• 제목/요약/키워드: Rectosigmoid colon

검색결과 21건 처리시간 0.023초

소아에서 발생한 직장구불결장의 분절확장에 대한 Laparoscopic-Assisted Transanal Endorectal Pull-Through 술식 (Laparoscopic-Assisted Transanal Endorectal Pull-Through for Segmental Dilatation of Rectosigmoid Colon in a Child)

  • 박지영;박진영
    • Advances in pediatric surgery
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.156-161
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    • 2013
  • Congenital segmental dilatation of the colon is a very rare entity of unknown etiology, characterized by a localized dilatation of a bowel segment of the colon of variable length and an abrupt transition between the normal and dilated intestine. It can affect any part of the colon, with the rectosigmoid colon being the most commonly affected site. The clinical and radiological features may resemble that of Hirschsprung disease, but differ in that the normal ganglion cells are found in the dilated and normal segment of the colon. We performed laparoscopic-assisted transanal endorectal pull-through for segmental dilatation of rectosigmoid colon in an 8-year-old boy with chronic constipation since the age of 5 months.

Morphologic change of rectosigmoid colon using belly board and distended bladder protocol

  • Cho, Yeona;Chang, Jee Suk;Kim, Mi Sun;Lee, Jaehwan;Byun, Hwakyung;Kim, Nalee;Park, Sang Joon;Keum, Ki Chnag;Koom, Woong Sub
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study investigates morphologic change of the rectosigmoid colon using a belly board in prone position and distended bladder in patients with rectal cancer. We evaluate the possibility of excluding the proximal margin of anastomosis from the radiation field by straightening the rectosigmoid colon. Materials and Methods: Nineteen patients who received preoperative radiotherapy between 2006 and 2009 underwent simulation in a prone position (group A). These patients were compared to 19 patients treated using a belly board in prone position and a distended bladder protocol (group B). Rectosigmoid colon in the pelvic cavity was delineated on planning computed tomography (CT) images. A total dose of 45 Gy was planned for the whole pelvic field with superior margin of the sacral promontory. The volume and redundancy of rectosigmoid colon was assessed. Results: Patients in group B had straighter rectosigmoid colons than those in group A (no redundancy; group A vs. group B, 10% vs. 42%; p = 0.03). The volume of rectosigmoid colon in the radiation field was significantly larger in group A (56.7 vs. 49.1 mL; p = 0.009). In dose volume histogram analysis, the mean irradiated volume was lower in patients in group B (V45 27.2 vs. 18.2 mL; p = 0.004). In Pearson correlation coefficient analysis, the in-field volume of rectosigmoid colon was significantly correlated with the bladder volume (R = 0.86, p = 0.003). Conclusion: Use of a belly board and distended bladder protocol could contribute to exclusion of the proximal margin of anastomosis from the radiation field.

뇌졸중환자의 변비에서 지실 열수 추출물의 효과 (Effect of an Aqueous Extract of Poncirus trifoliate (L.) Raf. in Stroke Patient with Constipation)

  • 문효정;이수경;노세응;주민철
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2016
  • Objectives To evaluate the effects and safety of the aqueous extract of the dried, immature fruit of Poncirus trifoliate (L.) Raf. (Rutaceae) (PF) in stroke patients with constipation. Methods A total of 22 patients were recruited. Patients were interviewed about the clinical informations, constipation score and Bristol stool form scale at twice, before intake PF and after intake PF 2 weeks. The total and segmental colon transit time (CTT) were measured by using radio-opaque markers (Kolomark$^{(R)}$). The degree of stool retention was evaluated by the plain abdominal radiography and was scored by Leech score. Results Before intake PF, constipation scores ranged from 3 to 12, average $6.54{\pm}2.87$ and Bristol stool form scale ranged from 1 to 6, average $3.86{\pm}1.21$. CTTs were $9.05{\pm}6.89hours$, $14.29{\pm}10.68hours$, $12.11{\pm}7.19hours$ and $35.40{\pm}19.5hours$ in the right, left, rectosigmoid and total colon, respectively. Stool retention score was $2.45{\pm}0.61$, $2.3{\pm}0.86$, $1.9{\pm}0.85$, $6.65{\pm}1.56$ in the right, left, rectosigmoid and total colon, respectively. After 2 weeks, constipation scores ranged from 2 to 8, average $4.28{\pm}2.05$ and Bristol stool form scale ranged from 1 to 6, average $4.17{\pm}1.04$. CTTs were $7.41{\pm}8.86hours$, $11.12{\pm}9.12 hours$, $8.83{\pm}8.75hours$ and $27.3{\pm}20.2$ hours in the right, left, rectosigmoid and total colon, respectively. Stool retention score was $1.9{\pm}0.64$, $2.2{\pm}0.69$, $1.4{\pm}0.88$, $5.5{\pm}1.39$ in the right, left, rectosigmoid and total colon, respectively. There were statistically significant difference in the total and rectosigmoid colon CTT and constipation score, Stool retention score in right and rectosigmoid colon (p<0.05) after PF therapy. Conclusions These results suggest potential for PF therapy in stroke patient with constipation.

The Effects of Acupuncture(ST36. LI4) on the Colonic Transit Time in Chronic Constipation Patients

  • Lee Un Jung;Kim Dong Woung
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.251-257
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    • 2003
  • Background and Purpose : We were to investigate whether simple and electric acupuncture can affect the colonic transit time in both normal persons and chronic constipation patients. Methods: Twenty one volunteers were divided into two groups; first, normal control group(N=12) who had normal defecation habits, second, chronic constipation group(N=13). Before acupuncture, colonic transit time was checked using radio-opaque markers. Then simple acupuncture was done at four acupoints(both ST36, LI4) and maintained for 15 minutes during 4 days. Electric acupuncture was done using same methods except for applying 2Hz electrical stimulation. Result : In the normal group, after simple acupuncture, each transit time in the total, right, left was not changed statistic significance compared to pre-acupuncture(P>0.05), but which of rectosigmoid colon shortened statistic significance(P<0.05). After Electric acupuncture, transit time of right colon was shortened(P<0.05), and extended(P>0.05) in rectosigmoid colon compared to pre-acupuncture and simple acupuncture. In constipation group, after simple acupuncture, only rectosigmoid colonic transit time shortened statistic significance compared to pre-acupuncture(P<0.05). After electric acupuncture, also the transit time of rectosigmoid colon was shortened statistic significance compared to pre-acupuncture(P<0.05), but not to simple acupuncture(P>0.05). Conclusion : In normal persons without constipation, acupuncture affect the colonic transit time differently to the methods of it. In chronic constipation group, simple and electric acupuncture only reduces the rectosigmoid colonic transit time statistically significant(P<0.05).

수술이 힘든 고령의 직장-S상결장암 환자에 대한 알러젠 제거 옻나무 추출물 위주의 한방치료 1례 (A case report of inoperable rectosigmoid colon cancer treated with standardized Allergen-removed Rhus verniciflua Stokes Extract)

  • 권은미;정의홍;김경석;정현식;전성하;어완규;최원철;이상헌
    • 대한암한의학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2010
  • We report a case of an 85-year old man with an adenocarcinoma of the rectosigmoid colon (clinical stage II). Though tumor was resectable, the patient was considered to be inoperable because of old age and comorbidities such as asthma, diabetes and old myocardial infarction. He wanted to receive alternative care, so he was exclusively treated with standardized Allegern-removed Rhus verniciflua Stokes (aRVS) extract and other herbal medicine such as BOJUNGIKGI-TANG GAMIBANG. During 18 months, he has shown good performance status without transfusion. This report suggests that herbal treatment including standardized aRVS for rectosigmoid colon cancer could be an alternative treatment option when it is unabled to be treated by surgical resection.

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범발성 해면상 S-결장 및 직장 혈관종 -1 예 보고- (Diffuse Cavernous Hemangioma of the Rectosigmoid Colon - a Case Report -)

  • 박용근;정재희;송영택
    • Advances in pediatric surgery
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.121-124
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    • 2003
  • Diffuse cavernous hemangioma of the rectosigmoid is a rare lesion usually presented in children and young adult, often with life threatening hemorrhage. The clinical diagnosis is difficult and often delayed because of lack of awareness of the clinical features. We report a case of diffuse cavernous hemangioma of the rectosigmoid in a 12 year old boy who had undergone suture ligation under the impression of hemorrhoid at his age 3. Sphincter saving coloanal pull through procedure were applied as the surgical treatment. Sclerotherapy was needed with recurrent rectal bleeding 6 months after the pull through operation. The patient is well at 12 months follow-up.

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Supernumerary ovary on recto-sigmoid colon with associated endometriosis

  • Lim, Chul Kwon;Kim, Hee Jin;Pack, Joon Sook;Ha, Joong Gyu;Yang, Yun Seok;Lee, Hye Kyung;Kim, Seung Hyun
    • Obstetrics & gynecology science
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    • 제61권6호
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    • pp.702-706
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    • 2018
  • A supernumerary ovary is a rare gynecological anomaly, and is usually excised due to its malignant transformation potential. We report a case of a supernumerary ovary and endometriosis situated on the anterior rectosigmoid colon. When laparoscopy was conducted, a firm, 5-cm mass was discovered on the anterior rectosigmoid colon along with normal ovaries. In this case, the discovery of a supernumerary ovary implied the presence of endometriosis. It is unusual for endometriosis and a supernumerary ovary to exist simultaneously.

천추(天樞) 및 상거허(上巨虛)의 침자극(針刺棘)이 대장(大腸) 통과시간(通過時間)에 미치는 영향(影響) (The clinical study of colonic transit time stimulated manual acupuncture and electo-acupuncture(ST25, ST37))

  • 김동웅;이상용;이창현
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 1998
  • 목적: 현재 소화기 증상이 없고 정상적인 배변 양상과 습관을 갖고 있으며 과거력상 만성적인 소화기 계통의 질환이 없었던 정상 성인에게 대장운동과 관계있다고 알려진 천추와 상거허에 침자극하고 대장 통과시간의 변화를 관찰하고자 하였다. 방법: 정상 성인 11명의 침자극전 대장 통과시간을 방사선 비투과성 표지자인 Sitzmarks capsule을 사용하여 우측 및 좌측 대장과 직결장, 전대장 통과시간 등으로 나누어 측정한후 대장의 하합혈인 상거허와 복모혈인 천추에 단순유침 15분 및 전침으로 침자극하고 같은 방법으로 대장 통과시간을 측정하여 비교하였다. 결과: 침자극전의 대장 통과시간 측정은 전대장 통과시간이 $10.60{\pm}12.11$시간 이었으며 우측 및 좌측 대장과 직결장의 통과시간이 각각 $3.92{\pm}7.72,\;3.27{\pm}6.37,\;3.41{\pm}5.57$시간 이었다. 단순 15분 유침후 대장 통과시간의 측정은 전대장 통과시간이 $10.48{\pm}12.35$시간, 우측 및 좌측 대장과 직결장의 대장통과 시간이 각각 $3.72{\pm}7.52,\;3.37{\pm}6.76,\;3.39{\pm}5.84$ 시간으로 유의하지 않았다(P>0.05) 전침 자극후 대장 통과시간의 측정은 전대장 통과시간이 $10.30{\pm}13.21$, 우측 및 좌측 대장과 직결장의 통과 시간이 각각 $3.92{\pm}8.02,\;3.07{\pm}5.41,\;3.31{\pm}5.49$ 시간으로 좌측 대장 통과시간이 유의한(P<0.05) 단축 소견을 보였고 우측, 직결장의 통과시간은 유의하지 않았다(P>0.05). 결론: 본 연구의 결과로서 좌측 대장의 통과시간이 천추와 상거허에 전침 자극시 유의하게 단축되는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 이것은 전침이 신경계나 체액성 작용에 의해서 신경의 흥분성을 증가시켜 좌측 대장에서 직결장쪽으로 대장 내용물의 이동을 촉진하는 것으로 생각 할 수 있다. 그러나 단순 유침에서는 침자극전 대장 통과시간과 차이를 보이지 않음으로서 모든 침자극이 정상인의 대장운동이 변화를 일으키지는 않는 것으로 생각되었으며 더욱이 전침자극후 좌측 대장외에 우측 대장, 직결장은 단순 유침과 전침자극에 모두 변화가 없었고 전대장 통과 시간의 변화도 유의성이 없어 천추와 상거허의 침자극은 정상인의 대장운동에 영향을 주지는 않을 것으로 사려되었다.

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천구 및 지구의 침 자극이 노인 변비의 대장 통과시간에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Acupuncture(ST25, TE6) Stimulation on Colonic Transit Time in Old Age Constipation Persons)

  • 황상일;이윤재;임은경;정현애;문미현;조영기;이성균;김동웅
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.220-225
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    • 2004
  • We undertook this study to investigate the effects of acupuncture and electroacupuncture on colonic transit time in old age constipation persons. Twenty three volunteers were old age constipation persons(mean age 69.72±2.43 years, mean defecation rate 1.83±0.41/week). Before acupuncture was only to check the radio-opaque markers transit time all the way through gastrointestinal tract. Simple acupuncture was to apply acupuncture therapy for three days. The fourth acupoints(both ST.25, TE.6) were selected and the needle was kept for 15 minutes. Electroacupuncture was same as the simple acupuncture except for applying 2Hz electrical stimulation. After Then we compare with three method Each transit time in the whole colon, right colon, left colon and rectosigmoid colon were checked in the order of before acupuncture, simple acupuncture, and electroacupuncture stimulation. In the before acupuncture stimulation, the transit time in each part of colon was as follows 19.48±1.76 32.74±2.69 25.61±2.13 76.62±7.95 hours. Simple acupuncture stimulation, the transit time was 17.47±1.10 33.10±1.87 24.12±1.65 74.87±3.91 hours. Compared with before acupuncture stimulation, the transit time was significantly shortened(P<0.05), especially in right colon transit time of simple acupuncture stimulation was significantly shortened(P<0.05). Electroacupuncture stimulation, was 16.32±1.97 32.91±2.48 21.53±1.94 71.59±2.82. Compared with the previous two trial, transit time in right colon and rectosigmoid colon were significantly shortened(P<0.05). Acupuncture and electroacupuncture stimulation change on the right colonic transit time in old age constipation persons and rectosigmoid colonic transit time was changed as electroacupuncture stimulation. In other words, old age constipation persons who suffer chronic constipation, acupuncture and electroacupuncture stimulation reduces the total colonic transit time.

A Case of Epiploic Appendagitis with Acute Gastroenteritis

  • Cho, Min Sun;Hwang-Bo, Seok;Choi, Ui Yoon;Kim, Hwan Soo;Hahn, Seung Hoon
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.263-265
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    • 2014
  • Epiploic appendagitis is an inflammation of the epiploic appendage in which the small sacs projecting from the serosal layer of the colon are positioned longitudinally from the caecum to the rectosigmoid area. Epiploic appendagitis is rare and self-limiting; however, it can cause sudden abdominal pain in children. Epiploic appendagitis does not typically accompany other gastrointestinal diseases. Here, we report on a healthy eight-year-old girl who presented with abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. Based on these symptoms, she was diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis, but epiploic appendagitis in the ascending colon was revealed in contrast computed tomography (CT). The patient was treated successfully with conservative management. CT is beneficial in diagnosis and further assessment of epiploic appendagitis. Pediatricians need to be aware of this self-limiting disease and consider it as a possible alternate diagnosis in cases of acute abdominal pain.