• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reconstruction resolution

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Multiresolutional Reconstruction from Contours (윤곽선을 이용한 다중해상도적 복원)

  • 민경하;이인권
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.30 no.11
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    • pp.629-654
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    • 2003
  • A new multiresolutional scheme that reconstructs a polygonal mesh from the set of contours is presented. In the first step, we apply a radial gradient method to extract the contours on the sampled slices from a volume data. After classifying the types of the edges on the contours, we represent the contour using the context-free grammar. The polygons between two neighboring contours are generated through the traversal of the derivation trees of the context-free grammar. The polygonal surface of the coarsest resolution is refined through the refinement of the contours, which is executed by casting more rays on the slices. The topologies between the polygonal surfaces of various resolutions are maintained from the fact that the radial gradient method preserves the topologies of the contours of various resolutions. The proposed scheme provides efficient computation and compression methods for the tiling procedure with the feature preservation.

Constraint Relaxation using User Interaction in Reactive Scheduling Environment (동적 스케줄링 문제에서 사용자 상호작용을 이용한 제약조건 완화)

  • Lee, Hoon;Jung, Jong Jin;Jo, Geun Sik
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 1998
  • In optical scanning holography, 3-D holographic information of an object is generated by 2-D active optical scanning. The optical scanning beam can be a time-dependent Gaussian apodized Fresnel zone plate. In this technique, the holographic information manifests itself as an electrical signal which can be sent to an electron-beam-addressed spatial light modulator for coherent image reconstruction. This technique can be applied to 3-D optical remote sensing especially for identifying flying objects. In this paper, we first briefly review optical scanning holography and analyze the resolution achievable with the system. We then present mathematical expression of real and virtual image which are responsible for holographic image reconstruction by using Gaussian beam profile.

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Enhancement of Image Reconstruction Using Region of Interest Method Based on Adaptive Threshold Value in Electrical Impedance Tomography (전기 임피던스 단층촬영법에서 적응 문턱치 기반의 관심영역 기법을 사용한 영상 복원의 개선)

  • Kim, Chang Il;Kim, Bong Seok;Kim, Kyung Youn
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.54 no.8
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2017
  • Electrical impedance tomography is a nondestructive imaging modality in which the internal resistivity distribution is reconstructed based on the injected currents and measured voltages inside a domain of interest. In this paper, an adaptive threshold value based region of interest (ROI) method is proposed to improve the spatial resolution of reconstructed images as well as to reduce the computational time of the inverse problem. Adaptive threshold value is calculated by INTERMODES method and ROI is determined from the domain based on this value. Moreover, the computational domain of image reconstruction is restricted within a ROI and iterative Gauss-Newton method is employed to estimate the resistivity distribution. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, numerical experiments have been performed and the results are analyzed.

Data-driven Facial Expression Reconstruction for Simultaneous Motion Capture of Body and Face (동작 및 효정 동시 포착을 위한 데이터 기반 표정 복원에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sang Il
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we present a new method for reconstructing detailed facial expression from roughly captured data with a small number of markers. Because of the difference in the required capture resolution between the full-body capture and the facial expression capture, they hardly have been performed simultaneously. However, for generating natural animation, a simultaneous capture for body and face is essential. For this purpose, we provide a method for capturing the detailed facial expression only with a small number of markers. Our basic idea is to build a database for the facial expressions and apply the principal component analysis for reducing the dimensionality. The dimensionality reduction enables us to estimate the full data from a part of the data. We justify our method by applying it to dynamic scenes to show the viability of the method.

How Image Quality Affects Determination of Target Displacement When Using kV Cone-beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) (kV Cone-beam CT를 사용한 치료준비에서 재구성 영상의 품질이 표적 위치 결정에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Seung-Jong;Kim, Si-Yong;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.207-211
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    • 2006
  • The advent of kV cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) integrated with a linear accelerator allows for more accurate Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT). IGRT is the technique that corrects target displacement based on internal body information. To do this, the CBCT Image set is acquired just before the beam is delivered and registered with the simulation CT Image set. In this study, we compare the registration results according to the CBCT's reconstruction quality (either high or medium). A total of 56 CBCT projection data from 6 patients were analyzed. The translation vector differences were within 1 mm in all but 3 cases. For rotation displacement difference, components of all three axes were considered and 3 out of 168 ($56{\times}3$ axes) cases showed more than lo of rotation differences.

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Image Processing Using Multiplierless Binomial QMF-Wavelet Filters (곱셈기가 없는 이진수 QMF-웨이브렛 필터를 사용한 영상처리)

  • 신종홍;지인호
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.144-154
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    • 1999
  • The binomial sequences are family of orthogonal sequences that can be generated with remarkable simplicity-no multiplications are necessary. This paper introduces a class of non-recursive multidimensional filters for frequency-selective image processing without multiplication operations. The magnitude responses are narrow-band. approximately gaussian-shaped with center frequencies which can be positioned to yield low-pass. band-pass. or high-pass filtering. Algorithms for the efficient implementation of these filters in software or in hardware are described. Also. we show that the binomial QMFs are the maximally flat magnitude square Perfect Reconstruction paraunitary filters with good compression capability and these are shown to be wavelet filters as well. In wavelet transform the original image is decomposed at different scales using a pyramidal algorithm architecture. The decomposition is along the vertical and horizontal direction and maintains constant the number of pixels required to describe the images. An efficient perfect reconstruction binomial QMF-Wavelet signal decomposition structure is proposed. The technique provides a set of filter solutions with very good amplitude responses and band split. The proposed binomial QMF-filter structure is efficient, simple to implement on VLSl. and suitable for multi-resolution signal decomposition and coding applications.

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Geometric Regualrization of Irregular Building Polygons: A Comparative Study

  • Sohn, Gun-Ho;Jwa, Yoon-Seok;Tao, Vincent;Cho, Woo-Sug
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.6_1
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    • pp.545-555
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    • 2007
  • 3D buildings are the most prominent feature comprising urban scene. A few of mega-cities in the globe are virtually reconstructed in photo-realistic 3D models, which becomes accessible by the public through the state-of-the-art online mapping services. A lot of research efforts have been made to develop automatic reconstruction technique of large-scale 3D building models from remotely sensed data. However, existing methods still produce irregular building polygons due to errors induced partly by uncalibrated sensor system, scene complexity and partly inappropriate sensor resolution to observed object scales. Thus, a geometric regularization technique is urgently required to rectify such irregular building polygons that are quickly captured from low sensory data. This paper aims to develop a new method for regularizing noise building outlines extracted from airborne LiDAR data, and to evaluate its performance in comparison with existing methods. These include Douglas-Peucker's polyline simplication, total least-squared adjustment, model hypothesis-verification, and rule-based rectification. Based on Minimum Description Length (MDL) principal, a new objective function, Geometric Minimum Description Length (GMDL), to regularize geometric noises is introduced to enhance the repetition of identical line directionality, regular angle transition and to minimize the number of vertices used. After generating hypothetical regularized models, a global optimum of the geometric regularity is achieved by verifying the entire solution space. A comparative evaluation of the proposed geometric regulator is conducted using both simulated and real building vectors with various levels of noise. The results show that the GMDL outperforms the selected existing algorithms at the most of noise levels.

Is Robot-Assisted Surgery Really Scarless Surgery? Immediate Reconstruction with a Jejunal Free Flap for Esophageal Rupture after Robot-Assisted Thyroidectomy

  • Park, Seong Hoon;Kim, Joo Hyun;Lee, Jun Won;Jeong, Hii Sun;Lee, Dong Jin;Kim, Byung Chun;Suh, In Suck
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.550-553
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    • 2017
  • Esophageal perforation is a rare but potentially fatal complication of robot-assisted thyroidectomy (RAT). Herein, we report the long-term outcome of an esophageal reconstruction with a jejunal free flap for esophageal rupture after RAT. A 33-year-old woman developed subcutaneous emphysema and hoarseness on postoperative day1 following RAT. Esophageal rupture was diagnosed by computed tomography and endoscopy, and immediate surgical exploration confirmed esophageal rupture, as well as recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. We performed a jejunal free flap repair of the 8-cm defect in the esophagus. End-to-side microvascular anastomoses were created between the right external carotid artery and the jejunal branches of the superior mesenteric artery, and end-to-end anastomosis was performed between the external jugular vein and the jejunal vein. The right recurrent laryngeal nerve injury was repaired with a 4-cm nerve graft from the right ansa cervicalis. Esophagography at 1 year after surgery confirmed that there were no leaks or structures, endoscopy at 1 year confirmed the resolution of vocal cord paralysis, and there were no residual problems with swallowing or speech at a 5-year follow-up examination. RAT requires experienced surgeons with a thorough knowledge of anatomy, as well as adequate resources to quickly and competently address potentially severe complications such as esophageal rupture.

NDVI 시계열 시리즈에 의한 한반도 지표면 변화 추적

  • Lee, Sang-Hun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2009.03a
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    • pp.97-100
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    • 2009
  • The surface parameters associated with the land are usually dependent on the climate, and many physical processes that are displayed in the image sensed from the land then exhibit temporal variation with seasonal periodicity. An adaptive feedback system proposed in this study reconstructs a sequence of images remotely sensed from the land surface having the physical processes with seasonal periodicity. The harmonic model is used to track seasonal variation through time, and a Gibbs random field (GRF) is used to represent the spatial dependency of digital image processes. In this study, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was computed for one week composites of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery over the Korean peninsula for 1996 and 2000 using a dynamic technique, and the adaptive reconstruction of harmonic model was then applied to the NDVI time series for tracking changes on the ground surface. The results show that the adaptive approach is potentially very effective for continuously monitoring changes on near-real time.

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Catadioptric Omnidirectional Stereo Imaging System and Reconstruction of 3-dimensional Coordinates (Catadioptric 전방향 스테레오 영상시스템 및 3차원 좌표 복원)

  • Kim, Soon-Cheol;Yi, Soo-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.4108-4114
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    • 2015
  • An image acquisition by using an optical mirror is called as a catadioptric method. The catadioptric imaging method is generally used for acquisition of 360-degree all directional visual information in an image. An exemplar omnidirectional optical mirror is the bowl-shaped hyperbolic mirror. In this paper, a single camera omnidirectional stereo imaging method is studied with an additional concave lens. It is possible to obtain 3 dimensional coordinates of environmental objects from the omnidirectional stereo image by matching the stereo image having different view points. The omnidirectional stereo imaging system in this paper is cost-effective and relatively easy for correspondence matching because of consistent camera intrinsic parameters in the stereo image. The parameters of the imaging system are extracted through 3-step calibration and the performance for 3-dimensional coordinates reconstruction is verified through experiments in this paper. Measurable range of the proposed imaging system is also presented by depth-resolution analysis.