• 제목/요약/키워드: Rough Grinding

검색결과 25건 처리시간 0.021초

내면 플런지 연삭에 있어서 연삭력 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Grinding Force Characteristics in the Internal Plunge Grinding)

  • 서영일;허만승;최환;이종찬;정선환
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제16권12호
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 1999
  • High precision internal plunge grinding is difficult because of the decrease in the quill stiffness due to the small diameter of wheel. In this paper, the characteristics of internal plunge grinding were investigated. Grinding experiments were performed at various grinding conditions with vitrified bonded CBN wheels. The grinding period was assumed to be consisted of rough grinding and fine grinding. The classification of grinding was determined int terms of the normal grinding forces and actual depth of cut. The experimental results indicate that the higher depth of cut and infeed speed result in the longer rough grinding time. The maximum normal grinding force was nearly equal to the static force and it decreases exponentially as the grinding continues.

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SCM 415H 기어의 치면 연삭조건에 관한 연구 (Study on the Teeth Grinding Condition of SCM415H Gears)

  • 김래성;김종인;최창;양용군;류성기
    • 한국기계가공학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2015
  • Gears are produced through a variety of methods. In general, a metal piece is formed into the general shape of a gear through rough cuts. The gear then moves on to a more precise machine that removes more material. Grinders work via abrasion, rubbing a rough surface against a work piece at such high speeds that it literally scrapes unwanted material away from the item. Since the grinder is spinning so fast, the material is removed very quickly. This allows a grinder to remove a very small amount without taking any unwanted material with it. This study investigates the effect of grinding process parameters like grinding spindle speed and table transfer speed on the gear grade and grinding efficiency.

초정밀가공기를 이용한 Zerodur의 연삭 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Characteristics of Zerodur Grinding using Ultra-Precision Machine)

  • 김주환;김건희;한정열;김석환;원종호
    • 한국공작기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국공작기계학회 2003년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.405-409
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    • 2003
  • We explored a new rough grinding technique on optics materials such as Zerodur. The facility used is a NANOFORM-600 diamond turning machine with a custom grinding module and range of diamond resin bond wheel. The grinding parameters such as workpiece rotation speed depth of cut and feed rate were altered while grinding the workpiece surfaces of 20m in diameter. Surface roughness is measured by Form Talysurf series2. Our target is to define grinding conditions producing the surface roughness better than 0.02${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ Ra and the form accuracy of around 0.2${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ PV.

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Zerodur의 초정밀 연삭 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Characteristics on Ultra-Precision Grinding of a Zerodur)

  • 김건희;박요창
    • 한국기계가공학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.13-17
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    • 2005
  • We explored a new rough grinding technique on optics materials such as Zerodur. The facility used is a NANOFORM-600 diamond turning machine with a custom grinding module and a range of diamond resin bond wheel. The grinding parameters such as workpiece rotation speed, depth of cut and feed rate were altered while grinding the workpiece surfaces of 20mm in diameter. Surface roughness was measured by Form Talysurf series2. Our target is to define grinding conditions producing the surface roughness smaller than $0.2{\mu}m$ Ra.

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슬롯형상의 연삭숫돌에 의한 평면연삭가공 (Surface Grinding Process by Slot-shaped Grinding Wheel)

  • 왕덕현
    • 한국생산제조학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 1999
  • An experimental study on the grinding temperature, surface roughness and Acoustic Emission(AE) signals was conducted with different shapes of wheel. The grinding characteristics for slotted shapes of wheel changed by width and helical angle, were compared with those by general one. Lower grinding temperature was obtained for 30$^{\circ}$helical angle with 10mm width and Root Mean square(RMS) values of AE signals were lower for slotted shapes rather than general one. Surface roughness characteristics of slotted shapes found to be rough but the value of roughness for 45$^{\circ}$helical angel with 6mm width, represented to similar tendency general one.

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슬롯형 숫돌에 의한 연삭가공성 평가 (A Estimation of Grinding-Processing by Slotted Wheel)

  • 강신엽;왕덕현;이윤경
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 1997년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.832-836
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    • 1997
  • An experimental study on the grinding temperature, surface roughness and Acoustic Emission(AE) signal was conducted with different shapes of wheel. The grinding characteristics by slotted shapes of wheel changed by width and helical angle,were compared with those by general one. Lower grinding temperature was obtained for 30 .deg. helical angel with 10mm width and Root Mean Square(RMS) values of AE signals were lower for slotted shapes rather than general one. Surface roughness characteristic of slotted shapes found to be rough,but the value of roughness for 45 .deg. helical angel with 6mm width, represented to similar tendency general one.

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다이아몬드 원석의 외형에 따른 가공방법에 관한 연구(절단) (A study on the fabrication methods of rough diamond according to their shapes (sawing))

  • 최덕환;최종건
    • 한국결정성장학회지
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.317-322
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    • 2002
  • Round brilliant cut와 cushion barion cut, marquise cut에 대한 sawing 방법에 대해 연구하였다. 연마작업시 발생하는 소모율을 파악하고 그에 따른 문제점들을 해결할 수 있었다. Sawing technique에 대한 연구를 통하여 소모율을 round brilliant cut는 2.5 %, cushion barion cut는 2.5 %, marquise cut는 5.5 %로 감소시킬 수 있었다.

열처리된 티타늄 합금의 연삭가공 특성 (Characteristics of Surface Grinding for Heat Treated Titanium Alloy)

  • 허순;김원일;왕덕현;이윤경
    • 한국공작기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국공작기계학회 2000년도 추계학술대회논문집 - 한국공작기계학회
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    • pp.349-354
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    • 2000
  • A use of Titanium alloy as a structural material is increasing lately. Among those titanium alloys, Ti-6A1-4V alloy is the most popular one with taking 2/3 of it's market. Also, Ti-6A1-4V alloy can get the stability of organization and product measure, and the evaluation of the cutting ability and the mechanical characteristics. The point in titanium alloy work is on how treat the heat generated during grinding. Because the heat conductivity of titanium alloy is unnegligibly low, the grinding heat is accumulated in workpiece, and it cause the increasing of grinding grits' wear and the rough grinding surface. So, these characteristics in grinding of titanium alloy will change the mechanical characteristics of the titanium alloy. From this study, the mechanical characteristics of annealed Ti-6A1-4V alloy after grinding was concerned with checking out the bending strength values, and the factor of the change and the difference was analyzed after analyzing the surface roughness and the image from SEM.

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보정 가공 프로그램을 활용한 비구면 형상정밀도 향상에 관한 연구 (The Performance Improvement of the Aspheric Form Accuracy by Compensation Machining Program)

  • 박요창;양순철;김건희;이영호
    • 한국기계가공학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.10-15
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    • 2005
  • For the development of compensation machining program, ultra precision grinding used in ultra precision machine and corrective machining was studied. We explored a new rough grinding technique on optical material such as zerodur. The facility used is a polishing machine with a custom grinding module and a range of diamond resin bond wheel. Surface roughness and form accuracy are measured by surface measurement equipment(Form Talysurf series2). Our compensation machining program has complied with a target of producing surface roughness better than $0.05{\mu}m$ Ra and form accuracy of around $0.05{\mu}m$ Rt and has been unveiled as a work-hour model.

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모터 전류 변화를 이용한 실리콘 웨이퍼 연삭 공정 모니터링 시스템 (Monitering System of Silicon Wafer Grinding Process Using for the Change of Motor Current)

  • 박선준;김성렬;이상직;박범영;정해도
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2005년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.104-107
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    • 2005
  • Recently, according to the development of semiconductor industry, needed to high-integration and high-functionality. These changes are required for silicon wafer of large scale diameter and precision of TTV (Total Thickness variation). So, in this research, suggest that the method of monitoring system is using motor current. This method is needed for observation of silicon wafer grinding process. Motor current sensor is consisted of hall sensor. Hall sensor is known to catching of change of current. Received original signal is converted to the diginal, then, it is calculated RMS values, and then, it is analysed in computer. Generally, the change of force is relative to the change of current, So this reason, in this research tried to monitoring of motor current change, and then, it will be applied to analysis for silicon wafer grinding process. using motor current sensor.

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