• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction for the program

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An Empirical Study on the Impact of Quality Oriented Corporate Culture on Sustainability Management Performances (공급사슬 내에서 품질지향적 기업문화가 지속가능경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구)

  • Woo, Moo-Jin;Park, Jong-Woo;Jung, Byeong-Yeong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - Environmental issues, climatic changes, and greenhouse gases are problems to be solved at a global level. With an increased emphasis on the environmental and social responsibility of the management of companies, the manner in which companies approach quality-oriented culture and their individual sustainability management are being discussed as truly important issues to help them secure their competitiveness and growth strategies. This study proposes strategic directions to help manufacturers not only in expanding their competitive quality-oriented company culture but also in strengthening their sustainability management abilities. This study conducts a literature review and empirical research to examine how significantly the variables of a quality-oriented company culture, customer-centered management, and process-centered and supply chain management-centered cooperation affect sustainability management performance in relation to economic profitability, environmental integrity, and social responsibility. Research design, data, and methodology - To verify research models and hypotheses, the study examined 170 companies using a questionnaire survey conducted over six weeks, and involved the performance of data analysis on 146 samples. Questionnaire responses were calibrated based on a Likert scale. The study used the Smart PLS 2.0 program designed for PLS (partial least squares), an analysis instrument of SEM (structural equation modeling). The study then verified empirical research hypotheses working on reliability analysis, validity analysis, factorial analysis, and path analysis. Results - Among the nine hypotheses, four are accepted and the rest are rejected. A quality-oriented company culture focusing on customer-centered management significantly influenced the maintainability management performance of environmental integrity and social responsibility, while economic profitability was dismissed. A process-focused quality-oriented company culture was significantly concerned with economic profitability but not with environmental integrity or social responsibility. A supply-chain cooperative company culture had a significant effect on economic profitability but not on environmental integrity or social responsibility. Conclusion - This study proposes strategic directions to help manufacturers expand their competitive quality-oriented company culture as well as strengthen abilities with sustainability management. It conducts a literature review and empirical research to examine how significantly the variables of quality-oriented company culture, customer-centered management, and process-centered and supply chain management-centered cooperation affect sustainability management performance in relation to economic profitability, environmental integrity, and social responsibility. There are two main conclusions. First, companies should consider the need for social responsibility management and environmental transparent management-focused maintainability management as avenues to create new markets and business, thereby helping the companies secure a reputation for having a customer and process-centered quality-oriented company culture by creating shared values between supply chains and enabling win-win situations through cooperation. Second, we are marching towards a creative win-win era from a society of conflicts and ruptures. Companies should understand that social responsibility management and supply chain management (SCM)-focused cooperation are the foundations of sustainable development, as they try to improve their culture while pursuing both win-win relationships with interested parties and equity in various conflictive relations.

Characteristics of Patients' Self-Perceived Health in Traditional Korean Medical Facilities - Based on the Ministry of Health and Welfares Report on Usage and Consumption of Korean Medicine in 2011 - (주관적 건강인식수준에 따른 한방의료기관 이용환자의 특성 비교 - 2011년 한방의료이용 및 한약소비실태조사(보건복지부)를 중심으로 -)

  • Sung, Angela Dongmin;Choi, Sungyong;Park, Haemo;Kim, Hyundo;Lee, Sungdong
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2015
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to identify characteristics of patients' self-perceived health in traditional Korean medical facilities. Method : This research was conducted based on the survey on patients whom have visited traditional Korean medical facilities in 2011 by the Ministry of Health and Welfares and Korean Institute for Health and Social Affairs. Using a sample of 3,931 (1,180 male and 2,751 female) outpatients' self-perceived health based on the data from usage and consumption of Korean Medicine. 'Healthy', 'Fair', and 'Poor Health' were used to measure patients' self-perceived health status. The data was analyzed by frequency, t-test, cross correlation analysis and multiple logistics regression analysis using the SPSS program package. Results : Sex(P<0.001), age(P<0.001), marital status(P<0.001), education(P<0.001), employment status(P<0.001), occupation(P<0.001), health insurance(P<0.001) and income level(P<0.0001) showed statistical significance. Main Treatment Facilities(P<0.001), experience of taking Korean medicine(P=0.032), experience of receiving acupuncture treatment(P<0.001), number of visits(P<0.001), medical expense (P=0.005), and subjective health status after the treatments showed statistical significance for Korean herbal medicine(P=0.038), acupuncture (P=0.001), cupping therapy(P=0.006), oriental physiotherapy(P=0.003), and treatment satisfaction(P<0.001). For subjective health status based on suffering disorders in the past three months, the response of poor health was higher in the group suffering recent illnesses. Statistical significance was seen in hypertension (P=0.002), arthritis(P<0.001), lumbar pain(P<0.001), diabetes mellitus(P=0.001), stroke(P<0.001), hwa-byung (P=0.001), gastric disorders(P=0.021), common cold(P<0.001), ankle sprain(P<0.001), muscular injury(P<0.001), lumbar sprain(p=0.009) and fracture(P=0.03). Also the number of diseases during the past three months showed statistical significance(P<0.001). Statistical significance was also seen in Level of knowledge(P<0.001), route of information(P<0.001), reliability of Korean medicine(P=0.003), insurance coverage(P=0.005), medical costs(P<0.001), and future willingness to use Korean medicine(P<0.001). As a result of the multiple logistics regression analysis, risks of subjective poor health statistically increased in female population, elderlies, medicaid beneficiaries, less educated, higher medical expense, and more disorders during the past three months. Conclusion : Patients' self-perceived health status has significant differences with each variables such as sex, age, marital status, education, health insurance, medical expense, number of diseases.

The Effects of the Food Service Event Users' on Attitude and Behavior Perceived Risk (외식 이벤트 이용자들의 지각 위험과 태도.행동 간의 영향 관계 연구)

  • Sung, Yeon;Lee, Yeon-Jung
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to clear the relation between perceived risk and user's attitude and behavior toward a food service event. To accomplish this, theoretical reviews and empirical analysis were jointly carried out. For the empirical analysis, a survey was conducted from April 3 to April 6, and total 291 copies of the questionnaire were used for the statistical analysis, SPSS 15.0 and LISREL 8.30. The results of the test of the hypotheses can be summarized as follows: First, the analysis shows that there is significant difference between the perceived risk and attitude of a food service event user. The perceived risk of food service event users causes effect that is contradictory in attitude. As users' perceived risk is less, attitude improved. Second, the analysis of the relationship between user's attitude and behavior intention showed that user's attitude affected behavior intention. Therefore, under these circumstances, there should be more concern in solving perceived risk among food service event users and a special program for promoting satisfaction with an event. And food service event director should make more efforts in nutritive value, organic food, time saving, etc.

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Item Goodness-of-fit and Difficulty of Childhood Autism Rating Scale(CARS) - Application of Rasch Model - (아동기 자폐증 평정척도(CARS)의 문항 적합도 및 난이도 -Rasch 모형의 적용-)

  • Kim, Tae Hyung;Seo, Eunchul
    • 재활복지
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.135-156
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate item goodness-of-fit of Childhood Autism Rating Scale(CARS), Rasch rating scale model was applied to 15 items of the CARS in a sample of pervasive development disorder(n=238). An assumption to test Rasch Model, which is satisfaction of unidimensionality, is regarded through PCAR analysis, and jMetrik 4.03 program is used to test the goodness-of-fit of items. The results of this study were: First, 5-point rating scale was appropriate for the CARS rather than 7-point original rating scale. Second, the result of examining the CARS questions goodness-of-fit, there was a overfitting or misfitting items according to the classified groups. Only in particular Q11 item in diagnosis subject of integration population of autism has become inappropriate. Therefore, it is necessary to provide education for the CARS more systematically. Thirdly, the result of comparing the personal attributes score and difficulty of a CARS question, Q2, Q3, Q10, Q11 items are necessary to distinguish conceptually defined in more detail. Fourth, the results of investigating the difficulty of CARS question, it was found to exhibit a verbal communication is most serious problem for the population of autism.

An Exploratory Study for Identifying Factors Related to Breakfast in Elementary, Middle and High School Students (고 학생의 아침식사와 관련된 요인들에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Yi, Bo-Sook;Yang, Il-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to identify factors related to breakfasts in elementary, middle and high school students. This study was surveyed by questionnaires and data was analyzed by SPSS program. Exploratory analysis was conducted according to three school student groups (elementary children, middle school students, and high school students). The subjects were 1,886 school students (female 893, male 959) of 51 schools in the nationwide region. The distribution of subjects was elementary school children 544, middle school students 661 and high school students 681. The results are summarized as follows. Only sixty percent of the subjects had breakfast regularly. About one fourth of the subjects had the habit of skipping breakfast or eating it 23 times per week. Frequency of having breakfast and reasions of skipping breakfast were significantly different according to school student groups (p < 0.001 respectively). The rate of skipping breakfast was 14.4% in elementary school, 16.1% in middle school, and 25.0% in high school. The main reason for skipping breakfast was 'not delicious or poor appetite' in elementary school (42.5%), but 'busy' in middle (50.2%) and high school (61.1%). There was no significant difference in frequency of having breakfast according to living areas (rural and urban). There were not significant differences between frequency of having breakfast and BMI and degree of satisfaction on body weight. But there were significant difference in frequency of having breakfast according to economical status (p < 0.05). There were significant differences in degree of school performance according to frequency of having breakfast (p < 0.001) There was significant relationship between the time of attending school and the frequency of having breakfast. But there were significant relationships between frequency of having breakfast and time of rising. These findings suggested that the time of rising was controlled by having enough time that students eat breakfast. And mother (or person who prepares meals) must have more concerns about preparing breakfast for children and students.

A Study on Service Awareness Perceived by Group Using Animal-Assisted Intervention (동물교감치유 경험 기관의 서비스 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Ji Hyun;Shin, Jeong Seop;Kim, Su Mi;Jin, Hyun Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.372-379
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the service awareness perceived by 25 groups using animal-assisted intervention(AAI). Data collected were analyzed for variables on the effectiveness of AAI by using SPSS Win 25.0 statistical program. The study findings showed that AAI service is very effective for psychological meaning in both expecting purpose before and substantive effect after using AAI. They were satisfied with AAI generally, particularly in terms of participant engagement and differentiated services. Also, they perceived that the cost of AAI service is generally appropriate in consideration of activities with animals and satisfaction of participants but a bit expensive compared to other programs. Also, it was found that the value and the possibility of public expansion of AAI are very high and that the immersion and professionalism of the participants affect the effectiveness of AAI. The results of this study indicate that it is necessary to develop programs and verify effectiveness as a psychotherapy technique and are expected to be useful as basic data for establishing and developing a quality service of AAI.

The Effects of Mental Health on Obesity among Korean Adolescents (한국 청소년의 정신건강이 비만에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Kwan-Ok;Jeon, Yun-Hee;Kim, Yoon-Shin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.467-476
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to determine the effects of mental health on obesity among Korean adolescents. The data in this study were obtained from the 2013 Korean Youth Health Risk Behavior Web-based Survey conducted in 70,354 adolescents aged twelve to eighteen (35,575 males and 34,779 females) from June 1 to 30, 2013. The variables included age, the economic status of household, academic achievement, health status, perceived happiness, perceived stress, satisfaction of sleeping, perceived depression, and suicidal ideation and the data were processed using t-test, chi square test, and logistic regression analysis. The general characteristics affecting obesity for both Korean male and female adolescents included age (p<0.001), the economic status of households (p<0.001), academic achievement (p<0.001), and health status (p<0.001); the variable of mental health affecting obesity was suicidal ideation among females (p<0.05). It is expected that female adolescents' experience of suicidal ideation can be used as information to predict the likelihood of obesity in managing an obesity program for adolescents and it is necessary to provide obesity education suitable for age and to include obesity guidance in consideration of gender and the economic status.

A Study on Creativity Convergence Competency for Developing Creativity Human Resources (창의융합인재 양성을 위한 일부 대학생의 창의융합역량 수준 분석)

  • Choi, Yong Keum;Oh, Tae-Jin;Lee, Hyun;Lim, Kunok;Hong, Ji-Heon;Jeong, Su Ra
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.656-664
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    • 2020
  • This study obtained basic data for developing human resources with creativity convergence competency by surveying and analyzing the level of creativity convergence competency of university students. The study was conducted from October 1, 2019 to November 10, 2019 on university students attending the departments of computer science, pharmaceutical engineering, physical therapy and dental hygiene. The data from 296 students was finally used for this study, and IBM SPSS/Win statics 23.0 programs were used to analyze the data. Students who graduated from Seoul/Gyeonggi High School or those students with high undergraduate satisfaction were found to have high creativity convergence ability, and these results were statistically significant. Further, the group of students who had experience with Campus/Suburban competition, Global Competency training/ International exchange programs or the Capstone Design/Team Based Project showed high creativity convergence competency, and these results were statistically significant. Thus, this study identified the necessity of developing and operating various extra-curricular programs at education institutes in order to enhance students' creativity convergence capability.

Determinants for Long-term Cooperation Between Public Research Institute and SMEs (출연(연)과 중소기업의 장기적 협력을 위한 영향요인 분석: 출연(연)의 인력파견사업을 중심으로)

  • Song, Minkyoung;Park, Beom Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.654-665
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    • 2017
  • It is major strategy for SMEs to cooperate with other companies or Public Research Institutes(PRIs) as the essential technology is getting more complicated and technological life cycle is getting short. However, It is not easy to perform a proper cooperation with SMEs for PRIs, because they are accustomed to support SMEs in the short run. In addition, previous studies also have mainly focussed on finding determinants of performance as a consequence of temporary cooperation instead of long-term relationships among companies. Therefore this study analyzed which satisfaction is more effective to maintain the long-term cooperative relationship between PRIs and SMEs. As a result, it has found that when SMEs satisfy from quality of input like manpower supports R&D and context of the support program over the output like technological or economical performance, they intend to continue cooperation with PRIs. And this paper shows that the performance has mediated effect rather direct effect on long-term cooperation intention. In light of all the above, to cooperate with SMEs effectively, it will be suggested that PRIs enhance quality of support process and contents instead of quantity of support based on one-time cooperation.

Correlation and influencing factors on oral health awareness, oral health behavior, self-esteem and OHIP-14 in childcare teachers (일부 보육교사들의 구강건강인식, 구강건강행위, 자아존중감 및 OHIP-14와의 연관성과 영향요인)

  • Lee, Sung-Lim;Kwag, Jung-Suk;Choi, Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.261-269
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study is to investigate the correlation and influencing factors of oral health awareness, oral health behaviors, self-esteem and OHIP-14. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was filled out by 313 childcare teachers in Jeonnam from June 4 to 14, 2013. The questionnaire consisted of 3 questions of general characteristics, 4 questions of occupation, 1 question of oral health education experience, and 1 question of oral health education participation. The instrument for awareness and behavior of oral health were modified and consisted of 10 questions of awareness and 10 questions of behavior by Likert 5 scale. Cronbach's alpha was 0.718 in awareness and 0.812 in behavior. Instrument for self-esteem was modified from Rosenberg. Self-esteem questionnaire consisted fo 5 questions of positive answers and 5 questions of negative answers by Likert 5 scale. Cronbach's alpha in self esteem was 0.846 in the study. Oral Health Impact Profile-14(OHIP-14) was adapted from Slade by Likert 5 scale and consisted fo 14 questions. Cronbach's alpha was 0.934 in the study. Data were analyzed by chi square test, t-test, one way ANOVA, Scheffe multiple range test, Pearason's correlation test, and stepwise multiple regression test. Results: There were positive correlations between oral health awareness, oral health behavior(r=0.502), and self-esteem(r=0.332), but negative correlations with OHIP-14. Oral health behavior showed positive correlations with self-esteem(r=0.230). The factors on oral health awareness were high oral health behavior and self esteem, low OHIP-14, and active participation in education. Self-esteem was closely related to high with high oral health awareness. low OHIP-14, low job satisfaction. Conclusions: Childcare teachers play the very important roles in the development of oral health education program for children and continuous education.