• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satellite remote sensing data

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A Study on the Application Technique and Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (리모트센싱과 GIS의 통합 및 그 적용기법에 관한 연구)

  • 안철호;연상호
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 1991
  • This paper was suggested the detailed methods on the integration of Remote Sensing and GIS for various application of two functions at the one system with making the most use of respective merits rather than make use of independent systems. It developed of algorithm about simultaneous overlay of raster and vector data for remote sensing and GIS for these objects. For test application on integration of remote sensing and GIS, it used of remote sensing data of satellite and used to topographic map of the same area for vector data acquisition of GIS application. For the practical application, it proved of effective value of integration of raster and vector data by present of useful technique with multilateral approach method through data conversion about thematic application for major application fields of remote sensing and GIS and it suggested that new application technique for integrated application of remote sensing GIS through synthetic situation analysis.

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Developing the Cloud Detection Algorithm for COMS Meteorolgical Data Processing System

  • Chung, Chu-Yong;Lee, Hee-Kyo;Ahn, Hyun-Jung;Ahn, Myoung-Hwan;Oh, Sung-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.367-372
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    • 2006
  • Cloud detection algorithm is being developed as primary one of the 16 baseline products of CMDPS (COMS Meteorological Data Processing System), which is under development for the real-time application of data will be observed from COMS Meteorological Imager. For cloud detection from satellite data, we studied two different algorithms. One is threshold technique based algorithm, which is traditionally used, and another is artificial neural network model. MPEF scene analysis algorithm is the basic idea of threshold cloud detection algorithm, and some modifications are conducted for COMS. For the neural network, we selected MLP with back-propagation algorithm. Prototype software of each algorithm was completed and evaluated by using the MTSAT-IR and GOES-9 data. Currently the software codes are standardized using Fortran90 language. For the preparation as an operational algorithm, we will setup the validation strategy and tune up the algorithm continuously. This paper shows the outline of the two cloud detection algorithms and preliminary test results of both algorithms.

Case study on the Accuracy Assessment of the rainrate from the Precipitation Radar of TRMM Satellite over Korean Peninsula

  • Chung, Hyo-Sang;Park, Hye-Sook;Noh, Yoo-Jeong
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.103-106
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    • 1999
  • The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) is a United States-Japan project for rain measurement from space. The first spaceborne Precipitation Radar(PR) has been installed aboard the TRMM satellite. The ground based validation of the TRMM satellite observations was conducted by TRMM science team through a Global Validation Program(GVP) consisted of 10 or more ground validation sites throughout the tropics. However, TRMM radar should always be validated and assessed against reference data to be used in Korean Peninsula because the rainrates measured with satellite varies by time and space. We have analyzed errors in the comparison of rainrates measured with the TRMM/PR and the ground-based instrument i.e. Automatic Weather System(AWS) by means of statistical methods. Preliminary results show that the near surface rainrate of TRMM/PR are highly correlated with ground measurements especially for the very deep convective rain clouds, though the correlation is changed according to the type and amount of precipitating clouds. Results also show that TRMM/PR instrument is inclined to underestimate the rainrate on the whole over Korea than the AWS measurement for the cases of heavy rainfall.

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Spatial relationship operations of the Satellite image for the Remote sensing based on an Object oriented data model (객체지향 데이터 모델에 기반 원격탐사를 위한 위성영상의 공간 관계 연산)

  • Shin, Un-Sseok;Lee, Jae-Bong;Kim, Hyung-Moo;Lee, Hong-Ro
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 2004
  • This paper will show examples and methods of spatial relationship operations that extract spatial information from satellite images. Geographical information system phenomena of complex and variant real world can abstract and implement simple features. The abstract features classify geo_objects and geo_field. The geo_object and the geo_field can represent vector and raster respectively. The raster based satellite image can use remote sensing applications. This paper needs topology operations and geometric operations for extracting the remote sensing. The spatial information transforms the raster based image to the vector based object, and extract from the spatial information. The extracted information will contribute on the application of the remote sensing satellite images.

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Establishing Application System of KOMPSAT-1

  • Choi, Gi-Hyuk;Lee, Joo-Hee;Paik, Hong-Yul
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 1999
  • Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-l (KOMPSAT-l) has been developed by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) with the aid of TRW and will be launched on the December 21, 1999 at the Vandenberg Air Base in CA, U.S. Now, the satellite application group in KARI is preparing for the service with the KOMPSAT-l satellite data. For the purpose of supplying good service to the users, data application planning has to be established before launching satellite. To use satellite data effectively, KARI makes a plan for data policy, data price, mission planning, and commercializing strategy. This study was carried out with the purpose of effective use of satellite data. For this purpose, KARI, first, made 60 user groups to use KOMPSAT-l data for public welfare and research sectors. These user groups include government, public corporations, institutes, and universities. KARI will offer the service to users through online using Internet. Secondly, KARI made a policy for the priority of KOMPSAT-l missions. These are classified by the mission priority, payloads, and operational states etc. Thirdly, KARI will make data policy and data price of KOMPSAT-l based on the basic master plan. Especially, data price will be determined at the KOMPSAT-l committee including Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). KARI is also trying to commercialize the data with the domestic and foreign companies to expand the use of KOMPSAT-l data in the industries sector. Afterward in this study, KARI will continue the improvement for the effective distribution of KOMPSAT-l data for all users.

Motion analysis within non-rigid body objects in satellite images using least squares matching

  • Hasanlou M.;Saradjian M.R.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.47-51
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    • 2005
  • Using satellite images, an optimal solution to water motion has been presented in this study. Since temperature patterns are suitable tracers in water motion, Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images of Caspian Sea taken by MODIS sensor on board Terra satellite have been used in this study. Two daily SST images with 24 hours time interval are used as input data. Computation of templates correspondence between pairs of images is crucial within motion algorithms using non-rigid body objects. Image matching methods have been applied to estimate water body motion within the two SST images. The least squares matching technique, as a flexible technique for most data matching problems, offers an optimal spatial solution for the motion estimation. The algorithm allows for simultaneous local radiometric correction and local geometrical image orientation estimation. Actually, the correspondence between the two image templates is modeled both geometrically and radiometrically. Geometric component of the model includes six geometric transformation parameters and radiometric component of the model includes two radiometric transformation parameters. Using the algorithm, the parameters are automatically corrected, optimized and assessed iteratively by the least squares algorithm. The method used in this study, has presented more efficient and robust solution compared to the traditional motion estimation schemes.

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A study on possibility of land vegetation observation with Mid-resolution sensor

  • Honda, Y.;Moriyama, M.;Ono, A.;Kajiwara, K.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.349-352
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    • 2007
  • The Fourth Assessment Report of IPCC predicted that global warming is already happening and it should be caused from the increase of greenhouse gases by the extension of human activities. These global changes will give a serious influence for human society. Global environment can be monitored by the earth observation using satellite. For the observation of global climate change and resolving the global warming process, satellite should be useful equipment and its detecting data contribute to social benefits effectively. JAXA (former NASDA) has made a new plan of the Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) for monitoring of global environmental change. SGLI (Second Generation GLI) onboard GCOM-C (Climate) satellite, which is one of this mission, provides an optical sensor from Near-DV to TIR. Characteristic specifications of SGLI are as follows; 1) 250 m resolutions over land and area along the shore, 2) Three directional polarization observation (red and NIR), and 3) 500 m resolutions temperature over land and area along shore. These characteristics are useful in many fields of social benefits. For example, multi-angular observation and 250 m high frequency observation give new knowledge in monitoring of land vegetation. It is expected that land products with land aerosol information by polarization observation are improved remarkably. We are studying these possibilities by ground data and satellite data.

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Accuracy Assessment of Sea Surface Temperature from NOAA/AVHRR Data in the Seas around Korea and Error Characteristics

  • Park, Kyung-Ae;Lee, Eun-Young;Chung, Sung-Rae;Sohn, Eun-Ha
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.663-675
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    • 2011
  • Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) using the equations of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) / NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service) were validated over the seas around Korea with satellite-tracked drifter data. A total 1,070 of matchups between satellite data and drifter data were acquired for the period of 2009. The mean rms errors of Multi- Channel SSTs (MCSSTs) and Non-Linear SSTs (NLSSTs) were evaluated to, in most of the cases, less than $1^{\circ}C$. However, the errors revealed dependencies on atmospheric and oceanic conditions. For the most part, SSTs were underestimated in winter and spring, whereas overestimated in summer. In addition to the seasonal characteristics, the errors also presented the effect of atmospheric moist that satellite SSTs were estimated considerably low ($-1.8^{\circ}C$) under extremely dry condition ($T_{11{\mu}m}-T_{12{\mu}m}$ < $0.3^{\circ}C$), whereas the tendency was reversed under moist condition. Wind forcings induced that SSTs tended to be higher for daytime data than in-situ measurements but lower for nighttime data, particularly in the range of low wind speeds. These characteristics imply that the validation of satellite SSTs should be continuously conducted for diverse regional applications.

Continental Land Cover Mapping/Monitoring and Ground Truth Database

  • Tateishi, Ryutaro;Wen, Chen-Gang;Park, Jong-Geol
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 1999
  • Land cover map of 30 arc-second grid by NOAA AVHRR data for the whole Asia was produced by the authors as the project of the Asian Association on Remote Sensing(AARS). Land cover change monitoring of continental scale by satellite data needs preprocessing to remove undesirable factors due to noises, atmosphere, or the effect by solar zenith angle. The paper describes the method to remove these factors. The most important thing for better mapping/monitoring in the future is the accumulation of ground truth data by many land cover related researchers. The project of the development of Global Land Cover Ground Truth Database(GLCGT-DB) is proposed.

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Ocean Optical Properties of Equatorial Pacific Reef Habitat (적도 태평양 산호초 서식지의 해수 반사도 특성)

  • Moon, Jeong-Eon;Choi, Jong-Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.615-625
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    • 2021
  • The coastal areas around Palau Island and Tonga Island, near the Pacific equator, consist of coral reefs, mangrove and seaweed. In particular, understanding the optical properties of sea surface water in coral reef habitats helps improve the accuracy of remote sensing based habitat mapping and identify tropical ecosystem characteristics. Here, we collected spectral characteristics of sea surface water of Palau Island and Tonga Island and analyzed the concentration of suspended matters, absorption coefficient, and remote sensing reflectance to understand the seawater characteristics of the coral reef habitats. Based on the results of the suspended matter concentration analysis, we developed and verified an empirical algorithm to derive the concentration from satellite data using remote sensing reflectance of three bands, 555, 625, 660 nm, showed a high determinant coefficient, 0.98. In conclusion, coral reef habitats in tropical regions are characterized by CASE-I water in terms of the marine optics with oligotrophic properties, and require monitoring using continuous collection and analysis of field data.