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Relationships between Knowledge, Attitude and Preventive Behavior about Tuberculosis in Service Workers (서비스직 종사자들의 결핵관련 지식, 태도 및 예방행위)

  • Kang, Seung-Rang;Kim, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.354-363
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the relationships among levels of knowledge, attitude and preventive behavior regarding tuberculosis in service workers. The survey period was 1 - 7 October, 2015 with service workers who work in large scale stores in Jeonnam. The collected data were analyzed using an independent t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation coefficients using the SPSS WIN 12.0 program. The mean score for knowledge about tuberculosis was 14.05±6.39, the mean score of attitude toward tuberculosis was 29.87±4.89 and the mean score of preventive behavior for tuberculosis was 31.44±4.86. Preventive behavior was found to have significant relationships with gender, marital status, smoking, job satisfaction, and subjective health status. A slightly positive correlation was observed between the knowledge of tuberculosis and the attitudes toward tuberculosis. A positive correlation was noted between the attitude toward tuberculosis and preventive behavior for tuberculosis, while there was a negative correlation between the preventive behavior and age. Therefore, is necessary to consider the related factors for the development and implementation of systematic education programs that can encourage and promote preventive behavior for tuberculosis among service workers.

The Effects of Emerging Infectious Disease Knowledge and Clinical Practice Stress on Nursing Students' Coping with Stress (신종감염병지식과 임상실습스트레스가 간호대학생의 스트레스대처방식에 미치는 영향)

  • So Young Lee;Hey Kyoung Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.507-520
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to inquire into the effect on the coping with stress by the knowledge of Emerging infectious disease, clinical practice stress. A research was held to the nursing students living in Seoul and Chungbuk from September 10 to October 10, 2022, 259copies of the data were used for the final analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient and Multiple linear regressions was used. As a result of the study, there was a positive correlation between clinical practice stress due to burden of work, practice education environment stress, and active coping with stress. Clinical practice stress due to interpersonal conflicts, conflicts with patients, burden of work, and undesirable role models was positively correlated with passive coping with stress. Satisfaction of clinical practice, practical educational environment stress and gender accounted for 15.0% of the total variance in the active stress coping, and burden of work accounted for 7% of the total variance in the passive stress coping. Consequently, this study could be suggested as a basis for counseling and developing practical education program for active coping with stress.

The health lifestyle of adults related to smoking, drinking and exercise (흡연, 음주, 운동과 건강생활양식)

  • So Hee Young;Lee Mi Ra;Cheong Mee Sook
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.221-235
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    • 1998
  • This study is a descriptive survey to explore the health lifestyle of adults. The study subjects are teachers of elementary. middle and high school. and staffs of research institutes located in Chungchung Province and Daejon city. The data was collected from Jan. to march 1997 through self reporte for structured questionnaire. Fantastic check list of Wilson and Ciliska for Health Lifestyle Assessment and DSM-III-R for somatic symptom were used as tools. Data was analysed by frequency, X2test, t-test and Anova using SAS program. The results are as follows: 1. There were statistically significant differences In drinking(t=7.75, P=.000), exercise(t=-2.99, P=.003)and interpersonal relationship(t=2.22, P=.027) among 10 health lifestyle between smoking group and non-smoking group, in drinking(t=17.98, P=.000), exercise(-4.71. P=.000), and job satisfaction(t=2.22, P=.027) between drinking group and non-drinking group, and in eating habit(t=-2.00, P=.045), drinking (t=4.47, P=000), exercise (t= -16.49, P=000), keeping traffic law(t= -2.68, P=.007), personality (t= -2.05, P=.040) and anxiety/depression(t=-3.47, P=.000) between exercise group and non-exercise group. 2. There was statistically significant difference in cardiovascular symptom(F=4.22, P=.0l) among somatic symptoms of subjects according to exercise level. 3. There was statistically significance difference in lifestyle according to smoking level(F=, 3.33, P=.011), drinking level(F=9.17, P=.0001) and exercise level(F=11.93, P=.000l), and in somatic symptom according to sex(t=-3.93, P=.0001), weight(F=3.83, P=.022), exercise level (F=3.29, P=.03) among general characteristics. 4. There was statistically significant difference between sex in general (t= -3.64, P=.0001), gastrointestinal(t=-2.21, P=.02), musculoskeletal(t=-3.92, P=.001), and total symptom (t= -3.92, P=.0001). 5. There was statistically very highly signigicant difference In weight according to smoking(x2=25.18,P=.001) and exercise(x2=16.46,P=001). 6. There was statistically significant difference in frequency between smoking group, drinking group and exercise group(x2=24.52,P=.001). Among a number of habit, smoking, drinking and exercise are important factors of human health to prevent related disease morbidity and death. It is essential for industrial health nurse to committ in this subject considering the influence of those factors and lifestyle on health. There is also a relationship of weight with smoking and exercise, the frequency of overweight/obesiy in smoking/ no-exercise group were high. It is quite necessary for the people having cardiovascular symptom to exercise to lower morbidity and mortality. The industrial health nurse has to keep In mind on this point and consider of time and facilities of fitness of employee. It needs to explore the cause by further research on somatic symptom of women. This research shows that concerning the relationship between smoking, drinking, and exercise, health care provider must take not only management of disease, but health behaviors and lifestyle into consideration.

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Influencing Factors of Nursing Performance for Life Care of Delirium Patients among Nursing Students (섬망환자의 라이프케어를 위한 간호학생의 섬망간호 수행 영향요인)

  • Oh, Hyo-Sook;Chang, Mi-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to identify factors affecting nursing performance of delirium among nursing students. A total of 252 fourth year students were recruited from nursing department in Gwangju. Structured questionnaire was self-administrated from April to September, 2017. The used statistical analysis were t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Knowledge of delirium 29.0±7.24, self-confidence in the care for delirium 71.65±28.55 and nursing performance level for patients with delirium was 41.16±8.97. Nursing performance of delirium had significant positive correlations with delirium knowledge, self-confidence of delirium care. In multiple regression analysis, nursing experience for delirium patients, self-confidence of delirium care, practice experience in intensive care unit, use of nursing diagnosis related to delirium, and satisfaction of clinical practice were significant factors of nursing performance of delirium explaining 29.8% of the variables. In conclusion, to enhance nursing performance of delirium, it is necessary to develop educational program for increasing nursing experience for delirium patients during clinical practice and self-confidence of delirium care.

Impact of impulsiveness on mobile banking usage: Moderating effect of credit card use and mediating effect of SNS addiction (충동성이 모바일뱅킹 사용률에 미치는 영향: 신용카드 사용 여부의 조절효과와 SNS 중독의 매개효과)

  • Lee, Youmi;Nam, Kihwan
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.113-137
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    • 2021
  • According to the clear potential of mobile banking growth, many studies related to this are being conducted, but in Korea, it is concentrated on the analysis of technical factors or consumers' intentions, behaviors, and satisfaction. In addition, even though it has a strong customer base of 20s, there are few studies that have been conducted specifically for this customer group. In order for mobile banking to take a leap forward, a strategy to secure various perspectives is needed not only through research on itself but also through research on external factors affecting mobile banking. Therefore, this study analyzes impulsiveness, credit card use, and SNS addiction among various external factors that can significantly affect mobile banking in their 20s. This study examines whether the relationship between impulsiveness and mobile banking usage depends on whether or not a credit card is used, and checks whether a customer's impulsiveness is possible by examining whether a credit card is used. Based on this, it is possible to establish new standards for classification of marketing target groups of mobile banking. After finding out the static or unsuitable relationship between whether to use a credit card and impulsiveness, we want to indirectly predict the customer's impulsiveness through whether to use a credit card or not to use a credit card. It also verifies the mediating effect of SNS addiction in the relationship between impulsiveness and mobile banking usage. For this analysis, the collected data were conducted according to research problems using the SPSS Statistics 25 program. The findings are as follows. First, positive urgency has been shown to have a significant static effect on mobile banking usage. Second, whether to use credit cards has shown moderating effects in the relationship between fraudulent urgency and mobile banking usage. Third, it has been shown that all subfactors of impulsiveness have significant static relationships with subfactors of SNS addiction. Fourth, it has been confirmed that the relationship between positive urgency, SNS addiction, and mobile banking usage has total effect and direct effect. The first result means that mobile banking usage may be high if positive urgency is measured relatively high, even if the multi-dimensional impulsiveness scale is low. The second result indicates that mobile banking usage rates were not affected by the independent variable, negative urgency, but were found to have a significant static relationship with negative urgency when using credit cards. The third result means that SNS is likely to become addictive if lack of premeditation or lack of perseverance is high because it provides instant enjoyment and satisfaction as a mobile-based service. This also means that SNS can be used as an avoidance space for those with negative urgency, and as an emotional expression space for those with high positive urgency.

The Effect Strategic Alliances on the Performance in Container Liner Shipping Companies (컨테이너 정기선사의 전략적 제휴 특성이 재무적 성과와 비재무적 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Jong-Sub
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - The antecedent to the relationship between the effect of the characteristics of strategic alliances and the performance of container liner shipping companies has been investigated in this study as container liner shipping companies' strategic alliances. It affects positively and negatively home, partner, and the third parties' performance in container liner shipping companies. Extensive literature reviews on shipper's strategic alliances reveal that strategic alliances in financial and non-financial performance of container liner shipping companies show the performance such as economic effects, business performance, global supply chain management performance, customer satisfaction, and forward integration and backward integration performance. The purpose of this study is to test empirically that the relationship between the characteristics of strategic alliances and financial and non-financial performance in container liner shipping companies. Structured equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis were used to test the hypothesis using AMOS statistics program. Most previous researches focused on the relationship between the characteristics of strategic alliances and alliance types. There are few empirical studies that focus on business performance data because it is difficult to collect data in container liner shipping companies. However, this research measures financial and non-financial performance differently compared with the previous researches focusing on the characteristics of strategic alliances and alliance types measurements. Research design, data, and methodology - The conceptual model for the study is based on the studies of Lim (2010), Chen & Zhen (2009), and Wang & Meng (2014). The model is built around the factors of characteristics of strategic alliances and business performance. Cost, marketing, and service factors are regarded as proxy for the characteristics of strategic alliances. The financial and non-financial performance are regarded as proxy for the performance of strategic alliances. Based on the analysis of one hundred cases such as forwarder, shipper, and liner shipping companies, this study uses structural equation modeling to verify the effects of the characteristics of strategic alliances on business performance. Conclusions - This study provides container liner shipping companies to get some policy and practical implications in terms of the characteristics of strategic alliances and business performance. First, the cost factor for alliances characteristics has a positively significant influence on the financial and non-financial performance of strategic alliances. The cost factor relationship between high and low performance group does not have a significant difference on the performance of strategic alliances. Second, the marketing factor of alliances characteristics has a positively significant influence on the financial and non-financial performance of strategic alliances. The high performance group's marketing factor has a great non-financial performance than low performance group, but the low performance group's marketing factor has a grater financial performance than high performance group factor does. Third, the service factor of alliances characteristics has a negative influence on the non-financial performance of strategic alliances. The high performance group's service factor has a great non-financial performance than low performance group. Based on the findings from this study, related implications and future avenues deserve to be discussed.

Factors influencing the intent to return to practice (work) of inactive RNs (유휴간호사 재취업 의향에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Hwang, Nami;Jang, Insun;Park, Eunjun
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.791-801
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to examine factors affecting the intent of re-employment of inactive registered nurses. This study presents a secondary analysis of data collected in 'Nurse Turnover On-line Survey' by Korean Nurses Association and Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs in 2014. The analysis shows that 70.9% of inactive RNs has an intent to return to practice, and most of them preferred 'flexible working options' (47.8%) or 'fixed day shifts' (43.3%) as a work pattern. Main reasons for resigning from their last job have been found to be 'high work intensity' (18.8%) and 'difficulties of night shifts' (16.7%). Inactive married RNs who have working histories in a general hospital or a long-term care hospital or have preferences for traditional shift works showed a stronger intent to return to practice than their reference group. Our study shows that, for inactive RNs to return to practice, it is recommendable to adopt various non-traditional working patterns, to make a staffing distribution considering the labor intensity and to develop education programs designed to increase RNs' professional satisfaction.

A Research on Service and Awareness of Dental Coordinators by Manpower at Dental Care Service Institutions - Centering on Manpower Other than Dentists (치과코디네이터 업무 및 인식에 관한 조사연구 - 치과의사를 제외한 기타 인력을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Boo-Keun;Han, Su-Jin;Kwon, Soon-Bok;Jung, Jae-Yeon;Cho, Myung-Sook;Hwang, Yoon-Sook
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.437-453
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    • 2006
  • To analyze dental hygienists and other manpower at dental care service institutions where a dental coordinator was working among about 200 dental care service institutions in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, and Incheon as of June 2005 for contents of training for dental coordinators, opinions of qualification of dental coordinators, present and future services provided by dental coordinators, and awareness of dental coordinators and to provide basic data about future services, roles, and cultivation of dental coordinators, a survey was conducted and 216 copies returned were analyzed, obtaining the following results. 1. 83.8 percent needed an educational program for dental coordinators as an educational content; 41.7% had awareness of the educational content; and 83.8 percent insisted that over the intermediate level of curricula should be taken. Dental coordinator cultivation institutions identified included the institution under the control of the Korean Dental Hygienists Association and the education center for the department of dental hygiene; 76.9% insisted that an appropriate qualifying examination should be necessary. They suggested the central government department and the local government as a certification institution; 39.4% insisted that financial support for the education should be provided by financing education alone. Only 28.7% experienced dental coordinator education and 73.1% hoped to serve as a dental coordinator. They were found to expect a rise in payment(64.4%) and in the title(46.8%) after completion of the educational program. 2. 66.2% saw a dental hygienist as the most appropriate for a dental coordinator; clinical career (39.4%) and practical capacity(29.2%) were suggested as requirements for a dental coordinator; and a period of over three years(47.2%) was suggested for appropriate dental career. 3. Dental coordinators' present services included 'reservation management' for customer management, 'staff service training' for organization management, 'understanding of customer reception attitudes and actions' for self-management, 'hospital information management' for hospital marketing, 'acceptance' for hospital affairs management, and 'hospital environment management' for hospital facilities management; their future services included 'acquisition of ability to use a foreign language' for self-management, followed by 'staff service training' for organization management, 'training and counseling' for customer management, 'acquisition of counseling capacity' for self-management, 'complaining customer reception' for customer management, and 'marketing strategy implementation' for hospital marketing. 4. After comparing dental hygienists and other manpower in terms of dental coordinators' future services, dental hygienists showed interest in 'acquisition of ability to use a foreign language,' 'staff service training,' 'complaining customer reception,' and 'acquisition of counseling capacity' while other manpower showed interest in 'acquisition of ability to use a foreign language,' 'document data management,' 'acquisition of basic service manner,' 'acquisition of counseling capacity,' 'manpower management,' 'establishment and evaluation of a marketing strategy,' and 'education and counseling.' 5. As for awareness of dental coordinators, they were thought of as helpful in improving image of a dental clinic; it was found that continuous training should be necessary to develop dental coordinators' capacity; dental coordinators' services should be important and contribute to patients' qualitative satisfaction.

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The Relationship between Self-Directedness and Scientific Creativity of Science-Gifted Elementary Students (초등과학영재학생의 자기주도성과 과학창의성의 관계)

  • Kim, Min-Ju;Lim, Chae-Seong
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.379-393
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed the relationship between self-directedness of science-gifted elementary students and their expression of scientific creativity in science-gifted class. A science-gifted program on the topic of Hydraulic Machine was implemented to 34 fifth-graders in the Science-Gifted Education Center of an education office in Seoul, Korea for four weeks. The self-directedness of the gifted students was divided into three types of 'General, Scientific, and Topic-Related Self-Directedness'. The products of the students' activities were assessed by using a scientific creativity assessment formula. Qualitative research, such as analysis of observations and interviews, was also conducted in order to identify characteristics that were not apparently revealed by quantitative data. The main results of this study are as follows: First, science-gifted elementary students' general self-directedness and their scientific creativity were significantly correlated (r=.373). Second, the students' scientific self-directedness and scientific creativity did not have a significant correlation (r=.294). Third, there was a positive correlation between the students' topic-related self-directedness and their expression of scientific creativity. Their self-rated scores (r=.420) for the topic-related self-directedness and the number of activity types associated with the topic had a positive correlation (r=.350). Fourth, the students were categorized into four groups according to the levels of their self-directedness and scientific creativity, and the result showed that Type HH (high self-directedness and high scientific creativity) was the most common type (15 students, 38.5%), followed by Type LL (low self-directedness and low scientific creativity) (11 students, 28.2%). Eight (20.5%) and five students (12.8 %) belonged to Type LH (low self-directedness and high scientific creativity) and Type HL (high self-directedness and low scientific creativity) respectively. Fifth, the classroom observation of the students in groups revealed that groups with more number of Type HH demonstrated better cooperation and performance. Sixth, the analysis results of the observation were almost matched to the results of the self-directedness and scientific creativity tests. The students with higher self-directedness demonstrated active class participation and good cooperative skills. The students with higher scientific creativity had a tendency to generate creative ideas more frequently in given situations. Seventh, dynamic activities were perceived as enjoyable and exciting by 76.9% of the students, but static activities that require creativity were regarded as interesting only by 23.1% of the students. Among the students who were satisfied with both the creative and static activities, Type HH accounted for the largest proportion (55.6%). In conclusion, factors such as students' interests, initiatives, and attitudes displayed through voluntary participations originated from their own daily life can predict the degree of scientific creativity associated with the topic. Also, when students were categorized into four types according to the level of self-directedness and scientific creativity, there was a tendency of active behavior in class, cooperative skill, and activity satisfaction. This suggested that we should consider self-directedness and scientific creativity in selecting the gifted, grouping them in class, and designing and executing programs for science-gifted elementary students.

A Study on the Training Course for Teachers Holding Additional Job of School Health Nursing in Kyeong Nam Province (양호겸직교사 연수과정에 관한 연구 -경상남도를 중심으로-)

  • Kang, Young-Sil;Cheong, In-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this paper is to provide the basic information concerning school health nursing activities in schools lacking in a school nurse, and the degree of satisfaction of trainess to the training course of school health nursing. The data for this study were collected by means of questionnaire from 150 teachers(100 of primary school and 50 of middle school)who attended the training course superintended by the Board of Education of Kyeong Nam Province from July 27 to August 6 in 1987. The main results of this study can be summarized as following; 1. General characteristics of the trainees: The majority of the trainees (71.3%) were in the age of twenties, 86.5% graduated from four-year teachers' college, 63.5% had less than five-year experience as a teacher. 2. 60.5% of the trainees were actually offering school health nursing services. 67.8% decided voluntarily to participate in the training course, and 62.7% attended the course for the purpose of obtaining health knowledge. 3. Only 4.2% of schools established appropriate health organization, and 34.5% were equipped with nursing clinic. But the main reason school health nursing activities were not performed very well was the insufficient supply of needed medicines and related materials. 4. School health nursing services in schools lacking in a school nurse were offered mainly by the teacher holding additional job of school health. class teacher and atheletic teacher. But the sanitary management for school meal services and community health activities were not carried out at all in many schools. 5. As a whole, trainees were satisfied with training program. But some subjects of the course did not satisfy them because those ones were so theoretical without any practice. 6. Many trainees wished the training course to be more concentrated on case studies which are helpful to solve actual problems. 7. 75% of trainees answered to have decided to perform school health nursing activities more actively than before. 8. Any significant relationship can not be found between trainees' general characteristics and their attitude to school health nursing activities after the training course. Only one factor-motivation to attend the training course-had the statistical significance of 8.7%.

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