• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sample orientation

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Applying an IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis) Model to Comparative Study on the Elementary School Students' Parents' Crime Prevention Design Element(CPTED) Awareness for Crime Prevention (범죄예방을 위한 초등학교 학부모의 범죄예방설계(CPTED)요소 인식에 관한 비교 연구: IPA(중요도-실행도 분석)기법을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Hyun-Sick
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.40
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    • pp.209-242
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    • 2014
  • This study is to understand sure the primary crime prevention has been incidence as a social problem intended for parents through the analysis of the Crime Prevention Design (CPTED) CPTED element of recognize elements that target crime prevention strategy to effectively help students be and an object of the present invention is to provide a policy suggestion haryeoneunde proposed basic data required for orientation. To achieve the study objectives such as the core framework in this study IPA: Importance-Performance Analysis) also was selected. Subjects of study in 2010 Gyeongju Elementary parents name and were 203 first research group investigating the secondary school population of the region in 2014 to nomadic parents of 297 people sampled selection. Questionnaire that use by this study applies "Important-Performance Analysis : IPA" technique that Martilla & James(1977) presented and analyzed awareness for CPTED elements of strategy for student's crime prevention to elementary school pupil students' parentse. It was the first group, 0.886, 0.920, 0.895 and 2nd group 0.880, 0.906, 0.878 that reliability of (Cronbach' s ${\alpha}$) the importance, and believability of run chart was the first group, 0.880, 0.917, 0.878 and 2nd group, 0.735, 0.840, 0.830. Analysis of the data carried out frequency analysis, reliability analysis, Frequency analysis was performed, paired sample t-Test for the reliability analysis, and the technical statistical analysis of the data is. The analysis of lattice bars execution through the IPA, the importance of the primary parents elements of CPTED strategies are generally very high, but found that the variation depending on the components that Performance. This study, an important element of the strategy to eliminate the school building for students from inside and outside the criminal fears CPTED is a mechanical surveillance in the first group, organizational surveillance, and the second group is the region intensified I'll showed mechanically and organizational factors in the investigation, and request that the investment is urgently important element is also execution low, crime prevention personnel security higher importance than expanding the front door. The analysis result of this study expects that basic data can be used in policy direction presentation that examines closely CPTED elements of strategy for crime prevention of students and applies CPTED's component effectively at elementary school hereafter.

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Identification and Measurement of Hospital-Related Fears in Hospitalized School-Aged Children (학령기 입원아동의 병원관련 공포에 관한 탐색연구)

  • 문영임
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.61-79
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    • 1995
  • When children are admitted to hospital, they have to adapt to new and unfamiliar stimuli. Children may respond with fear to stimuli such as pain or unfamiliar experiences. One goal of nursing is to help hospitalized children to adapt effectively to their hospital experience. Accordingly, nurses need to assess childrens' fears of their hospital experience to contribute to the planning of care to alleviate these fears. The problem addressed by this study was to identify and measure hospital-related fears(hereafter called HRF) in hospitalized school-aged children. The study was conceptualized with Roy's model. A descriptive qualitative approach was used first, followed by a quantitative approach. This study was conducted from November 30, 1989 to January 12, 1991. The sample consisted of 395 hospitalized school-aged children selected through an allocated sampling technique in nine general hospitals. The HRF questionnaire (three point likert scale ) was developed by a delphi technique. The data were analyzed by an SAS program. Factor analysis was used for the examination of component factors. Differences in the HRF related to demographic variables were examined by t-test, analysis of variance and the Scheffe test. The crude scores of the HRF scale were transformed into T- scores to calculate the standard scores. The results included the following : 1. Forty-four items were derived from 188 statements identifying the childrens' hospital-re-lated fears. These items clustered into 14 factors, fear of injections, operations, bodily harm others' pain, medical rounds, physical examinations, medical staff, disease process, blood and X-rays, drugs and cockroaches, tests, harsh discipline from parents or staff, being absent from school, and separation from family. The 14 factors was classified into four categories,'pain','the unfamiliar','the un-known' and 'separation'. 2. The reliability of the HRF instruments was .92(Cronbach's alpha). In the factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha coefficients for the 14 factors ranged from .84 to .86 and Cronbach's alpha coefficients for the four categories ranged from .70 to .84. Pearson correlation coefficient scores for relationships among the 14 factors ranged from ,11 to .50, and among the four categories, from ,44 to ,63, indicating their relative independence. 3. The total group HRF score ranged from 45 to 130 in a possible range of H to 132, with a mean of 74.51. The fears identified by the children were, in order, injections, harsh discipline by parents or staff, bodily harm, operations, medical staff, disease process, and medical rounds ; the least feared was others' pain. The fear item with the highest mean score was surgery and the lowest was examination by a doctor. HRF scores were higher for girls than for boys, and for grade 1 students than for grade 6 students. HRF scores were lower for children whose fathers were over 40 than for those whose fathers were in the 30 to 39 age group, and whose mothers were over 35 than for those whose mothers were in the 20 to 34 age group. HRF scores were lower when the mother rather than any other person stayed with the child. The expressed fear of pain, the unfamiliar, the un-known and of separation directs nurses' concern to the threat felt by hospitalized children to their concept of self. This study contributes to the assessment of fears of hospitalized children and of stimuli impinging on those fears. Accordingly, nursing practice will be directed to the alleviation of pain, pre-admission orientation to the hospital setting and routines, initiation of information about procedures and experiences and arrangments for mothers to stay with their children. Recommendations were made for further research in different settings and for development and testing of the instrument.

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An Empirical Testing of Employee Attchment Model: A Comprison of South Korean and U.S. Teachers (조직유착모형의 경험적 적합성에 관한 고찰 - 교사들의 경우를 중심으로 한 한 . 미간 비교연구 -)

  • 조동기
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.139-159
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    • 1996
  • This study comparatively examines a causal model of employee attatchment which focuses on employee's organizational commitment and intent to stay with an organization. This study is based on two separate studies of employee attachment among teachers : the U.S. case of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and the South Korean case of the Seoul Educational District (SED). The main purpose of this study is to replicate in Korea the CPS study. A revised model based on the unique characteristics of Korean teachers is also developed and estimated. The Price Mueller model of employee attachment provides the basic theoretical framework for this study. It includes five general classes of variables : 1) employee responses to work variables : job satisfaction, commitment, and intent to stay; 2) psychological stress variables: role ambiguity, role conflict, work overload, and quality of students; 3) social structural variables: autonomy, routinization, distributive justice, and legitimacy; 4) economic structural variables: pay, job security, promotional opportunities, and job opportunities; and 5) work orientation variables : career commitment, normative commitment, work motivation, affectivity, work values, and met expectations. The data was collected through questionnaire survey and a sample of 649 secondary school teachers in Seoul, South Korea, was included in the final analysis. Covariance structure analysis (LISREL) was used to estimate the causal model. The results indicate that the endogenous variables of job satisfaction and commitment play a considerably less important role than in the U.S. model in mediating the effects of the exogenous variables on intent to stay, and the model fails to explain the majority of the variance in intent to stay. In addition, the new variables added to the revised Korean model do not bave significant effects on intent to stay. The structural characteristics of the employment relationship and labor markets associated with Korean teachers forced mobility and closed external markets - are largely accountable for the major differences between the Korean and the U.S. cases. The study suggests that conceptual and empirical work on what produces employee attachment under these structural constraints needs to receive more attention in future studies.

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Effect of sputtering conditions on the exchange bias and giant magnetoresistance in Si/Ta/NiFe/CoFe/Cu/CoFe/FeMn/Ta spin valves (스파터링 조건이 FeMn계 top 스핀 밸브의 exchange bias 및 자기적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, K.Y.;Shin, K.S.;Han, S.H.;Lim, S.H.;Kim, H.J.;Jang, S.H.;Kang, T.
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2000
  • Top spin valve samples with a structure Ta/NiFe/CoFe/Cu/CoFe/FeMn/Ta were deposited on a Si(100) substrate by changing d.c. magnetron sputtering conditions and the exchange-bias and magnetic properties of samples were investigated. The Exchange field, H$\_$ex/ increased with increase of sputtering power of FeMn from 30 to 150 W and CoFe from 30 to 100 W deposited on the Cu, the increase of H$\_$ex/ was found due to the improvement of preferred orientation of (111) FeMn phase from XRD results. In the case of Cu, H$\_$ex/ decreased with the increase of sputtering pressure ranging from 1 to 5 mTorr. The relationship between exchange field and resistance was investigated, spin valve samples with a large exchange field showed the lower resistance, which was strongly dependent on the good crystallinity and grain size increase as well as lower scattering effects. The Cu thickness was changed from 22 to 38 $\AA$ for Si/Ta/NiFe/CoFe/Cu(t), 30 W/CoFe, 100 W/FeMn, 100 W/Ta spin valve structures, MR ratio of 6.5 % and exchange field of about 190 Oe were obtained for the sample with Cu of 22 $\AA$ thickness. The increase of exchange field with decrease of Cu thickness was explained by FM/AFM spin-spin interaction.

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Manifest Weeds and Self-Actualization of Patients with Essential Hypertension (본태성 고혈압 환자의 자기실현 및 욕구구조에 관한 연구)

  • 강익화
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 1978
  • Much of a person's energy is spent in the effort of becoming a productive member of to-day's complex society. This activity may cause tension, and chronic unrelieved tension is an influential factor in blood pressure elevation. The problem of this study was to identify manifest needs and self-actualization of patients with essential hypertension, and to analyse and compare their manifest needs and selt-actualization with the selected general characteristics of We, sex, religion, occupation and level of education with a control group of patients with normal blood pressure readings. The purpose was to contribute to the planning of nursing interventions toward reducing the impact of complex psycho-somatic factors on the anxiety of patients with essential hypertension. The instruments used included selected items from the Edwards (1959) Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) as adapted by Hwang (1965) and from the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) (Shostrom 1964, 1974) adapted by Kim and Lee (1977) to measure manifest needs and self-actualization. The convenience sample was chosen from 149 persons who presented themselves for general physical examinations at Ewha University Medical Centre and 41 patients diagnosed with essential hypertension at three general hospitals in Seoul during June 1 and August 31, 1977. Forty-nine persons from the Ewha group with blood-pressure readings exceeding 150/90 were added to the experimental group. Data were analysed by the S.P.S.S. computer programme using t-test and tests for statistical significance. Statistically significant findings were as follows: A. Blood Pressure and Manifest Needs. 1. with the exception of Autonomy, patients with hypertension had significantly high scores on all variables Abasement, Achievement, Affiliation, Aggression, Dominance, Emotionality, Exhibitionism and Sex. 2. When mean scores of normal persons were compared by age groups, normal persons had higher scores in the following order on Abasement (50's, 40's, 20's, 30's), Achievement (50's, 30's, 40's, 20's), Affiliation (50's, 40's, 30's, 20's), Dominance (50's, 40's, 40's, 20's) and Exhibitionism (30's, 50's, 40's, 20's). In each case, there was a significant difference between the first and last age group scores. 3. When the mean scores of normal persons were compared by sex, normal men had higher scores than women on Achievement, Affiliation, Aggression, Dominance, Exhibitionism and Sex. Male patients had higher scores than female patients on Achievement, Dominance, Exhibitionism and Sex, but female patients scored higher in Emotionality. 4. Normal persons had higher scores related to religion in the following order on Achievement (Buddhism, no religion, Christianity). Hyper tensive patients had higher scores on. Exhibitionism (no religion, Christianity, Buddhism). 5. Normal persons had higher scores related to occupation in the following order on Achievement and Exhibitionism (unemployed, office workers, teachless, businessmen), Emotionality (office workers, unemployed, businessmen, teacher) and Sex (office workers, unemployed, teachers, businessmen). Hypertensive patients had higher scores on Achievement and Aggression (teachers, businessmen, office worker, unemployed), Dominance and Exhibitionism (businessmen, teacher, of ace workers, unemployed) and Sex (teachers, office worker, businessmen, unemployed). 6. Normal persons had higher scores related to level of edification in the following order on Abasement, Emotionality and Autonomy (secondary school graduation, university). Hypertensive patients had higher scores on Abasement (no education, primary, university, secondary), Achievement (no education, secondary, university, primary) , Dominance (university, no education, secondary, primary), Exhibitionism (university, secondary, no education, primary), and Sex (university, secondary, primary, no education). B. Blood Pressure and Self_Actualization 1, Patients with hypertension had significantly lower scores on all variables. 2. Normal persons had higher scores related to age groups in the following order on Existentiality (20's, 30's, 40's, 50's). Hypertensive patients showed no significantly different scores. 3. Normal women had higher scores than men on Time Competence. Normal men had higher scores on Feeling Reactivity. Male patients had higher scores than women on Self-Actualizing Value and Self-Regard. 4. Normal persons ha 1 higher scores related to religion on spontaneity (Buddhism, no religion, Christianity). Hypertensive patients had higher scores on Time Competence and Nature of Man (Buddhism, Christianity, no religion). 5. Normal persons had higher scores related to occupation in the following order on Existentiality (teachers, office workers, businessmen, unemployed) and Self-Regard (unemployed, office workers, teachers, businessmen). Hypertensive patients showed no significantly different scores. 6. Normal persons had higher scores related to level of education in the following order on Existentiality and Self-Acceptance (university, secondary). Hypertensive patients had higher scores on inner-Director (university, secondary, no education, primary) and Existentiality (university, secondary, primary, no education). Recommendations for nursing interventions with hypertensive patients with emotional problems or low self-actualization were made. 1. The nurse should encourage the patient through her interactions with other members of the medical team to accept counselling and health education. 2. Through her therapeutic interpersonal relationships with the patient, the nurse should help him discover the causes of his emotional tension. 3. Through her health teaching with the family, the nurse should encourage them to participate with the medical team in the patient's therapeutic plan and in providing him with the minimum possible emotional support. 4. Through frequent counselling with the obsessive-thinking and inflexible patient, the nurse should reevaluate the patient's behaviour and her interventions. 5. Seriously ill patients should be given needed reeducation by members of the professional medical team.

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A Study on Human Rights Behavior of Korean Care Workerin Long Term Care Facilities: The Interaction Effect of Human Rights Awareness and Service Orientations (장기요양기관 요양보호사의 노인인권옹호행동 영향요인: 개인의 인권의식과 조직의 서비스 지향성을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Min-Kyoung;Kim, Mee-Hye;Kim, Ju-Hyun;Chung, Soon-Dool
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.673-691
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    • 2016
  • As the provision of long-term care policy takes root and with a gradual increase in elderly population, the use of elderly care service has become a growing norm. More than ever, there exists an urgent need for a paradigm shift in the building of an institutional basis for the improvement of care service, from the prevalent practice of 'need based service' toward the concept of 'human rights based service'. A great focus is being shed on care-workers, at the 'front line' of advocating human rights, as their human rights advocacy behaviour is seen as a key variable in providing high quality care service for elders. This study aims to examine how care-workers' individual human rights awareness levels, and the influence of their respective organizations, as an environmental factor, affect their human rights advocacy behaviour. The study includes a comprehensive analysis of the interactions between the regulatory effect of environmental factors (service orientation?) on an organizational level, human rights awareness (individual level) and the service environment (organizational). The analysis sample consisted of 782 registered non-profit corporation of long-term care facilities all over the country in 2014. The findings of the thesis suggest that human rights awareness at individual levels has a significant influence on human rights advocacy behavior. The interaction of human resources management in service orientations was also found to influence human rights advocacy on a significant level. Both human rights awareness at individual level and service orientations at organizational level were thus determined as key variables for improving the human rights awareness of care worker in long-term care facilities in Korea.

An Exploratory Study on the Industry/Market Characteristics of the 'Hyper-Growing Companies' and the Firm Strategies: A Focus on Firms with more than Annual Revenue of 100 Million dollars from 'Inc. the 5,000 Fastest-Growing Private Companies in America' (초고성장 기업의 산업/시장 특성과 전략 선택에 대한 탐색적 연구: 'Inc. the 5,000 Fastest-Growing Private Companies in America' 기업 중 연간 매출액 1억 달러 이상 기업을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Young-Dall;Oh, Soyoung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.51-78
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    • 2021
  • Followed by 'start-up', the theme of 'scale-up' has been considered as an important agenda in both corporate and policy spheres. In particular, although it is a term commonly used in industry and policy fields, even a conceptual definition has not been achieved from the academic perspective. "Corporate Growth" in the academic aspect and "Business Growth" in the practical management field have different understandings (Achtenhagen et al., 2010). Previous research on corporate growth has not departed from Penrose(1959)'s "Firm as a bundle of resources" and "the role of managers". Based on the theory and background of economics, existing research has mainly examined factors that contribute to firms' growth and their growth patterns. Comparatively, we lack knowledge on the firms' growth with a focus on 'annual revenue growth rate'. In the early stage of the firms, they tend to exhibit a high growth rate as it started with a lower level of annual revenue. However, when the firms reach annual revenue of more than 100 billion KRW, a threshold to be classified as a 'middle-standing enterprise' by Korean standards, they are unlikely to reach a high level of revenue growth rate. In our study, we used our sample of 333 companies (6.7% out of 5,000 'fastest-growing' companies) which reached 15% of the compound annual growth rate in the last three years with more than USD 100 million. It shows that sustaining 'high-growth' above a certain firm size is difficult. The study focuses on firms with annual revenue of more than $100 billion (approximately 120 billion KRW) from the 'Inc. 2020 fast-growing companies 5,000' list. The companies have been categorized into 1) Fast-growing companies (revenue CAGR 15%~40% between 2016 and 2019), 2) Hyper-growing companies (40%~99.9%), and 3) Super-growing (100% or more) with in-depth analysis of each group's characteristics. Also, the relationship between the revenue growth rate, individual company's strategy choice (market orientation, generic strategy, growth strategy, pioneer strategy), industry/market environment, and firm age is investigated with a quantitative approach. Through conducting the study, it aims to provide a reference to the 'Hyper-Growing Model' that combines the paths and factors of growth strategies. For policymakers, our study intends to provide a reference to which factors or environmental variables should be considered for 'optimal effective combinations' to promote firms' growth.

Work & Life Balance and Conflict among Employees : Work-life Balance Effect that Reflects Work Characteristics (일·생활 균형과 구성원간 갈등관계 : 직장 내 업무 특성을 반영한 WLB 효과 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yang-pyo;Choi, Chang-bum
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.183-200
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    • 2024
  • Recently, with the MZ generation's entry into society and the social participation of the female population, conflicts are occurring between workplace groups that value WLB and existing groups that emphasize collaboration due to differences in work orientation. Public institutions and companies that utilize work-life balance support systems show differences in job Commitment depending on the nature of the work and the activation of the support system. Accordingly, it is necessary to verify the effectiveness of the WLB support system actually operated by the company and present universally valid standards. The purpose of this study is, first, to verify the effectiveness of the support system for work-life balance and to find practical consensus amid changes in policies and perceptions of the working environment. Second, the influence of work-life balance level and job immersion according to work characteristics was analyzed to verify the mutual influence in order to establish standards for WLB operation that reflects work characteristics. For the study, a 2X2 matrix model was used to analyze the impact of work-life balance and work characteristics on job commitment, and four hypotheses were established. First, analysis of the job involvement level of conflict-type group members, second, analysis of the job involvement level of leading group members, third, analysis of the job involvement level of agreeable group members, and fourth, analysis of the job involvement level of cooperative group members. To conduct this study, an online survey was conducted targeting employees working in public institutions and large corporations. The survey was conducted for a total of 9 days from October 23 to 31, 2023, and 163 people responded, and the analysis was based on a valid sample of 152 people, excluding 11 copies that were insincere responses or gave up midway. As a result of the study's hypothesis testing, first, the conflict type group was found to have the lowest level of job engagement at 1.43. Second, the proactive group showed the highest level of job engagement at 4.54. Third, the conformity group showed a slightly lower level of job involvement at 2.58. Fourth, the cooperative group showed a slightly higher level of job involvement at 3.80. The academic implications of the study are that it subdivides employees' personalities into factors based on the level of work-life balance and nature of work. The practical implications of the study are that it analyzes the effectiveness of WLB support systems operated by public institutions and large corporations by grouping them.