• Title/Summary/Keyword: Recommendation Satisfaction

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A Study on Method to Activate the Operation of a Fire Safety Experience Center Based on Virtual Reality (가상현실 기반 소방안전체험관 운영 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Young Sook Kim;Kwangsu Moon
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.713-728
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study examined the effect of VR safety education content quality on behavioral intention and collect operational opinions through interview. Method: Based on the survey data of 93 former and current officers, the hypothesis was verified. In addition, 15 fire safety experience centers were visited to conduct interview. Result: For the quality of VR safety education contents, immersion and convenience had a significant effect on usage satisfaction, recommendation intention, and field application intention. In addition, convenience and aesthetic experience had a significant effect on the educational effect, but immersion and diversity did not significant. In the interview, they suggested that VR education has high user satisfaction and good educational effects. The quality of content(particularly immersion and convenience) is an important factor in VR education. In the long-term persepective, it is necessary to prepare a standard teaching plan for each disaster, in addition, manpower, expertise, maintenance problems, and etc. Conclusion: Through these results, it was confirmed that VR experience content quality affects behavioral intention and educational effect and that efforts and investments to improve content quality are needed to enhance the effectiveness of VR experience education. And the contents derived from the interview will be helpful in the operation of an effective fire safety experience center.

Development of a Tourist Satisfaction Quantitative Index for Building a Rating Prediction Model: Focusing on Jeju Island Tourist Spot Reviews (평점 예측 모델 개발을 위한 관광지 만족도 정량 지수 구축: 제주도 관광지 리뷰를 중심으로)

  • Dong-kyu Yun;Ki-tae Park;Sang-hyun Choi
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.185-205
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    • 2023
  • As the tourism industry recovers post the COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing number of tourists are utilizing various platforms to leave reviews. However, amidst the vast amount of data, finding useful information remains challenging, often leading to time and cost inefficiencies in selecting travel destinations. Despite ongoing research, there are limitations due to the absence of ratings or the presence of different rating formats across platforms. Moreover, inconsistencies between ratings and the content of reviews pose challenges in developing recommendation models. To address these issues, this study utilized 7,104 reviews of tourist spots in Jeju Island to develop a specialized satisfaction index for Jeju tourist attractions and employed this index to construct a 'Rating Prediction Model.' To validate the model's performance, we predicted the ratings of 700 experimental data points using both the developed model and an LSTM approach. The proposed model demonstrated superior performance with a weighted accuracy of 73.87%, which is approximately 4.67% higher than that of the LSTM. The results of this study are expected to resolve the discrepancies between ratings and review contents, standardize ratings in reviews without ratings or in various formats, and provide reliable rating indicators applicable across all areas of travel in different domains.

Management of Visitors in the Seonunsan Provincial Park through an Analysis on Visitors' Travel Motivations (탐방객 방문 동기 분석을 통한 선운산도립공원 관리 방안)

  • Sung, Chan Yong;Kim, Dong Pil;Cho, Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.1047-1056
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to provide managerial implications for provincial parks through an analysis on visitors' characteristics and motivational factors. The information was collected by surveying 290 visitors. The survey questionnaire consisted of questions regarding visitors' socioeconomic characteristics, characteristics of their travel behavior, visitors' motivation to visit the park, and the degree of satisfaction derived from visiting the park. Results show that most respondents appeared not to collect any information on the park prior to their visit. It was also seen that most visitors do not visit other tourist sites nearby, and are not aware of the Gochang UNESCO biosphere, which indicates that Gochang-gun, which is responsible for park management, needs to make more efforts to promote the park. A factor analysis on the visitors' motivation to visit the park extracted three factors to visit the Seonunsan Provincial Park: 'to hike,' 'to experience and observe nature,' i.e., nature learning field trip and camping, and 'to build and nurture bonding with family and friends.' To examine the effect of these various motivational factors had on the visitors' satisfaction level upon visiting the park, we conducted a multiple regression analysis with the three extracted factors to visit the park and the respondents' socioeconomic characteristics as independent variables, and the degree of recommendation of visiting the park as a dependent variable. The result shows found that, of the three travel factors, only the 'hiking' factor statistically significantly affected the degree of recommendation of visiting the park. This result suggests that the Seonunsan Provincial Park only satisfied hikers and failed to meet the demands for nature experience and observation. It is therefore suggested that the park managers develop new experience-based tourism programs, such as guided tours conducted by professional eco-interpreters.

An Analysis Method of User Preference by using Web Usage Data in User Device (사용자 기기에서 이용한 웹 데이터 분석을 통한 사용자 취향 분석 방법)

  • Lee, Seung-Hwa;Choi, Hyoung-Kee;Lee, Eun-Seok
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.189-199
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    • 2009
  • The amount of information on the Web is explosively growing as the Internet gains in popularity. However, only a small portion of the information on the Web is truly relevant or useful to the user. Thus, offering suitable information according to user demand is an important subject in information retrieval. In e-commerce, the recommender system is essential to revitalize commercial transactions, raise user satisfaction and loyalty towards the information provider. The existing recommender systems are mostly based on user data collected at servers, so user data are dispersed over several servers. Therefore, web servers that lack sufficient user behavior data cannot easily infer user preferences. Also, if the user visits the server infrequently, it may be hard to reflect the dynamically changing user's interest. This paper proposes a novel personalization system analyzing the user preference based on web documents that are accessed by the user on a user device. The system also identifies non-content blocks appearing repeatedly in the dynamically generated web documents, and adds weight to the keywords extracted from the hyperlink sentence selected by the user. Therefore, the system establishes at an early stage recommendation strategies for the web server that has little user data. Also, user profiles are generated rapidly and more accurately by identifying the information blocks. In order to evaluate the proposed system, this study collected web data and purchase history from users who have current purchase activity. Then, we computed the similarity between purchase data and the user profile. We confirm the accuracy of the generated user profile since the web page containing the purchased item has higher correlation than other item pages.

Semantic Fuzzy Implication Operator for Semantic Implication Relationship of Knowledge Descriptions in Question Answering System (질의 응답 시스템에서 지식 설명의 의미적 포함 관계를 고려한 의미적 퍼지 함의 연산자)

  • Ahn, Chan-Min;Lee, Ju-Hong;Choi, Bum-Ghi;Park, Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2011
  • The question answering system shows the answers that are input by other users for user's question. In spite of many researches to try to enhance the satisfaction level of answers for user question, there is a essential limitation. So, the question answering system provides users with the method of recommendation of another questions that can satisfy user's intention with high probability as an auxiliary function. The method using the fuzzy relational product operator was proposed for recommending the questions that can includes largely the contents of the user's question. The fuzzy relational product operator is composed of the Kleene-Dienes operator to measure the implication degree by contents between two questions. However, Kleene-Dienes operator is not fit to be the right operator for finding a question answers pair that semantically includes a user question, because it was not designed for the purpose of finding the degree of semantic inclusion between two documents. We present a novel fuzzy implication operator that is designed for the purpose of finding question answer pairs by considering implication relation. The new operator calculates a degree that the question semantically implies the other question. We show the experimental results that the probability that users are satisfied with the searched results is increased when the proposed operator is used for recommending of question answering system.

Relationship Analysis between Malware and Sybil for Android Apps Recommender System (안드로이드 앱 추천 시스템을 위한 Sybil공격과 Malware의 관계 분석)

  • Oh, Hayoung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.1235-1241
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    • 2016
  • Personalized App recommendation system is recently famous since the number of various apps that can be used in smart phones that increases exponentially. However, the site users using google play site with malwares have experienced severe damages of privacy exposure and extortion as well as a simple damage of satisfaction descent at the same time. In addition, Sybil attack (Sybil) manipulating the score (rating) of each app with falmay also present because of the social networks development. Up until now, the sybil detection studies and malicious apps studies have been conducted independently. But it is important to determine finally the existence of intelligent attack with Sybil and malware simultaneously when we consider the intelligent attack types in real-time. Therefore, in this paper we experimentally evaluate the relationship between malware and sybils based on real cralwed dataset of goodlplay. Through the extensive evaluations, the correlation between malware and sybils is low for malware providers to hide themselves from Anti-Virus (AV).

Getting Closer to Consumer Performance Experience: Research on Performance Experience Components through Online Post Analysis (소비자의 공연 경험에 다가가기 - 온라인 게시글 분석을 통한 공연 경험의 구성요소 탐구 -)

  • Ko, Yena;Lee, Joongseek;Kim, Eun-mee;Lee, Soomin
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.52
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    • pp.75-105
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    • 2019
  • In studying culture consumption today, it is essential to understand and analyze the actual visitors' experiences in detail. This is deeply related to the fact that we can utilize subjective experience records that were previously inaccessible as data since plenty of people actually record many performance experiences in the media space such as social media. This study attempts to examine what elements actually consists of people's performance experience based on actual expression of the performance experience that exists online. For this, we collected two types of data. First, we collected posts which required performance recommendation on online platforms such as Jisik-In and Cafes to see how people describe what they want and analyzed data focusing on the modifiers. Results show that people mainly use modifiers that reflect the specific situation of the individual such as companion or age. In addition we analyzed how the experience was described after the show through the review posts of ticket booking site. Results show how expressions are centered around companions, revisit intentions, and viewing experiences besides elements such as story and music, which have been known as main satisfaction elements of performance experience in previous studies. In addition, we discussed the practical implications and limitations of the study as well as the theoretical discussion.

The Impact of O4O Selection Attributes on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Focusing on the Case of Fresh Hema in China (O4O 선택속성이 고객만족도 및 고객충성도에 미치는 영향: 중국 허마셴셩 사례를 중심으로)

  • Cui, Chengguo;Yang, Sung-Byung
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.249-269
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    • 2020
  • Recently, as the online market has matured, it is facing many problems to prevent the growth. The most common problem is the homogenization of online products, which fails to increase the number of customers any more. Moreover, although the portion of the online market has increased significantly, it now becomes essential to expand offline for further development. In response, many online firms have recently sought to expand their businesses and marketing channels by securing offline spaces that can complement the limitations of online platforms, on top of their existing advantages of online channels. Based on their competitive advantage in terms of analyzing large volumes of customer data utilizing information technologies (e.g., big data and artificial intelligence), they are reinforcing their offline influence as well through this online for offline (O4O) business model. On the other hand, most of the existing research has primarily focused on online to offline (O2O) business model, and there is still a lack of research on O4O business models, which have been actively attempted in various industrial fields in recent years. Since a few of O4O-related studies have been conducted only in an experience marketing setting following a case study method, it is critical to conduct an empirical study on O4O selection attributes and their impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, focusing on China's representative O4O business model, 'Fresh Hema,' this study attempts to identify some key selection attributes specialized for O4O services from the customers' viewpoint and examine the impact of these attributes on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The results of the structural equation modeling (SEM) with 300 O4O (Fresh Hema) experienced customers, reveal that, out of seven O4O selection attributes, four (mobile app quality, mobile payment, product quality, and store facilities) have an impact on customer satisfaction, which also leads to customer loyalty (reuse intention, recommendation intention, and brand attachment). This study would help managers in an O4O area well adapt to rapidly changing customer needs and provide them with some guidelines for enhancing both customer satisfaction and loyalty by allocating more resources to more significant selection attributes, rather than less significant ones.

Research on Visitor Behavior and Satisfaction with the Nature Trail in Hallasan National Park (한라산국립공원 자연학습탐방로의 이용행태와 이용객만족에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.223-234
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    • 2007
  • The study, executed with Hallasan National Park, which deserves to be a typical ecotourism destination, aims to provide basic information on park management for early establishment of ecotourism in a national park by assessing its visitors' behavior and satisfaction with a nature trail established as a series of an environmental interpretation program. The questionnaire survey was conducted at Eorimok Square in the weekday and on the weekend for two months of August and September in 2006, and finally 144 valid samples were used for the analysis. As a result of the research, it revealed that the demographic characteristics of the visitors to Hallasan National Park tended to coincide with those of the visitors to other national parks In Korea. On the whole, it showed their low recognition level of nature trails built up in national parks and less experience in using them. However, the visitors' satisfaction level and intention of re-visit, and recommendation to others were comparatively higher after actually using the nature trail at the site of Hallasan National Park, which hints at the possibility of national parks' much weightier role as the ground for ecology education and the functional expansion of the environmental interpretation-related facilities and programs. As for the attributes having effects on users' satisfaction with a nature trail, substantial aspects such as accessibility, safety, uniqueness and interest in environmental interpretation, and educational quality as well as physical facility management were revealed to have equal effects on users' satisfaction level, so there still remain a lot of pending issues over the reality of national parks in the initial stage of ecotourism staying at the level of the introduction and establishment of the facilities for environmental interpretation. This research had surveyed visitors to Hallasan National Park and limited to the nature trail only. For more systematic and practical ecological management of a national park, the in-depth understanding of the attributes affecting satisfaction of ecotourists, including nature trails and other environmental interpretation programs, and more sophisticated measuring tools are needed.

The Effect of the Medical Service by Service Instruction of Dental Health Care Worker (치과 의료 종사자의 의료 서비스 교육이 의료 서비스에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Chang-Hee;Lee, Ji-Youn;Lee, Hyun-Ook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2001
  • This study was aimed to survey the level of service education in the people engaging in medical services and identify the influence of the education on their job performance. This study was conducted from February 10th, 2000 to March 10th, 2000, centering on Seoul and Kyonggi area. A total of 341 questionnaires were distributed for the survey. The result ware as followings: (1) In a question about the satisfaction over general medical services such as the location of medical institutions, medical equipments and devices, and the attitudes of medical personnel, the group with service education marked 4.07 while the group with no education earned 3.97, showing statistically significant difference(p<.05). (2) In the area of medical institutions image, level of medical services and promotion, the group with service education showed 4.01 while the group with no education gained 3.83, also showing statistically significant difference(p<.05). (3) No statistically meaningful difference was revealed in the area of satisfaction for over all medical services such as the contentment about the medical services being provided, rooms for improvement and the adequacy of the number of medical personnel. The group with education acquired 3.32, with the group with no education 3.34. (4) Satisfaction about the education and awareness about medical services were high in the group of dental hygienists and showed a statistically meaningful difference. (5) The average number of education recorded 1.83 and satisfaction over service education inside the hospital was low, registering 3.24. (6) Teamwork among the personnel in the hospital was 3.70, which is relatively high. The fulfillment over given tasks posted 3.56 and the recommendation for medical institutions was low, recording 3.24. (7) The necessity of medical service education for medical personnel gained 4.40, indicating heightened awareness over the need for service education.

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