• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road Model

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Development of the Traffic Signal Control Strategy and Signal Controller for Tram (트램 운영을 위한 신호제어 전략 및 신호제어기의 개발)

  • Lee, In-Kyu;Kim, Youngchan;Lee, Joo Il;Oh, Seung Hwoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 2015
  • In recent years, tram has been the focus of a new mode of public transportation that can solve traffic jams and decrease public transit usage and environmental problem. This research is in the works to develop a tram signal controller and signal control strategies, and aim to resolve the problem of what could happen if a tram system was installed in general road. We developed the hierarchical signal control strategies to obtain a minimum tram bandwidth and to minimize vehicle delay, in order to perform a priority control to include passive and active signal priority control strategies. The strategies was produced for S/W and H/W, it is based in standard traffic signal controller. We conducted a micro simulation test to evaluate the hierarchical signal control strategies, which showed that the developed optimization model is effective to prevent a tram's stop in intersection, to reduce a tram's travel time and vehicle's delay.

The Effect of Staggered Pedestrian Crossings at Wide Width Intersections (광폭교차로에서 2단 횡단보도 설치 효과분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Nyong;Hong, Yoo-Min
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2011
  • The pedestrian green time is usually long at wide width intersections. This sometimes causes the increase of delay on the whole intersection because of long cycle length and thus small g/C ratio on some direction. In this paper, to improve these problems, staggered pedestrian crossing was evaluated on the vehicular and pedestrian aspects. The results were gained by using both TRANSYT-7F and VISSIM model. The vehicle control delay of the staggered pedestrian crossing was estimated to be decreasing than that of the general pedestrian crossing by 14.9% to 85.6%. The pedestrian average delay of two pedestrian crossing systems was examined by analytical method and VISSIM. According to the analytical method there was no significant difference between each pedestrian crossing system. The pedestrian delay of staggered pedestrian crossing was from 13.4% to 22.3% than the general pedestrian crossing by VISSIM. In conclusion, the staggered pedestrian crossing was more effective than general pedestrian crossing for both the vehicle and the pedestrian. However this conclusion was resulted from micro simulation where traffic volume condition, v/c, was from 0.8 to 1.1.

Tunnel Stability Assessment Considering Rock Damage from Blasting Near to Excavation Line (굴착선 주변공 발파의 암반손상을 고려한 터널 안정성 검토)

  • 이인모;윤현진;이형주;이상돈;박봉기
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2003
  • Damage and overbreak of the remaining rock induced by blasting can not be avoided during tunnel construction which may result in either short-term or long-term tunnel instability. Therefore, in this paper, a methodology to take into account the effect of blast-induced damage in tunnel stability assessment is proposed. Dynamic numerical analysis was executed to evaluate damage and overbreak of the remaining rock for the most common blasting pattern in road tunnel. Rock damage was quantified by utilizing the damage variable factor which is adopted proposed in continuum damage mechanics. The damaged rock stiffness and the damaged failure criteria are used to consider the effect of rock damage in tunnel stability analysis. The damaged geological strength index of the damaged rock was newly proposed from the relationship between deformation modulus and geological strength index. Also the Hoek-Brown failure criteria of the damaged rock was obtained using the damaged geological strength index. Analysing the tunnel stability with the consideration of the blast-induced damage of remaining rock, it was found that the extend of plastic zone and deformation increased compared to the undamaged rock. Therefore the short-term or long-term tunnel stability will be threatened when the rock damage from blasting is ignored in the tunnel stability analysis.

A GIS Based Technique for Analyzing Traffic Accidents (GIS를 이용한 교통사고의 분석 기법 개발)

  • Choi, Kee-Choo;Park, In-Chol;Oh, Sei-Chang
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.6 no.1 s.11
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    • pp.35-51
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    • 1998
  • This article aims at presenting a new framework for traffic accident analysis by proposing a new methodology for the management of the accident data and by establishing the relationship between accidents and roadway characteristics within it For the first issue, authors introduced geographic information system (GIS) into the analysis framework of the accident data since it is believed that analysis based on GIS seems to provide more effective information in reducing accidents. Point-based, line-based, and polygon (grid)-based approaches were set of along with concrete examples. Especially, the location-based scores such as localization, specialization coefficients, and Tress score have been added to identify the intensity of certain accident types within study area or grids. The second issue addressed the equation formulation of accident and fatality numbers with roadway characteristics like number of intersections and road length in a grid with a sense that (1) accidents on roadways are the function of the roadway physical characteristics rather than the socio-economical secondary data (2) the equation can be applied to the any 'suggested' area, not just region or nation, and (3) the accident forecasting model should emphasize the accident location itself more than any other factors. Some equations based on those assumption have been derived along with some future research agenda.

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Evaluation of Flexible Pavement Layer Moduli Using the Depth Deflectometer and Flexible Pavement Behavior under Various Vehicle Speeds (아스팔트 콘크리트 포장구조체의 내부처짐에 의한 물성추정과 주행속도에 따른 거동분석)

  • Choi, Jun-Seong;Kin, Soo-Il;Yoo, Ji-hyung
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2000
  • A new procedure needs to be developed to predict the dynamic layer properties under moving truck loads. In this study, a computer code to evaluate layer moduli of asphalt concrete pavement from measured interior deflections at various depths were developed and verified from numerical model tests. Interior deflections of the pavement are measured from Multi-Depth Deflectometer(MDD). It was found that errors between the given and backcalculated moduli in numerical analysis were less than 0.32% for several numerical models tested. When impact loads were used, a technique to determine the depth to virtual rigid base was proposed through the analysis of compressive wave velocity and impulse loading durations. It was found that errors between the given and backcalculated moduli in numerical analysis were less than 0.114% when virtual rigid base was considered in numerical analysis. The pavement behavior must be evaluated under various vehicle speeds when determining the dynamic interaction between the loading vehicle and pavement system. To evaluate the dynamic behavior on asphalt concrete pavement under various vehicle speeds, truck moving tests were carried out. From the test results with respect to vehicle speed, it was found that the vehicle speed had significant effect on actual response of the pavement system. The lower vehicle speed generates the higher interior deflections, and the lower dynamic modulus.

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Stress Distribution of Concrete Pavements under Multi-Axle Vehicle Loads Applied at Pavement Edges (모서리부 차량 다축하중에 의한 콘크리트 도로 포장의 응력 분포 특성)

  • Kim, Seong-Min;Cho, Byoung-Hooi;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.4 s.30
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2006
  • The stresses in concrete pavement systems are larger when vehicle loads are applied at pavement edges, and these large stresses significantly affect the behavior and performance of pavements. Therefore, in this study, the stress distribution and the critical stresses in concrete pavements were investigated using a finite element model when dual-wheel single-, tandem-, and tridem-axle loads were applied at pavement edges. First, the stress distribution along the longitudinal and transverse directions was analyzed, and then the effects of slab thickness, concrete elastic modulus, and foundation stiffness on the stress distribution were investigated. The effect of the tire contact pressure related to the tire print area was also studied. The location of the critical stress occurrence in concrete pavements was finally investigated. From this study, it was found that the critical concrete stress due to edge loads became larger as the concrete elastic modulus increased, the slab thickness increased, and the foundation stiffness decreased. The effect of the tire contact pressure on the critical stress was clear as the slab thickness became smaller. The critical stress location in the transverse direction was independent of the concrete elastic modulus and the foundation stiffness; however, it moved into the interior as the slab thickness increased. The critical stress location in the longitudinal direction was under the axle for single- and tandem-axle loads, but for tridem-axle loads, it tended to move under the middle axle from the outer axles as the concrete elastic modulus and/or slab thickness increased and the foundation stiffness decreased.

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A Study on the Creation and Activation Program of Cultural Rural Village - Focused on the Case in Dae -San Village, Kimje-si, Chonbuk Province - (농촌문화마을 조성 및 활성화 방안연구(1) - 김제시 대산마을(현황분석 및 기본구상)을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Man-Bong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.6 no.1 s.11
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2000
  • Now in order to overcome the weakest points of the rural areas of the city of Kimje and, transform them into rural cultural villages which have local governing systems suitable to new localization age and activate this plan, we selected Daesan Village as a model village which had shown a lot of potentials in the basic research and studied it dividing it into the former part and the latter part. We studied Daesan village in the former part focusing on state analysis and basic ideas and in the latter part focusing on master plan and detail planning. We can summarize the conclusion like the followings. 1. Daesan Village located 8 kilometer away from the downtown Kimje and the city of Iksan respectably has comparatively good environment of good sunny place as an open field whose surrounding configuration of the ground consists of farming lands and low hills in front and rear. It has 38 farming households in all. 2. Human environment(인문환경); the village road whose width is about 4 meters is forming a flow system forking off into three. There is a route bus which operates three times a day even into the inside of the village. The main sources of revenue are vegetables in facilities, fruits and floriculture. Their average revenue is about 10.5 million won. 3. Here in DaeSan Village a legend dealing with Teasan literally meaning a big mountain consist of th village's tradition and you can see the tombs of a very faithful son and Anwi an army general in the age of the Japanese Invasion of Korea of 1592 to 1598 inside the village. 4. 85 out of the eitire population 141 whose age are over 20 showed very positive attitudes in a questionnaire about, making the village a cultural one and its development. 5. The basic of planned ideas is to increase the revenue of the farming household by making the village a professional farming one which has a state-of the-art production facility and agricultural technique. It is to make the village the one where people can enjoy the sense of the rural life and the farmer can enjoy their lives through consumptive and consistant leisure and resting activities. 6. We are planning to make entrance space, life space, rest and sport space, and cultural space considering the characteristics of the village and the demand of the resident. We are also planning to make tile entire city of Kimje an information transmitting base in short and long term perspectives. 7. DaeSan Village was planned as a place where tradition and the future exist together. On the basis of this concept we planned future programs for Daesan Village and in the latter part of the study master plans and detail plans will be continued.the regional agricultural condition. The development permissions were only during the period of restricted to use ($1979.12{\sim}1993.11$). We propose that the authority of development permission should be given to the local autonomy government, because the local government has the knowledge of its individual agricultural conditions.

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Accident Conversion Effect Analysis of Installing Median Barriers (중앙분리대 설치에 따른 사고전환효과 분석)

  • Park, Min-Ho;Park, Gyu-Yeong;Jang, Il-Jun;Lee, Su-Beom
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.2 s.88
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2006
  • Among tile traffic safety facilities, median barriers are installed above 4-lane national roads due to the awareness of haying an effect on preventing the front collision. Studies about the installation effect analysis of median harrier have been carried out through both at home and outside, mainly indicating total accident reduction effect on pertinent sections. In sum, study about how the accident occurrence form is changed at the point classified by the accident type or severity is insignificant. In the case of outside the country, calculating the accident reduction effect according to the type of median barriers is main research and in domestic, though there is a part of researches assessing reduction effect by accident types, it is not reliable in the view or statistics because of using only 1year's before-aftev data installing the facility, So in this Paper. it is the main purpose to presume the accident conversion effect. For this, we conduct an investigation and collect data about 7-year's accident data containing before-after Project, safety facilities foundation records and index of road alignment on the subject of 4-1ane national roads(108.6km) existing median barrier. Next. using the empirical bayes method, we estimate a model construction and accident conversion effect of accident type severity. We expect the result or this Paper will be applied for a policy execution and Presentation of facility standard related to median barrier from now on.

A Study on the Relation between the Single-track Subway and Housing Price - Focused on Row and Multi-family House around Eungam Loop Line of Seoul Subway Line 6 - (단선 일방통행 방식의 지하철과 주택가격의 관계 분석 - 서울 지하철 6호선 응암순환선 구간 주변 연립다세대를 중심으로 -)

  • So, Soung-Kue;Oh, Sae-Joon;Lee, Kyu-Tai
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.39-56
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we analyzed the effect of the Eungam Loop Line of Seoul Subway Line 6 on the sale price of adjacent row and multi-family houses on the accessibility and structural characteristics of subway stations. This study empirically analyzed a total of 17,938 cases from 2006 to 2017 based on data on the sale price of row and multi-family houses. In summary, the results of this study using the Hedonic Price Model are as follows. First, this study confirms that the Eungam Loop Line characteristics have a positive effect on the sale price as it is adjacent to the subway station. It is noteworthy that the sale price of 100-200m segment has a positive effect, and the sale price of Bulgwang station, which has excellent mobility and connectivity with CBD, YBD and GBD, has a positive effect. Second, this study shows the locational characteristics such as distance to bus stop, distance to mart, and distance to school have influence on the sale price. Third, this study finds the land characteristics such as land area, land shape, land facing, and road width, have significant effects on the sale price. Fourth, this study discovers the sale price is also is also affected by building and floor characteristics such as the type of housing, building area, the number of households, building age, elevator, and floor level.

A Study on Development of Common Criteria for Evaluation of Internet Ethics Index (인터넷윤리 지수의 평가를 위한 공통 기준 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Han;Kim, Jeong-Dong;Park, Jeong-Ho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2016
  • Changes in the distribution and sharing information using the Internet is changing the most part in our daily life, Utilizing the Internet of our lives to the rapid development of IT technology, are living in the off-line (off-line) and online (on-line) a mix of life, We expect now online life specific gravity is further increased. However, do not systematically implement the education of Internet ethics awareness deficiencies of objective indicators to assess the current knowledge level of the Internet ethics is the actual situation. Therefore, in this paper, it provides a development process in order to establish a common standard for the evaluation of Internet ethics index. Development procedure of Internet ethics index in order to establish a common standard, "evaluation item (draft) derivation", "Creating a questionnaire", "the calculation of the analysis and item-by-item weight of the questionnaire", and a common reference determination of the stage having. Was also a questionnaire that target 46 people to calculate the weight of the common reference. Internet ethics index evaluation model through the establishment of the common standards developed in this paper, municipal road Office of Education, related organizations, high school, such as small, medium, can be utilized as an indicator to measure the Internet ethics education level.