• Title/Summary/Keyword: Saline stress

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Photosynthesis and Respiration of Forage Plants under Saline Stress (Saline Stress 하에서의 사료작물의 광합성 및 호흡)

  • 김충수
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.362-369
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    • 1990
  • In order to determine the mechanism of saline stress, forage plants were irrigated with sea water. Saline stress was investigated on photosynthesis, root respiration, evapotranspiration and visual symptoms. All crops showed increased relative evapotranspiration and relative photosynthesis under low temperature (11-16$^{\circ}C$) rather than high temperature (22-24$^{\circ}C$). The correlation coefficients calculated for each crop between relative evapotranspiration and root respiration were 0.996$\^$**/ for orchard grass, 0.828$\^$*/ for alfalfa and 0.963$\^$**/ for white clover. No significant correlation coefficient between relative evapotranspiration and root repiration was found for the tall fescue. The effects of OED spray on the evapotranspiration and root respiration of crops in the sea watered pots were low compared with those in the fresh watered pots. When OED was sprayed and zeolite was used, the evapotranspiration and root respiration were low compared with check pots and sand pots. The root damage due to sea water treatment was characterized by brown colored root cortex in orchard grass and tall fescue, and water penetration of root cortex in alfalfa and white clover.

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Corrosion Fatigue Characteristics of SUS316L Steel with Ti Undercoat using Plasma Spray Method (플라즈마 스프레이방법을 이용하여 Ti 언더코트를 제작한 SUS316L강의 부식피로 특성)

  • Han, Chang-Suk;Kim, Woo-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.172-180
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    • 2021
  • In this study, using the plasma spray method, tensile and compression fatigue tests are performed in saline solution to examine the effect of Ti undercoat on corrosion fatigue behavior of alumina-coated specimens. The alumina-coated material using Ti in the undercoat shows better corrosion fatigue strength than the base material in the entire stress amplitude range. Fatigue cracking of UT specimens occurs in the recess formed by grit-blasting treatment and progresses toward the base metal. Subsequently, the undercoat is destroyed at a stage where the deformation of the undercoat cannot follow the crack opening displacement. The residual stress of the UT specimen has a tensile residual stress up to about 100 ㎛ below the surface of the base material; however, when the depth exceeds 100 ㎛, the residual stress becomes a compressive residual stress. In addition, the inside of the spray coating film is compressive residual stress, which contributes to improving the fatigue strength characteristics. A hardened layer due to grit-blasting treatment is formed near the surface of the UT specimen, contributing to the improvement of the fatigue strength characteristics. Since the natural potential of Ti spray coating film is slightly higher than that of the base material, it exhibits excellent corrosion resistance; however, when physiological saline intrudes, a galvanic battery is formed and the base material corrodes preferentially.

Screening of saline tolerant plants and development of biological monitoring technique for saline stress. II. Responses of emergence and early growth of several crop species to saline stress. (내염성 식물의 탐색 및 생물학적 염해 모니터링 기술의 개발 II.염분 스트레스에 대한 작물의 출현과 초기 생장 반응)

  • Shim, Sang-In;Lee, Sang-Gak;Kang, Byeung-Hoa
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.122-126
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    • 1998
  • This experiment was conducted to verify the responses of major crop species to saline stress.To determine the saline tolerance of crop species, sevral crop species were cultivated under sand-culture system using Hoagland's nutrient solution whit 200mM NaCl. The crop species showing saline tolerance were cotton(Gossypium indicum), maize(Zea mays), barely(Hordeum vulgare), and wheat(Triticum aestivum) but perilla (Perilla frutescens) and leguminous crops, mung bean(Phaseolus radiatus), azuki bean(Phaseolus angularis) and soy bean(Glycin max) showed very por tolerance. One the typical symptom was the darkening of leaf color due to increase of chlorophyll concentration.Among of the plant families, Fabaceae was the most susceptible but crop species belonging to Poaceae were more proper for cultivating on reclaimed tidal land in the course of desalinazation. It was suggrsted that the crop species belonging to Fabaceae, a sensitive family to soil salinity, must be cultivated when the soil salinity decreased below 10ds/m. To know the critical salinity level for crop growth,salinity of saline soil collected from reclaimed tidal land was adjusted from 10.0ds/m tp41.7ds/m with tap water. It was suggested that the ECs of the soil in which the plant height of each crop spicies was reduced to 50% of control plant were 22.6 and 21.7 ds/m in rice, barley, corn, mung bean, and soy bean,respectively.

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Mechanical properties of stabilized saline soil as road embankment filling material

  • Li Wei;Shouxi Chai;Pei Wang
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.499-510
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    • 2024
  • In northern China, abundant summer rainfall and a higher water table can weaken the soil due to salt heave, collapsibility, and increased moisture absorption, thus the chlorine saline soil (silty clay) needs to be stabilized prior to use in road embankments. To optimize chlorine saline soil stabilizing programs, unconfined compressive strength tests were conducted on soil treated with five different stabilizers before and after soaking, followed by field compaction test and unconfined compressive strength test on a trial road embankment. In situ testing were performed with the stabilized soils in an expressway embankment, and the results demonstrated that the stabilized soil with lime and SH agent (an organic stabilizer composed of modified polyvinyl alcohol and water) is suitable for road embankments. The appropriate addition ratio of stabilized soil is 10% lime and 0.9% SH agent. SH agent wrapped soil particles, filled soil pores, and generated a silk-like web to improve the moisture stability, strength, and stress-strain performance of stabilized soil.

Neuronal activity in the periaqueductal gray associated with chronic cannula implantation and microdialysis (Chronic cannula implantation 및 microdialysis가 periaqueductal gray내 신경세포 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jang-hern;Han, Ho-jae;Yang, Il-suk
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.720-729
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    • 1998
  • Immunohistochemical technique of the c-fos primary gene protein, Fos, was used to analyze the effects of external factors on the neuronal activities in the periaqueductal gray(PAG) of the intact rats, sham-operated rats and post-operated stress control rats. In addition, the number of Fos positive neurons has been evaluated to verify the effects of cannula implantation and veratridine treatment on the neuronal activities in PAG area. The results were summerized as follow : 1. There was no significant difference in the number of Fos positive neurons observed in the caudal and middle portion of lateroventral PAG from cannula implanted rats and sham operated rats. 2. The number of Fos positive neurons in the PAG was not changed by the stress induced by connection of collecting tube to rats for 12 hours as compared to that of intact rats. 3. In the saline treated group, the Fos immunoreactivity in the PAG did not changed at 30 minutes and 1 hour after saline treatment as compared to that of intact rats. However, the number of Fos positive neurons was significantly increased at 2 hours after treatment compared to that of saline treated rats at 30 minutes after treatment. 4. The Fos immunoreactivity was dramatically increased at 30 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hours after veratridine treatment as compared to those of saline treated groups. The number of Fos immunoreative neurons showed the maximal level at 2 hours after veratridine treatment. 5. The Fos positive neurons induced by saline and veratridine treatment were mainly distributed in front of the microdialysis window. These results suggest that new microdialysis demonstrated in this study improves efficiency and accuracy to confine the neuronal activity in front of microdialysis window site. Moreover, this directional specificity allows us to locate probe tips adjacent to the brain area of the interest site rather than centering the probes within that brain area. Finally, This microdialysis method can be used to dialyse the neurotransmitters using concious and freely moving rats.

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Effect of Sodium in Artificial substrate on the Growth, Gas Exchange and Leaf Water Status of Cucumber (Cucumis sativa L.) and Korea Melon(Cucumis melo L.) (상토에 함유된 Na함량이 오이와 참외의 생육, 광합성 및 잎의 수분상태에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Young-Jin;Kim, Jong-Su;Kim, Chan-Yong;Park, So-Deuk;Park, Man
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2008
  • Sodium is known to reduce a plant growth and yields. However, the relationships between physiological response of seedling and salinity stress caused by growing media are not well understood yet. We conducted experiments to investigate change of some parameters including Na, EC, moisture content in media under different air temperature ($15^{\circ}C$, $25^{\circ}C$), and the response of fruit-vegetables such as cucumber, oriental melon on saline conditions originated from horticultural substrate. Volumetric moisture content of media at $15^{\circ}C$ was 70%, but at $25^{\circ}C$ was decreased by 45% within 22 hrs, showing below optimal matric potential, approximately. During reaction time, the increase of Na concentration was significantly greater in saline substrate than in control. The decrease rate of Na concentration according to supplying irrigation water was higher in saline substrate than in control. $CO_2$ assimilation rate and transpiration rate of Korea melon grown in low temperature were decreased with a Na/cation ratio in hydroponic solution. Water saturation deficit was also increased significantly at $15^{\circ}C$ as compare to $25^{\circ}C$. Saline stress during nursery stage induced a reduction of seedling quality, growth and cucumber yield. The results suggest that the relationship between uncontrolled Na uptake of seedling from saline substrate and meteological condition is responsible for saline stress.

Varietal Responses of Pollen Development to Salt Stress in Barley

  • Rehman Safiq;Kook Hee-Sun;Lim Jeong-Hyun;Park Myoung-Ryoul;Ko Jong-Chul;Park Kwang-Geun;Choi Jae-Seong;Park Tae-Il;Kim Jung Gon;Lee Kyu-Sung;Seo Yong Won;Kim Jin-Key;Choi Kyeong-Gu
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.407-409
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    • 2004
  • Thirty-nine out of eighty-five barley varieties/strains survived until heading stage in the saline experimental field $(0.03-0.05\%\;salt)$ and they were used for pollen study. Light and scanning electron microscopic observations revealed two distinctive types of barley pollens: one transparent and small in size and the other dark and larger. In addition, both types of pollens were stained with Alexander's stain and it was found that the smaller and transparent pollen was cytoplasm-devoid (CD) while the larger pollen was cytoplasm-rich (CR). Sixteen out of 39 barley varieties/lines grown in the saline soil had CR pollens, which were rarely observed in the barley plants grown in the non-saline soil. Moreover, it was observed that salt stress severely reduced seed setting in the varieties having degenerated pollens. These results suggest that salt stress affects the fertility of barley pollen. The sterile pollen was undersized and lack of cytoplasm probably due to abortion. Furthermore, a varietal difference existed in the response of pollen development to salt stress.

Biological Inoculant of Salt-Tolerant Bacteria for Plant Growth Stimulation under Different Saline Soil Conditions

  • Wang, Ru;Wang, Chen;Feng, Qing;Liou, Rey-May;Lin, Ying-Feng
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.398-407
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    • 2021
  • Using salt-tolerant bacteria to protect plants from salt stress is a promising microbiological treatment strategy for saline-alkali soil improvement. Here, we conducted research on the growth-promoting effect of Brevibacterium frigoritolerans on wheat under salt stress, which has rarely been addressed before. The synergistic effect of B. frigoritolerans combined with representative salt-tolerant bacteria Bacillus velezensis and Bacillus thuringiensis to promote the development of wheat under salt stress was also further studied. Our approach involved two steps: investigation of the plant growth-promoting traits of each strain at six salt stress levels (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10%); examination of the effects of the strains (single or in combination) inoculated on wheat in different salt stress conditions (0, 50, 100, 200, 300, and 400 mM). The experiment of plant growth-promoting traits indicated that among three strains, B. frigoritolerans had the most potential for promoting wheat parameters. In single-strain inoculation, B. frigoritolerans showed the best performance of plant growth promotion. Moreover, a pot experiment proved that the plant growth-promoting potential of co-inoculation with three strains on wheat is better than single-strain inoculation under salt stress condition. Up to now, this is the first report suggesting that B. frigoritolerans has the potential to promote wheat growth under salt stress, especially combined with B. velezensis and B. thuringiensis.

Artocarpus chaplasha: Establishment and Initial Growth Performance at Elevated Temperature and Saline Stresses

  • Rahman, Md. Siddiqur;Al-Amin, M.;Akter, Salena
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.12-18
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    • 2012
  • Like any other natural resources, forest flora may experience the extreme threat of elevated temperature and saline water submergence at different stages of their lives i.e. from germination to maturity due to climate change effects. The overall aim of the study was to measure the effect of higher temperatures along with saline water irrigation on survival and initial growth during seedling stage of Artocarpus chapalasha. The experiment was conducted in temperature- humidity-photoperiod regulated plant growth chamber during stipulated period to measure the growth performance of randomly selected seedlings. Within three different elevated temperatures viz. $30^{\circ}C$, $32^{\circ}C$ and $34^{\circ}C$, the seedlings were given three different saline conditions such as 0.5 g/L, 1.5 g/L and 2.5 g/L NaCl concentrations. Results found from the experiment was that, seedlings of Artocarpus chaplasha reared at different temperatures and saline water treatments showed stunted growth than reared at existing outdoor temperature ($26.31^{\circ}C$) irrigated with regular fresh water. Seedling growth at three different parameters such as height, collar diameter and number of leaves showed that with increasing temperature individuals respond negatively to increasing saline condition. The seedling's growth occurred at every day in height, collar diameter and leaf. However, growth rate reduced later during the observation. The combined effect of high salinity and higher elevated temperature results in seedling mortality. Therefore, Artocarpus chaplasha may not thrive at higher temperature and salinity intrusion at its early growing period in plantation and natural forest areas.

Effects of cranberry powder on biomarkers of oxidative stress and glucose control in db/db mice

  • Kim, Mi Joung;Chung, Jee-Young;Kim, Jung Hee;Kwak, Ho-Kyung
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.430-438
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    • 2013
  • Increased oxidative stress in obese diabetes may have causal effects on diabetic complications, including dyslipidemia. Lipopolysccharides (LPS) along with an atherogenic diet have been found to increase oxidative stress and insulin resistance. Cranberry has been recognized as having beneficial effects on diseases related to oxidative stress. Therefore, we employed obese diabetic animals treated with an atherogenic diet and LPS, with the aim of examining the effects of cranberry powder (CP) on diabetic related metabolic conditions, including lipid profiles, serum insulin and glucose, and biomarkers of oxidative stress. Forty C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice were divided into the following five groups: normal diet + saline, atherogenic diet + saline, atherogenic diet + LPS, atherogenic diet + 5% CP + LPS, and atherogenic diet + 10% CP + LPS. Consumption of an atherogenic diet resulted in elevation of serum total cholesterol and atherogenic index (AI) and reduction of high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol. However, with 10% CP, the increase in mean HDL-cholesterol level was close to that of the group with a normal diet, whereas AI was maintained at a higher level than that of the group with a normal diet. LPS induced elevated serum insulin level was lowered by greater than 60% with CP (P < 0.05), and mean serum glucose level was reduced by approximately 19% with 5% CP (P > 0.05). Mean activity of liver cytosolic glutathione peroxidase was significantly increased by LPS injection, however it was reduced back to the value without LPS when the diet was fortified with 10% CP (P < 0.05). In groups with CP, a reduction in mean levels of serum protein carbonyl tended to occur in a dose dependent manner. Particularly with 10% CP, a reduction of approximately 89% was observed (P > 0.05). Overall results suggest that fortification of the atherogenic diet with CP may have potential health benefits for obese diabetes with high oxidative stress, by modulation of physical conditions, including some biomarkers of oxidative stress.