• 제목/요약/키워드: Reproductive incompatibility

검색결과 10건 처리시간 0.031초

생식형불일치 유형에 따른 국내 프루텔고치벌(Cotesia plutellae)의 유전적 위치 (Genetic Identity of a Korean Isolate of an Endoparasitoid Cotesia plutellae(Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Among Reproductive Incompatibility Types)

  • 박정아;김용균
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2007
  • 자생밀도의 증가를 위해 도입되는 생물적 방제인자를 선정하는 데 있어서 생식형불일치는 주요한 요인이다. 배추좀나방(Plutella xylostella(L.))에 대한 효과적 생물적방제 인자로서 프루텔고치벌(Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjumov))은 집단 사이에 생식형불일치로 크게 두 생식형집단으로 분류되었다. 본 연구는 국내 서식하는 특정 프루텔고치벌 집단에 대해서 형태적 및 미토콘드리아 염기서열 지표분석을 실시하였으며, 이 결과 국내 집단이 기존에 보고된 두 생식형집단에 비해 형태적 형질과 분자지표에서 뚜렷한 차이를 보였다. 이러한 결과는 국내 프루텔고치벌 집단이 새로운 생식형집단일 수 있다는 것을 제시하였다. 또한 본 연구 결과는 외래 프루텔고치벌의 도입을 위해서는 국내 자생종과의 생식형불일치 가능성을 중요하게 고려해야 한다고 보고한다.

Insights into evolution and speciation in the red alga Bostrychia: 15 years of research

  • Zuccarello, Giuseppe C.;West, John A.
    • ALGAE
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2011
  • Studies of the red algal genus Bostrychia over the last 15 years have made it a model system for many evolutionary processes within red algal species. The combination of newly developed, or first employed methods, in red algal species studies has made Bostrychia a pioneer genus in intraspecific studies. Bostrychia was the first genus in which a mitochondrial marker was used for intraspecific red algal phylogeny, and the first for which a 3-genome phylogeny was undertaken. The genus was the first red alga used to genetically show maternal plastid and mitochondria inheritance, and also to show correlation between cryptic species (genetically divergent intraspecific lineages) and reproductive incompatibility. The chemotaxonomic use, and physiological function of osmolytes, has also been extensively studied in Bostrychia. Our continuous studies of Bostrychia also highlight important aspects in algal species studies. Our worldwide sampling, and resampling in certain areas, show that intensive sampling is needed to accurately assess the genetic diversity and therefore phylogeographic history of algal species, with increased sampling altering evolutionary hypotheses. Our studies have also shown that long-term morphological character stability (stasis) and character convergence can only be correctly assessed with wide geographic sampling of morphological species. While reproductive incompatibility of divergent lineages supports the biological species nature of these lineages, reproductive incompatibility is also seen between isolates with little genetic divergence. It seems that reproductive incompatibility may evolve quickly in red algae and the unique early stages of fertilization (e.g., gametes covered by walls, active movement of spermatium nuclei to the distant egg nucleus), also well investigated in Bostrychia,. may be key to our understanding of this process.

황기 자가불화합성과 배 발달 (Self-Incompatibility and Embryo Development in Astragali Radix)

  • 김영국;유홍섭;성낙술;박호기;손석용
    • 한국약용작물학회지
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to determine the characteristics of fertilization process and embryo development of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge (Astragali Radix) to provide basic data needed in its breeding. A. membranaceus showed poor seed setting when self-pollination was induced. When artificial pollination was induced, it showed less than 5% bearing in late August, but more than 13% bearing from the beginning of September 4th. The flower size was about $17.0\;mm{\times}4.0\;mm$ and pistils and stamens had the same length of 15.0mm at flowering stage. When self-pollination or cross-pollination was induced, pollen tubes extended to an ovule. While pollen tube was extending to the ovule, reproductive cell split and formed two male generative nuclei and a vegetative nucleus. In the case of self-pollination, fertilized embryo was not observed, but was formed in the case of cross-pollination. A. membranaceus is noted to have zygote self-incompatibility. In the case of cross-pollination, fertilization was observed in 6 to 8 h after pollination, where apical cell derivatives split after fertilization. A spherical pro-embryo was then formed three days after fertilization. The seed attained full shape with a seed coat showing its distinctive contour 15 days after fertilization. Thus, A. membranaceus in Leguminosae family is found to have zygote selfincompatibility although its flower shape is shown to match the self-compatibility plant.

볼바키아 세균에 의한 절지동물 기주의 생식적 변화와 생물적방제 프로그램에 이용 방안 (Wolbachia-mediated Reproductive Alterations in Arthropod Hosts and its use for Biocontrol Program)

  • 엘라히 로스타미;후세인 마다디;하비브 아바시포르;쉬바 시바라마크리쉬난
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제55권2호
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 2016
  • 알파 프로테박테리아(${\alpha}-proteobacterium$)인 볼바키아(Wolbachia) 세균은 절지동물 세포내의 중요한 공생균 중의 하나이다. 그람 음성 세균인 이 공생균은 기주동물의 여러 생물적 과정에 관여하고 있으며, 현재 생물적 방제 수단으로 주목 받고 있다. 볼바키아는 기주 세포의 세포질에 서식하는 세균인데 암컷을 통하여 세대간 전염된다. 볼파키아의 감염 개체 밀도를 높이기 위해 기주의 생식방식을 조작하는 다양한 전략을 발달시켰다. 볼바키아 유전자형 계통은 볼바키아 표면 단백질(WSP)의 고변이영역 아미노산 서열과 복합좌위 서열 타이핑(Multilocus sequence typing, MLST)으로 결정된다. 상이한 유전계통 판별은 wsp, 16S rRNA, ftsZ, gltA, groEL 등 유전자 분자표지를 이용하게 된다.. 이 계통 볼바키아 세균과 그들의 우월한 표현형이 농업해충과 인간의 질병매개 곤충에 대한 방제 프로그램에서 이용 가능성이 고려되고 있다. 볼바키아 표현형들은 세포질불일치(cytoplasmic incompatibility, CI), 단성생식 유도(parthenogenesis induction, PI), 여성화(feminization, F), 수컷치사(male killing, MK) 등을 유발하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 기타 볼바키아 세균의 농업과 위생곤충 방제 프로그램에서 응용 방안을 고찰하였다.

Maternal killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors and paternal human leukocyte antigen ligands in recurrent pregnancy loss cases in Turkey

  • Elbasi, Mehmet Onur;Tulunay, Aysin;Karagozoglu, Hale;Kahraman, Semra;Eksioglu-Demiralp, Emel
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • 제47권2호
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The survival of a semi-allogeneic fetus depends on several immunological mechanisms, and it has been suggested that recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) could develop as a result of one or more immunological abnormalities. Methods: Compatibility between partners for human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotypes and the relationships between maternal killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) and paternal HLA-Bw4/Bw6 and HLA-C1/C2 supra-groups were investigated in 25 couples with RPL in comparison to healthy couples with children. HLA and KIR genotyping was performed using polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers and/or sequence-specific oligonucleotides. Results: HLA class I incompatibility between partners, especially in HLA-B alleles, was more common in the RPL group (p= 0.01). HLA-C2 homozygosity was more frequent in the male partners of RPL couples than in other groups (p= 0.03). The KIR2DL5 gene frequency was significantly higher in both the female and male partners of RPL couples, whereas the KIR2DS3 gene frequency in male partners of RPL couples was significantly reduced (p= 0.03). The presence of KIR2DL3 in women with RPL was correlated with the presence of HLA-C2 alleles in their spouses (p= 0.03). Conclusion: Our data from a Turkish population suggest that male HLA-C2 homozygosity may play an important role in RPL. Additionally, an incidental match between male HLA-C2 and female HLA-C1 ligand KIR receptors might perturb the balance between activatory and inhibitory KIR-ligand interactions during pregnancy in couples affected by RPL. The roles of orphan KIR2DL5 and orphan KIR2DS3 in RPL remain obscure.

In Vitro Development of Interspecies Nuclear Transfer Embryos using Porcine Oocytes with Goat and Rabbit Somatic Cells

  • Quan, Yan Shi;Naruse, Kenji;Choi, Su-Min;Kim, Myung-Youn;Han, Rong-Xun;Park, Chang-Sik;Jin, Dong-Il
    • Reproductive and Developmental Biology
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.249-253
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    • 2008
  • Interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (iSCNT) is a valuable tool for studying the interactions between an oocyte and somatic nucleus. The object of this study was to investigate the developmental competence of in vitro-matured porcine oocytes after transfer of the somatic cell nuclei of 2 different species (goat and rabbit). Porcine cumulus oocytes were obtained from the follicles of ovaries and matured in TCM-199. The reconstructed embryos were electrically fused with 2 DC pulses of 1.1kV/cm for $30{\mu}s$ 0.3M mannitol medium. The activated cloned embryos were cultured in porcine zygote medium-3 (PZM-3), mSOF or RDH medium for 7 days. The blastocyst formation rate of the embryos reconstructed from goat or rabbit fetal fibroblasts was significantly lower than that of the embryos reconstructed from porcine fetal fibroblast cells. However, a significantly higher number of embryos reconstructed from goat or rabbit fetal fibroblasts cultured in mSOF or RDH, respectively, developed to the morular stage than those cultured in PZM-3. These results suggest that goat and bovine fetal fibroblasts were less efficacious than porcine-porcine cloned embryos and that culture condition could be an important factor in iSCNT. The lower developmental potential of goat-porcine and porcine-bovine cloned embryos may be due to incompatibility between the porcine oocyte cytoplasm and goat and bovine somatic nuclei.

Identification and Functional Analysis of Mating Type Loci in the Pleurotus eryngii

  • Ryu, Jae San;Kim, Min-Keun;Park, Bokyung;Ali, Asjad;Joung, Wan-Kyu
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국균학회 2015년도 추계학술대회 및 정기총회
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    • pp.35-35
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    • 2015
  • Pleurotus eryngii has recently become a major cultivated mushroom; it uses tetrapolar heterothallism as a part of its reproductive process. Sexual development progresses only when the A and B mating types are compatible. Such mating incompatibility occasionally limits the efficiency of breeding programs in which crossing within loci-shared strains or backcrossing strategies are employed. Therefore, understanding the mating system in edible mushroom fungi will help provide a short cut in the development of new strains. We isolated and identified pheromone and receptor genes in the B3 locus of P. eryngii and performed a functional analysis of the genes in the mating process by transformation. A genomic DNA library was constructed to map the entire mating-type locus. The B3 locus was found to contain four pheromone precursor genes and four receptor genes. Remarkably, receptor PESTE3.3.1 has just 34 amino acid residues in its C-terminal cytoplasmic region; therefore, it seems likely to be a receptor-like gene. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR (real-time qRT-PCR) revealed that most pheromone and receptor genes showed significantly higher expression in monokaryotic cells than dikaryotic cells. The pheromone genes PEphb3.1 and PEphb3.3 and the receptor gene PESTE3.3.1 were transformed into P5 (A3B4). The transformants were mated with a tester strain (A4B4), and the progeny showed clamp connections and a normal fruiting body, which indicates the proposed role of these genes in mating and fruiting processes. This result also confirms that PESTE3.3.1 is a receptor gene. In this study, we identified pheromone and receptor genes in the B3 locus of P. eryngii and found that some of those genes appear to play a role in the mating and fruiting processes. These results might help elucidate the mechanism of fruiting differentiation and improve breeding efficiency.

  • PDF

Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of the pectin methylesterase gene family in Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck

  • Ho Bang Kim;Chang Jae Oh;Nam-Hoon Kim;Cheol Woo Choi;Minju Kim;Sukman Park;Seong Beom Jin;Su-Hyun Yun;Kwan Jeong Song
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • 제49권4호
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    • pp.271-291
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    • 2022
  • Pectin methylesterase (PME) plays an important role in vegetative and reproductive development and biotic/abiotic stress responses by regulating the degree of methyl-esterification of pectic polysaccharides in the plant cell wall. PMEs are encoded by a large multigene family in higher land plant genomes. In general, the expression of plant PME genes shows tissue- or cell-specific patterns and is induced by endogenous and exogenous stimuli. In this study, we identified PME multigene family members (CsPMEs) from the sweet orange genome and report detailed molecular characterization and expression profiling in different citrus tissues and two fruit developmental stages. We also discussed the possible functional roles of some CsPME genes by comparing them with the known functions of PMEs from other plant species. We identified 48 CsPME genes from the citrus genome. A phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that the identified CsPMEs were divided into two groups/types. Some CsPMEs showed very close phylogenetic relationships with the PMEs whose functions were formerly addressed in Arabidopsis, tomato, and maize. Expression profiling showed that some CsPME genes are highly or specifically expressed in the leaf, root, flower, or fruit. Based on the phylogenetic relationships and gene expression profiling results, we suggest that some CsPMEs could play functional roles in pollen development, pollen tube growth, cross incompatibility, root development, embryo/seed development, stomata movement, and biotic/abiotic stress responses. Our results shed light on the biological roles of individual CsPME isoforms and contribute to the search for genetic variations in citrus genetic resources.

Production and Breeding of Transgenic Cloned Pigs Expressing Human CD73

  • Lee, Seung-Chan;Lee, Haesun;Oh, Keon Bong;Hwang, In-Sul;Yang, Hyeon;Park, Mi-Ryung;Ock, Sun-A;Woo, Jae-Seok;Im, Gi-Sun;Hwang, Seongsoo
    • 한국발생생물학회지:발생과생식
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2017
  • One of the reasons to causing blood coagulation in the tissue of xenografted organs was known to incompatibility of the blood coagulation and anti-coagulation regulatory system between TG pigs and primates. Thus, overexpression of human CD73 (hCD73) in the pig endothelial cells is considered as a method to reduce coagulopathy after pig-to-non-human-primate xenotransplantation. This study was performed to produce and breed transgenic pigs expressing hCD73 for the studies immune rejection responses and could provide a successful application of xenotransplantation. The transgenic cells were constructed an hCD73 expression vector under control porcine Icam2 promoter (pIcam2-hCD73) and established donor cell lines expressing hCD73. The numbers of transferred reconstructed embryos were $127{\pm}18.9$. The pregnancy and delivery rate of surrogates were 8/18 (44%) and 3/18 (16%). The total number of delivered cloned pigs were 10 (2 alive, 7 mummy, and 1 died after birth). Among them, three live hCD73-pigs were successfully delivered by Caesarean section, but one was dead after birth. The two hCD73 TG cloned pigs had normal reproductive ability. They mated with wild type (WT) MGH (Massachusetts General Hospital) female sows and produced totally 16 piglets. Among them, 5 piglets were identified as hCD73 TG pigs. In conclusion, we successfully generated the hCD73 transgenic cloned pigs and produced their litters by natural mating. It can be possible to use a mate for the production of multiple transgenic pigs such as ${\alpha}-1,3-galactosyltransferase$ knock-out /hCD46 for xenotransplantation.

국화 유전체 연구의 동향 (Current status and prospects of chrysanthemum genomics)

  • 원소윤;김정선;강상호;손성한
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.272-280
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    • 2016
  • 국화는 관상용, 약용으로 활용되는 주요한 화훼 작물중의 하나이다. 국화의 육종 프로그램은 다양한 품종의 개발에 기여하였으나, 다른 주요한 식량, 채소작물에서 보여졌듯이 전통적인 표현형 기반의 품종선발에서 분자표지를 활용한 선발로 진일보할 필요가 있다. 이러한 분자육종은 유전학, 분자생물학, 최근에는 유전체 연구로 규명된 형질연관 분자표지에 의존한다. 그러나 자가불화합성, 자식약세, 이질육배체, 이형접합성, 거대한 유전체와 같은 국화의 생식적, 유전적, 유전체의 특성으로 인하여 이러한 연구는 심각하게 지연되고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 유전연구를 통하여 국화의 유전자지도가 구축되었고 꽃, 잎, 식물구조와 같은 국화의 주요한 형질과 연관된 분자표지가 규명되었다. 염기서열 분석기술이 발달됨에 따라 국화의 전사체가 해독되어 국화의 표준유전자 목록이 구축되고 발달단계에 따라 혹은 생물적 비생물적 환경에서 특이적으로 발현되는 유전자도 규명되었다. 또한 2배체인 야생의 국화속 식물의 유전체 해독 프로젝트가 시작되었다. 이러한 대량의 염기서열 정보는 국화의 분자육종을 위한 근원적인 자원으로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 이 총설에서는 국화의 분자유전학, 유전체 연구의 현황을 요약하고 향후 전망을 논의한다.