

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