• Title/Summary/Keyword: SEAS

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The Acquisition of National Identity: A Comparison of In-country and Over-seas Korean Adolescents (한국청소년과 재외교포 청소년의 민족정체감조사 비교)

  • Yi, Soon Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of the present study was to investigate methodological and theoretical problems in measuring the acquisition of national identity of in-country and over-seas Korean adolescents. The subjects consisted of 344 in-country and 89 over-seas (total 433) adolescents. 14 to 26 years of age. Data were collected with the use of two questionnaires. The Cognition of National Characteristics(CNC) and The Measure of National Belongings(MNB). As statistical measures. F-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient were used. The results are disclosed as follows; 1) The concept of national identity organized not only cognition of the national characteristics in multi-dimension which is related each other, but also a sense of belonging. 2) Two measuring methods(CNC and MNB) for this study are closely related. 3) Overseas Korean adolescents performed more than in-country Korean adolescents in 5 sub-national characteristics(language, social norm, history of the nation, & breaking with ideological thinking) except the consanguinity, of CNC and MNB. Crisis hypothesis was supposed as alternative factor to explain that overseas Korean adolescents cognified about the national characteristics and feel a sense of belonging more than the in-country respondents. 4) Some demographic variables, such as age of the respondents, place of birth, level of understanding Korean language, are contributed to acquiring national identity.

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Tides and Tidal Currents of the Yellow and East China Seas during the Last 13000 Years

  • Oh, Im-Sang;Lee, Dong-Eun
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 1998
  • In order to investigate the paleotidal structure and current pattern in the Yellow and East China seas (YECS) since the late Wisconsin, which is the last glacial maximum period, a two-dimensional version of the Princeton ocean model is used. We assume that subtracting the sea-level differences from the present one can produce paleobasins and that the paleotide did not differ greatly from the present one in the adjacent deep seas, the northwestern Pacific Ocean and the East Sea. We could successfully simulate the paleo-M$_2$ tides and tidal currents of 9000, 11000 and 13000 yr B.P. The result of the model shows considerable differences in the tidal pattern in each period. As the eustatic sea level rose, the amplitudes of the paleotides and the number of the amphidromic points generally increased, but the tidal currents in each paleobasin were strong and about the same order as the present day's. Based on these paleotide calculations, we suggest that there should have been active erosion in the paleobasin as in the present YECS, and the erosion should have played an important role on widening the paleobasin to the present shape, YECS.

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Annual Variation of Salinity in the Neighbouring Seas of Korea (韓國周邊 海洋鹽分의 年變化)

  • Kang, Yong Q;Jin, Myoung-Shin
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 1984
  • We study the annual variation of salinity at the sea surface and at 30m depth in the neighbouring seas of korea by the harmonic method. The analysis based on the monthly salinity data at 182 stations collected regularly by the Fisheries Research and Development Agency during 15 years (1961∼1975). The annual mean salinity in the West Sea is lower than that in the East Sea. In the amplitude of annual salinity variation decreases and the phase delays with the downstream distance of the Tsushima Current. The salinity at 30m has a higher mean, a smaller amplitude and a delayed phase than the corresponding ones at the surface. The annual variations of salinity in the South and East Seas are caused mainly by the annual variations of the local precipitation and that of the fresh water discharge from the Yangtze River.

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Development of Synthetic Regression Diagram for Analyzing Linear Trend of Sea Surface Height, Temperature, and Salinity around the Korean Marginal Seas (한반도 주변 해역 해수면 및 수온, 염분의 선형 추세 분석을 위한 종합 회귀 도표 개발)

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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2016
  • This study developed synthetic regression diagram for analyzing the linear trend of sea surface height, temperature, and salinity around the Korean marginal seas. In situ observed data had been quality controlled and they were verified by EOF comparison with objective analyzed data. From the synthetic regression diagram, we confirmed similar linear regression values with those of previous studies, but additionally provided detailed regression rate of each 5 to 30 year for the total periods of 1983-2013. We expect that quantitative results presented by this study will be useful as standard reference numbers for relevant studies analyzing oceanic long-term trend.

A Motion Analysis of FPSO in Irregular Waves including Swells

  • Kwak Hyun U.;Choi Hang S.;Shin Hyun S.
    • Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2005
  • Recently moored offshore vessels like as FPSO(Floating Production Storage Offloading) are frequently deployed in seas for a long time. For successful operation, the motion behavior of such a vessel in waves must be clarified in advance either theoretically or experimentally. It is of particular interest to examine the behavior, when swells are superposed to seas with different incident angle. Such a situation is actually reported in some offshore oilfield. In this paper, the motion of a FPSO in irregular waves including swells is studied in time domain. Hydrodynamic coefficients and wave forces are calculated in frequency domain using three-dimensional singularity distribution method. Time memory function and added mass at infinite frequency are derived by Fourier transform utilizing hydrodynamic damping coefficients. In the process, the numerical accuracy of added mass at infinite frequency is carefully examined in association with free decay simulations. It is found from numerical simulations that swells significantly affect the vertical motion of FPSO mainly because of their longer period compared to the ordinary sea waves. In particular, the roll motion is largely amplified because the dominant period of swell is closer to the roll natural period than that of seas.

A Study on the Sensitivity of IR Signature of a Ship according to the Meteorological Environment of Korean Seas (한반도 해양환경에 따른 적외선 신호 민감도 해석연구)

  • Cho, Yong-Jin;Lew, Jae-Moon
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.42 no.6 s.144
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    • pp.679-685
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    • 2005
  • Until now, the stealth design to reduce the infrared signature of ship haven't been carried out using the proper design criteria. The study on the maritime meteorological environment in the Korean seas hasn't been accomplished yet, so the design criteria of the maritime meteorological environment was just given by the engineering sense without experience of the Navy and/or of the shipyard. Even in rather good conditions(summer condition), the estimated IR signature of a ship showed larger values and couldn't predict the worst condition during the operation of a ship at sea. In this study, domestic maritime meteorological data were collected and variables affecting the IR signature of a ship had been derived through the sensitivity study of IR signature according to the maritime meteorological environment in Korean seas. The basic study on the criteria of the stealth design of IR signature has been carried out.

A Study on the Jurisdictional Problems for Fishing Vessels Engaging High Sea Fishery and the Responsibility of Flag States (공해조업선(公海操業船)에 대한 관할권문제(管轄權問題)와 기국(旗國)의 책임(責任))

  • Choe, Jong-Hwa
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.138-146
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    • 1993
  • In accordance with the establishment of 200 nautical miles EEZ regime as a customary international law since the mid - 1980s, the area of global high seas became reduced relatively. On the other hand, the importance of high seas fishing ground became serious for the distant-water fishing states like Korea. But it can be expected that international dispute on the jurisdictional problem of the fishing vessels engaging high sea fishery will occur frequently owing to institutional inertia of the UNLOS Convention on this matter. "The Draft Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas" as an international code of conduct for responsible fishing which was adopted by FAO in 1993 is providing the more consolidating and definiting rules for jurisdictional responsibility of flag states to make completion the loophole of the UNLOS Convention. As a precondition for the effective control and enforcement of activities of the fishing vessels engaging high sea fishery, the Draft Agreement is providing some articles allowing the flag states to hold the rights of granting nationality, fishery permission, fishery supervision and control with punishment for the fishing vessels entitled to fly their own flag. Accordingly it can be evaluated that this Draft Agreement does not deviate on the whole from the traditional practice and the basic legal principle of the UNLOS Convention.

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Wave Spectrum Based Fatigue Analysis for Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Aegean Sea

  • Kabakcioglu, Fuat;Bayraktarkatal, Ertekin
    • International Journal of Ocean System Engineering
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2013
  • In this study, wave spectrum based fatigue analyses are studied for Turkey's adjacent coastal seas by using Maestro finite element analyzing software. Palmgren-Miner's method is used to obtain the fatigue safe life time. Palmgren-Miner's method was selected for the fatigue analyses because of its good acceptance of data from almost all classification societies such as Germanischer Lloyd, the American Bureau of Shipping, Det Norske Veritas, etc. The maximum stress regions of the structures are obtained by using finite element analyses, and the results are compared with the endurance limit of the W$\ddot{o}$hler diagram of AA5059 H321 aluminum alloy. The wave characteristics table given in this article is used to obtain the number of cycles for each sea condition. By using the wave characteristics table, the wave lengths, wave speeds, and cycles are obtained. This study is performed to estimate the lifetimes of a semi-swath type coast guard boat and/or commercial yacht projects, which are produced by using AA5059 H321 aluminum alloy, under different sea environment conditions. Fatigue examinations are performed for both head seas and oblique seas.

Digital Bathymetric and Topographic Data for Neighboring Seas of Korea (한국근해의 디지털 수심.표고 데이터베이스)

  • 최병호;김경옥;엄현민
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2002
  • An attempt has been made to establish digital bathymetric and topographic database in the form of grid point value(GPV) with an interval of one-minute horizontal space fur a wide region of seas adjacent to Korean Peninsula and also with an interval of one-arcsecond for coastal seas of Korean Peninsula. Especially terrestrial and marine data fusion work using mean sea level as vertical datum plane has been performed for one-arcsecond GPV dataset. It is believed that the compiled bathymetric dataset are reliable comparing with existing dataset so for and can be utilized for ocean simulations of intermediate scale process and also detailed coastal inundation process.

Relations NOAA/AVHRR SST between Migratory Fishes in the Korean Seas (NOAA/AVHRR SST 자료를 이용한 한반도 주변해역에서의 수온과 어장변화특성 연구)

  • Seo, Won-Chan;Yoon, Hong-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.2265-2270
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    • 2008
  • It was studied to the displacement and the amount of catch for migratory fishes with NOAA/AVHRR SST(Sea Surface Temperature) from 1988 to 2000 in the Korean Seas. The analyzed results from SST data showed generally the oceanic warming trend in the Korean Seas. On the increasement of SST, the distributed areas of migratory fishes which living in the warm waters were displaced gradually to the northward directions(high latitude) and then the amount of catch was increased during this studied periods against to migratory fishes which living in the cold waters.