• Title/Summary/Keyword: Running speed

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Development of Two-Lane Car-Following Model to Generate More Realistic Headway Behavior (보다 현실적인 차두시간 행태 구현을 위한 2차로 차량추종모형 개발)

  • Yoon, Byoung Jo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.1999-2007
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    • 2013
  • The key characteristics of two-lane-and-two-way traffic flow are platoon and overtaking caused by low-speed vehicle such as truck. In order to develop two-way traffic flow model comprised of CF(car-following) and overtaking model, it is essential to develop a car-following model which is suitable to two-way traffic flow. Short distance between vehicles is caused when a high-speed vehicle tailgates and overtakes foregoing low-speed vehicle on two-way road system. And a vehicle following low-speed vehicle decides to overtake the front low-speed vehicle using suitable space within the headway distribution of opposite traffic flow. For this reason, a two-way CF model should describes not only running within short gap but also headway distribution. Additionally considering domestic two-way-road size, there is a on-going need for large-network simulation, but there are few studies for two-way CF model. In this paper, a two-way CA model is developed, which explains two-way CF behavior more realistic and can be applied for large road network. The experimental results show that the developed model mimics stop-and-go phenomenon, one of features of congested traffic flow, and efficiently generates the distribution of headway. When the CF model is integrated with overtaking model, it is, therefore, expected that two-way traffic flow can be explained more realistically than before.

The consideration of facilities plan and train operating plan for Incheon airport railroad revitalization (인천공항철도 활성화를 위한 시설 및 열차운영방안 고찰)

  • Roh, Byoung-Kuk;Kim, Young-Bea
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.80-97
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    • 2010
  • With the hubbing strategy, construction of "Incheon Airport Railroad(AREX)" was proceeded to expand the accessibility at the level of airports in rivalry like Kansai and Chek Lap Kok. At the present 1st phase which routes from Incheon Airport to Kimpo Airport is opened March 2007. 2nd phase which is planned from Kimpo Airport to Seoul station will be opened at the end of October 2010. But the accessibilty to AREX is delinquent because it is connected only in Seoul station and the maximum operation speed is 110km/h which downgrade the time competitiveness with airport limousine. In addition, transfering of user is necessary to access to AREX from Kyungbu KTX. With these reasons, travel demand in 1st phase section is low(7%). According to reestimation of travel demand, demand analysis result compared with convention condition is insufficient, so required annual average government grant-in-aid amounts to 200 billions won, and it is right time to develop the method for revitalization of Incheon airport railroad. In this paper, facilities plan and operating plan to make new travel demand by speed-up which is able through substitution train now running with high speed train(EMU, 180km/h) and direct connection of KTX, will be suggested. This will contribute to offering high speed railroad service to customers and the reduction of government grant-in-aid by way of demand expansion.

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Review of Minimum Curve Radius and Cant Range Setting for Mixed Section of Low and High speed Trains in Conventional Railway Line (일반철도의 저속 및 고속열차 혼용구간 최소곡선반경 및 설정캔트범위 검토)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyuk;Kim, Jeong-Hyeok;Park, Young-Gul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.345-353
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    • 2020
  • On conventional railway lines, trains with different speeds are operated. Therefore, trains moving on curved sections with cants must accept various ranges of balanced cants, cant deficiency, and cant excess, which is essential for the comfort and safety of train operation. In this study, the correlation between the curve radius, cant, and train speed on a track was analyzed to check the cant range that satisfies the criteria of train types, operation speed, cant deficiency, and cant excess. Also, the range of setting the cant by the curve radius and balanced cant were calculated by a regression analysis of train speed according to the frequency of operation in the case of mixed trains. The results could make it possible to improve the speed of the operation route, reduce the loss of ride quality, reduce the risk of derailing caused by cant deficiency, and minimize the load deflection by excess cant. This will ensure the safety of trains running on curves and improve the efficiency of track maintenance.

Calculation method and application of natural frequency of integrated model considering track-beam-bearing-pier-pile cap-soil

  • Yulin Feng;Yaoyao Meng;Wenjie Guo;Lizhong Jiang;Wangbao Zhou
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2023
  • A simplified calculation method of natural vibration characteristics of high-speed railway multi-span bridge-longitudinal ballastless track system is proposed. The rail, track slab, base slab, main beam, bearing, pier, cap and pile foundation are taken into account, and the multi-span longitudinal ballastless track-beam-bearing-pier-cap-pile foundation integrated model (MBTIM) is established. The energy equation of each component of the MBTIM based on Timoshenko beam theory is constructed. Using the improved Fourier series, and the Rayleigh-Ritz method and Hamilton principle are combined to obtain the extremum of the total energy function. The simplified calculation formula of the natural vibration frequency of the MBTIM under the influence of vertical and longitudinal vibration is derived and verified by numerical methods. The influence law of the natural vibration frequency of the MBTIM is analyzed considering and not considering the participation of each component of the MBTIM, the damage of the track interlayer component and the stiffness change of each layer component. The results show that the error between the calculation results of the formula and the numerical method in this paper is less than 3%, which verifies the correctness of the method in this paper. The high-order frequency of the MBTIM is significantly affected considering the track, bridge pier, pile soil and pile cap, while considering the influence of pile cap on the low-order and high-order frequency of the MBTIM is large. The influence of component damage such as void beneath slab, mortar debonding and fastener failure on each order frequency of the MBTIM is basically the same, and the influence of component damage less than 10m on the first fourteen order frequency of the MBTIM is small. The bending stiffness of track slab and rail has no obvious influence on the natural frequency of the MBTIM, and the bending stiffness of main beam has influence on the natural frequency of the MBTIM. The bending stiffness of pier and base slab only has obvious influence on the high-order frequency of the MBTIM. The natural vibration characteristics of the MBTIM play an important guiding role in the safety analysis of high-speed train running, the damage detection of track-bridge structure and the seismic design of railway bridge.

IEEE 1500 Wrapper and Test Control for Low-Cost SoC Test (저비용 SoC 테스트를 위한 IEEE 1500 래퍼 및 테스트 제어)

  • Yi, Hyun-Bean;Kim, Jin-Kyu;Jung, Tae-Jin;Park, Sung-Ju
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.44 no.11
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2007
  • This paper introduces design-for-test (DFT) techniques for low-cost system-on-chip (SoC) test. We present a Scan-Test method that controls IEEE 1500 wrapper thorough IEEE 1149.1 SoC TAP (Test Access Port) and design an at-speed test clock generator for delay fault test. Test cost can be reduced by using small number of test interface pins and on-chip test clock generator because we can use low-price automated test equipments (ATE). Experimental results evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method and show that the delay fault test of different cores running at different clocks test can be simultaneously achieved.

Developments of monitoring system to measure sound absorbing coefficient and structural stability of sound absorbing panel on the concrete track in the urban train tunnel (도시철도 터널 내부 콘크리트 도상 국소공명흡음판의 흡음계수 및 구조안정성 평가를 위한 계측시스템 개발)

  • Oh, Soon-Taek;Lee, Dong-Jun;Lee, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2017
  • In this study, a test-bed system simulated a tunnel and concrete track is tested on cite and invested an allowed limit of multi-layered sound absorbing panel for reducing noise reflected on the concrete track in train tunnel considering the criteria and limitation on the theoretical back ground. The studied results are an effective evaluating system of the sound absorbing coefficient influenced fluid effects depending on the vehicle speed in the urban train tunnel and measuring not only structural behaviors of maximum displacement and acceleration of the panel but also dynamic characteristics of damping ratio and natural frequency.

Preliminary Design for Preparing a Natural Learning and Experimental Area in Bukchun and Boundary(II) -Determination of Flood Level/Tree Planting, Analysis of Bukchun Scene- (북천지역 자연학습 체험단지 조성을 위한 기본 계획(II) -홍수위 및 식수결정, 북천 경관분석-)

  • 정종현;최석규;조세환
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2002
  • This study analyzed the characteristic of basic river structure, a flood level, the tree planting recommendation and syn thetic design, in order to establish a basic plan for preparing a natural practical area of environmental ecosystem at Bukchun and its surroundings. It was also investigated based on the opinion of citizens, geographical condition and the equipment/utilization examination of Bukchun which were included ecological circumstances, and thus provided a composite item for managing the natural river. This study also considered the development of the river in terms of culture, environment and ecology concept. The results were summarized as followed. Bukchun showed that the speed of a funning fluid is very fast on a period of flood. but very slow in a period of water shortage about 0.02 m/s. To prevent the speed change of a running fluid by a steep slope in a riverbed, there established Dongchun sluice gates under a bridge, including three sluice gates under a bridge, but there occurred extremely a riverbed erosion and corrosion section. The result of comparison between real flood degree and prediction flood data, there should perform a countermeasure the riverbed structure regulation of this area. Also, it was needed an exhaustive flood management in summer. According to the Bukchun and Hyungsangang riverbed investigation, there were needed preparation for natural/practical area and ecology Park development in the future. This study was investigated tree Planting/flower/blossom around the Bukchun and its surroundings. It was recommended willow, Italian poplar, bamboos and cherry blossoms in the Hyungsangang and Bukchun. There exist together historical space, environment space iud have enough possibility both natural learning space and civil rest space. And, it is possible to compose ecology natural learning and experimental area.

A Study on an Improved H.264 Inter mode decision method (H.264 인터모드 결정 방법 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Gong, Jae-Woong;Jung, Jae-Jin;Hwang, Eui-Sung;Kim, Tae-Hyoung;Kim, Doo-Young
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.245-252
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose a new method for improving the H 264 encoding process and motion estimation part. Our approach is a method to reduce the encoding running time through the omission of reference frame in the mode selection process of H 264 and an improvement of SAD computing process. To evaluate the proposed method, we used the H 264 standard image of QCIF size and TIN 4:2:0 format. Experimental results show that proposed SAD algorithm 1 can improve the speed of encoding runnung time by an average of 4.7% with a negligible degradation of PSNR. However, SAD algorithm 2 can improve the speed of encoding runnung time by an average of 9.6% with 0.98dB degradation of PSNR.

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Nonlinear Flow Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Hydrofoils moving below the Free surface (자유수면하에서 이동하는 2차원 수중익 주위의 비선형 유동특성)

  • Il-Ryong Park;Ho-Hwan Chun
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.8-19
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    • 1998
  • Nonlinear flow characteristics of a hydrofoil running under the free surface are investigated based on potential flow theory using singularity distribution techniques. Following Hess & Smith's method[12], sources and vortices are distributed on the surface of the foil and Rankine sources are distributed at a distance above the undisturbed free surface to solve the nonlinear free surface waves(so called Raised Panel Method). Using the linearized Neumann-Kelvin solution, the conversed solutions which rigidly satisfy the nonlinear free surface condition is obtained through an iterative technique. It is validated that the nonlinear solutions are compared with Duncan's experimental results(NACA 0012, $\alpha=5^{\circ}$), showing good correlations with each other. At a very shallow submergence and a very high speed the converged solutions are obtained. As the speed increases higher, it is shown that the difference between the nonlinear and linear solutions are trivial. Finally, the effects of the camber and thickness on the nonlinear flow characteristics of the foil are investigated.

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Train-Structure Dynamic Interaction Analysis of The Bridge Transition Considering Track Irregularity (궤도틀림을 고려한 교대접속부의 열차상호동적거동해석)

  • Choi, Chan-Yong;Kim, Hun-Ki;Chung, Keun-Young;Yang, Sang-Beom
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2015
  • In this study, track dynamic interaction characteristics caused by the vehicle running through transitional section such as bridge abutments were studied using the finite element analysis program. The geometric condition of track was generated by trigonometric function and allowable maximum track irregularity is determined by KORAIL track maintenance criteria. The sub-infrastructure under rail fastener system was modelled by 3D solid elements. To reduce computational cost only half track line is numerically considered and the roller boundary condition was applied to each side of model. In this study, the vehicle-track dynamic interaction analysis was carried out for standard Korean transition section of concrete track and the dynamic behaviors were investigated. The dynamic characteristics considered are wheel load variation, vertical acceleration at body, and maximum Mises stress at each part of transitional section.