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A Study on the Primary Factors in the Selection of Dental Medical Organizations (치과의료기관을 선택하는 요인에 관한 조사연구)

  • Choi, Yun-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.229-242
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to find out basic information on better customer satisfaction and service by examining and analyzing in what routes patients mostly have selected their dental medical organizations and how they have reacted to their dissatisfaction. The subject of study included the patients who have come to dental clinics and dental hospitals to be treated in Cheonan City, Chungnam and the researcher of this study used a survey and analyzed its gathered data using an SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science) WIN 11.5 Program. As analysis methods, frequency and percentage were calculated to figure out the general characteristics of its subject. In addition, a χ2(Chi-square) test was performed to figure out the factors that patients have selected their dental medical organizations and the following results were obtained. 1. The largest number of patients selected their dental medical organizations by hearsay and more female and married patients selected them by hearsay than other patients, and there were significant differences(p<.05). 2. The dental patients put the priority on treatment techniques in their visiting hospitals and the patients who were more than 40 years old and married patients put more emphasis on treatment techniques in their visiting hospitals than other patients and there were significant differences(p<.05). 3. The said dental patients were not satisfied with the kindness of medical staffs in their visiting medical organizations; meanwhile, the patients who were aged below 30 and had an academic background of more than university degree and were unmarried were less satisfied with the kindness of medical staffs in their visiting medical organizations than other patients and there were significant differences(p<.05). 4. In terms of improvement methods or complaints, the largest number of them said that they just ignored and endured; meanwhile, the patients who were aged below 30 and had an education of more than university degree and were unmarried were more patient of improvement methods or complaints than other patients and there were significant differences(p<.05). 5. There were more patients who have introduced their visiting medical organizations to their neighboring people than the patients who have not done it; in the meantime, the patients who were aged over 40 and were married have introduced their visiting medical organizations to their neighboring people more than other patients(p<.05).

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Analysis on Leisure ViewPoint of Immigrant Female of Multi-Cultural Families (다문화가정 이주여성의 여가관 분석)

  • Yun, Min-Sook;Lee, Jeng-Heun;Kim, Jeong-Ryeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.337-349
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research is to elucidate the analysis on leisure viewpoint of immigrant female of multi-cultural families. This survey research have been performed with 140 of immigrant females who participate to the program of multi-cultural families support center located in Kyungki-do, Taejeon city, Chungnam-do and Chungbuk-do in 2010 by purposive sampling method. The final analysis was obtained from the survey results of total 89 immigrant females and the credibility of this survey represented Cronbach's α value above .613. The apparent results were the follows: First, the major leisure time of immigrant females of multi-cultural families on week days as well as weekend represented to be 1~2 hours. Second, the satisfaction on leisure activity of immigrant females was average level. Third, the best preference as leisure activity was travel. Fourth, their husbands were the favor partner for leisure activity of immigrant females. Fifth, the restriction on leisure activity of immigrant females showed some differences based on age, academic background, nationality and residence period. That is, personal restriction of age was below 25 years old, the highest personal and relative restriction of academic background represented in immigrant females below middle school graduator. Furthemore, the structural restriction and personal restriction on nationality showed the highest in the china and phillippine females, relatively. Personal restriction on residence period was mainly represented in immigrant females residing during 2.1~4 years.

The Effect of Upcycling Environmental Club Activities on Students' Environmentally Friendly Attitude and Creative Personality (업사이클링 환경동아리 활동이 학생의 환경친화적 태도 및 창의적 인성에 미치는 효과)

  • Soo-Jin Ahn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.326-338
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of up-cycling environmental club activities on students' environmentally friendly attitudes and creative personalities. Pre-post tests were conducted for 6th graders of elementary school. Experimental treatment was conducted by forming an up-cycling environmental club program after 4 weeks. In the post-test result of the sub-area of environmentally friendly attitude, there was a significant effect in the 'affective domain' and the 'behavioral domain'. However, there was no significant effect in the 'cognitive domain', which is a sub-area of academic achievement. However, it was found that there was a positive effect in the overall test result of environmentally friendly attitude. Therefore, it is interpreted that the activities of the upcycling environmental club were effective in the environmentally friendly attitude. There were significant effects in the sub-areas of the creative personality test such as 'patient/obsession', 'self-confidence', 'curious', 'imagination', and 'openness'. However, there was no significant effect in the sub-areas of 'humor', 'adventure', and 'independence'. However, it was found that there was a significant effect in the overall test result of the creative personality test. Therefore, it is interpreted that upcycling environmental club activities are effective in cultivating creative personality. Students' satisfaction with upcycling environmental club activities also appeared to be high.

Diagnostic Analysis on Oral Health Education of Primary School's Health Teacher (초등학교 보건교사의 구강보건교육 진단)

  • Kim, Ka-Young;Choi, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : The systematic health education to form the basic healthy lifestyle should be realized from elementary school, so oral health education at elementary school can determine the whole lifetime oral health. The elementary school health teacher's recognition and behavior who in charge of health promotion of students is important. Therefore, the study was conducted to enhance oral health education. Methods : Total 114 people among of 131 from health teacher Gwangju elementary school. Survey system is configured by referring to PRECEDE model. Results : In behavioral diagnosis the proportion of oral Health Education is less than 10%(58.8%), mostly educated in activity time (86.0%), the health teachers educate when it is needed(53.5%). In predisposing diagnosis in the eight areas of health education, the oral health education is ranked as fourth, fifth. Even in the next year project, the oral health education ratio was 21.9 percent. In enabling diagnosing every year the Oral health education training experienced rate is 13.2%, satisfaction rate is 33.3%. In reinforcing diagnosing disability element in the regular education course are the lack of oral health-related information (46.7%), lack of materials needed for education (30.6%), lack of training opportunities (21.4%). Conclusion : In further research, oral health education textbooks, materials and methods should be developed. At the foundation of there developments, the elementary oral health education program should be more fully developed and conducted and also the evaluation of its effectiveness will need.

Factors that Influence Tobacco Use in Middle School Student and The Rate of Future Tobacco use (중학생들의 흡연 경험과 미래의 흡연의도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Hwang, Seong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.573-583
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    • 2016
  • This descriptive investigative study was conducted to evaluate middle school students in the city to understand their experience with tobacco use and the factors that affect the intention for tobacco use in the future, as well as to investigate the relevance between student attitudes towards tobacco use and their understanding of the toxicity of its use. A total of 1,044 middle school students located in C city were surveyed from October 13 to November 27, 2015. The results showed significant differences in age, grade, amount of allowance, absence/presence of friends of the opposite sex, and first experience with tobacco use. Moreover, intentions of tobacco use in the future showed significant differences in age, religion, allowance, rate of satisfaction of the school environment, absence/presence of friends of the opposite sex, and academic grade (p<0.05). Based on the above results, it is necessary to implement a consistent anti-smoking education in the home and school starting in elementary school to reduce the rate of tobacco use in middle school students.

Factors Affecting the Consciousness of Biomedical Ethics of the Nursing Students before Clinical Practice In Convergence Era (융합 시대의 임상실습 전 간호대학생의 생명의료윤리의식에 대한 영향요인 확인)

  • Cho, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.359-369
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of the study was to identify the factors affecting the consciousness of biomedical ethics of the nursing students before clinical practice. Data were collected among 183 nursing students in G city, from June 12 to 30, 2017. Data were analyzed by using SPSS 22.0 WIN program. The level of attitude on the withdrawal of life sustaining treatment was 3.20±0.35, ethical values was 3.55±0.27, consciousness of biomedical ethics was 2.69±0.20. Models including the variables, ethical values(β=.52, p<.001), major satisfaction(β=.21, p=.001), attitude on the withdrawal of life sustaining treatment(β=.01 p=.031), explained 36.6% of the variance in the consciousness of biomedical ethics. Based on the outcome of this study, steps should be taken to design intervention programs that emphasize a improve consciousness of biomedical ethics for nursing students in convergence era.

The Relationship between Self-esteem and Mental Health of College Student in Some Regions (일부지역 대학생들의 자아존중감과 정신건강간의 관계)

  • Yu, Eun-Yeong;Yoon, Chi-Keun;Yang, Yu-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.274-283
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates the relationship between self-esteem and mental health of college students. The data collected is to be utilized to promote effect methods of education and consultation that will improve the self-esteem and mental health of college students. There were a total of 468 questionnaires were distributed and collected from 2 universities and 3 community colleges between October 2nd and December 2nd 2010. The results of data analysis were as follows: First, there were no significant differences in the relationships between general characteristics and the perceptual self, the evaluative self, and self-esteem. Second, there were significant differences in the relationship between general characteristics and mental health according to economic situation, the year of entering college, satisfaction with your department, relationship with fellow classmates, and health status with regards to low mental health. Third, there was a partial correlation between perceptual self, evaluative self, and self-esteem. Perceptual self, evaluative self, and self-esteem were inversely related to obsessive compulsiveness, hostility, interpersonal sensitivity, physical, anxiety, delusional disorder, and psychosis. In conclusion, the results of this study would be used as the foundation for improving the self-esteem of college students and easing mental health with the development and implementation of a formal education program. It is also recognized that follow studies should be conducted to understand additional effects.

The Relationship of Ego Resilience and involvement with the Experience of Anxiety and Perceived Stress in Nursing students (간호대학생의 불안 및 지각된 스트레스 경험과 자아탄력성과의 관계)

  • Lee, Youn-Kyung;Kim, Li-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1953-1962
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to identify the relationship between ego-resilience, anxiety and perceived stress. The participants were 500 students of nursing college located in K city, Korea. Data were collected from September, 9th to 14th 2013, and were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients. The result were as follows; 1) The mean scores were ego-resilience 3.36(0.50), anxiety 2.26(0.70) and stress 2.55(0.55). 2) Ego-resilience was significantly different according to gender, age, satisfaction for major, subjective career opportunity, subjective health. The score were higher at the male group than the female group, and the group who aged over 24 were higher than the group aged below 23. 3) Significant correlations were found between ego-resilience, anxiety and stress. Ego-resilience has negative relationship with level of anxiety(r=- .383, p<0.000) and perceived stress(r=- .454, p<0.000). While, the positive relationship were significant(r= .685, p<0.000) between level of anxiety and perceived stress. According to these result, ego-resilience promotion program is need to develop as a positive concept to adjust college life and nursing course.

An Exploratory Study on Social Participation Needs among the Elderly: Q-Methodological Approach (노년기 사회참여 욕구에 관한 탐색적 연구: Q 방법론의 적용)

  • Kim, Junghyun;Roh, Eunyoung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.871-889
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to explore social participation needs among the elderly in Korea from the perspective of the elderly participant's. 40 Q-samples are drawn from the Q-population including attitudes and needs toward social participation in later life based on news articles, essays, research, documentary, and television shows. 35 subjects are analysed by the QUANL program and the types of social participation needs are divided into four patterns which accounted for 60.16% of the total variance. The elderly's portrayal of an ideal social participation is about making independent decisions and being able to actively participate in the activities they chose to do. However, their most undesirable scenario would be being confused and uncertain of what they should do the remainder of their lives. The needs of social participation among the elderly varies on four indicators such as ego, social capital, life satisfaction, life vitality and these four indicators have two sub-categories with a total of 8 types of classification. These 8 types differ by priorities, adaptation to life changes, motivation to social participation, and desired activity. Findings suggest that researchers and policy makers need to consider service user perspective on social participation in later life, not service provider perspective.

Influencing Factors on College Adjustment of Nursing Students : The Meaning of Life, Empathy Skills, Resilience (간호대학생의 대학생활 적응 영향요인 : 생의 의미, 공감능력, 극복력을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jong-Lan;Park, Sun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2019
  • In an attempt to provide basic information for the development of programs geared toward facilitating college adjustment of nursing students, this study was undertaken to verify the meaning of life, empathy skills and resilience, as factors affecting the adjustment of nursing students to college and factors influencing relationships of the variables. Between March 1 to April 30, 2019, 531 nursing students in two different colleges located in Gyeonggi Province were enrolled to undertake a survey. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficient, t-tests, ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression. Results reveal that the meaning of life had a significant positive correlation with empathy skills, resilience and the degree of college adjustment. It was also ascertained that college adjustment was better when the meaning of life, empathy skills and resilience were greater. Factors affecting college adjustment include gender, grade, education at admission, health status, major satisfaction, stress, family economy, meaning of life and resilience; these variables had a 44.8% explain ability of college adjustment. Considering the findings of this study, we propose that sustained education and program development are required to enhance the meaning of life, empathy skills and resilience of college students to ensure their successful college adjustment.