• Title/Summary/Keyword: Result Analysis and Evaluation

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The Effects of Consumer Value Cognition on Benefits and Attributes of Culture-Art Products (문화예술상품 소비자의 가치인식이 추구혜택과 상품속성에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Eun Joo;Rhee, Young Sun
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.177-207
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    • 2012
  • Today's consumers perceive consumption as a representation of themselves. It is not simply an act that fulfills a consumer's physical and practical needs. Even in terms of life quality, consumers increasingly want to achieve an emotional and sensible experience through consumption. Consumers now make decisions based on their need to express their position in relation to other people, pursue emotional satisfaction, and try to improve the quality of life. Culture-art products that meet such internal and external demands of consumers have made significant improvements in both quantity and quality, because of the social interest and policy support. The recognition of personal and social values of culture and arts has brought about interest in and need for culture-art products. Businesses have agilely embraced such change and actively implemented various marketing strategies utilizing culture and arts. For example, businesses began to sponsor artists who produce culture-art products while building facilities for cultural and art performances or exhibitions. Businesses have also provided performances and exhibitions free-of-charge or at affordable prices. As a result, the supply in the market has started to exceed its demand as is often the case in many of other markets. However, such imbalance has occurred not because of over-supply but because of a lack of demand. Given these circumstances, the government and culture and art related organizations, which had mainly concentrated on the supply side, started to recognize the importance of creating personal and social values in culture and arts. As a result, the government and various organizations are now creating various strategies that include policy measures to achieve their new found goal. Unfortunately however, such efforts are not meeting the expectations. Focusing on above-mentioned circumstances and problems, this study aims to find measures to create demand for culture-art products in the internal conditions of those who consume culture-art products. In other words, given that the demand for culture-art products has not increased despite all external conditions to encourage consumption, this study aims to find the reasons in consumers' value judgment on culture-art products. Though there were recent studies on culture-art products that applied consumer behavior on marketing theories, most of them focused on peripheral aspects such as people's motivation for or satisfaction from watching culture-art events. Hence, there is a need to understand what kind of value consumers perceive from culture-art products and how such value cognition leads to consumption in a comprehensive manner. This study acts as follow-up to a separate study entitled "Qualitative Study about Value Cognition and Benefits of Consumer on Culture-Art Products". The current study aims to extend practical implications that enhance the effectiveness of marketing strategies among the producing and policy agencies in the industry. The purpose of this study is to investigate dimensions of value cognition, benefits and attributes of culture-art products, and identify the effects of consumer value cognition on benefits and attributes. The questionnaire was developed based on the conceptual structure of qualitative research and previous researches. It was composed of value cognition, benefits, attributes of culture-art products and demographic variables. This survey was conducted on-line and off-line among a total of 662 persons ranging from their teens to their 50's who were living in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, various metropolitan cities, and small and medium-sized cities. The data collected was analyzed by factor analysis and path analysis using SPSS WIN 18.0 and AMOS 16.0. This empirical study found that the dimensions of value cognition of culture-art products were categorized into personal goods, aesthetic goods and public property. This shows that the consumers perceive culture-art products as products that are worthy enough to pay the costs not just for personal benefits but also for their social values. Also the formation of value cognition for culture-art products requires special conditions unlike that for physical consumer goods and services, which simply require marketing stimuli. The dimensions of benefits pursued by consuming culture-art products were found to be composed of four types - pursuit of aesthetic benefits, pursuit of actual benefits, pursuit of emotional benefits, and pursuit of conspicuous character. This result implies that people consume culture-art products not just to pursue pleasure from emotional and intelligent satisfaction as well as social relations, but also to seek the needs and benefits embodied at a social level. The dimensions of attributes of culture-art products had seven different factors, - environmental, price, evaluation, people, artwork, composition, and personal relations - which is plentiful. This is because the attributes of culture-art products are very complicated compared to other consumer goods or services. Since culture-art products include not just cultural or artistic works but also all physical, human, environmental, and systemic elements of the products in a comprehensive manner, consumers perceive everything they experience in the process of consuming culture-art products as part of the products. The dimensions of value cognition was found to affect attributes of the products, mostly using pursued benefits as a mediating factors. This result is consistent with the result of qualitative research, and proves that applying the means-end chain theory in the reverse direction is reasonable. The result can be interpreted that consumers' value cognitions for culture-art products turns into actual benefits leading to consumers' decisions. Furthermore, this result reveals that when consumers choose culture-art products, they take into account the attributes of culture-art products depending on the benefits they pursue. These results confirm that despite their conceptual and abstract attributes, culture-art products have values that contribute to actual benefits for individual consumers and society. Hence, value cognition generates benefits to be pursued and this in turn affects the consumers' choices of attributes on products. Based on the conceptual structure of consumers' value cognitions on culture-art products and its dimensions, it is possible to find detailed methods to provide opportunities for education and training to form and reinforce positive value cognition on culture-art products. And through those methods, it will be possible to develop attributes of culture-art products according to the dimensions of pursued benefits, and allow conceptual products become the subject to valuable consumption in real life. These results provide theoretical understanding of consumer behavior in culture marketing and useful information to culture-art producers, companies that use culture and art, and government agencies that use culture-art as a mean to improve the public perception of quality of life. As a follow up on this study, there should be experimental studies that can develop criteria visualizing the demands of consumers who purchase culture-art products and identify their detailed attributes. Studies that compare characteristics of different areas within the culture-art product category and in-depth studies on a specific area or genre will also be needed. In order to develop marketing strategies for culture-art products, studies on the formation and reinforcement of positive value cognition on culture-art products and education for the development of consumer demand as well as on the development and differentiation of attributes of culture-art products depending on types of consumer groups should also follow.

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An Analysis of the Research Trends in Safety Education for Home Economics Education (가정과 안전교육의 연구 동향 분석)

  • Kim, Nam Eun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the basic information for diverse and balanced research and development in this field with understanding research trends related to safety education in home economics. In order to so, this study makes population and sampling by targeting cases which refer to 'safety' on 15 papers of academic journals related to home economics registered in the National Research Foundation from 2001 to 2015, 244 papers related to safety education area and 179 master doctorate thesis by searching keyword as 'safety'. Analysis contents are research trends of papers related to safety education by year and by subject and research trends of safety education by area and by research method. As a result of the study, first, the number of research papers related to safety education by year on home economics curriculum repeated increase and decrease and there have been consistent studies conducted on safety education with 14-52 papers per every year and yearly average 28.2 papers. On the other hand, the most number of studies conducted in 2015 with 52 papers which are twice as much of 26 papers in 2014. This seems to be affected by the announcement of safety comprehensive countermeasures from government and the emphasis of safety subject on 2015 curriculum revision of the Ministry of Education. Second, with regards to research trends by topic, 137 papers are related to safety education (29%), 336 papers are related to safety actual condition (71%). Accidents and recognition had a greater percentage in a paper before 2009 (74.4%) and studies are increased after 2009 (from 21 papers to 53 papers) in terms of development or evaluation of safety education program, development of education materials, development of education method etc. Subject area dealt with the most on the research of safety actual condition is regarding safety accidents or effective variables (23.2%). Subject regarding the variables are researches related to factors influencing family violence, internet addiction, spouse violence, willingness to purchase unsafe food, age harassment, or suicidal attempt etc. Next, researches related to safety recognition (13.9%), safety knowledge and attitude (7.4%), safety behaviors (6.3%), safety consciousness (2.3%) show in sequence. Subject area dealt with the most on the researches regarding safety education is development and evaluation of safety education program (11%) and this appears the most in 2015 by year (21.5%). Third, with regards to eight areas of safety education, there are 143 papers regarding public safety (33.8%), 106 papers regarding violence and personal safety (25.1%), 93 papers regarding general subject on safety or whole safety area (22%) and 58 papers regarding drug and internet addiction (13.7%) in sequence. And there is no paper related to first aid and 1 paper is related to occupational safety (0.2%). Occupational safety area is less researched nevertheless its included in home economic curriculum as relative chapter. First aid does not directly correlate with home economics curriculum but should be studied in preparation for accident which could happen in practical class. Forth, with regards to research trends by research method, quantitative research (89.1%) is mostly used and both research study (70.4%) and experimental research (18.7%) are used the most frequently. In particular, researches on the actual condition of safety education and experimental studies for effectiveness verification take most of research method. As qualitative studies, there are phenomenological study (3.1%) and case study (3.1%) related to actual conditions of safety accidents. 10 papers (2.4%) are mixture of quantitative and qualitative research and some research conducted research study and experimental research at the same time (0.9%). With regards to subject of study, human environments (87.5%) are more than physical environments (12.5) and students (48.4%) are more than teachers and school parents (20.6%). As the subject of physical environments, school (6.5%) is the most but home environment is none. As a result of the study, research for the development of evaluation tool for evaluating safety education, occupational safety and lifelong education should be conducted from this time forward. In addition, the object of study shall be expanded to both human environments in terms of entire life and physical environments for home. An in-depth qualitative research should be needed by observing and meeting with each student.

A Dynamic Management Method for FOAF Using RSS and OLAP cube (RSS와 OLAP 큐브를 이용한 FOAF의 동적 관리 기법)

  • Sohn, Jong-Soo;Chung, In-Jeong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.39-60
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    • 2011
  • Since the introduction of web 2.0 technology, social network service has been recognized as the foundation of an important future information technology. The advent of web 2.0 has led to the change of content creators. In the existing web, content creators are service providers, whereas they have changed into service users in the recent web. Users share experiences with other users improving contents quality, thereby it has increased the importance of social network. As a result, diverse forms of social network service have been emerged from relations and experiences of users. Social network is a network to construct and express social relations among people who share interests and activities. Today's social network service has not merely confined itself to showing user interactions, but it has also developed into a level in which content generation and evaluation are interacting with each other. As the volume of contents generated from social network service and the number of connections between users have drastically increased, the social network extraction method becomes more complicated. Consequently the following problems for the social network extraction arise. First problem lies in insufficiency of representational power of object in the social network. Second problem is incapability of expressional power in the diverse connections among users. Third problem is the difficulty of creating dynamic change in the social network due to change in user interests. And lastly, lack of method capable of integrating and processing data efficiently in the heterogeneous distributed computing environment. The first and last problems can be solved by using FOAF, a tool for describing ontology-based user profiles for construction of social network. However, solving second and third problems require a novel technology to reflect dynamic change of user interests and relations. In this paper, we propose a novel method to overcome the above problems of existing social network extraction method by applying FOAF (a tool for describing user profiles) and RSS (a literary web work publishing mechanism) to OLAP system in order to dynamically innovate and manage FOAF. We employed data interoperability which is an important characteristic of FOAF in this paper. Next we used RSS to reflect such changes as time flow and user interests. RSS, a tool for literary web work, provides standard vocabulary for distribution at web sites and contents in the form of RDF/XML. In this paper, we collect personal information and relations of users by utilizing FOAF. We also collect user contents by utilizing RSS. Finally, collected data is inserted into the database by star schema. The system we proposed in this paper generates OLAP cube using data in the database. 'Dynamic FOAF Management Algorithm' processes generated OLAP cube. Dynamic FOAF Management Algorithm consists of two functions: one is find_id_interest() and the other is find_relation (). Find_id_interest() is used to extract user interests during the input period, and find-relation() extracts users matching user interests. Finally, the proposed system reconstructs FOAF by reflecting extracted relationships and interests of users. For the justification of the suggested idea, we showed the implemented result together with its analysis. We used C# language and MS-SQL database, and input FOAF and RSS as data collected from livejournal.com. The implemented result shows that foaf : interest of users has reached an average of 19 percent increase for four weeks. In proportion to the increased foaf : interest change, the number of foaf : knows of users has grown an average of 9 percent for four weeks. As we use FOAF and RSS as basic data which have a wide support in web 2.0 and social network service, we have a definite advantage in utilizing user data distributed in the diverse web sites and services regardless of language and types of computer. By using suggested method in this paper, we can provide better services coping with the rapid change of user interests with the automatic application of FOAF.

Analysis of Trends in Education Policy of STEAM Using Text Mining: Comparative Analysis of Ministry of Education's Documents, Articles, and Abstract of Researches from 2009 to 2020 (텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 융합인재교육정책 동향 분석 -2009년~2020년 교육부보도, 언론보도, 학술지 초록 비교분석-)

  • You, Jungmin;Kim, Sung-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.455-470
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the trend changes in keywords and topics of STEAM education from 2009 to 2020 to derive future development direction and education implications. Among the collected data, 42 cases of Ministry of Education's documents, 1,534 cases of articles, and 880 cases of abstract of researches were selected as research subjects. Keyword analysis, keyword network and topic modeling were performed for each stage of STEAM education policy through the Python program. As a result of the analysis, according to the STEAM education policy stage, there were differences in the frequency and network of keywords related to STEAM education by media. It was confirmed that there was a difference in interest in STEAM education policy as there were differences in keywords and topics that were mainly used importantly by media. Most of the topics of the Ministry of Education's documents were found to correspond to topics derived from articles. The implications for the development direction of STEAM education derived from the results of this study are as follows: first, STEAM education needs to consider ways to connect multiple topics, including the humanities. Second, since the media has a difference in interest in STEAM education policy, it is necessary to seek a cooperative development direction through understanding this. Third, the Ministry of Education's support for core competency reinforcement and convergence literacy for nurturing future talents, the goal of STEAM education, and the media's efforts to increase the public's understanding of STEAM education are required. Lastly, it is necessary to continuously analyze the themes that will appear in the evaluation process and change STEAM education policy.

Evaluation of Reliability about Short TAT (Turn-Around Time) of Domestic Automation Equipment (Gamma Pro) (국산 자동화 장비(Gamma Pro)의 결과보고시간 단축에 대한 유용성 평가)

  • Oh, Yun-Jeong;Kim, Ji-Young;Seok, Jae-Dong
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Recently, many hospitals have been tried to increase the satisfaction of the outpatients through blood-gathering, exam, result notice and process in a day. Each laboratory has been used the automatic equipment for the rapid requests of the result notice and the increase of the reliability and efficiency. Current automatic equipments that have been limited short TAT(Turn-Around Time)because of the restricted batch lists and 1 tip-5 detectors. The Gamma Pro which is made in Korea to improve the shortcomings of existing automation equipment, complemented with capacity to perform a wide range of domestic automation equipment. In this study, we evaluated the usefulness and reliability of short TAT by comparing Gamma Pro with current automatic equipment. Materials and Methods: We studied the correlation between Gamma Pro and RIA-mat 280 using the respective 100 specimens of low or high density to the patients who were requested the thyroid hormone test (Total T3, TSH and Free T4) in Samsung Medical Center Sep. 2009. To evaluate the split-level Gamma Pro, First, we measured accuracy and carry over on the tips. Second, the condition of optimal incubation was measured by the RPM (Revolution Per Minute) and revolution axis diameter on the incubator. For the analysis for the speed of the specimen-processing, TAT was investigated with the results in a certain time. Result: The correlation coefficients (R2) between the Gamma Pro and RIA-mat 280 showed a good correlation as T3 (0.98), TSH (0.99), FT4 (0.92). The coefficient of variation (C.V) and accuracy was 0.38 % and 98.3 % at tip 1 and 0.39 % and 98.6 % at tip 2. Carry over showed 0.80 % and 1.04% at tip 1 and tip 2, respectively. These results indicate that tips had no effect on carry over contamination. At the incubator condition, we found that the optimal condition was 1.0mm of diameter at 600RPM in 1.0mm and 1.5mm of at 500RPM or 1.0mm and 1.5 mm of diameter at 600 RPM. the Gamma Pro showed that the number of exam times were increased as maximum 20 times/day comparing to 6 times/day by current automatic equipment. These results also led to the short TAT from 4.20 hour to 2.19 hours in whole processing. Conclusion: The correlation of between the Gamma Pro and RIA-mat 280 was good and has not carry over contamination in tips. The domestic automation equipment (Gamma Pro) decreases the TAT in whole test comparing to RIA-280. These results demonstrate that Gamma Pro has a good efficiency, reliability and practical usefulness, which may contribute to the excellent skill to process the large scale specimens.

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Numerical Simulation for Evaluation the Feasibility of Using Sand and Gravel Contaminated by Heavy Metals for Dam Embankment Materials (중금속으로 오염된 사력재의 댐축조 재료 활용 가능성 평가를 위한 수치 모델링)

  • Suk, Hee-Jun;Seo, Min-Woo;Kim, Hyoung-Soo;Lee, Jeong-Min
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.40 no.2 s.183
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    • pp.209-221
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    • 2007
  • Numerical analysis was performed to investigate the effect of heavy metal contamination on neighboring environment in case a dam is constructed by using rockfill materials contaminated by heavy metals. The numerical simulation carried out in this research includes both subsurface flow and contaminant transport in the inside of the CFRD(Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam), using two commercial programs, SEEP2D and FEMWATER. The three representative cases of scenarios were chosen to consider a variety of cases occurring in a dam site; (1) Scenario 1 : no crack in the concrete face slab, (2) Scenario 2 : a crack In the upper part of face slab, and (3) Scenario 3 : a crack between plinth and face slab in the lower part of face slab. As a result of seepage analysis, the amount of seepage in scenario 2 was calculated as $14.31\sim14.924m^3/day$ per unit width, corresponding to the 1,000 times higher value than that in other scenarios. Also, in the simulation of contaminant transport by using FEMWATER, specified contaminant concentration of 13 ppb in main rockfill zone was set to consider continuous leakage from the rock materials. Through the analysis of contaminant transport, we found that elapsed times to take for the contaminant concentration of about 2 ppb to arrive at the end of a dam are as follows. Scenario 1 has the elapsed time of 55,000 years. In Scenario 2. it is 50 years. Finally, scenario 3 has 27,000 years. The rapid transport of the contaminant in scenario 2 was attributed to greater seepage flow by 500 times than other scenarios. Although, in case of upper crack in the face slab, it was identified that the contaminant might transport to the end of a dam within 100 years with about 2 ppb concentration, however, it happened that the contaminant was hardly transported out of the dam in other scenarios, which correspond to either no crack or a crack between plinth and face slab. In conclusion, the numerical analysis showed that the alternative usage of the contaminated sand and gravel as the dam embankment material can be one of the feasible methods with the assumption that the cracks in a face slab could be controlled adequately.

Organic Acidopathies as Etiologic Diseases of Developmental Delay in Korean Childhood and Adolescent Age Group (한국인 소아청소년기 발달지연의 원인질환으로서의 유기산대사이상질환)

  • Lee, Jong Yoon;Lee, Ye Seung;Choi, Joong Wan;Bae, Eun Joo;Park, Won Il;Oh, Phil Soo;Lee, Hong Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Developmental delay is caused by very diverse etiologic diseases. Most chronic disorders has some influence on development. Chronic or acute disorders of CNS are main etiologic diseases of developmental delay. Up to now, over 60 diseases are included in organic acidopathies and most of them causes acute or chronic recurrent CNS damage and developmental delay. We have done this study to find out the importance of organic acidopathies causing developmental delay in Korean childhood and adolescent patients. Method: Retrograde analysis for 738 patients with developmental delay whose clinical informations are available and have done urine organic acid analysis for 5 years period, between Jan. 1st 2007 to Dec. 31th 2011. Statistical analysis was done with Student's t test using SPSS. Result: Out of 738 patients, 340 patients (46.1%) showed abnormalities on urine organic acid analysis. The most frequent disease was mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders (MRCD) (253, 34.3%), followed by ketolytic defects(39, 5.3%), 3-hydroxyisobutyric aciduria (26, 3.5%), glutaric aciduria type II (8, 1.1%), pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency (3, 0.4%), 3-methylglutaric aciduria (2, 0.3%), glutaric aciduria type I (2, 0.3%), ethylmalonic aciduria (1, 0.15%), methylmalonic aciduria (1, 0.15%), HMG-CoA lyase deficiency (1, 0.15%), 3-methylcrotonylglycinuria (1, 0.15%), fatty acid oxidation disorders(1, 0.15%) and FAOD (1, 0.15%). Conclusion: Mitochondrial disorders are most frequent etiologic disease on all age group, followed by ketolytic defects and various organic acidopathies. The number and diversities of organic acidopathies emphasize meticulous evaluation of basic routine laboratory examinations and organic acid analysis with initial sample on every developmental patient.

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Experimental Study on Ignition and Explosion Hazard by Measuring the Amount of Non-volatile (NVR) and Explosion Limit of Biodiesel Mixture (바이오디젤 혼합물의 가열잔분측정과 폭발한계 측정을 통한 발화 및 폭발위험성에 대한 실험적인 연구)

  • Kim, Ju Suk;Koh, Jae-Sun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.182-193
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: By measuring and evaluating the risk of biodiesel through non-volatile residue (NVR) and flash point and explosion limit measurement at a specific temperature according to ASTM test standards, the risk of chemical fire causative substances is identified and a universal evaluation method By derivation and securing the risk-related data of the material, it can be used for the identification and analysis of the cause of the fire, and it can be applied to the risk assessment of other chemical substances Method: In order to measure the risk of biodiesel, it was measured using the non-volatile residue(NVR) measurement method, which measures how much flammable liquid is generated at a specific temperature. Heating was tested by applying KS M 5000: 2009 Test Method 4111. In addition, the flash point was measured using the method specified in ASTM E659-782005, and the energy supply method was measured using the constant temperature method. In addition, the explosion limit measurement was conducted in accordance with ASTM E 681-04 「Standard test method for concentration limits of flammability of chemicals(Vapors and gases)」 test standard. Result: As a result of checking the amount of combustible liquid by the non-volatile residue (NVR)measurement method, the non-volatile residue(NVR) of general diesel when left at 105±2℃ for 3 hours was about 30% (70% of volatile matter) and about 4% of biodiesel. In addition, similar results were obtained for the non-volatile residue(NVR)heating temperature of 150±2℃, 3 hours and 200±2℃ for 1 hour, and white smoke was generated at 200℃ or higher. In addition, similar values were obtained as a result of experimentally checking the explosion (combustion) limits of general diesel, general diesel containing 20% biodiesel, and 100% biodiesel. Therefore, it was confirmed that the flammability risk did not significantly affect the explosion risk. Conclusion: The results of this study suggested the risk judgment criteria for mixtures through experimental research on flammable mixtures for the purpose of securing the effectiveness, reliability, and reproducibility of the details of the criteria for determining dangerous substances in the existing Dangerous Materials Safety Management Act. It will be possible to provide reference data for the judgment criteria for flammable liquids that are regulated in the field. In addition, if the know-how for each test method is accumulated through this study, it is expected that it will be used as basic data in the research on risk assessment of dangerous substances and as a basis for research on the determination of dangerous substances.

Analysis of the Effects of E-commerce User Ratings and Review Helfulness on Performance Improvement of Product Recommender System (E-커머스 사용자의 평점과 리뷰 유용성이 상품 추천 시스템의 성능 향상에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • FAN, LIU;Lee, Byunghyun;Choi, Ilyoung;Jeong, Jaeho;Kim, Jaekyeong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.311-328
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    • 2022
  • Because of the spread of smartphones due to the development of information and communication technology, online shopping mall services can be used on computers and mobile devices. As a result, the number of users using the online shopping mall service increases rapidly, and the types of products traded are also growing. Therefore, to maximize profits, companies need to provide information that may interest users. To this end, the recommendation system presents necessary information or products to the user based on the user's past behavioral data or behavioral purchase records. Representative overseas companies that currently provide recommendation services include Netflix, Amazon, and YouTube. These companies support users' purchase decisions by recommending products to users using ratings, purchase records, and clickstream data that users give to the items. In addition, users refer to the ratings left by other users about the product before buying a product. Most users tend to provide ratings only to products they are satisfied with, and the higher the rating, the higher the purchase intention. And recently, e-commerce sites have provided users with the ability to vote on whether product reviews are helpful. Through this, the user makes a purchase decision by referring to reviews and ratings of products judged to be beneficial. Therefore, in this study, the correlation between the product rating and the helpful information of the review is identified. The valuable data of the evaluation is reflected in the recommendation system to check the recommendation performance. In addition, we want to compare the results of skipping all the ratings in the traditional collaborative filtering technique with the recommended performance results that reflect only the 4 and 5 ratings. For this purpose, electronic product data collected from Amazon was used in this study, and the experimental results confirmed a correlation between ratings and review usefulness information. In addition, as a result of comparing the recommendation performance by reflecting all the ratings and only the 4 and 5 points in the recommendation system, the recommendation performance of remembering only the 4 and 5 points in the recommendation system was higher. In addition, as a result of reflecting review usefulness information in the recommendation system, it was confirmed that the more valuable the review, the higher the recommendation performance. Therefore, these experimental results are expected to improve the performance of personalized recommendation services in the future and provide implications for e-commerce sites.

Topic Modeling Insomnia Social Media Corpus using BERTopic and Building Automatic Deep Learning Classification Model (BERTopic을 활용한 불면증 소셜 데이터 토픽 모델링 및 불면증 경향 문헌 딥러닝 자동분류 모델 구축)

  • Ko, Young Soo;Lee, Soobin;Cha, Minjung;Kim, Seongdeok;Lee, Juhee;Han, Ji Yeong;Song, Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.111-129
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    • 2022
  • Insomnia is a chronic disease in modern society, with the number of new patients increasing by more than 20% in the last 5 years. Insomnia is a serious disease that requires diagnosis and treatment because the individual and social problems that occur when there is a lack of sleep are serious and the triggers of insomnia are complex. This study collected 5,699 data from 'insomnia', a community on 'Reddit', a social media that freely expresses opinions. Based on the International Classification of Sleep Disorders ICSD-3 standard and the guidelines with the help of experts, the insomnia corpus was constructed by tagging them as insomnia tendency documents and non-insomnia tendency documents. Five deep learning language models (BERT, RoBERTa, ALBERT, ELECTRA, XLNet) were trained using the constructed insomnia corpus as training data. As a result of performance evaluation, RoBERTa showed the highest performance with an accuracy of 81.33%. In order to in-depth analysis of insomnia social data, topic modeling was performed using the newly emerged BERTopic method by supplementing the weaknesses of LDA, which is widely used in the past. As a result of the analysis, 8 subject groups ('Negative emotions', 'Advice and help and gratitude', 'Insomnia-related diseases', 'Sleeping pills', 'Exercise and eating habits', 'Physical characteristics', 'Activity characteristics', 'Environmental characteristics') could be confirmed. Users expressed negative emotions and sought help and advice from the Reddit insomnia community. In addition, they mentioned diseases related to insomnia, shared discourse on the use of sleeping pills, and expressed interest in exercise and eating habits. As insomnia-related characteristics, we found physical characteristics such as breathing, pregnancy, and heart, active characteristics such as zombies, hypnic jerk, and groggy, and environmental characteristics such as sunlight, blankets, temperature, and naps.