• Title/Summary/Keyword: School achievements

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Future Development Strategies for KODISA Journals: Overview of 2016 and Strategic Plans for the Future (KODISA 학술지 성장전략: 2016 개관 및 미래 성장개요)

  • Hwang, Hee-Joong;Lee, Jung-Wan;Youn, Myoung-Kil;Kim, Dong-Ho;Lee, Jong-Ho;Shin, Dong-Jin;Kim, Byung-Goo;Kim, Tae-Joong;Lee, Yong-Ki;Kim, Wan-Ki
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - With the rise of the fourth industrial revolution, it has converged with the existing industrial revolution to give shape to increased accessibility of knowledge and information. As a result, it has become easier for scholars to actively persue and compile research in various fields. This current study aims to focus and assess the current standing of KODISA: the Journal of Distribution Science (JDS), International Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business(IJIDB), the East Asian Journal of Business Management (EAJBM), the Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB) in a rapidly evolving era. Novel strategies for creating the future vision of KODISA 2020 will also be examined. Research design, data, and methodology - The current research will analyze published journals of KODISA in order to offer a vision for the KODISA 2020 future. In part 1, this paper will observe the current address of the KODISA journal and its overview of past achievements. Next, part 2 will discuss the activities that will be needed for journals of KODISA, JDS, IJIDB, EAJBM, JAFEB to branch out internationally and significant journals will be statistically analyzed in part 3. The last part 4 will offer strategies for the continued growth of KODISA and visions for KODISA 2020. Results - Among the KODISA publications, IJIDB was second, JDS was 23rd (in economic publications of 54 journals), and EAJBM was 22nd (out of 79 publications in management field journals). This shows the high quality of the KODISA publication journals. According to 2016 publication analysis, JDS, IJIDB, etc. each had 157 publications, 15 publications, 16 publications, and 28 publications. In the case of JDS, it showed an increase of 14% compared to last year. Additionally, JAFEB showed a significant increase of 68%. This shows that compared to other journals, it had a higher rate of paper submission. IJIDB and EAJBM did not show any significant increases. In JDS, it showed many studies related to the distribution, management of distribution, and consumer behavior. In order to increase the status of the KODISA journal to a SCI status, many more international conferences will open to increase its international recognition levels. Second, the systematic functions of the journal will be developed further to increase its stability. Third, future graduate schools will open to foster future potential leaders in this field and build a platform for innovators and leaders. Conclusions - In KODISA, JDS was first published in 1999, and has been registered in SCOPUS February 2017. Other sister publications within the KODISA are preparing for SCOPUS registration as well. KODISA journals will prepare to be an innovative journal for 2020 and the future beyond.


  • Park, In-Seon;Baek, Yeon-Ok;Han, In-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.138-148
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    • 2001
  • The focus of the research was on identifying the risk factors that may result in unprepared intercourse among the adolescent from an ecological systems prospective. A survey questionnaire was conducted from September through December 1999 to 2326 youths, ages from 13-18 years old. After eliminating thirty respondents from Unwed Mother's Home we found that 8.8% of the remaining respondents had experienced sexual intercourse. Of those, 5% of the female and 13.4% of male adolescents has had sexual intercourse, showing 2.7 times more for the male sample population. Broken down to age groups, 3.2% of the thirteen years old group and 19.2% of the eighteen years old group had experienced intercourse, an almost six fold increase in the older age group. To find out the differences between those who had and not had experienced intercourse the group was then divided into two comparative groups by same sex and age variables. Findings from comparative analysis identified five ecological system risk factors among the youth sample that had intercourse;First, individual factor:adolescents who thought less of themselves or didn't consider their potentials, those more exposed other risk behaviors such as drinking, smoking, drugs, runaway and come in contact with pornography, those who thought they knew more about sex and etc. Second, family factor:those who thought family was less important, had less supportive family, higher or lower income family and etc. Third, peer factor:Both groups thought friends were important and had their support. The group with intercourse experience seems to be think that more peers are experiencing other risk behavior. Fourth, school factor:Those in the group who had experienced intercourse seems to think school is less important and with lower academic achievements. Fifth, community factor:There were no statistical significant differences found between the two groups. The overall results from this study implies that if we want to prevent our youths from having unprepared intercourse during adolescence the significance of having meaningful emerging self, family relationship and school experience is important. This study identified the risk factors leading to adolescent sexual intercourse but further research is necessary in finding out about their predictability.

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Analysis of Genetics Problem-Solving Processes of High School Students with Different Learning Approaches (학습접근방식에 따른 고등학생들의 유전 문제 해결 과정 분석)

  • Lee, Shinyoung;Byun, Taejin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.385-398
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to examine genetics problem-solving processes of high school students with different learning approaches. Two second graders in high school participated in a task that required solving the complicated pedigree problem. The participants had similar academic achievements in life science but one had a deep learning approach while the other had a surface learning approach. In order to analyze in depth the students' problem-solving processes, each student's problem-solving process was video-recorded, and each student conducted a think-aloud interview after solving the problem. Although students showed similar errors at the first trial in solving the problem, they showed different problem-solving process at the last trial. Student A who had a deep learning approach voluntarily solved the problem three times and demonstrated correct conceptual framing to the three constraints using rule-based reasoning in the last trial. Student A monitored the consistency between the data and her own pedigree, and reflected the problem-solving process in the check phase of the last trial in solving the problem. Student A's problem-solving process in the third trial resembled a successful problem-solving algorithm. However, student B who had a surface learning approach, involuntarily repeated solving the problem twice, and focused and used only part of the data due to her goal-oriented attitude to solve the problem in seeking for answers. Student B showed incorrect conceptual framing by memory-bank or arbitrary reasoning, and maintained her incorrect conceptual framing to the constraints in two problem-solving processes. These findings can help in understanding the problem-solving processes of students who have different learning approaches, allowing teachers to better support students with difficulties in accessing genetics problems.

The life and medical idea of Chu, Dan-Gae.(朱 丹溪) (주단계(朱丹溪)의 생애(生涯)와 의학사상(醫學思想)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Yong-Won;Yoon, Chang-Yeul
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.5
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    • pp.200-251
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    • 1992
  • As concerned the life and the medical idea of Choo, Tan-Kye(朱丹溪), which it can be summarized as follows by studying. 1. Tan-Kye(丹溪) lived in the end of the won dynasty(元代末期), When the people starved and suffered from a flood-disaster and drought. etc, also the social conditions were in disorder on account of the corrupt ion of politics. And Cheol Kang seong(浙江省), located in the south region of China, has sterile soil and the climate condition humid and heatful. So the south district peoples have very weak constitution. So We can found that his medical idea reflected the phases of the periods and the regional enviornmental situations. 2. For that reason, Tan-Kye(丹溪) rejected the prescription of the "WHa Che Gook Bang(和劑局方)" which was prevalent at that time, in which the the pungent-dried herbs were widly used ; So he persisted in the "Sang Wha Lon(相火論)" and the "Positivity is usually excedeed while the negativity deficient(陽有餘陰不足論)". Then he treated with the drugs to nourish the negativity for the prime object to be applied in the clinic. 3. Tan-Kye(丹溪) refined the follows from the natural law; Heaven is to the positivity(陽) and the Earth is defined the negativity(陰), so the heaven is to the Macro(大) and the earth, micro(小):So the Sun is to the Positivity(陽), the Moon, the Negativity(陰): as to the Sun is always full while the moon always defected too. Therefore the "positivity is always excedeed for that the negativity is deficientalways(陽有餘陰不足)". In Human body, "the negativity energy (陰精) "is hard formed-easily defected(難成易虧)". And the heat(相火) in the body can be moved easily and let the negative energy to leak out. Therefore the more the positivity excedeed, the more the negativity deficient"(陽當有餘陰常不足). 4. He made it expanded the contents of the "Heat(相火)" in the Chapter Woon Chi of the Nae Kyeong(內徑) and discribed, the Life-string of the human body is originated from the movement of the "Heat with unique energy(相火一氣)". And more in human body, it is specifically regulated by the two visceras, Liver and Kidney, and is distributed in the 'Pericardium(心包絡)' 'Tripie Warmer(三焦)' 'Gallbladder(膽)' etc. In the point of his assertion of heat(相火), it is concluded both the physiological and the pathological heat of all. 5. Tan-Kye(丹溪) grew up in the family or the Confucianism. He was instructed the Confucianism(性理學) from Heo-Kyeom(許謙), the fourth diciple of Chu-Ja(朱子), and was received the Yoo Chang Ri(劉 張 李)'s triple doctrine from the La Tae Moo(羅太無), the second disciple of Yoo Wan So(劉完素). So there are much of content of Confucianism(性理學) in his medical thedry, and his theory has succeeded the achievements of the triple study. 6. About the theory of the "positivity is usually excedeed while the negativity deficient"(陽常有餘陰常不足論) of Tan-Kye, it was asserted that the positivity is never sufficient for the vital mainspring, by Chang, Kye-Pin(張介賓) and Lee, Kyoo-Zoon(李奎晙) etc. And for the Heat theory(相火論), eventhough the scholars of postorior generations criicized all of that, there are defect of the content and unification between them. 7. The father of the "Cha Eum Pa(滋陰派), Tan-Kye(丹溪) contributed considerably to the development of the oriental medicine and to the general therapy for the various diseases(一般雜病施治). 8. there are handed down and remained twenty or more of volumes of list of his writings. Among them, except "Kyeok Chi Yeo Ron"(格致餘論), "Kuk Pang Pal Hyeu"(局方發揮), they are reorganized by posteriority. There are Cho, Do-Chin(趙道震). Cho, Ee-Teok(趙以德), Tae, Sa-Gong(戴思恭), Wang Ri(王履) and Yoo, Suk-Yeon(劉淑淵) etc as disciples of his. And Wang Ryoon(王論) and Woo Pak(虞搏) as the admirer of him.

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Development and Application of the Explicit and Reflective Learning Strategy for Enhancement of the Elementary School Students' Basic Inquiry Skills -Based on Observation and Classification- (초등학생의 과학탐구기능 향상을 위한 명시적이고 반성적인 교수.학습전략 개발 및 적용 -관찰과 분류를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Hye-Won;Min, Byeong-Mee;Son, Yeon-A
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.95-112
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    • 2012
  • The research evaluated the effects of the improvements in scientific inquiry for elementary school students and focused on the development and application of the explicit and reflective learning strategy through observation and classification. The explicit and reflective learning strategy was modified and completed with the review of the experts after the development of the draft based on the theoretical approach. The students were evaluated for their academic achievements in scientific inquiry skills before and after taking the course. The results were as follows: First, the steps of the developed learning strategy (1) to motivate, (2) to explore reflectively, (3) to guide explicitly, (4) to inquire explicitly, and (5) to verify reflectively were set to reflect the verification. Second, the results of applying the developed model to the lessons based on the quantitative analysis was effective for observation and classification skills in the quest for improved performance of the whole (the sum of observation and classification, inquiry skills) and the observed features, but there was no effect on classification. Also, the lessons applied the developed teaching strategy and showed effectiveness in improving academic achievement. Particularly in analyzing the relationship between the academic achievement and exploration capabilities, in order to improve academic achievement, the importance of improving inquiry skills was found. Third, the qualitative analysis of teaching and learning strategy developed by applying the lessons of this teacher guide and small group activities through the explicit and reflective observation and classification of the student learning activities showed the significant improvement of ability of the scientific inquiry skills. In addition to the improvement in the abilities of the classification showed after the formation of the most basic observation skills of the scientific inquiry.

An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Startup' Activities of Preparatory Stage and Early Stage on Performance (창업기업의 준비 및 초기단계 활동들이 기업 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Byeong seon;Seo, Young wook
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2016
  • Startups in Korea are experiencing for themselves the laws of survival through competition in the local and international market, and are performing active business movements based on these. Korea's economic growth rate is 2.6% due to the slump in the domestic demand and reduced exports brought by the MERSC incident in 2015. The Korea Development Institute has estimated the economic growth rate in 2016 to be around 3.0%. South Korea's economy is facing the crisis of low-growth solidification due to the decrease in economic growth, and it is forecasted that growth without employment and polarization will worsen. Startups in the high-tech industrial generation of a particular field wherein the market environment is rapidly changing must maintain a competitive advantage with the capabilities and functions exclusive to them. It is very important that they maintain a competitive edge by utilizing the capabilities exclusive to startup companies. Likewise, the accumulation of resources is also crucial in determining the success of a startup business. In a poor local startup ecosystem, majority of the startup companies are performing their business activities while striving for survival, rather than success. About 80% are struggling to survive and are failing to overcome the "Death Valley" faced 3-5 years after establishing the company. Since majority of the startups fail to achieve results during the initial stages of foundation, the importance of research on business activities and achievement during the early stages of establishment is being raised. In accordance to this, this research has performed an actual analysis on how the activities of startups during their preparation phase and early stages affect their achievements. A survey was done on the CEOs or executives (people in a position to make decisions) of local small and medium-sized enterprises that are considered start-ups, and 203 valid data were collected and analyzed. Results showed that the discoveries and utilized activities necessary for the businesses of startups have a significant impact on their achievement through the entrepreneur resources and external partners' cooperation; additionally, the related implications were discussed.

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A study of the Patent-related Activities affecting the Early Stage Company Performance of Technology-based Start-ups (기술창업기업의 특허활동이 초기기업 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyeong-Mo;Kim, Myeong-Sook;Kim, Eung-Kyu
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2012
  • This study is about the impact of a technology-based start-ups' patent-related activities on early stage company performance. Technology-based start-ups are closely related to the intellectual property rights, particularly patents that they aim the pursuit of new products or production methods and pioneer the introduction of market based on innovative technology, and that is a key role in such companies established and operating, hence the research of patent-related activities in technology-based start-ups has important implications. In most previous studies, the impact of the company's patent related activities on the performance of corporate management is determined by using quantitative patent indicators. Therefore, through this study, causal relationships leading to business performance through the development of new products, which includes technology performance and product performance, and the patent-related activities including the company's patented technology support activities, creating the right activities, infringement response activities, base activities validated as follows. First, the patent-related activities have a positive impact on technological and products achievements. In other words, the various activities involved in the acquisition and utilization of the patent have a positive impact on the performance of company's new product development, particularly developing new technologies or patent acquisition rate. Second, the technology have a positive impact on the performance of the products, not on the business performance. However, the empirical results shows that it has indirectly impacts on business performance through the product performance. Third, product performance have a positive impact on business performance. In conclusion, patent-related activities affects the performance of the company's management, and the maintenance of the company's business performance depends on the developing and selling product based on the customers needs, besides the technology performance such as the patents and the development of technology.

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An Empirical Study on the Effect of CRM System on the Performance of Pharmaceutical Companies (고객관계관리 시스템의 수준이 BSC 관점에서의 기업성과에 미치는 영향 : 제약회사를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jung;Park, Jong-Woo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.43-65
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    • 2010
  • Facing a complex environment driven by a decade, many companies are adopting new strategic frameworks such as Customer Relationship Management system to achieve sustainable profitability as well as overcome serious competition for survival. In many business areas, CRM system advanced a great deal in a matter of continuous compensating the defect and overall integration. However, pharmaceutical companies in Korea were slow to accept them for usesince they still have a tendency of holding fast to traditional way of sales and marketing based on individual networks of sales representatives. In the circumstance, this article tried to empirically address current status of CRM system as well as the effects of the system on the performance of pharmaceutical companies by applying BSC method's four perspectives, from financial, customer, learning and growth and internal process. Survey by e-mail and post to employers and employees who were working in pharma firms were undergone for the purpose. Total 113 cases among collected 140 ones were used for the statistical analysis by SPSS ver. 15 package. Reliability, Factor analysis, regression were done. This study revealed that CRM system had a significant effect on improving financial and non-financial performance of pharmaceutical companies as expected. Proposed regression model fits well and among them, CRM marketing information system shed the light on substantial impact on companies' outcome given profitability, growth and investment. Useful analytical information by CRM marketing information system appears to enable pharmaceutical firms to set up effective marketing and sales strategies, these result in favorable financial performance by enhancing values for stakeholderseventually, not to mention short-term profit and/or mid-term potential to growth. CRM system depicted its influence on not only financial performance, but also non-financial fruit of pharmaceutical companies. Further analysis for each component showed that CRM marketing information system were able to demonstrate statistically significant effect on the performance like the result of financial outcome. CRM system is believed to provide the companies with efficient way of customers managing by valuable standardized business process prompt coping with specific customers' needs. It consequently induces customer satisfaction and retentionto improve performance for long period. That is, there is a virtuous circle for creating value as the cornerstone for sustainable growth. However, the research failed to put forward to evidence to support hypothesis regarding favorable influence of CRM sales representative's records assessment system and CRM customer analysis system on the management performance. The analysis is regarded to reflect the lack of understanding of sales people and respondents between actual work duties and far-sighted goal in strategic analysis framework. Ordinary salesmen seem to dedicate short-term goal for the purpose of meeting sales target, receiving incentive bonus in a manner-of-fact style, as such, they tend to avail themselves of personal network and sales and promotional expense rather than CRM system. The study finding proposed a link between CRM information system and performance. It empirically indicated that pharmaceutical companies had been implementing CRM system as an effective strategic business framework in order for more balanced achievements based on the grounded understanding of both CRM system and integrated performance. It suggests a positive impact of supportive CRM system on firm performance, especially for pharmaceutical industry through the initial empirical evidence. Also, it brings out unmet needs for more practical system design, improvement of employees' awareness, increase of system utilization in the field. On the basis of the insight from this exploratory study, confirmatory research by more appropriate measurement tool and increased sample size should be further examined.

An analysis of current condition of student's selection process in Hansung science highschool (한성과학고등학교 학생 선발과정의 현황 분석)

  • Dong, Hyo-Kwan;Jhun, Young-Seok
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.65-94
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to acquire the information on the current situation of students' selection process in order to renovate the system of picking up the students. As a first step of the study, we examined the validity of the factors of the single-out system such as qualification and the process for the application and the standards and proceeding of the selection. Then we analysed the result of the entrance examination of Hansung Science Highschool in 2002. The analysis was on the correlation between the result of entrance examination and the achievement in the school and the decision of the course after graduation. To know on the achievement of the students, we investigated the records of regular tests and asked the teachers' opinion in math and science classes. As a result, we gained the following points: First, the present single-out system has a danger of excluding students who are much talented in science and math field because it is based on students' achievements in middle schools; Second, the new selection system should consider the character and attitude of the applicants in addition to their knowledge; Third, the continuous observation of the teacher in middle school should be an important factor of the picking up system; Fourth, more questions requiring divergent thinking ability and inquiry skill should be developed as selective examination question. Also examination questions should cover the various contents from mathematics to science, and do not affect pre-learning; Finally, the system of present letting all students stand in one line should be changed into that of letting students in various lines. We can consider using multi-step selection system.

A Study on Landscape of Cheongpunggye (청풍계(淸風溪) 경관에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Hyang;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 2011
  • Cheongpunggye is located in a valley where Baekaksan, the main mountain of Seoul and Inwang Mountain corresponding to right-white tiger(石白虎) divination based on topography are crossed. The owner of Cheongpunggye is Seonwon Kim Sangyong and many people had visited there without pause because of beautiful landscape since the early times of Chosun. Seonwon Kim Sangyong had ever studied together with Yulgok Yi I and Woogye Seong Hon. He was one of the Western faction(Seo-in) which was the leading power of Injo Coup and died for his chastity during Second Manchu Invasion of Chosun. He is known as a model of fidelity which is a symbol for scholar's spirit in Chosun together with his younger brother Cheongeum Kim Sangheon. Jangdong region, the clan village of New Andong family was the birthplace of Yulgok School which was the fundamental of scholar spirit of Chosun. And Jangdong would be the source of Jin-Gyeong(Real Scenery) Culture which was bloomed by Baekak club composed of Gyeomjae Jeong Seon, Sacheon Lee Byeongyeon, and Gwanajae Cho Yeongseok. The contents of this study are as follows. First, this study explored the placeness of Seochon region through the historical background like the relation between Jangdong, the clan village of Andong Kim family and Andong Kim family, and achievements of Seonwon Kim Sangyong and circumstances of that times. Second, this study tried to know original landscape of Cheongpunggye by investigating location, topography, water system etc. based on analysis of literature, old map, and paintings describing Cheongpunggye. The study was progressed in this way. To infer the original landscape, about 50 landscape elements of Cheongpunggye shown in Punggyejibseunggi(楓溪集勝記), Cheongpunggye Cheop, Cheongpunggye(淸風溪), the work of Gyeomjae Jeong Sean were searched, and then the location and form of the elements was analyzed. Furthermore, by analyzing the meanings of the names for the landscape elements, the thoughts(Naturalism, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) supporting the structure of Cheongpunggye could be inferred. It is thought that these findings can contribute to exploration of placeness of Cheongpunggye. The study on original landscape of Cheongpunggye can be used as basic data when these works are executed-revival of Cheongpunggye, restoration of small streams in upper part of Cheonggyecheon, renewal of Seochon region.