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Basic Knowledge Level of Nurses on the Administration of Medication (투약에 관한 간호원의 기초지식 정도)

  • 한윤복;이인자;김명자;노유자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 1976
  • Amongst varieties of clinical nursing role, the administration of medication is often highlighted as of prime importance. In order to attain data for the improvement of teaching strategies of medication, diagnostic evaluation of the knowledge level is a necessity. This study was performed from August through December 1975. 449 registered nurses, randomly sampled from general hospitals:16 of Seoul and 7 of Taegu and Pusan, were tested through 54 test questionaries based on 4 practical dimensions of administration of medication. Results are as follows ; 1. Status of respondents: Length of clinical experiences; the average length revealed to be 2 years and 7 months, 72% revealed to have had less than 3 years of experience; 38.6%-less than 1 year, 19 .2%-over 1 year and less than 2 years, and 14, 2%-over 2 years and less than 3 years. Type of Nursing education received ; 9.4% revealed to have graduated technical high school of nursing, 67.5o/o the 3 year diploma school and 21, 7% the baccalaureate degree program. The knowledge Level; Degree of self-satisfaction on knowledge level revealed that;27, 4% responded to "more or less satisfied", 48.8% "more or less un-satisfied" and 19.8% to "not satisfied". The average level of basic knowledge revealed to be moderate by 66.95 points. The level of knowledge of 4 questionnaire categories revealed that; drug action category by average of 66.5 points, methodology category by 65.4 Points, safety measure category by 71.4 points and terminology and concepts category by 64.6 points, Questionnaire items which revealed high points are of;6 of drug action category, 4 of methodology, 4 of safety measure, and 3 of terminology. The items of low points are: 8 of drug action, 3 of methodology, 3 of safety measure and 5 of terminolology categories. 3. The type of nursing education revealed to have no significant influence on the level of knowledge on the administration of medication. 4. The length of clinical experience revealed to have no significant influence on the level of knowledge. 5. 75. l% responded that the actual practice of medication modes are "similar" to that included in the fundamentals of nursing course. 6. In-service education on medication; 54.0% revealed to have some incidental in-service education on medication while 34.0% receive programmed in- service education. 61.8% revealed to have expressed the need of systemic In-service education as one of the means for improvement of medication. 32.7% revealed to obtain information concerning medicine by reading commercial publications on drug package, while only 20.9% by reading specific information channel.

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The Influence of Online Classes Educational Quality and Learning Emotions on Learning Outcome - Focusing on H Technical College Students - (온라인 수업의 교육의 질, 학습 정서가 학습성과에 미치는 영향 - H 전문대학 학생들을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Bo-Young;Hwang, Hye-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.467-476
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is as a base study for improving the quality of online classes through multilateral analysis that examines the learning outcoms of educational quality and learning emotions on non-face-to-face online classes at Technical Colleges To this study, from March 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020, a survey was conducted on 1,000 students of H Technical Colleges located in the metropolitan area. The collected data were statistically processed using the SPSS Statistics 18.0 program, t-validation were performed to reveal awareness of online class also correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed to reveal the relation and influence of factors related to quality of instruction, learning emotions, learning outcomes. First, there was a statistically significant difference in perception of online classes by gender and grade. Second, there was a positive correlation between the educational quality, learning emotions, and learning outcomes for online classes. Third, among the learning outcomes, the factors that influence the achievement were the educational content and positive emotions, and the factors that influence the satisfaction among the learning outcomes were the educational content and the learning environment.

The Influence of Inservice Training on Organizational Socialization of New Dental Hygienists (신규치과위생사의 직무교육이 조직사회화에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hye-Young;Kim, Hyeong-Mi;Lee, Jung-Suk;Lee, Su-Young
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.560-568
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to provide basic data that could give a positive effect for both new dental hygienists and dental institutions by identifying the impact of one the job training on the organizational socialization, targeting 162 new dental hygienists who currently worked in dental clinic. The data were analyzed using the chi-squire, independent-samples t-test, hierarchical regression analysis. It was shown that the characteristics and contents of a duration of inservice training for new dental hygienists, difficulty, satisfaction, and details of on-the-job training affected organizational socialization by 26.1%. The factor that had the greatest impact on the organizational socialization was dental hygiene service training, followed by guidance of hospital service regulations. This study was significant in that it applied the concept of organizational socialization to the dental hygienists. The future study on the more effective and systematic training program will be needed to help new dental hygienists be socialized more effectively in the new organization.

A study on the development of surveillance system for multiple drones in school drone education sites (학내 드론 교육현장의 다중드론 감시시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Jin-Taek Lim;Sung-goo Yoo
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.697-702
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    • 2023
  • Recently, with the introduction of drones, a core technology of the 4th industrial revolution, various convergence education using drones is being conducted in school education sites. In particular, drone theory and practice education is being conducted in connection with free semester classes and career exploration. The drone convergence education program has higher learner satisfaction than simple demonstration and practice education, and the learning effect is high due to direct practical experience. However, since practical education is being conducted for a large number of learners, it is impossible to restrict and control the flight of a large number of drones in a limited place. In this paper, we propose a monitoring system that allows the instructor to monitor multiple drones in real time and learners to recognize collisions between drones in advance when multiple drones are operated, focusing on education operated in schools. The communication module used in the experiment was equipped with GPS in Murata LoRa, and the server and client were configured to enable monitoring based on the location data received in real time. The performance of the proposed system was evaluated in an open space, and it was confirmed that the communication signal was good up to a distance of about 120m. In other words, it was confirmed that 25 educational drones can be controlled within a range of 240m and the instructor can monitor them.

The analysis of trends in domestic research on career development of nurses (간호사 경력개발에 관한 국내 연구 동향 분석)

  • Choi, Hyun-Ju;Jung, Kwuy-Im
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.325-336
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to explore the latest trends in domestic research related to career development for nurses and present a theoretical approach and practical direction of career related papers in the field of nursing and health care. The subject of the study was articles regarding career development of nurses published in domestic journals from 2008 to 2017. The final 29 papers were found after searching the RISS and KISS databases for 'nursing', 'nurse', 'career', 'career development', 'career development program', and 'career management.' To analyze the overall trends, the analysis was reviewed by year, source, research design, and subjects, and content analysis was used to identify trends by topic. The results of content analysis were divided into career development and career development results as the upper categories. The subcategories of career development were divided into organizational career management, personal career management, and career performance. The subcategories of personal career management consisted of career exploration, career planning, career plateau, and career interruption. Organizational career management consisted of CLS development and application, CLS awareness survey, and career development model building. Career performance consisted of career commitment, organizational commitment, turnover intention, change after CLS application, career satisfaction, and career withdrawal intention. The most frequently discussed topics were career commitment among career performance. Therefore, the direction of nursing research related to career development requires integrated research that meets personal and organizational needs, and diversity in subject, research design and research theme is required.

A Study on the Effect of the Mediator of the Service Quality of Japanese Restaurants to Behavior Intention (일식 레스토랑 서비스품질이 고객만족을 매개로 행동의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Hye-Young;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.174-190
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    • 2015
  • This study looks at a causal relationships between service quality and behavior intention(re-visiting, recommendation, loyalty) to attract customers and make them loyal customers in the context of Japanese restaurants. The study includes 250 consumers who have experience in Japanese restaurants located in Busan to conduct survey for empirical testing. To achieve the purpose of current study, frequency test, multiple/simple regression analysis, and factor analysis were conducted with SPSS 18.0 statistical program. Structure Equation Model analysis has been employed for hypothesis testing. Results showed that the service of employee has been recognized as an primary factor among elements of Japanese restaurants' service quality to satisfy customer, and employee's service is the strongest affecting factor to consumers' behavioral intention as well. In addition, the food quality identified as an the strongest factor that affects behavior intention, whereas physical environment is the lowest factor. It can be interpreted that the quality of food is very important element to make their consumers revisit or recommend the restaurant to others. In this study, especially, the service of the employee has been identified as an key factor to customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. Therefore, CEO or restaurateurs of Japanese restaurants have to consider the importance of service quality and food quality to make more patrons as well as their business success.

Meta-analysis of Factors Influencing Job Stress of Occupational Therapist in Korea (국내 작업치료사의 직무스트레스에 영향을 미치는 변수에 대한 메타분석)

  • Shim, Sun-Hwa;Kim, Eun-Joo;Park, Eun-Young
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2020
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting occupational therapist's job stress through meta-analysis. Methods : In order to achieve the purpose of the study, 15 studies that examined job stress of occupational therapists were selected for analysis. The general characteristics of individual papers and the magnitude of the effect of related variables on job stress were calculated. The effect size of related variables on job stress and sub-factors (Fisher z) were calculated. Results : The results were found that the effect size on job stress was not significant in the variables of education level, salary and age. The largest effect size was found to be turnover intention (ES=1.161). There was no significant effect size in sub-factors of interpersonal conflict, organization system and insufficient job control. There was a significant effects in physical environment, lack of reward, job insecurity, job demand and occupational climate. Conclusion : The results of this study were suggested that an approach depending on sub-factors is needed to reduce job stress of occupational therapists. Satisfaction, burnout, and self-efficacy, which are psychological factors, are considered to be needed a program for psychological empowerment in order to reduce the job stress of the occupational therapist with a medium effect size according to individual sub-factors.

A Study on Sexual Attitude, Autonomy and Harassment Experience of College Students (대학생의 성 태도, 성적 자율성 및 성희롱 경험에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Soon-Gu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.223-231
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships among sexual attitudes, autonomy, and harassment experience and to find out how each factor affects the sexual attitudes of college students. The subjects were 236 college students in D city. The data were collected from September 3 - 8, in 2015 using a structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the SPSS WIN 18.0 program. For data analysis, a Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis were carried out. The results are as follows. First, the average scores of sexual attitude, sexual autonomy, and sexual harassment experience were 4.01, 1.95, and 0.95 points, respectively. Second, the individual characteristics in sexual attitude were significantly different in gender (U=2124.50, p=0.000) and department (U=5741.00, p=0.026), sexual autonomy were considerably different in gender (U=2529.50, p=0.001) and satisfaction with personal relationships (X2=9.46, p=0.009), and sexual harassment experience were significantly different in the department (U=5604.00, p=0.007). Third, a positive relationship was observed between the sexual attitudes and sexual autonomy (r=0.517, p<0.01). Sexual autonomy was found to influence the sexual attitudes (β=0.46, p<.001). These results highlight the need to develop sex education programs in various situations for college students and that sex education should be implemented constantly.

Trends of Korean Medicine Treatment after Musculoskeletal Disorder Surgery: A Literatural Review (근골격계 질환 수술 후 한방치료 동향(국내 학술지를 중심으로))

  • Lee, Kang-Joon;Park, Chang-Hyun;Lee, Yoon-Jae;Lee, Jung-Han;Cho, Jae-Heung;Park, Tae-Yong;Yang, Na-Rae;Hwang, Eui-Hyoung;Song, Yun-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2017
  • Objectives The purpose of this review is to analyse the trend in papers related with Korean Medicine Treatment after musculoskeletal disorder surgery. Methods We reviewed Korean Medicine papers by searching Korean web databases 'Korea Traditional Knowledge Portal', 'Scientific and Technological Information Integration Service (NDSL)', 'Academic Research Information Service (RISS)', 'Korea Medical Informati on Portal (OASIS)'. We classified the papers by the year of publishment, the title of journals, the type of study, surgery region, chief complain after surgery, main treatment, periods after surgery, assessment for outcomes. Results 1. Korean Medicine treatment after musculoskeletal disorder surgery has received more attention than in the past and there are attempts to do various studies besides the case reports. 2. 41 research papers were divided in to 3 original articles, 3 review articles, 35 case reports. But almost presented a low level of evidence. 3. Pain was the most common symptom after the musculoskeletal disorder surgery. Pain should be the primary goal of Korean rehabilitation treatment after musculoskeletal disorder surgery. 4. Assessment tools for outcome were concentrated in questionnaries, VAS and NRS. In order to evaluate better, it is necessary to evaluate the overall condition of the patient such as the quality of life evaluation and patient satisfaction. Conclusions In this study, we expect that the development and clinical application of Korean rehabilitation treatment program after musculoskeletal disorder surgery will be actively pursued.

A Study on How Well-Being Influences Consumer Behavior and Restaurant Choice (외식 소비자의 웰빙 수준과 웰빙 태도가 레스토랑의 선택 속성에 미치는 영향)

  • Son, Young-Jin;Hong, Ki-Woon
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.209-224
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this study is to find out how well-being influences consumer behavior of dining-out. Based on this objective, this study covers plans for improving marketing strategies, which contributes to menu development and purchase behavior of consumers. This study consists of two parts : a research based on the review of the literature and empirical study methods. The finding of the study would also be valuable for the development of management of advertising strategies to be implemented in the foodservice industry. Based on the survey statistics, Program SPSS 12.0 and Amos 5.0 were used in order to look into a casual relationship among group units. The findings of the demonstration analysis are as follows. Most of previous research regarding well-being in local study is psychological well-being dealt with individual health and psychological satisfaction. On the other hand, social well-being is likely to focus on public relation rather than private concerns. The fact that the term 'well-being' have not been definitely defined yet was a problem in research. Also, well-being should not be recognized as a temporary trend but as a general trend. Therefore, it is necessary to understand consumer behavior which is changeable as the circumstance of the foodservice industry changes.

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