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A Study on Perceptions of Users for Establishing Mid-to Long Term Development Plan for Public Libraries in Dobong-gu (도봉구 공공도서관 중장기 발전계획 수립을 위한 지역주민 인식 연구)

  • Su-Young Lee;Ji-Ann Yang;Jae-Woo Nam;Min Sun Song
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.183-205
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to identify the operation status of Dobong-gu public libraries in order to establish a mid- to long-term development plan for Dobong-gu libraries, and to analyze local residents' perceptions of libraries by factors through user surveys to suggest specific development plans for Dobong-gu libraries. Overall, the satisfaction level of Dobong-gu residents with library services was found to be high, and all libraries were analyzed to be providing high-quality services. From this, the following operational strategies for the mid- to long-term development plan of Dobong-gu public libraries can be derived. First, libraries need to continue to collect and provide books that meet the quantitative and qualitative levels to satisfy the needs of the community and users. Electronic and online materials, including e-books and audiobooks, as well as subject-specific materials should be expanded to provide relevant programs. Second, although Dobong-gu is an aging city, a wide range of age live there, so there is a need to promote communication and understanding between generations and promote integration of the community through a generational empathy program. Third, it is necessary to remodel and improve the space of aging libraries by organizing library facilities and environments into open spaces and creating makerspaces and multicultural spaces for direct experience and practice, reflecting the latest trends in library space organization.

A Case Study of Basic Data Science Education using Public Big Data Collection and Spreadsheets for Teacher Education (교사교육을 위한 공공 빅데이터 수집 및 스프레드시트 활용 기초 데이터과학 교육 사례 연구)

  • Hur, Kyeong
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.459-469
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, a case study of basic data science practice education for field teachers and pre-service teachers was studied. In this paper, for basic data science education, spreadsheet software was used as a data collection and analysis tool. After that, we trained on statistics for data processing, predictive hypothesis, and predictive model verification. In addition, an educational case for collecting and processing thousands of public big data and verifying the population prediction hypothesis and prediction model was proposed. A 34-hour, 17-week curriculum using a spreadsheet tool was presented with the contents of such basic education in data science. As a tool for data collection, processing, and analysis, unlike Python, spreadsheets do not have the burden of learning program- ming languages and data structures, and have the advantage of visually learning theories of processing and anal- ysis of qualitative and quantitative data. As a result of this educational case study, three predictive hypothesis test cases were presented and analyzed. First, quantitative public data were collected to verify the hypothesis of predicting the difference in the mean value for each group of the population. Second, by collecting qualitative public data, the hypothesis of predicting the association within the qualitative data of the population was verified. Third, by collecting quantitative public data, the regression prediction model was verified according to the hypothesis of correlation prediction within the quantitative data of the population. And through the satisfaction analysis of pre-service and field teachers, the effectiveness of this education case in data science education was analyzed.

Analysis of Elementary School Teachers' Attitude Toward School Food Service Management and Effect (학교급식의 관리와 효과에 대한 초등교사들의 태도 분석)

  • Kim, Hak-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.61-82
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the general problems of school food service and to explore a way to improve it, by examining elementary school teacher's consciousness and attitude toward it that gave a big impact on children's development of food habit. For attaining the purpose, the following research questions were posed : 1) What's elementary school teacher attitude toward school food service management? 2) What's elementary school teacher attitude toward school food service effect on children? 3) What's elementary school teacher opinion about how to develop school food service? The subjects of study were 328 male or female teachers who served at elementary school in urban and rural area, including eup, myon, or farming and fishing villages, Kyonggi province. A questionnaire survey was conducted over them. The conclusions were as follows: 1) Teacher Attitude Toward School Food Service Management Concerning food service place, the subjects were more satisfied at food service room(73.3%) than at classroom(23.0%). They responded that food service room was more effective, than classroom, for food transportation, distribution and post-arrangement. Their satisfaction at food service place was significantly different. The older teachers considered personnel management and cooking room's sanitary management to be more efficient, and their age made a significant difference to their consciousness of these things. Many teachers(63.1%) thought the measures to prevent and manage group food poisoning were relatively efficient. The male teachers expressed more affirmative view on the efficiency of school food expense management and menu preparation than female teachers, and there was a significant disparity between male and female teachers. 2) Elementary School Food Service Effect School food service was thought to be very effective for physical growth(74.1%) and physical strength improvement(70.1%). Teachers at smaller school revealed more affirmative response toward school food service effect on correcting an unbalanced diet, and older teachers considered its effect on nutrition knowledge acquisition and learning outcome to be more great. Teachers at larger school put less value on its effect on table manners, and school size produced a significant difference. The number of teachers who thought school food service generally raised parent concern and support for school(36.6%) was a little more than that of teachers who didn't think so(15.2%). And the number of teachers who didn't consider its effect on improving parent food life to be good(29.3%) was slightly more than that of teachers who did. 3) School Food Service Reform Measure What's most urgently needed for better school food service management appeared to be an expansion of facilities concerned, followed by more effective food distribution and transport, cooking room's better sanitary management, more successful food poisoning prevention and management, more effective food expense management, and an increase of food service personnel in the order named. The most effective means of school food service education was found to be a creation of link system to family, followed by a development of school food service education program, a development of teaching materials, an insertion of school food service in curriculum, and teacher education in the order named.

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The development and evaluation of curriculum for developing physician's competencies in public health (한국 공공보건의료 의사역량 개발을 위한 교육과정 개발 및 평가)

  • Kim, Sang Hyun;Park, Jeong Hun
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.194-207
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate the curriculum, that was the continuing professional development program, for cultivating physician's competencies in public health. Methods: This study was conducted through in-depth interview and survey in the frame of ADDIE, from 2 May to 30 June in 2019. Participants were 7 physicians by in-depth interview and Respondents were 46 physicians worked in public health by survey. Results: The results were analyzed and described in the frame of ADDIE model. In the stage of Analysis, physician's core competencies in public health was presented to practical education, management of organization and labor force, communication with community, and director' role of public health center in the community as core competencies by in-depth interview. The skill - knowledge-attitude competencies were highest in order in the survey for placing priority (by Borich score) of 29 core competencies. In design stage, the educational objective of curriculum was established, that is to develop the competencies of knowledge, skills, and attitude needed for physician of public health in 21th century. In development and implementation stage, it is important to decide to lecturer, to get in advance educational materials to do the maintenance and management of curriculum. In the stage of evaluation, the educational satisfaction was high on the whole and educational effect was statistically significant. Conclusions: This study was an initial study of Korean doctors, and it aims to pursue competency-based education as a continuing professional development (CPD) beyond continuing medical education (CME) including knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Need for Sex Education in Middle School Students (중학생의 성교육 요구)

  • Park, Choon-Hwa;Park, Geum-Ja
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.124-137
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the need for sex education in middle school students Research subjects were 194 students who attended at I seminary in B city. The period of data collection was from July to August, 2001. Research instrument was composed of 61 structured items 17 items related to demographics and sex, 44 items related to the need of sex education. Data were collected through the self-report method by the researcher and one trained assistant. The instrument developed by the researchers was employed to measure the need of sex education and it's Cronbach's α = 0.9349 in this research. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage factor analysis and t-test using SPSS WIN Program. The findings of this study are summarized as follows : 1. The highest score among characteristics of sex was 'less interest about sex(42.6%)', 39.0% of subjects got information about sex from friends or elders. 52.3% of subjects consulted friends or elders about sex problems. The number of sex education lessons was 1-2 times in school during last semester (61.0%). Education by the school nurse was 35.9% to students. 43.1% of subjects announced moderate satisfaction on sex education. 2. The mean score of the need for sex education was 2.88±0.47 (lowest value 1, highest 4). The most wanted sex education factor was 'chastity and sexual responsibility(3.33±0.67)' and followed by 'family and marriage (3.26±0.62)' and 'considerations of sex(3.07±0.69)'. Meanwhile, the lowest wanted sex education factor is 'physiological characteristics of male (2.47±0.72)', followed by 'sexual behavior (2.49±0.75)'. The most wanted sex education item was 'the meaning of family (3.54±0.75)' and followed by 'the cautions to prevention from sexual abuse (3.49±0.78)' and sexual activity and responsibility(3.43±0.77)'. Meanwhile, the lowest wanted sex education item is 'masturbation (2.16±0.97)', followed by 'circumcision(2.32±0.97)'. 3. There is no significant difference between boys and girls in mean score about the need for sex education(t=-.715, p=.476). Sex education factor that girl-students wanted was 'physiological characteristics of female'. Sex education factor that boy-students wanted was 'family and marriage'. Sex education items that girl-students wanted were 'cautions during menstruation', the relation of ovulation and pregnancy', caution to prevention from sexual abuse' and sexual behavior and responsibility'. Sex education items that boy-students wanted were 'the meaning of family', 'the importance of marriage', 'male's sex organs', 'a wet dream', 'the method to resolve sexual curiosity', 'sexual intercourse' and 'the connection with the other sex'. In conclusion, the mean score of the need for sex education is medium. The route to attain knowledge about sex and sexual problem is through consulting friends and elders. Therefore, it is necessary to give sex education that is suitable to the subject's needs and methods. Also, it is necessary to give differently strong point about sex education between female and male students.

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A Mathematical Model for Strategic Decision Making in Two Level Supply Chain Network Design (2단계 공급사슬 네트워크에서 전략적 의사결정을 위한 수리적 모형)

  • Chung, Ki-Ho
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.107-125
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    • 2013
  • This study deals with a strategic decision making in two level supply chain network design. This study presents more realistic mathematical model than the previous studies by considering simultaneous location of plants and distribution centers, determination of capacity level for both plants and distribution centers, and upper limit condition for numbers of locating plants and distribution centers. This paper tries to help the strategic decision making for two level supply chain network design. For this purpose, three different sized numerical examples are generated and optimal solutions are obtained by applying Excel Solver program. And sensitivity analysis is performed for the biggest sized example problem, which has 10 potential plants, 20 potential distribution centers, and 200 customer zones. After the plants being located are fixed, optimal minimum costs are obtained and compared for each of 7 different numbers of distribution centers to be located. As the number of distribution centers increases, changes in inbound transportation cost and outbound transportation cost can be derived. In case of considering cost as well as customer satisfaction level for two level supply chain network design, the analysis of this changes may help more sophisticated decision making.

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A Study on the Spatial Structure Change of Elderly Care Facility according to Introduction of Long-Term Care Insurance (장기요양보험제도의 도입에 따른 노인요양시설의 공간구조 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Sohee;Kim, Suktae
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : Long-term Care Insurance sets up facility standard and installation standard of aged care facilities and decides the presence of minimum number of rooms and its size in care facilities by using systematic instruments. Therefore, most aged care facilities had renovation in expansion and reconstruction following the revised regulations and even facility space structure and space composition are continuously improving. The study is to determine the purpose and trend by comparing before and after space composition of facilities which followed the implementation of Long-term Care Insurance and also to suggest hierarchical space composition suitable for aged care facilities through derived problems and to provide basic materials to plan the most appropriate facility for the aged. Methods : J-graph based on Space Syntax Theory will be schematized through in-site facility survey and before and after facility floor plan. Space composition trend will be analyzed by comparing indexes through S3 program. Results : As a result of 5 cases analysis, the following results were found; the average of whole space depth is increasing due to the Extension, the number of volunteers is decreasing and rooms for geriatric care helpers are being created due to the geriatric care helper introduction duty. Also, there are solariums being created to improve the health of the aged and dispensaries are being placed on every floor with the increase of documentary work for geriatric care helpers. With the policy implementation, care facility space composition and structure are changing with facility standard and it was analyzed that facilities were mostly put under the control of limited number of people in care room and total ground area per person. It was also found that there is increase in care space integration through before and after comparison of whole integration value. This is considered as the important result not only in facility standard satisfaction, but also in care support of geriatric care helpers and the aged, its main users. Implication : In order for elderly care facilities to have quality improvement and to develop as suitable facilities for characteristics of the aged, independent environmental facility standard preparation of elderly care facilities is needed through mutual cooperation of construction fields with regulation and policy related researches.

Development of Self-practice Program for Core Nursing Skills for Undergraduate Nursing Students based on Mobile Application (모바일 앱 기반 간호대학생 핵심간호술 자가학습 프로그램 개발)

  • Kim, Sun Kyung;Eom, Mi-Ran;Lee, Youngho;Go, Younghye
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.343-352
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    • 2021
  • A convergence study was conducted to develop a smartphone application for self-practice of core nursing skills and evaluate its usefulness for undergraduate nursing students. Mobile Application Rating Scale and seven essay questionnaire were used to for usability evaluation among 22 undergraduate nursing students. The score of the information domain was the highest with 4.19(SD 0.79). The subjective quality domain showed the lowest score of 3.08(SD 0.87). Participants' performance confidence score was 8.23(SD 1.60), and learning satisfaction score was 7.89(SD 0.87). Participants reported that the convenience and repetitive self-learning were the strengths of the app. In addition, design and technical supplementation, and lecturer-feedback would improve effectiveness of the current educational app. Findings of this convergent study would be helpful to promote the application of mobile apps for effective self-learning of core nursing skills in undergraduate nursing education. Future resesarch is needed to examine effectiveness study of mobile app on the performance of core nursing skills.

Comparison between Traditional IPA and Revised IPA; The Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve (전통적 IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis)와 수정된 IPA의 비교연구; 순천만 습지를 대상으로)

  • Kim, Bo-Mi;Lee, Dong-Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.40-50
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    • 2017
  • Compared to the traditional format, the revised IPA is an effective method for selecting a management strategy as compared to the traditional IPA. Comparison between the traditional IPA and revised IPA with a management strategy has been, however, limited. Therefore, the difference between the traditional IPA and revised IPA was compared to select an effective management strategy in the Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve. First of all, related papers were reviewed to select an appropriate revised IPA. It was found that Deng (2007)'s revised IPA was appropriate for quantifying service quality and a management strategy that affects the measurable satisfaction of visitors in the space. Second, the results of the traditional IPA were compared with the revised IPA in the Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve and the management strategy of the revised IPA and the changes of management factors were discussed. It was found that some management factors deviated from the order of the quadrant "low priority for managers", "Concentrate management here", "Keep up the good work" were moved to the order of the quadrants "Concentrate management here", "low priority for managers" and "Possible overkill" in the revised IPA grid. The complexity as a management factor resulted in higher demand management than the traditional IPA, which moved from "low priority for managers" to "Concentrate management here". Management factors resulted in lower demand management than the traditional IPA moved from "Concentrate management here" to "low priority for managers"; these consisted of shade trees, exhibition exteriors, programs, and a guided tour. Also, management factors moved from "Keep up the good work" to "Possible overkill" consisted of relaxation facilities, glow of the setting sun, a hedge, and an exhibition interior. Over all, the revised IPA responded properly to changes in the measurable satisfaction of visitors to the Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve. Therefore, a revised IPA should be provided for accurate and reliable guidelines when decision makers establish management strategies.

Measurement of Nursing Service Quality using SERVQUAL Model (SERVQUAL 모델을 이용한 간호 서비스 질 측정)

  • Lim, Ji-Young;Kim, So-In
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.259-279
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    • 2000
  • This study is a descriptive analytic research measuring nursing service quality, using SERVQUAL model, to make fundamental data and strategies for nursing service improvement. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaire from 202 patients and 142 nurses, from June 7 to 14, 1999. The reliability of instrument were adequate(Cronbach α=.94). SAS program was utilized for statistical analysis of collected data. The results were as follows; 1. There was a gab between patient's expectation and perception on nursing service(Gap B). Gap D was indicated an affecting factor to decide nursing service quality. Gap C was indicated an indirect affecting factor of nursing service quality. Because it was not statistically significant in total item analysis, but in individual item analysis, 7 items were appeared statistically significant. Gap A was not a gap occurrence factor of nursing service quality. 2. Focuses of nursing service quality improvement strategies were; (1) to direct qualitative improvement of nursing service in order to correspondence patient's nursing service expectation. (2) to make nurse's service activity modified because nurse's practice were not reached patient's expectation level. (3) to need internal, external factor analysis affecting nurse's service activity. 3. Nursing service quality was decided by rather environmental inappropriateness provided nursing service than itself. Therefore, to make nursing service quality improvement, it is required to improve nursing service environment. For this, followings are required; (1) to strengthen nurse's education on lower part of nursing service satisfaction and QI activities. (2) to balance demand and supply of nursing personnel. 3) to fix computerized system for reducing other duties weight except nursing care through analysis of nursing activity. (4) to construct rational cooperating system among related departments. 4. The important parts for nursing service quality improvement were indicated as follows: (1) Gap B: 'prompt reaction', 'examination symptom before patient's complaint', 'hearted nursing service reducing patient's dissatisfaction', 'explanation goals of nursing activities', 'having special Knowledge enough', 'maintenance position comfortably', 'management of patient's physical hygiene'. (2) Gap C: 'maintenance physical safety', 'explanation about hospital rules and facilities'. (3) Gap D: 'tender, safe injection and wound care'. Because above items are mostly improved through nurse's attitude change and quality improvement, it is required to establish nursing standardization and to strengthen nurse's clinical education. As the based on above results, followings are suggested; 1. SERVQUAL model is very useful to make strategies for nursing service quality improvement because it indicates multiple factors affecting hap occurrence. 2. At individual items analysis of Gap C, statistically significant 7 items appeared higher nurse's perception level than patient's perception level on nursing service were trouble perception level on nursing service quality improvement. So. it need further research to analysis about these difference occurring factors. 3. At analysis of Gap D, it is indicated that in nursing service performance process, multiple factors lowing nursing service quality were intruded. So it needs further research to analysis what these factors are and how each factors affect on nursing performance process. 4. nursing service quality measurement is changeable according to sample select time or sampled subject's characteristics. So to develope strategy for nursing service quality improvement is based on the results of periodical analysis.

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