• 제목/요약/키워드: Ray Method

검색결과 5,541건 처리시간 0.036초

Development of an efficient method of radiation characteristic analysis using a portable simultaneous measurement system for neutron and gamma-ray

  • Jin, Dong-Sik;Hong, Yong-Ho;Kim, Hui-Gyeong;Kwak, Sang-Soo;Lee, Jae-Geun;Jung, Young-Suk
    • 분석과학
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2022
  • The method of measuring and classifying the energy category of neutrons directly using raw data acquired through a CZT detector is not satisfactory, in terms of accuracy and efficiency, because of its poor energy resolution and low measurement efficiency. Moreover, this method of measuring and analyzing the characteristics of low-energy or low-activity gamma-ray sources might be not accurate and efficient in the case of neutrons because of various factors, such as the noise of the CZT detector itself and the influence of environmental radiation. We have therefore developed an efficient method of analyzing radiation characteristics using a neutron and gamma-ray analysis algorithm for the rapid and clear identification of the type, energy, and radioactivity of gamma-ray sources as well as the detection and classification of the energy category (fast or thermal neutrons) of neutron sources, employing raw data acquired through a CZT detector. The neutron analysis algorithm is based on the fact that in the energy-spectrum channel of 558.6 keV emitted in the nuclear reaction 113Cd + 1n → 114Cd + in the CZT detector, there is a notable difference in detection information between a CZT detector without a PE modulator and a CZT detector with a PE modulator, but there is no significant difference between the two detectors in other energy-spectrum channels. In addition, the gamma-ray analysis algorithm uses the difference in the detection information of the CZT detector between the unique characteristic energy-spectrum channel of a gamma-ray source and other channels. This efficient method of analyzing radiation characteristics is expected to be useful for the rapid radiation detection and accurate information collection on radiation sources, which are required to minimize radiation damage and manage accidents in national disaster situations, such as large-scale radioactivity leak accidents at nuclear power plants or nuclear material handling facilities.

광선추적법을 사용한 가로등 반사판의 최적설계에 관한 연구 (Study of Optimized Reflector Design for Road Light Using Ray-Tracing Method)

  • 최대섭;한정민;심용식;정찬웅;오선
    • 전기학회논문지P
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    • 제58권3호
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    • pp.347-350
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    • 2009
  • In this study, it was studied about the improved road light design for drivers and pedestrians using forward or reverse ray-tracing method. Many of conventional road lights are not suitable for drivers and pedestrians because it has some serious problems such as glare effect or randomicity of illuminated areas. It was oriented from customary design method which was pointed at simple target such as luminance or electrical power. But it was not truth any more that the high luminance or electrical power consumption mean more bright and good road light. We studied ray-tracing method for road light reflector design to get the several goals. It means that good road light has easy for drivers and pedestrians eyes and illuminating objects on the road clearly. So, we set the design targets such as uniformity on the road area per one road light, shading angles and continuous luminance uniformity on the long distance road. We designed ideal road light conditions using ray-tracing method. We set the height of drivers and pedestrians eyes and calculated design guideline to make above design targets. Then we designed road light reflector using reverse ray-tracing method. And we achieved same luminance on the road almost half power consumption because we reduced loss of light. We achieved ideal design guide as 75 degrees of shading angles and 0.5 of luminance uniformity on the road area. It is superior than conventional road light ability such as 0.35 of luminance uniformity of 400 watts power consumption lamp. Finally, we suggested reflector design for 250 watts power consumption CDM Iight source.

High performance γ-ray imager using dual anti-mask method for the investigation of high-energy nuclear materials

  • Lee, Taewoong;Lee, Wonho
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제53권7호
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    • pp.2371-2376
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    • 2021
  • As the γ-ray energy increases, a reconstructed image becomes noisy and blurred due to the penetration of the γ-ray through the coded mask. Therefore, the thickness of the coded mask was increased for high energy regions, resulting in severely decreased the performance of the detection efficiency due to self-collimation by the mask. In order to overcome the limitation, a modified uniformly redundant array γ-ray imaging system using dual anti-mask method was developed, and its performance was compared and evaluated in high-energy radiation region. In the dual anti-mask method, the two shadow images, including the subtraction of background events, can simultaneously contribute to the reconstructed image. Moreover, the reconstructed images using each shadow image were integrated using a hybrid update maximum likelihood expectation maximization (h-MLEM). Using the quantitative evaluation method, the performance of the dual anti-mask method was compared with the previously developed collimation methods. As the shadow image which was subtracted the background events leads to a higher-quality reconstructed image, the reconstructed image of the dual anti-mask method showed high performance among the three collimation methods. Finally, the quantitative evaluation method proves that the performance of the dual anti-mask method was better than that of the previously reconstruction methods.

전파추적기법을 이용한 마이크로셀 도심지 환경에서의 전파특성에 관한 연구 (The Propagation Characteristics using Ray tracing in Urban area)

  • 김희중;김관홍박병성박한규
    • 대한전자공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전자공학회 1998년도 하계종합학술대회논문집
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    • pp.177-180
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    • 1998
  • In high frequency environment such as microcell, it is requried to adopt a new method different from the empirical channel modeling applied in macrocell. In this thesis, measurement for residential area in Sinrimdong and the result of the simulation are compared and analyzed. Simulation technique utilizes 3D ray launching method to consider some factors which were not included in the ray tracing method. Propagation environment in the urban area shows the typical channel characterisitics of the propagation environment. Using 3D ray launching method, pathloss of the wave and delay characteristics of the signal with respect to the height of the transmitter is researched. If the transmitter is located on the top of the building, radiowave experiences diffraction on the rooftop and it influences the total received signal strength.

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Hit-Test Unit을 이용한 Ray Tracing의 구현 (Implementation of Ray Tracing using Hit-Test Unit)

  • 최규열;정덕진
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1997년도 추계학술대회 논문집 학회본부
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    • pp.402-404
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    • 1997
  • The synthesis of the 3D images is the most important part of the virtual reality. The ray tracing is the best method for reality in the 3D graphics. But the ray tracing requires long computation time for the synthesis of the 3D images. So, we implements the ray tracing with software and hardware. Specially we designs the hit-test unit with FPGA tool for the ray-tracing.

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차량 네트워크 시스템을 위한 노드 매핑 기반 FlexRay-CAN 게이트웨이 구현 (Implementation of Node Mapping-based FlexRay-CAN Gateway for In-vehicle Networking System)

  • 배용경;김만호;이석;이경창
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2011
  • As vehicles become more intelligent, in-vehicle networking (IVN) systems such as controller area network (CAN) or FlexRay are essential for convenience and safety of drivers. To expand the applicability of IVN systems, attention is currently being focused on the communication between heterogeneous networks such as body networking and chassis networking systems. A gateway based on message mapping method was developed to interconnect FlexRay and CAN networks. However, this type of gateways has the following shortcomings. First, when a message ID was changed, the gateway must be reloaded with a new mapping table reflecting the change. Second, if the number of messages to be transferred between two networks increase, software complexity of gateway increases very rapidly. In order to overcome these disadvantages, this paper presents FlexRay-CAN gateway based on node mapping method. More specifically, this paper presents a node mapping based FlexRay-CAN gateway operation algorithm along with the experimental evaluation for ID change.

전파정류방식의 고전압발생장치를 이용한 X선 기기의 특성 평가 (Characteristic Analysis of X-ray Device using the High Voltage Generator on Full-wave Rectification Method)

  • 김영표;김태곤;이호식;박용필;천민우
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.516-521
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    • 2009
  • X-ray system which is usefully used in diagnosis of the patient, being bombed of radioactivity is a big weak point when irradiates a X-ray to the human body so that ICRP restricted the radiation exposure tolerance of the human body. In order to reduce being bombed, the many research and development is now advanced. A lots of diagnostic X-ray machines have currently used due to the increase of occurrence efficiency of X-ray and precisely the output control by using the inverter which is a high speed switching semiconductors. For getting the confidence of the X-ray machine, the same radiation occurrence, same evaluation, and same irradiation condition are necessary when evaluates X-ray irradiation. It is the most important part for the accuracy of the test result and the patient safety. This research has produced the high voltage occurrence system of full-wave rectification method by using the LC resonance inverter, and evaluated the irradiation reproducibility in order to use it in diagnosis of the patient.

Monte Carlo simulations for gamma-ray spectroscopy using bismuth nanoparticle-containing plastic scintillators with spectral subtraction

  • Taeseob Lim ;Siwon Song ;Seunghyeon Kim ;Jae Hyung Park ;Jinhong Kim;Cheol Ho Pyeon;Bongsoo Lee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제55권9호
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    • pp.3401-3408
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we used the Monte Carlo N-Particle program to simulate the gamma-ray spectra obtained from plastic scintillators holes filled with bismuth nanoparticles. We confirmed that the incorporation of bismuth nanoparticles into a plastic scintillator enhances its performance for gamma-ray spectroscopy using the subtraction method. The subtracted energy spectra obtained from the bismuth-nanoparticle-incorporated and the original plastic scintillator exhibit a distinct energy peak that does not appear in the corresponding original spectra. We varied the diameter and depth of the bismuth-filled holes to determine the optimal hole design for gamma-ray spectroscopy using the subtraction method. We evaluated the energy resolutions of the energy peaks in the gamma-ray spectra to estimate the effects of the bismuth nanoparticles and determine their optimum volume in the plastic scintillator. In addition, we calculated the peak-to-total ratio of the energy spectrum to evaluate the energy measuring limit of the bismuth nanoparticle-containing plastic scintillator using the subtraction method.

Rotating slit X-ray backscatter imaging

  • Krzysztof Kacperski;Jan Klimaszewski;Tymoteusz Kosinski;Slawomir Wronka
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권10호
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    • pp.4247-4253
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    • 2024
  • We propose a new method of X-ray backscatter imaging which is a significant development of the well known flying spot approach. Instead of sweeping the imaged object by pencil X-ray beam, and recording the amplitude of backscattered radiation in order to form the raster image, the object is irradiated with a fan beam of X-rays, forming a line on the imaging plane. By properly chosen motion of the collimating slit, a set of lines, which makes up a 2D sinogram of the original object, can be collected. The backscatter image can then be obtained using one of the tomographic reconstruction algorithms, such as the filtered backprojection, which is well known in computed tomography or nuclear medicine. The feasibility of the method has been demonstrated experimentally using a prototype scanner with an industrial X-ray source. The main advantage of our method is the essentially more efficient use of the available X-ray source beam, by illuminating the object with a substantially larger photon flux at each time point. As a result, the image can be obtained at much shorter acquisition time and/or at much lower source power.

다수의 2차원 단층영상으로부터 3차원 영상을 합성하기 위한 Angular 스펙트럼의 적용 (On the application of angular spectrum for synthesizing a 3-D image from a series of 2-D images)

  • 양훈기;이상이;김은수
    • 한국통신학회논문지
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    • 제21권7호
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    • pp.1668-1676
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    • 1996
  • This paper presents the evaluation of an angular spectrum-based method used to calculate scattering pattern of a three-dimensional object modelled as a collection composed of vertical sectional two-dimensional images. This is done via comparing a proposed method with two existing methods, i.e., a Fresnel hologram method and a ray-tracing method, in terms of computatioal complexities and reconstructed results. Maathematical derivations for each methods are reviewed and implementing procedures are described in detail, along with the amount of computaions required from the implementation point of view, rather than from the mathematical point of view. We show simulation results in which the Fresnel holoram method dose not exhibit promising results although it requires the least computation. Moreover, it is also shown that the proposed method, even with much less computational requirement than the ray-tracing method, produces good performances asmuch as the ray-tracing method does.

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