Purpose: The automatic notification system for alarm values on blood tests conducted by this hospital is designed to immediately inform the attending physician of the result of a blood test, to help the relevant patient to promptly receive proper treatment, and furthermore, to reduce the likelihood of a fatal influence to the patient. From 2004, the clinical pathology department of this hospital has been operating an automatic notification system for blood tests, in relation to the items of WBC, Hb, Plt, PB cell morphology, Malaria, PT, aPTT, BT, fibrinogen, Ca, K, Na, Cl, Mg, Glucose, Ketone, Digoxin, PKU, Homocystinuria, 17-OHP, Neonatal TSH, and Galactosemia. Recently, the blood test room of the nuclear medicine department has been operating an automatic notification system for the alarm values of a blood test, in relation to three items of TSH, FT4, and 17-α-OH-PGR, and the details of its operation will be described here. Materials and Methods: The subjects were newborn babies that were receiving TSH, FT4, and 17α-OH-PGR prescriptions from February 19th to May 11st, 2009, and who met with the following criteria: N2340 Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone: >10μIU/mL (Reference value: 0.4~5.0). N2360 Free-Thyroxine: <0.8μg/dL (Reference value: 0.8~1.9), N2444 17α-OH-Progesterone: >30μg/mL (Reference value: Male (0.6~3.42), Female follicular phase (0.19~1.8). The automatic notification system was operated by entering test items, relevant treatment departments, and standard values for reporting alarm values into the OCS program, and then transmitting results that met with the input conditions to the PDAs of the prescription and the attending physician by SMS. Results: Reporting an alarm value of the nuclear medicine blood test, which can have a fatal influence on the lives of patients, will help cure patients, improve the quality of the test, and furthermore, will increase the patient's satisfaction with the prescription and treatment of the test.