• Title/Summary/Keyword: Salient

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The Transnational Desires in Manga -Focusing on the Works of Naoki Urasawa (망가의 초국가적 욕망 -우라사와 나오키의 작품들을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Sungil;Kang, Shinkyu
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.68
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    • pp.130-165
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    • 2014
  • By exploring the works of popular culture, our research aims to demonstrate that culture and politics revolve around each other. Culture and politics are not separate but are articulated into cultural politics; the process of articulation reveals various comparable areas, including contradictions and differences. Our research pays specific attention to Japanese modernity in the eight popular manga series by Naoki Urasawa. These works seemingly value peace and brotherhood, placing themselves in opposition to the logics of the conservative right wing. After engaging in a thorough reading and re-reading, however, we found three salient themes in the deep layers of the works: first, no-nationality a-nationality; second, the relationship between Japan and the West, and representation of Asia; and third, nostalgia for Japan of the past, and transnational desire. The manga series contain the ideas of leaving Asia and entering the West and overcoming modernity. Our research findings reveal that the works of popular culture, specifically those by Naoki Urasawa, subtly expose transnational desires of Japan in tandem with the tensions in international politics between Asia and Japan.

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Targeting the epitope spreader Pep19 by naïve human CD45RA+ regulatory T cells dictates a distinct suppressive T cell fate in a novel form of immunotherapy

  • Kim, Hyun-Joo;Cha, Gil Sun;Joo, Ji-Young;Lee, Juyoun;Kim, Sung-Jo;Lee, Jeongae;Park, So Youn;Choi, Jeomil
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.292-311
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Beyond the limited scope of non-specific polyclonal regulatory T cell (Treg)-based immunotherapy, which depends largely on serendipity, the present study explored a target Treg subset appropriate for the delivery of a novel epitope spreader Pep19 antigen as part of a sophisticated form of immunotherapy with defined antigen specificity that induces immune tolerance. Methods: Human polyclonal $CD4^+CD25^+CD127^{lo-}$ Tregs (127-Tregs) and $na\ddot{i}ve$ $CD4^+CD25^+CD45RA^+$ Tregs (45RA-Tregs) were isolated and were stimulated with target peptide 19 (Pep19)-pulsed dendritic cells in a tolerogenic milieu followed by ex vivo expansion. Low-dose interleukin-2 (IL-2) and rapamycin were added to selectively exclude the outgrowth of contaminating effector T cells (Teffs). The following parameters were investigated in the expanded antigen-specific Tregs: the distinct expression of the immunosuppressive Treg marker Foxp3, epigenetic stability (demethylation in the Treg-specific demethylated region), the suppression of Teffs, expression of the homing receptors CD62L/CCR7, and CD95L-mediated apoptosis. The expanded Tregs were adoptively transferred into an $NOD/scid/IL-2R{\gamma}^{-/-}$ mouse model of collagen-induced arthritis. Results: Epitope-spreader Pep19 targeting by 45RA-Tregs led to an outstanding in vitro suppressive T cell fate characterized by robust ex vivo expansion, the salient expression of Foxp3, high epigenetic stability, enhanced T cell suppression, modest expression of CD62L/CCR7, and higher resistance to CD95L-mediated apoptosis. After adoptive transfer, the distinct fate of these T cells demonstrated a potent in vivo immunotherapeutic capability, as indicated by the complete elimination of footpad swelling, prolonged survival, minimal histopathological changes, and preferential localization of $CD4^+CD25^+$ Tregs at the articular joints in a mechanistic and orchestrated way. Conclusions: We propose human $na\ddot{i}ve$ $CD4^+CD25^+CD45RA^+$ Tregs and the epitope spreader Pep19 as cellular and molecular targets for a novel antigen-specific Treg-based vaccination against collagen-induced arthritis.

Effects of Innovation and Peer Pressure on Color Make-up Behaviors of Middle and High School Students (여중고생의 혁신과 또래압력이 색조화장행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam, Hun-Ihl;Song, Kie-You;Lee, Jay
    • CRM연구
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2010
  • Due to the nature of teenage students' common tendency of being drawn to consumption conformity engendered by popular trends, and further expanding their unique collectivist culture, this study presumes that middle and high school female students as well have an influential factor that creates their distinctive trait. This study is intended to investigate the students' personal characteristics and effects of social reference groups, and further scrutinize how these influences transcends to deviant make-up behaviors. A total of 297 subjects, middle and high school female students, participated in a survey, using questionnaires focused primarily on the degrees of color makeup and the influences imposed by classmates. The findings of the study are as follows. First, regarding makeup behavior displayed by middle and high school female students, social self-esteem had positive influence on innovation and peer pressure. Second, perceived visibility conversely had negative impacts on innovation and peer pressure. This indicates that if perceived visibility is at a salient level, this already signifies lack of innovation. Third, makeup innovation and peer pressure demonstrated by middle and high school students all showed positive influence on their makeup behaviors. Additionally, peer pressure, in comparison to innovation, had greater influence on makeup behaviors, which indicates that peer pressure play a great role in makeup behavior of middle and high school students. Fourth, makeup behaviors showed strong impacts on makeup satisfaction and rendering deviant behaviors, which indicates that a new direction and perspective regarding middle and high school students' makeup behavior is critical.

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Continuity and Change in Korean Welfare Regime ; After 1990 (한국 사회복지정책의 변화와 지속;1990년 이후를 중심으로)

  • Hong, Kyung-Zoon;Song, Ho-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.55
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    • pp.205-230
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    • 2003
  • This article examines the continuity and change of Korean welfare regime during 1990s. Democracy, globalization and the financial crisis changed the landscape of Korean society as a whole and provided a catalyst for the change of the Korean welfare regime. In order to show how and what changed in Korean welfare regime, this study concentrates on the transformations of income maintenance programmes and social welfare services. The changed aspects are as follow: (1) The ratio of social expenditure to GDP has increased during 1990s and now stood at ten percent level. (2)Rather than backing up the company welfare, government strove to build and expand income maintenance devices for all citizens. (3) The poverty and inequality reduction effects of income maintenance programs are very weak in early 1990s, but they are gradually getting stronger impact on poverty and inequality. But, there are also continuance. (1) In spite of the relative development of income maintenance programs, social welfare services are still poorly designed as before. (2) The expenditure level of social welfare services shows sharp contrast to income maintenance programs and lagged behind the other OECD countries. (3) The expansion of social service sector employment are also not so salient. In 2002, social service employment is only at close to 2.5 per cent of the total employment. Accordingly, korean welfare regime is now characterized by a model which is to curb poverty and inequality by engaging in direct government provision of income maintenance programs, but refrain from expanding social service by relying on net welfare which encourage the provision of services within the family. A implication of our analysis is that the expansion of social welfare Korea saw after 1997 was not really an regime shift. According to the arguments of Peter Hall, first and second order changes in policy do not automatically lead to third order changes which imply regime shift. Policy changes which occurred during 1990s was not accompanied by a shift in policy paradigms. Family dependency in welfare is not yet changed.

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How the Korean Fashion Industry is Viewed by WWD USA (미국 패션전문 일간지 WWD에 드러난 한국 패션산업에 대한 인식)

  • Lee, Yu-Ri;Medvedev, Katalin;Hunt-Hurst, Patricia;Choi, Yun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1915-1926
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    • 2008
  • Although we know that images of a country or an industry are influential factors in product evaluation, there has been little discussion about the channels through which consumers form a country or an industry image. Guided by the assumption that the image of the Korean fashion industry conveyed through U.S. media will likely affect the evaluation of Korean fashion products, we decided to examine articles published between January 1998 and June 2008 in Woman's Wear Daily(WWD), a prestigious U.S. daily trade newspaper covering all aspects of the national and international fashion business. By using the "Korean", we found 329 relevant articles. Through content analysis, we identified the aspects of the Korean fashion industry that have been considered salient to U.S. fashion media professionals. We set up categories based on the contents of the articles that discussed segments of the supply chain of the fashion industry. We found more comments on the Korean fashion industry as fiber and fabrics supplier or apparel manufacturer than in any other categories, which reflects that South Korea has been traditionally one of the most attractive sourcing countries for the U.S. fashion business. We identified significantly less coverage on the designing, branding, marketing, and retailing aspects of the Korean fashion industry. Due to economic boom in Korea, the country's fashion industry is recognized as having a highly fashion-conscious market that can afford the world's premium brands. However, the industry is viewed as being rather vulnerable to changes in the macro economic environment.

Current Status of Elementary Students' Internet Addition: Differences according to Students' Gender and Grade (초등학생의 인터넷 중독 실태: 성과 학년별 차이를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Man;Lee, Bo-Ram;Jo, Mi-Heon
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.08a
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2010
  • With recent surge of Internet use, many people become concerned with side effects of Internet. Especially Internet addiction has become a significant issue. As the rate of teenagers' Internet use is higher than the rates of other age groups, and Internet takes an important part in teenagers' everyday lives, many people become concerned with Internet addition. Internet addiction is salient even among elementary school students. The purpose of this study is to grasp the realities of elementary students' Internet addiction using an evaluation tool developed for elementary school students, and to analyze differences in the addiction rate according to students' gender and grade. A survey was conducted to 989 5th and 6th graders selected from nationwide schools. The results of this study show that 5.0% of the students are in the stage of serious addiction, and 15.7% in the stage of early addiction. In addition, significant differences are found between boys and girls and between 5th graders and 6th graders.

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FACTORS INFLUENCING PERCEPTIONS OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: VIGNETTE STUDY FINDINGS (아동성폭력 상황인식에 영향하는 요인들에 관한 분석 : Vignettes를 이용한 연구결과를 중심으로 한 고찰)

  • Ko, Chung-Mee
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.549-563
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    • 1999
  • This paper is a review of findings from studies that have used vignettes to identify salient characteristics that have been found to influence individuals' perceptions of child sexual abuse. Vignette studies finding avoid to unreliable and biased self-reports. A review of the literature revealed that factors influencing the perception process are divided into two groups. One group of factors relates to the details of the abuse situation including characteristics of sexual act (intrusiveness of the sexual act and the frequency of acts), characteristics of victim (age of victim, the gender of victim and victim resistance), and characteristics of perpetrator (age of perpetrator, gender of perpetrator and the relationship of the perpetrator to the child). The other group of factors focused on in research reflects individuals background variables that affect personal interpretations of the abuse situation. These factors include professional affiliation of the respondent and various other. demographics (e.g., gender of respondents, age, education, marital status, parental status, number of children, the length of experience, etc.), along with respondents own child sexual victimization experiences. Based on theses findings vignette studies have allowed researchers to learn how individuals vary their perceptions of various situational aspects of child sexual abuse situations, and how background characteristics of the respondents as observers may influence these perceptions.

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The Effects of Ethical Leadership on In-Role Behavior and Psychological Capital: The Moderating Role of Management Decoupling and Personal Decoupling (팀장의 윤리적 리더십이 팀원들의 역할 내 행동과 긍정심리자본에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 괴리현상의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Moonjoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.48-62
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    • 2017
  • The present empirical research examines the effect of team leader's ethical leadership on team members' in-role behavior and psychological capital. This study also predicts that management decoupling and personal decoupling will moderate the effect of ethical leadership negatively. A growing body on leadership research highlights the role of team leader's moral manager in team settings. Ethical leadership also becomes a salient issue in the situation of unethical decision making and misuse of management power which have done by unethical leaders all around the world. In order to identify the effect of ethical leadership, I collected data of 922 team members from bank, semiconductor manufacturer, and university hospital. Our findings show that ethical leaderships have a positive effect on team members' in-role behavior and psychological capital. In addition, I also found the significant moderation effect of management decoupling which team members perceive their top management team's inauthenticity. Contrary to the prediction, however, the result doesn't support the moderation effect of personal decoupling. I discussed implications of confirming and disconfirming findings in details.

Accelerated Loarning of Latent Topic Models by Incremental EM Algorithm (점진적 EM 알고리즘에 의한 잠재토픽모델의 학습 속도 향상)

  • Chang, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Jong-Woo;Eom, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.34 no.12
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    • pp.1045-1055
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    • 2007
  • Latent topic models are statistical models which automatically captures salient patterns or correlation among features underlying a data collection in a probabilistic way. They are gaining an increased popularity as an effective tool in the application of automatic semantic feature extraction from text corpus, multimedia data analysis including image data, and bioinformatics. Among the important issues for the effectiveness in the application of latent topic models to the massive data set is the efficient learning of the model. The paper proposes an accelerated learning technique for PLSA model, one of the popular latent topic models, by an incremental EM algorithm instead of conventional EM algorithm. The incremental EM algorithm can be characterized by the employment of a series of partial E-steps that are performed on the corresponding subsets of the entire data collection, unlike in the conventional EM algorithm where one batch E-step is done for the whole data set. By the replacement of a single batch E-M step with a series of partial E-steps and M-steps, the inference result for the previous data subset can be directly reflected to the next inference process, which can enhance the learning speed for the entire data set. The algorithm is advantageous also in that it is guaranteed to converge to a local maximum solution and can be easily implemented just with slight modification of the existing algorithm based on the conventional EM. We present the basic application of the incremental EM algorithm to the learning of PLSA and empirically evaluate the acceleration performance with several possible data partitioning methods for the practical application. The experimental results on a real-world news data set show that the proposed approach can accomplish a meaningful enhancement of the convergence rate in the learning of latent topic model. Additionally, we present an interesting result which supports a possible synergistic effect of the combination of incremental EM algorithm with parallel computing.

Strategic Behavioral Characteristics of Co-opetition in the Display Industry (디스플레이 산업에서의 협력-경쟁(co-opetition) 전략적 행동 특성)

  • Jung, Hyo-jung;Cho, Yong-rae
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.576-606
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    • 2017
  • It is more salient in the high-tech industry to cooperate even among competitors in order to promptly respond to the changes in product architecture. In this sense, 'co-opetition,' which is the combination word between 'cooperation' and 'competition,' is the new business term in the strategic management and represents the two concepts "simultaneously co-exist." From this view, this study set up the research purposes as follows: 1) investigating the corporate managerial and technological behavioral characteristics in the co-opetition of the global display industry. 2) verifying the emerging factors during the co-opetition behavior hereafter. 3) suggesting the strategic direction focusing on the co-opetition behavioral characteristics. To this end, this study used co-word network analysis to understand the structure in context level of the co-opetition. In order to understand topics on each network, we clustered the keywords by community detection algorithm based on modularity and labeled the cluster name. The results show that there were increasing patterns of competition rather than cooperation. Especially, the litigations for mutual control against Korean firms much more severely occurred and increased as time passed by. Investigating these network structure in technological evolution perspective, there were already active cooperation and competition among firms in the early 2000s surrounding the issues of OLED-related technology developments. From the middle of the 2000s, firm behaviors have focused on the acceleration of the existing technologies and the development of futuristic display. In other words, there has been competition to take leadership of the innovation in the level of final products such as the TV and smartphone by applying the display panel products. This study will provide not only better understanding on the context of the display industry, but also the analytical framework for the direction of the predictable innovation through analyzing the managerial and technological factors. Also, the methods can support CTOs and practitioners in the technology planning who should consider those factors in the process of decision making related to the strategic technology management and product development.