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A Research in the Characteristic of Arthritis Patienth (관절염환자(關節炎患者)의 특성(特性)에 대한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究))

  • Kang Jeam-Dug;Nam Chul-Hyun;Kim Gi-Yeol
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.149-165
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    • 1997
  • In order that, investigating the feature of patients suffering arthritis, analysing its contents, and grasping a Primary factor affecting it, I might offerbasic datas which could help to plan and perform healthy affairs to thake precautions beforehand, I have investigated, analysed, and studied a total of 320 patients suffering arthritis, who have received physiotherapy in hospital located in Teaegu area for five months, from November 1 1995 to March 30 1996, of which summary and conclusion is this. 1. The general feature of patients in investigative objects In the distribution of the distinction of sex, men accounted for 26.9% and women, for 73.1%, and, in the fistribution of age, 60-year-old or more, most for 27.2% and from 20 to 29 years old, least for 14.0%. In the distinction of a vocation, housewives most accounted for 34.7% and students(jobless men), least for 19.3%. In the distinction of a matrimonial state, married persons most accounted for 76.7% and people living alone(divorce, separation by death, separation), least for 11.4%. In the distinction of an economic state, the middle classes most accounted for 73.5% and the upper classes, least for 2.9%. In the distinction of their academic careers, graduates of a primary school most accounted for 26.9% and graduates of university, for 14.1%, of which patients, having the ability to decode the national language, reached to 11.3%. In the distinction of the house form, people living in independent houses most accounted for 76.4% and residents in apartment(having an elevator), least for 9.4%. 2. In the distribution of the recurring state in the distinction of the feature, the recurring group was more than the group of patients falling that ill at first as 62.2% and in the distinction of the feature of the recurring group, the recurring group turned high in case of men being from 50s to 60s years old or more, people living alone (divorce, separation by death, separation), students (joblessmen), people working in farming, stockbeeding, forestry, fisheries, a simple labour, graduates of a primary school I having the ability to decode the national language, the upper classes, people part two years since they begined to suffer arthritis, people who had members having ever experienced arthritis among families. 3. In the distribution of arthritis on the distinction of bodily pars, a knee articulation most accounted for 50.2% and the articulation of fingers, for 8.8%, wile the simultaneous, several parts (multiple) accounted for 35.1%. In the distinction of the feature, arthritis of a knee turned high in case of men being from 20s to 30s years old, unmarried persons, people having academic careers of university, the middle classes, residents in apartment (having stairs). In the dictnction of a feature the case of several parts (multiple) turned high in case of women being from 50s to 60s years old or more, people living alone (divorce, separation by death, separation), people having the ability to decode th. national language, the graduates of a primary school, the upper classes, residents in apartment (having elevator). 4. In the distribution of arthritis on e distinction of a contracting term, two years or more most accounted for 51.6% and the case of contacting from one year to two years, for 15.3%. Analysing the distinction of the feature, the case of two years or more turned high in case of women being from 50s to 60s years old or more, people living alone (divorce separation by death, separation), the upper classes, people having the ability to decode the national language, residents in apartment (having elevator). 5. In the distribution of an treatment institution before patients came to help, their not curing most accounted for 39.1%, general, orthopedic, neurological surgery (physical therapy), for. 20.0%, and th. therapy of Chinese medicine (acupuncture, moxacautery, Chinese medicine), for 17.5%, and a pharmacy (medical therapy), for 13.4%. The case of patients not curing, in the distinction of a feature, turned high in case of men 20s years old, unmarried, the lower classes, people having academic careers of university, residents in apartment (having elevator). 6. In e distribution of the extent of satisfaction with treatment, common most accounted for 54.4% and some satisfaction, for 32.8%. The case of common, in the distinction of a feature, turned high, in case of men living alone from 50s to 60s years old (divorce, separation by death, separation), married persons, the upper classes, people having academic careers of university, residents in independent house, residents in apartment (having elevator), 7. In the distribution of the degree of knowledge of the cause of arthritis, patients knowing that the cause is to use very much a articulation in normal times most accounts for 60.1%, and patients knowing the state of short nutrition as a cause, for 2.5%. The case of patients knowing that the cause is to use very much in normal times, in the distinction of a feature, turned high in·case of ment being 20s and 60s years old or more, unmarried persons, e lower classes, people having the ability to decode. the national language, people having academic careers of university, residents in apartment (having stairs), 8. In the distribution of the state of physical exercise before arthritis contracted, patients exercising very much on the whole most accpimend for 40.3%, and patients not exercising, for 34.7%. The case of patients exercising very much on the whole, in the distinction of the feature, turned high in case of men being from 50s to 60s years old or more, people living alone(divorce, separation by death, separation), the lower classes, people having the ability to decode the national language, graduates of a primary school, residents in apartment (having elevator). 9. In the taste of patients suffering from arthritis, while the group of patients falling that ill at first and the recurring group didn't smoke cigarets, during alcohol and coffee on the whole, and the group of patients falling once again that ill drank a cup of distilled linquor and three cup of coffee or more on the whole per one day, and the group of patients falling that ill at first liked sort of vegetables and the recurring group liked very much sons of vegetables and fresh and meat in their loving food normal times. 10. Analysing the distribution on the dining table used by patients and the structure of a powder room, at first, in the structure of a powder room, the group of patients filling that ill have a toilet stool using as their sits, and a Bush toilet on the whole, and the recurring group, a toilet stool using as their sits and conventional type, and in the structure of a dinning table, the group of patients falling that ill at first and the recurring group turned high, each as 66.9% and 6.3%, who have a dining table carring here and there. 11. In the distribution of patients of arthritis in relation to stress, the case that they feeled severly symptoms of arthritis when thay got stress, turned high, each, as 78.6% in the recurring poop, and the case not knowing, as 61.5% in the first group. In the extent of stress normal times, the case that they got much stress on the whole turned high, each, as 72.4% in e recurring group, and the care that got less stress on the whole, as 60.0%. 12. In the distribution on the distinction of symptoms and impedimental extent, the recurring group turned high in each variable. Analysing the feature of the recurring group, in the distinction of symptoms, the case that they fooled much that the node of an articulation is stiff, turned high, as 71.6, and in the distinction of treatment before. patients came to helpk, the theraphy of Chinese medicine (physical theraphy), as 84.4%, the theraphy of Chinese medicine (acupuncture, moxacautery, Chinese medicine), as 73.2%, and in the distinction of the satisfing extent on treatment, the case of comman, as 72.3%, and in the cause of arthritis, the case not recruiting their health after a birth, as 68.5%, and the case not recovering wholely an articulation having got hurt, as 62.8%, and in the state of physical exercise before they begined suffering from arthritis, the case exercising very much on the whole, (as 74.2%), and in the extent of subjective impediment, the case of not being able to act almost, as 66.7%, the case of acting but feeling some hard, as 66.3%. 13. The correlation in variables in relation to arthritis Analysing realted variables, the recurring frequency showed correlation with such as the extent that patients got stress normal times, and the exercising state before suffering arthritis, and showed contra-correlation with academic careers, the wights, coffee. The cigaret, e loving food of taste, showed corralation with the weight, stature, alcohole as the loving food of taste. On the basis of this result medical members of heal, who are related to the regular education, public education or development of this program, should be concerned to prevent orthris.

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An Institutional Approach for Application of the Contracting-out in City Parks - Focused on the Case Study of City Park Management of Seongnam City - (도시공원의 민간위탁 적용을 위한 제도적 방안 - 성남시 도시공원 운영사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Byeon, Jae-Sang;Kim, In-Ho;Shin, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.33-47
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    • 2011
  • One of the most fundamental jobs of contemporary government is to look into various ways of providing its citizens with the best service work. This study aims to establish a procedure through which to consign the management of city parks to private companies, thus inviting participation and satisfaction on the part of citizens. In particular, this procedure includes creating a system of selecting private managing companies, for instance, specifying standards of selection and assembling selection committees. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, city parks can be managed better by private companies than by local governments in terms of cost cuts, personnel training, business efficiency, and know-how accumulation. The legal background for this is found in central and local legal articles. Second, it is recommended that the selection committee be composed of 6 to 9 members, both insiders and outsiders. In addition to selecting private managing companies for contracting-out, the committee should under take the role of consulting on how to perform and revise selecting standards, so that they can continue to improve these procedures. Third, the decision on private management should be noticed in advance and be made based on standards considering each local government's condition. These standards should consider the aspects of the public good, cost saving, quality of service, managing supervision, and citizen participation. The committee's assessment takes into account both the quality and the quantity of the standards. Fourth, the contracting-out for city park management should follow the order of: announcing consignment and receiving applicants, organizing selection committees and assessing applications, selecting and contracting, midterm evaluation, and re-announcement and re-consignment. To run city parks through the contracting-out is expected to increase the number of park visitors. Additionally, private consignment will involve a participation of diverse citizenship, thus playing an important role in city parks' building of a green-culture community.

A Study of Community Residents' Consciousness of Taking Herb Medicine (지역사회 주민의 한약복용에 대한 의식 조사 연구)

  • Kim Sung-Jin;Nam Chul-Hyun;Kang Young-Woo;Suh Ho-Suk;Jeon Bong-Cheon;Chang Young-Jin
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.15-35
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to provide basic data for policy of Oriental medicine by analyzing community resident's consciousness of taking herb medicine and its related factors. Data were collected from 1478 residents from March 2, 2001 to May 31, 2001. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1) The rate of experience of taking herb medicine was 85.2%(88.2% of 'male'; 82.5% of 'female'). It appeared to be significantly higher in the groups of 'the married', 'housewife', and 'Buddhist'. As the age increased, so the rate of experience of taking herb medicine was significantly high. 2) In case of purpose of taking herb medicine, taking herb medicine as a restorative(66.8%) was much higher than taking it as a curative medicine. 3) 52.1% of the respondents satisfied with the effect of herb medicine. The groups of 'male', 'older age', 'residents in a big city', 'insurant in company', and 'the employed' showed significantly high rate in satisfying with herb medicine than the other groups. 4) According to the reason for preferring herb medicine, 36.7% of the respondents preferred herb medicine because the herb medicine was effective, while 27.8% preferred it because its side effect was low. 16.7% preferred it because persons around them recommended it. 5) 42.6% of the respondents did not want to take the herb medicine because the price of the herb medicine was high. Also 20.6% of the respondents did not want to take herb medicine because it is uneasy to take herb medicine. 15.8% did not want to take it because certain food should not be taken during the period of taking it. 9.4% did not want to take it because it tasted bitter. 6) In case of opinions on side effects of herb medicine, 40.8% of the respondents thinks that herb medicine is free from side effects, while 37.5% thinks that it causes side effects. There were significant difference in the opinions on side effects by sex, age, marital status, resident area, education level, occupation, and type of health insurance. 7) 60.7% of the respondents thinks the price of herb medicine is not resonable, while only 10.9% thinks it is resonable. 8) 45.2% of the respondents uses packs of decocted herbs although they think the packs of decocted herb are a little low effective because decocting herbs in home is bothersome. 45.2% uses packs of decocted herbs because they are convenient, being not related to the effect. 7.6% takes medicinal herbs after decocting them in a clay pot because they think the packs of decocted herbs have low effect. 51.9% does not know whether taking herb medicine in summer is effective or not because the effect is different according to their physical constitutions. 35.5% thinks that taking herb medicine is summer is effective because their physical stamina is weakened after sweated a lot, while 12.6% thinks that it is not effective because the effect of herb medicine disappears with sweat. 9) According to the level of satisfaction with Oriental medical care, the respondents marked 3.47±0.64 points on the base of 5 points. It was significantly higher in the groups of 'male', 'the married, resident in a big city', 'highschool graduate', 'the unemployed', 'office clerk', 'growing up in a big city', 'insurant in region', and 'the middle class'. 10) According to the result of a regression analysis of factors influencing preference for herb medicine, the factors displayed significant difference by sex, age, education level, health status, and times of receiving Oriental medical care. As shown in the above results, the community residents satisfy with the effect of herb medicine. Therefore, the method of taking herb medicine without difficulty must be devised. The medicinal herbs in packages need to be included in health insurance coverage and resonable price of herb medicine must be set. Also, education program for community residents must be developed in order to provide right information in herb medicine. Therefore, related public authority, associations, and professionals must make efforts, forming organic cooperative system.

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Development and Evaluation of Consumer Educational Contents on Safety Management of Imported Foods for Female College Students in Seoul (수입식품 안전관리에 관한 소비자 교육 컨텐츠 개발 및 교육효과 조사 - 서울시에 거주하는 여대생 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Ji-In;Kang, Eun-Jin;Cho, Mi-Young;Choi, Gye-Sun;Hong, Young-Pyo;Seo, Kab-Jong;Kim, Gun-Hee
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the consumer recognition with regard to the safety management for imported foods. In order to evaluate the effect of the prgram on consumer education, the program was practiced for 89 female college students in Seoul, Korea. The participants were given an instruction with materials on imported food safety, including the safety management of imported foods and their distribution. The results showed that the participants achieved a greater understanding of imported foods. In particular, they had firmly grasped the importance of expiration date in selecting imported foods. Before the instruction, 50.6% of total participants blamed the Korean government for the problems arising from imported foods; only 18.0% placed the blame on individuals or businesses importing from foreign countries. After the instruction, 39.3% had blamed the individuals or businesses importing from foreign countries. Furthermore, 36.0% had disapproved of the foods that are imported from China before the instruction, while 32.6% found objectionable the views on the illegally distributed foods; 29.2% criticized the junk foods that target children (after the instruction). In addition, the level of participant satisfaction via-a-vis imported foods safety supervision had improved from 2.76±1.59(before the instruction) to 3.37±1.58(after the instruction). The results indicate that consumers are concerned with the imported foods that contain adulterated or forbidden substances and the illegally distributed foods from foreign countries. Thus, consistent and informative educational programs on imported food safety could help consumers in choosing safer products, resulting in an improvement in the consumer confidence with respect to imported foods.

Analysis of Planted Trees to Improve the Landscape and Naturalness of Seoul Forest (서울숲의 경관과 자연성 증진을 위한 식재수종의 현황분석)

  • Park, Ji-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to analyze the current status of planted trees in Seoul Forest and propose improvement plans to improve the naturalness in the park. A comprehensive survey of the trees in the park was conducted, and the data gathered was used to build a list of planting trees suitable for an urban park. The analysis of the characteristics of landscape trees in Seoul Forest by type was about the presence or absence of leaves, and they were classified into deciduous trees, evergreen trees, deciduous shrubs, and evergreen shrubs, and herbaceous plants such as groundcover plants separately classified. The study found that Seoul Forest had 57 species of native and naturalized trees, with 27 deciduous trees, 35 deciduous shrubs, 15 evergreen trees, and 98 evergreen shrubs. The park also had 472 species of herbaceous plants, totaling 320,000. The majority of planted trees in Seoul Forest were native species, comprising 59% of the total planted trees, while naturalized species made up 41%. Furthermore, the ratio of deciduous trees to evergreen trees was 81% to 19%, with deciduous trees being the dominant species. The evergreen trees showed a similar trend, with a total of 23 species, including 15 native and 8 foreign species, accounting for 65% of native species. In addition, the study identified six common deciduous shrubs, including Forsythia koreana, orbaria sorbifolia var. stellipila, Deutzia parviflora, Rhododendron lateritium, and Spiraea prunifolia var. simpliciflora, which are frequently planted in areas with abundant water. The study also revealed that among the 10 evergreen shrub species, 9 were native and 1 was foreign. The study aimed to classify the species planted in Seoul Forest into native and foreign species and to provide a data-driven plan to encourage the planting of native species. This study offers valuable insights into planting planning and design for urban parks, which is essential for enhancing naturalness, as most studies have primarily focused on usage patterns and satisfaction in urban parks. By promoting the planting of native species, the naturalness of Seoul Forest can be improved.

A Study on the Utilization of Private Security for Park Safety (공원안전관리를 위한 민간경비 활용방안 연구)

  • Kang, Yong-Gil
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.34
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    • pp.7-32
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    • 2013
  • The idea of this study was derived from awareness of local governments and police's limitation on attempts to 'creating safe park'. The purpose of this study is to examine current political measures of preventing various types of possible crimes in the park and the limitation of those policies. Furthermore, this study aims to suggest possible explanations to utilize Private Security Sector for the effective and continuous way of managing park safety by considering legal and practical solutions and its expectations. The methods of analysis used in this study are, first, literature review of current park safety management policies. Second, this article examined implications of strategies of those policies throughout the case study of the USA's park safety policy. Third, this study suggested plans of action and role of Private Security Sector to improve park safety. The results present several arguments for the park safety. First, legislation of mandatory crime preventing programme in the early stages of designing park is required. Introducing the 'park special judicial police system' to the major parks for a immediate response to the crime can be one of suggestions. Moreover, proactive police response systems, such as one of the Seoul Metropolitan Police's policies- 'returning safe parks to a citizen' are required. Second, the case study of the USA regarding park safety confirmed that major parks in the USA have rigorous and detailed park regulations. It also showed that those parks take not only preventing measures, but also follow-up measures against crimes. Third, the results suggest creating human resources by contracting out Park Managers and Private Security Sector that have specialized experiences and techniques to prevent crimes and public disorders. Overall in this study, increased citizen's satisfaction level, control of continuous and systematic crimes, the spread of joint-production of public safety, and increased fields of the Private Security Sector are expected from the findings.

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The Recognition and Utilization of Middle School Technology.Home Economics Teacher's Guidebook (중학교 "기술.가정" 교과 교사용 지도서에 대한 가정 교사의 인식 및 활용)

  • Kang, Eun-Yeong;Shin, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2007
  • This study analyzed the recognition and utilization regarding teacher's guidebook for middle school technology-home economics class in the 7th Educational Curriculum. The data were collected via e-mail to teachers teaching home economics in middle schools. These e-mail addresses were acquired from middle school web pages registered on the Educational Board. The 355 data were analyzed using the SPSS program. The results were as follows: First, teachers recognized highly the necessity of teacher's guidebook. However, as the actual guidebook was not adequately helpful, the overall degree of satisfaction was relatively low. Teachers utilizing guidebook had more positive recognition on teacher's guidebook than teachers who did not. And teachers majored in technology education thought teacher's guidebook more helpful compared with teachers majored in home economics education. Second, teachers referenced teacher's guidebook mostly for field practice guidance. Third, teachers who did not utilize teacher's guidebook used other reference materials such as Internet Web sites and audiovisual materials. They were most commonly used for the reason that the contents were ample and easy to access. Fourth, the followings were suggested to improve teacher's guidebook. The provision of learning contents that can be practically used in class, the various samples of teaching-learning method, the specified methods of planning and criteria for performance assessment, the adequate supplementations regarding textbook contents, and the improvement of the outward layout format of the guidebook.

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Outpatient Chest Tube Management with Using a Panda Pneumothorax Set with a Heimlich Valve (Panda Pneumothorax Set with Heimlich Valve에 의한 외래에서의 흉관 관리)

  • Choi, Soon-Ho;Lee, Mi-Kyung;Ryu, Dae-Woong
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.497-501
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    • 2009
  • Background: Prolonged air leakage and pleural fluid drainage from a chest tube may delay removing the chest tube after a patient undergoes video-assisted thoracoscopic wedge resection and the patient is otherwise ready for discharge. We reviewed 37 outpatients patients who were being managed with a postoperative chest tube (a Panda Pneumothorax set with a Heimlich valve). Material and Method: From January 2005 to December 2007, 294 patients underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic wedge resections & pleurodesis. Of them, 37 patients met the criteria for outpatient chest drainage management with using a Panda Pneumothorax set with a Heimlich valve. The patients received written instructions, and they demonstrated competence with using the Panda system. The patients returned for chest tube removal after satisfactory resolution of their air leak and pleural fluid drainage. Result: The patients discharged with a Panda pneumothorax set had a longer duration of hospital stay (mean: 10.3±1.7 days, range: 11 to 17 days) as compared with the patients without a Panda pneumothorax set (mean: 6.2±1.5 days, range: 4 to 7 days). The chest tube was removed successfully from the patients with a Panda pneumothorax set at an average of 9.8±1.6 days (range: 918 days) after discharge. There were no major complications. Four patients experienced minor complications. Thirty six patients (97.3%) experienced uneventful and successful outpatient chest tube management. Conclusion: Successful postoperative outpatient chest tube management with using the Panda set was accomplished in 36 selected patients. This program resulted in a substantially reduced hospital cost and enhanced patient satisfaction by allowing earlier discharge.

User Behavior and Improvement for Kumgang Pine Eco-Forest in Uljin (울진금강송 생태숲의 이용자 행태분석과 개선방안)

  • Oh, Nam-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.249-259
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the users' behaviors and to suggest development strategies in Uljin Kumgang pine tree(Pinus densiflora for. erecta) eco-forest(UKPEF), which is located in Kyeongbuk. The data were collected by interviewing 122 visitors to september 3 from august 29, 2007 with a constructed questionnaire. The results of the analysis are as follows. 1. The major visitors of UKPEF are male and the age between 20 to 30, the residents of the Uljin county with relatively high academic background. 2. The motive of visiting UKPEF is mainly by the beauty and taste of Kumgang pine tree and the condition of the forest. The visitors are mainly composed of family, not big group. 3. The visitors of UKPEF have obtained information about the Kumgang fine tree forest mainly from friends, not from the internet or travel agency. 4. The visitors of UKPEF pointed out lack of convenient facilities such as toilets and water-supply facilities. However, visitors are satisfied by the condition of the forest. 5. The visitors of UKPEF set a high value on Kumgang fine tree, So, more active marketing strategy about Uljin Kumgang pine tree has to be established. 6. The visitors of UKPEF are more satisfied by the Uljin Kumgang pine tree forest than expected. The development strategies of UKPEF are suggest as follows. (1) Auto tram system has to be set up and new trail should be constructed to attract more visitors and people of other regions. (2) To attract group tourists, new program should be developed. (3) Advertisement through internet or travel agency has to be developed. (4) Government(local) should make a plan to register the forest as World natural heritage. (5) Monitoring and evaluation system has to be developed to satisfy tourists. In conclusion, the efforts of taking care of and preserving the UKPEF should be made at the national level. I hope that more Koreans can have chance to feel and experience the value and excellence ofthe Uljin Kumgang pine tree(Pinus densiflora for. erecta)

A Study and Survey on Clinical Nurses concerning the General Items, the Motives of Determining their Profession, the Attitudes toward their Profession and the Desire and Expectation to their Profession and Society (임상간호원에 대한 연구조사)

  • 이귀향;우옥자;서문자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.78-96
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    • 1973
  • This study of 855 clinical nurses was conducted using a questionnaire that include tour different scales; the motives of determining their profession, the attitudes toward their profession, the general items, and desire and expectation to their profession and society. The data were analyzed by Chi-Square Test and Percentage. The results of this study included Hypothesis are as follows; The respondents were 855 (78.6%) among 1088 clinical nurses who were employed by General of Educational hospitals through the city of Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Daejun, Kwangju, and Wonju. 1) a. In the Age Distribution, the majority of respondents were under the age of 30yrs(88.2%) and the minority were above 31yrs(11.2%), and the preponderance of the majority to minority(9:1) was noted. In compared with area, a group above 31yrs old in Seoul (6.9%) was lower than other area (16.3%). b. The types of Educational background were 16.3% in Voc.Tr. School, 66.5% in Diploma and 17.1% in Degree.146 clinical nurses were from the Degree course, and 142 (97.3%) CN among those of them were occupied around Seoul and 4(2.7%) around other area. c. In the Marital Status,71,5% were the unmarried and 28.5% were the married. And compared with the area was 20.4% in Seoul and 41.4% in other area. d. Most common Length of Clinical Experience after graduation was under tile 2yrs (55.4%), 3yrs(14.2%, and 4yrs (6.2%). In compared with area, Seoul (15.3%) was lower than other area (38.1%) above 5yrs of clinical experience, and the preponderance of tile other area to Seoul as 2.5: I was noted. 2) a. Hypothesis 1 was significant relation between the types of Educational Background of the CN and their motives for selection of Nursing, P-value was below 0.01. b. There was a significance on hypothesis 2 (P<0.01): that was relation between their motives for selection of clinical nursing field after their graduation and the area which they were employed. c. Hypothesis 4 was accepted as significant relation between the level of satisfaction of their clinical experience after their graduation and the types of educational back ground, P-value was below 0.01. d. There was a significance on hypothesis 5(P<0.01) that was relation between the CN's response about the orientation program and the area which they were employed. e. Hypothesis 6 was retained as significant relation between the area and inservice educational programme of their employed hospital was practising or not. P-value was 0.01. f. Hypothesis 7 was retained as significant relation between the area and the CN's response about the inservice educational programme of their employed. P-value was below 0.01. g. There was a significance on hypothesis 8 (P<0.0l) that was relation between the CN's experience on attending the professional meeting and the area. h. Hypothesis 10 was accepted as significant relation between the response about the present licence system and their educational background. p-value was below 0.01. i. There was a significance on hypothesis 11 (P fO.01) that was relation between the carrying out the regular and delivery vacation and the area. J. Hypothesis 12 was accepted as significant relation between the CN's consideration of the lack of leisure and their marital status. p-value was below 0.01' k. There was a significance on hypothesis 13 (P <0.01) that was relation between the CN's response about their salary and their marital status. l. Hypothesis 14 was significant relation between the most difficulties of CN during their working and the hospital which they were employed. p-value was below 0.01.

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