• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction for the program

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Nurses' Perception of the Performance and Necessity of Nursing Services for Patients Engagement (간호사의 환자참여 간호서비스 수행정도와 필요성 인식)

  • Lee, Tae Wha;Jang, Yeon Soo;Ji, Yoon Jung;Do, Hyun Ok;Oh, Kyoung Hwan;Kim, Chang Kyung;Chun, Ja Hye;Shin, Hae Kyung;Cho, Mee Young;Bae, Jung Im
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.120-132
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the performance of patient engagement nursing services perceived by nurses and necessity in Korea. Methods: This study was a descriptive research. A total of 205 nurses participated in the study. The Smart Patient Engagement Assessment Checklist was developed by the investigators to assess patient engagement nursing services performance and necessity. The data were collected using online survey. Descriptive analysis and x2 analysis were performed using SPSS 25.0 program. Results: The mean age of participants was 36.6±8.5years and the mean working experience was 12.92±9.23years. Seventy eight percent of participants reported that patients and family participated in care as advisors through customer's suggestion or patient satisfaction assessment. The rate of patients' and family's engagement in care as advisors was significantly higher in tertiary hospitals (x2=28.54, p<.001). About 89% of participants communicated with patients and family to make clinical decisions with a multidisciplinary approach. The rate of communication for multidisciplinary decision making was significantly higher in tertiary hospitals (x2=6.30, p=.012). With regards to nurses' bedside patient handoff, 22.0% of participants reported that they were performing bedside patient handoff, and there was no significant difference between type of hospitals. About discharge planning, 72.2% of participants reported utilizing discharge checklist. Conclusion: Currently, patient engagement nursing services are applied partially in Korea. It seems that care protocols to be applied for patient engagement nursing services are insufficient. Therefore, patient engagement care protocols need to be developed to improve patient's health outcome and safety.

A Study on Idol Marketing Strategies Using Web Entertainment - Focusing on - (웹 예능을 활용한 아이돌 마케팅 전략 연구 - <달려라 방탄>을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Shuo-Kun;Huh, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this paper is to look at web entertainment in terms of marketing and analyze how consumers in Korea and abroad feel about it. To this end, methods such as literature research, case studies, and consumer interviews were used. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows. First of all, through the case of "Run BTS," the web entertainment program actively reflects the needs of viewers on entertainment content by utilizing the unique interactions of web entertainment in terms of products. In terms of price, web entertainment operated a paid service that contained more diverse contents. However, the degree of satisfaction with paid services was different for each age group or income of viewers. In terms of distribution, web entertainment can position viewers much more clearly than conventional TV entertainment, has strong communication with viewers, and is relatively free from political conflict or censorship in overseas exports. Finally, in terms of public relations, web entertainment is promoted in various ways to fans who are the mainstay of existing viewers, but public relations for various viewers other than fans are relatively weak. Based on the above analysis, this paper proposed ways to improve consumers of web entertainment by region, customized marketing by age, professional window for consumers to directly express their opinions on content, and wide promotion through various media.

Healthcare Research for Sexual Satisfaction of Women Using Questionnaire of Smartphone SNS (스마트 폰 SNS 설문조사 통해 알아본 여성의 성 만족도에 관한 헬스케어 연구)

  • Moon, Jong-Hoon;Heo, Sung-Jin;Na, Chang-Ho;Kim, Sung-Hyeon;Kang, So-La;Kim, Hee-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.941-956
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to compare the differences in sexual function and sexual preference according to demographic characteristics of women, sexual experience, preference penile type, and sexual dysfunction. 72 adult women responded to the survey. 54 respondents were analyzed except respondents who did have incomplete response and no sexual experience. All collected data were analyzed using independent t-test and chi-square test using SPSS 22. In results, Married was significantly higher in intercourse frequency and sexual function than unmarried(p<.05). In economic status, high or middle was significantly higher in the subjective sexual experience and sexual function than the low(p<.05). In subjective sexual experience, high was higher in intercourse frequency than the low, and penile length and type were important(p<.05). preference of glans> penis was significantly higher in subjective sexual experience than preference of glans .. penis, and importance of penile girth and size(p<.05). In sexual function, normal function was lower in intercourse frequency than dysfunction, and penile length was not considered significant(p<.05). The results of this study suggest that there may be differences in sexual function and sexual preference according to various causes and can be used as basic data for the development of psychological counseling program for sexual function rehabilitation of women.

Study on Body Composition, Biochemical Parameters, and Consumption of Convenience Foods According to β-3 Adrenergic Receptor Polymorphism in University Students (베타-3 아드레날린 수용체 유전자 다형성에 따른 대학생의 생화학 지표, 체성분과 편의식품 섭취실태에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Myoung-Soo;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.364-373
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the body composition, biochemical parameters, and consumption of convenience foods according to β-3 adrenergic receptor polymorphism in university students. A survey was conducted on a total of 486 students - 189 males and 297 females. Based on a self-reporting method, questionnaires were administered for over 20 minutes, and β-3 adrenergic receptor and blood samples were also analyzed. The genotype frequencies of β-3 adrenergic receptor polymorphism were Trp/Trp homozygote (73.0%) and Trp/Arg heterozygote (27.0%) in male students. For the female students, the distribution of genotypes was Trp/Trp (71.0%) and Trp/Arg (29.0%). There were no differences according to biochemical parameters (ALT, cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and hemoglobin) or body composition. Males with TT genotype frequently ate Ramyon (2.40±0.52), Cup Ramyon (2.37±0.39), Kimchi (2.23±0.61), and frozen meat (2.00±0.44), whereas males with TA genotype ate Fries (frozen food) (1.90±0.79), Smoked meat (1.67±0.81), and Canned fruit (1.64±0.81). Females with TT genotype frequently ate Frozen fries (2.21±0.35), Kimbab (2.12±0.44), and Ramyon (1.85±0.40), whereas females with TA genotype frequently ate Kimchi (1.73±0.98), Fries (frozen food) (1.46±0.26), and Cup Ramyon (1.30±0.34). When questioned about satisfaction about body shape, 22.8 and 60.8% of those with TT genotype answered that they were 'satisfied' or needed to 'lose weight', respectively, whereas 18.0 and 63.9% of those with TA genotype answered that they were 'satisfied' or needed to 'lose weight', respectively. In conclusion, this study found no significant effects in terms of β-3 adrenergic receptor polymorphism, which suggests that health-promoting education needs to be developed so that university students appropriately recognize their bodies and control their weight in desirable ways. Therefore, it is necessary to educate individuals with TT genotype how to buy reasonable foods by understanding the interrelationship between convenience foods and health care and by checking the nutrition index labels on convenience foods. Thus, it is recommended that a health-promoting program be developed for the promotion of healthy lifestyles.

A study on the menarche of middle school girls in Seoul (여학생의 초경에 관한 조사 연구 (서울시내 여자중학생을 대상으로))

  • Kim, Mi-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 1983
  • It is assumed that menarche is affected not only by the biological factors such as nutrition and genetic heritage, but also it is affected by other socio-cultural environmental factors including weather, geographic location, education and level of modernization. Also recent trend of menarche in Korea indicates that a lot of discussion are being generated to the need of sex education as a part of formal school education. The purpose of this study is to develop the school health education program by determine the age of menarche, the factors relavant to time of menarche and psycho-mental state of students at the time in menarche and investigate the present state of school health education relate to menarche of adolescents. The total number of 732 girls was drown from first, second and third grades of 4 middle schools in Seoul. For the data collection the survey was conducted during the period from May 1 to May 20, 1982 by using prepared questionair. The major results are summarized as follow; 1. Mean age at menarche and the percent distribution of menarche experienced. It was observed that about 68.7% of sampled students have been experienced menarche at the time interviewed. For the each group, age at menarche is revealed that among the students about 37.8% are experienced menarche for under 12 years old group, 62.1% for 13 year-old group, 80.6% for 14 year-old group and 95.5% for over 15 years old. In sum it was found that the mean age at menarche was 12.3 years old, ranged from age at 10 as earlist the age at 15 as latest. 2. Variables associated with age at menarche. 1) There was tendency those student who belong to upper class economic status have had menarche earlier than those student who belong to lower class. Therefore, economic status is closely related to age at menarche. 2) In time of mother's education level, it is also found that those students whose mother's education levels from high school and college are experienced menarche earlier than those students whose mother's education levels from primary school and no-education. 3) However, in connection with home discipline, there was no significant relationship between age at menarche and home disciplines which are being treated "Rigid", "Moderated ", "Indifferent". 4) Degree of communication between parents and daughter about sex matters was found to be associated each others in determination of age at menarche. 5) It was found that high association between mother's menarche age and their daughter's menarche age was observed. Mother's age at menarche earlier trend to be shown also as earlier of their daughters. 6) Those students belong to "D & E" of physical substantiality index are trend to be earlier in menarche than those students in the index "A & B". 3. Psycho-mental state at the time of menarche. Out of the total students 68.2% had at least one or more than one of subjective symptoms. Shyness was shown as most higher prevalent symptom and others are fear, emotional instability, unpleasant feeling, depression, radical behavior, inferior complex and satisfaction appeared. Very few cases are appeared be guilty and stealing feeling. 4. The present status of school health education program related to menarche. As to the source of information about menarche, teacher was a main source with average index 5.88 and the other informants were mother & family member, friends, books and magagines, movies, television, and radio. For the problem solving at menarche, mother & family members were subject to discussion with an average index 6.02 as high. The others for discuss and knowledge about menarche were books, magagine, friends, teachers, and self-learning based on own experienced. The time of learning about menarche, it was learned as highest percentage with 43.2% at a 6 grades of primary school, middle school with 34.4%, 5 grade of primary school with 18.2%, and 4 grade of primary school with 4.0% respectively.

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Journal of Body Mass Index, Body Shape Dissatisfaction, Eating Behavior (대학생의 체질량지수(BMI:Body Mass Index), 체형 불만족도와 식이행동에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Mee-Kyung
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.98-103
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the correlation and level of Body Mass Index, Body Shape Dissatisfaction, Eating Behavior in college students. Methods: A total of 383 students were asked. The survey was analyzed by SPSS Win 21.0 program. 293 were female students and most of the students were normal in BMI(58.2%), and underweight students were the next(14.9%). There were positive correlation between body shape non satisfication and eating behavior and BMI(r=.587, p=.000; r=.174, p=.001), and negative correlation between body shape non satisfication and age and sleeping time. According to BMI the body shape non satisfication was different in normal and 1 stage obesity students. and 2 stage obesity and under weight students (F=2.993, p=.019;F=2.993, p=.109). As a result of this study, students with body mass index overweight have low body satisfaction, so it is necessary to educate the right dietary exercise therapy for weight management. And even underweight groups should be mediated so that they undergo normal diet behaviors, rather than restrained dietary behaviors, to maintain health.

A Study on Consumer's Evaluations on and Preferences for Formative images of Products (제품디자인을 위한 조형 이미지의 평가와 선호에 관한 연구)

  • 김관배
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2000
  • Today's world has been changing form post-industrial society to information society, and criteria of human value, also, has been changing from physical to intellectual and sensible. Based on this trend, intellectual and sensible value of a product is becoming more important in comsumer's market than physical value. The environment of product design has been rapidly changing. Users and consumers pursuit sensible satisfaction through their lives based on images of products. As the environment in which a product is used has been more important, companies have placed more emphasis on consumers and users, and are trying to satisfy their consumers by developing products with emphasis on their design, as well as to develop human technology. In ever-changing environment, a question is if sensible design can be developed in product design. Companies could upgrade their competitive power and brand image only if they could develope designs which could satisfy consumers through sensible design approach with a base on systematic research on h~man sensibility. In this context, the purpose of this study was to: investigate consumer's evaluations on and preferences for formative images of products according to the types of human sensibility. This research study placed emphasis on quantitative analysis of consumers' emotional needs to find out consumer's evaluations on and preferences for formative images of products. The researcher reviewed related literature on human sensibility and design, as well as G-Kansei and product design. Data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed through a statistical program, and highly effective design strategy was investigated through analysis of data and interpretation of the results.

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Food Habits and Nutrition Knowledge of College Students Residing in the Dormitory in Ulsan Area (울산지역 기숙사 거주 대학생의 식생활 습관과 영양지식)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.9
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    • pp.1388-1397
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    • 2005
  • This study has been carried out to obtain information regarding to the food habits including health-related behaviors, the nutrition knowledge and the satisfaction on the dormitory food service. The subjects of this study were 758 college students (580 male and 178 female) residing in the dormitory in Ulsan. The data were obtained through questionnaire and interview, and were analyzed using the SPSS package program. the results of this study are as follows: The average age of the subjects was 20.7±2.3 years old. The average height and weight of male were 175.2±5.0cmand69.4±9.6kg, respectively. Those of female were 162.6±4.1cmand51.8±5.9kg, respectively. The BMI value of male was 22.6±0.1 which ranged within normal level, but that of female was 19.6±0.2 which ranged underweight level. In the case of food habits, 26.0% of total subjects always skipped a meal (especially breakfast). The main reasons for skipping meals were no time to eat, no appetite, and weight control. Most of subjects (69.3%) have usually eaten snack after dinner, their most favorite food was noodle (ramen), and the next was pizza. With regard to the health care, there was a significant difference between male and female respect to smoking (p<0.001), drinking (p<0.01) and exercise level (p< 0.001). The mean food habit score of the subjects was 59.9±11.1. Male students had a higher food habit score than female students (male: 60.6±10.9, female: 57.7±11.4), and the group residing longer period had a higher food habit score than the one residing shorter period. Average nutrition knowledge score of subjects was 7.8±1.8. Gender, residing periods, monthly pocket money influenced on the nutrition knowledge score. Female had a higher score than that of male (P<0.001), and the group residing longer period had a higher score than the one residing shorter period (p<0.01), and the group who had more monthly pocket money had a higher score than the one who had less. No significant correlation was found between food habit score and nutrition knowledge score. In the case of dormitory food service, the total subjects showed high satisfaction scores for the sanitation and the atmosphere, while low scores for the menu and the quality of food service. This study may provide basic information on the eating habits and health-related behaviors of college students in dormitory. However, further studies and nutrition counseling are needed to improve food habits and nutrition knowledge.

Context and Input Evaluation of the 7th Technology.Home Economics Curriculum in the Middle Schools focusing on Home Economics (제7차 중학교 기술.가정 교육과정 상황과 투입 평가 -가정영역을 중심으로-)

  • Kwon Ji-Young;Chae Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.3 s.41
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    • pp.61-79
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this research was to evaluate concretely how the 7th Technology Home Economics(HE) curriculum was operated In school fields by using context evaluation, input evaluation using the CIPP model focusing HE. In this research. a questionnaire survey was done targeting HE teachers in charge of technology and home economics subject for the 7th curriculum implementation at 250 randomly selected middle schools in Gpoungsangnamdo, and 109 returned questionnaire papers were used for the final analysis. The frequency, percent, mean and standard deviation of these data were obtained by using the SPSS 10.0 for Windows Program. The results of this research were outlined below: First, with a regard to the context evaluation (evaluating educational contexts), the requirement degree of seeking for career appeared to be the highest at the requirement survey of the education goal and character of HE area, and the requirement degree of elevating understanding home living' were very low. Interest and concern of students towards these subject as well as the self-confidence of HE teachers in charge were low. Second, as for the input evaluation (evaluating education plans), time allocation, content level, and content amount were not regarded to be not proper, and the composition of HE educational curriculums and the class guideline of teachers also were not so faithful from the aspect of school level. Among surveyed items, establishing plans in school level towards evaluation was relatively sincere, but discussions about curriculums were not so faithful, suggesting various kinds of content are not fully discussed. As shown by the results above, it is difficult to say that the operation of the 7th HE educational curriculums has secured its position perfectly. It is necessary to examine systematically the educational goals. character of the 7th HE educational curriculum and the appropriateness of curriculum content, and to seek various methods to elevate the self confidence of teachers and the interests of students. Because how to operate national level educational curriculums in school levels with self-regulation and elasticity will be an important variable in realizing educational goals, teachers, the main body of educational curriculums and direct performers, should establish and perform educational plans in school levels to elevated the satisfaction of teachers and educational effects for normally operating educational curriculums. In addition, educational curriculums should be operated and evaluated mainly by teachers at school fields to make it possible to confirm and check the achievement of the goals of educational curriculums qualitatively.

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The Influential Relationships among the Image, Service Quality, Consumption Value and Customer Emotion in Middle-low Price Chain Hotels (중저가 체인 호텔 이미지가 서비스 품질과 소비가치 및 고객감정에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Jong-Woo;Cho, Yong-Bum
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to verify the relationships among the image of middle-low price chain hotels, service quality, consumption value, and customer emotion by using the AMOS 22.0 statistic package program. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling methods employed for identifying the formulated hypothesis model. According to results, first, it is seen that the image of middle-low price chain hotels has positive effect on the service quality. Second, the image of middle-low price chain hotels has positive effect on the consumption value, and the consumption value has positive effect on the service quality. Third, the service quality does not have positive effect on the customer emotion. Last, the image of middle-low price chain hotels has positive effect on the customer emotion. In this study, we attempted to establish the management strategy device of middle-low price chain hotels by analyzing how the image of middle-low price chain hotels affect the service quality, consumption value, and customer emotion. As a result, when it comes to the service quality according to the image of middle-low price chain hotels, the conviction, in other words, the belief of the hotel staffs was the biggest one. In addition, when it comes to the consumption value according to the image of middle-low price chain hotels, the functional value, the kind service of the hotel staffs was seen as the highest satisfaction. More practical and theoretical implications for developing marketing strategy in context of middle-low price chain hotels has been suggested in conclusions.