• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ray Method

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Improved Electrochemical Performance and Minimized Residual Li on LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 Active Material Using KCl (KCl을 사용한 LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2계 양극활물질의 잔류리튬 저감 및 전기화학특성 개선)

  • Yoo, Gi-Won;Shin, Mi-Ra;Shin, Tae-Myung;Hong, Tae-Whan;Kim, Hong-kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2017
  • Using a precursor of $LiNi_{0.6}Co_{0.2}Mn_{0.2}O_2$ as a starting material, a surface-modified cathode material was obtained by coating with KCl, where the added KCl reduces residual Li compounds such as $Li_2CO_3$ and LiOH, on the surface. The resulting electrochemical properties were investigated. The amounts of $Li_2CO_3$ and LiOH decreased from 8,464 ppm to 1,639 ppm and from 8,088 ppm to 6,287 ppm, respectively, with 1 wt% KCl added $LiNi_{0.6}Co_{0.2}Mn_{0.2}O_2$ that had been calcined at $800^{\circ}C$. X-ray diffraction results revealed that 1 wt% of KCl added $LiNi_{0.6}Co_{0.2}Mn_{0.2}O_2$ did not affect the parent structure but enhanced the development of hexagonal crystallites. Additionally, the charge transfer resistance ($R_{ct}$) decreased dramatically from $225{\Omega}$ to $99{\Omega}$, and the discharge capacity increased to 182.73mAh/g. Using atomic force microscopy, we observed that the surface area decreased by half because of the exothermic heat released by the Li residues. The reduced surface area protects the cathode material from reacting with the electrolyte and hinders the development of a solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) film on the surface of the oxide particles. Finally, we found that the introduction of KCl into $LiNi_{0.6}Co_{0.2}Mn_{0.2}O_2$ is a very effective method of enhancing the electrochemical properties of this active material by reducing the residual Li. To the best of our knowledge, this report is the first to demonstrate this phenomenon.

Serum Immunoglobulin levels in Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis Patients (진폐증 환자에서의 혈청 면역 글로불린의 변화)

  • Yoo, Kwang-Ha;Ahn, Chul-Min;Kim, Hyung-Joong;Kim, Young-Ho;Lee, Yong-Kyoo;Kim, Sung-Kyu;Lee, Won-Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 1999
  • Background: Coal-worker's pneumoconiosis(CWP) is radiologically divided into two major groups: simple pneumoconiosis (SP), in which small, rounded or irregular opacities smaller than 1cm are observed, and progressive massive fibrosis(PMF), which is characterized by opacities larger than 1cm. SP has a life expectancy equivalent to miners with no radiographic evidence of CWP, but PMF is associated with more obvious impairments of ventilatory capacity and premature death. But only minority of workers develop PMF when exposed to dust concentrations similar to those experienced by workers who develop only SP. In this study, immune status in patients with CWP were evaluated by measurement of the serum immunoglobulin levels between control, SP and PMF groups. Method: Coal workers selected for this study were emplyees of the Tae-Baek and Dong-Hae Hospital. All the patients were men of 45-76 years old and the mean duration of exposure to coal dust were 23.2 years. By X-ray examination, 51 patients were classified in SP, 59 in PMF category. The normal controls examined were 58 men of 26-70 years old. Serum Ig levels were estimated by using Nephelometer(Behring Nephelometer : Germany) and serum were collected 51 in SP, 49 in PMF and 57 cases in control group. Results: The levels of IgG were increased but the levels of IgM were decreased with increasing age in control groups. There were no statistical difference of immunoglobulin levels between smokers and nonsmokers in control groups. There were no statistical difference of immunoglobulin levels between Control, SP and PMF groups. Multiple regression analysis were undertaken to determine the statistical significance of the apparent trends and estimate the effects associated with age, smoking habit and radiological category of CWP. According to this analysis, the levels of IgG were decreased significantly in SP group and had decreasing tendancy, but not statistically significant in PMF group. Conclusion : From the observations described, CWP patients had decreased IgG concentration compared to control gorup. Therefore, there was some relation between CWP and immunoglobulin concentration.

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Histological Changes in the Normal Tissues of Rat after Local Application of the Holmium-166-Chitosan Complex attached to Biodegradable Solid Material (생분해성 고형물에 흡착시켜 실험동물에 국소 투여한 홀미움- 166-키토산 복합체의 투여량, 기간 및 부위에 따른 조직의 괴사 정도와 양상)

  • Lee, Jong-Seok;Jeon, Dae-Geun;Cho, Wan-Hyung;Lee, Soo-Yong;Oh, Jung-Moon;Kim, Jin-Wook
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.190-199
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to find out a clinically appliable method to insert a biodegradable solid material containing holmium-166-chitosan complex into the surgical field, and to evaluate the histological changes in the normal tissues after ${\beta}$ -ray irradiation from holmium-166 according to the dose, period and type of tissues. Materials and Methods: 3.0 mCi, 50 ${\mu}l$ of the liquid state $^{166}$Ho-chitosan complex was attached to the absorbable gelatin sponge. The radiation activity measured by dose caliberator was 1.5 mCi. These $^{166}$Ho-chitosan complex containing absorbable gelatin sponges were inserted into the thigh muscles and over the femur bones of the Wistar rats. The cases were evaluated at 2 weeks after insertion, and 4, 6 weeks with respect to the histological changes of the soft tissues and bone, the depth of the tissue necrosis, and the changes of the $^{166}$Ho-chitosan complex containing absorbable gelatin sponges. Results: At 2 weeks, the muscles showed coagulation necrosis, degenerating myocytes, regenerating myocytes, intermuscular edema, and inflammatory cells. The necrosis depth was 3.3 mm. In the bones, there was no osteocyte in the lacuna of cortex (empty lacuna), marrow fibrosis, inflammation. The necrosis depth was 2.9 mm. At 4 weeks, in the muscle, calcification and increased fibrosis with necrosis depth by 3.3 mm were the additional findings. In the bone, marrow fibrosis with necrosis depth by 3.3 mm were detected. At 6 weeks, soft tissue shrinkage, increased fibrosis and granulation tissue formation, and nearly resolving inflammatory reaction were the findings. Conclusion: The local application of the $^{166}$Ho-chitosan complex attached to biodegradable gelatin material with surgery in the laboratory animals resulted in no mortality and morbidity, and satisfactory tissue necrosis. Holmium-166 can be applied to the treatment of the malignant tumor patients.

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Evaluation of Image Quality & Absorbed Dose using MCNPX Simulation in the Digital Radiography System (디지털방사선영상시스템에서 MCNPX 시뮬레이션을 이용한 영상 품질 및 선량평가)

  • An, Hyeon;Lee, Dongyeon;Ko, Sungjin;Kim, Changsoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2016
  • The study is enforce to study image quality evaluation of condition provide the IEC and combination of clinical conditions each quality of radiation that image quality to assess the conditions provided to IEC in the clinical environment to conduct image quality assessment of the digital radiography system in the detector have environmental limits. First, image quality evaluation was evaluated by measuring the MTF, NPS using four quality of radiation and Using MCNPX simulation lastly DQE make a image quality evaluation after calculating the particle fluence to analyze spectrum quality of radiation. Second, Using MCNPX simulation of four quality of radiation was evaluated absorbed dose rate about electronic 1 per unit air, water, muscle, bone by using Radiation flux density and energy, mass-energy absorption coefficient of matter. Results of evaluation of image quality, MTF of four quality of radiation was satisfied diagnosis frequency domain 1.0 ~ 3.0 lp/mm of general X-ray that indicated 1.13 ~ 2.91 lp/mm spatial frequency. The NPS has added filter, spatial frequency 0.5 lp/mm at standard NPS showed a tendency to decrease after increase. Unused added filter, spatial frequency 0.5 lp/mm at standard NPS showed a certain NPS result value after decrease. DQE in 70 kVp / unuesd added filter(21 mm Al) / SID 150 cm that patial frequency 1.5 lp/mm at standard showed a tendency to decrease after certain value showed. Patial frequency in the rest quality of radiation was showed a tendency to decrease after increase. Results of evaluation of absorbed dose, air < water < muscle < bone in the order showed a tendency to increase. Based on the results of this study provide to basic data that present for the image quality evaluation method of a digital radiation imaging system in various the clinical condition.

The Study on the Reduction of Patient Surface Dose Through the use of Copper Filter in a Digital Chest Radiography (디지털 흉부 촬영에서 구리필터사용에 따른 환자 표면선량 감소효과에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Soo-In;Kim, Chong-Yeal;Kim, Sung-Chul
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2008
  • The most critical point in the medical use of radiation is to minimize the patient's entrance dose while maintaining the diagnostic function. Low-energy photons (long wave X-ray) among diagnostic X-rays are unnecessary because they are mostly absorbed and contribute the increase of patient's entrance dose. The most effective method to eliminate the low-energy photons is to use the filtering plate. The experiments were performed by observing the image quality. The skin entrance dose was 0.3 mmCu (copper) filter. A total of 80 images were prepared as two sets of 40 cuts. In the first set (of 40 cuts), 20 cuts were prepared for the non-filter set and another 20 cuts for the Cu filter of signal + noise image set. In the second set of 40 cuts, 20 cuts were prepared for the non-filter set and another 20 cuts for the Cu filter of non-signal image (noisy image) with random location of diameter 4 mm and 3 mm thickness of acryl disc for ROC signal at the chest phantom. P(S/s) and P(S/n) were calculated and the ROC curve was described in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Accuracy were evaluated after reading by five radiologists. The number of optically observable lesions was counted through ANSI chest phantom and contrast-detail phantom by recommendation of AAPM when non-filter or Cu filter was used, and the skin entrance dose was also measured for both conditions. As the result of the study, when the Cu filter was applied, favorable outcomes were observed on, the ROC Curve was located on the upper left area, sensitivity, accuracy and the number of CD phantom lesions were reasonable. Furthermore, if skin entrance dose was reduced, the use of additional filtration may be required to be considered in many other cases.

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Association of Bone Mineral Density with the Metabolic Syndrome (건강검진 수진자들에서 골밀도와 대사증후군의 연관성)

  • Kang, Yeong-Han;Kam, Shin
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2008
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between bone mineral density (BMD) and the metabolic syndrome. Method : We conducted a cross-sectional study of 1204 adults(males: 364 females: 840) in a general hospital health promotion center. They were grouped into the normal and lower BMD group according to bone loss(osteopenia, osteoporosis), as determined by duel energy X-ray absorptiometery(DEXA). We analyzed the association between BMD and metabolic syndrome by multiple logistic regression analysis. After adjustment for age, weight, alcohol intake, smoking, regular exercise, regular intake of meals, and menopausal status, odds ratios for the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome by gender were calculated for lower BMD. Results : After adjustment for the effect of potential covariates, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was associated with bone loss in men(p<0.001). If the odds ratio of normal group is 1.00, then that of the lower BMD group is 3.07(95% CI=1.83-5.16). The prevalence of metabolic alterations fitting the criteria of metabolic syndrome was significantly decreased in High BMI, Low HDL in men and in High BMI in women(p<0.05). Conclusions : This study shows that BMD was associated with metabolic syndrome. Further studies needed to obtain evidence concerning the association between BMD and metabolic syndrome.

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The Prognostic Factors Affecting Survival in Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Treated with Radiotherapy (방사선치료를 받은 근 침윤성 방광암의 예후 인자)

  • Chung Woong-Ki;Oh Bong-Ryoul;Ahn Sung Ja;Nah Byung Sik;Kwon Dong-Deuk;Park Kwangsung;Ryu Soo-Bang;Park Yang-IL
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.130-138
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : This study analyzed the prognostic factors affecting the survival rate and evaluated the role of radiation therapy in muscle-invading bladder cancer. Materials and Methods : Twenty eight patients with bladder cancer who completed planned definitive radiotherapy in the Departments of Therapeutic Radiology and Urology, Chonnam National University Hospital between Jan. 1986 to Dec. 1998 were retrospectively analyzed. The reviews were peformed based on the patients' medical records. There were 21 males and 7 females in this study. The median of age was 72 years old ranging from 49 to 84 years. All patients were confirmed as having transitional cell carcinoma with histological grade 1 in one patient, grade 2 in 15, grade 3 in 9, and uninformed in 3. Radiation therapy was peformed using a linear accelerator with 6 or 10 MV X-rays. Radiation was delivered daily with a 1.8 or 2.0 Gy fraction size by 4 ports (anterior-posterior, both lateral, alternatively) or 3 ports (Anterior and both lateral). The median radiation dose delivered to the isocenter of the target volume was 61.24 Gy ranging from 59 to 66.6 Gy. The survival rate was calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method. Multivariate analysis was peformed on the prognostic factors affecting the survival rate. Results : The survival rate was $76\%,\;46\%,\;33\%,\;33\%$ at 1, 2, 3, 5 years, respectively, with 19 months of median survival. The potential factors of age (less than 70 years vs above 70), sex, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hydronephrosis, 1-stage (T3a vs T3b), TUR, chemotherapy, total duration of radiotherapy, radiation dose (less than 60 Gy vs above 60 Gy), and the treatment response were investigated with uniand multivariate analysis. Un univariate analysis, the T-stage (p=0.078) and radiation dose (p=0.051) were marginally significant, and the treatment response (p=0.011) was a statistically significant factor on the survival rate. Multivariate analysis showed there were no significant prognostic factors affecting the survival rate. Conclusion : The treatment response and radiation dose are suggested as th은 statistically significant factors affecting the survival rate of muscle invasive bladder cancer. A Further prospective randomized study is needed to confirm these prognostic factors.

Staging of Esophageal Cancer Using Positron Emission Tomography : Comparing to Computed Tomography (양전자방출단층촬영술(PET)을 이용한 식도암 환자의 병기 결정 -전산화단층촬영술(CT)과의 비교-)

  • 심영목;박승준;김병태;김성철
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.388-393
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    • 1999
  • Background: Correct preoperative staging of esophageal cancer is a prerequisite for adequate treatment. We prospectively compared the accuracy of positron emission tomography (PET) with [fluorine-18]FDG in the staging of esophageal cancer to that of computed tomography (CT). Material and Method: The findings of FDG PET and of chest CT including lower neck and the upper abdomen of 20 biopsy-proven squamous cell carcinoma patients (male, 19; female, 1; mean age, 61) were compared with the pathologic findings obtained from a curative esophagectomy with lymph node dissection. Result: The sensitivities of FDG PET and CT for diagnosis of primary tumor were the same, 90.0% (18/20). Both FDG PET and CT failed to show the primary tumor in 2 of 20 patients; one had a 1cm sized carcinoma in situ and the other had T1 stage cancer. By using the results of the pathologic examinations of 193 removed lymph node groups, we calculated the diagnostic sensitivities, specificities and accuracies of PET and CT (*$\chi$2 p < 0.005). Sensitivity** Specificity Accuracy* PET 55.6%(30/54) 97.1%(135/139) 85.5%(165/193) CT 13.0%(7/54) 98.6%(137/139) 74.6%(144/193) One of four patients with a false-positive for PEThad had active pulmonary tuberculosis. Among the 24 tumor involved lymph node groups, PET failed to show tumor metastasis in 5 lymph node groups abutting the tumor and in 14 lymph node groups located where the decay correction was not performed. Conclusion: Based on the above findings, it is suggested that [F-18]FDG-PET is superior to CT in the detection of nodal metastases and in the staging of patients with esophageal cancer.

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Clinical Observation of Pleural Effusion (늑막염의 임상적 고찰)

  • Kim, Choon-Sup;Ju, Kee-Joong;Lee, Chang-Hwan;Park, Sung-Min;Shim, Young-Woong;Song, Kap-Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.584-594
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    • 1993
  • Background: Among the respiratory diseases, there are a lot of cases of pleural effusion. The most common cause is tuberculosis. But the other cause such as lung malignancy is in an increasing tendency because of the development of diagnostic procedure, the decrease of the prevalence of the tuberculosis and the increase of the longevity. We need to know the accurate diagnosis as soon as possible for the correct therapy. Method: A clinical observation was made on 315 cases of pleural effusion seen at Pusan Adventist Hospital, from Jan, 1989 to Dec, 1992. For diagnostic procedure, thoracentesis, lymph node biopsy, bronchoscopy and percutaneous biopsy of the parietal pleura with Cope needle were performed. The following are parameters used in seperating the exudate from the transudate: pleural protein 3.0 g/dl, pleural protein/serum protein ratio 0.5, pleural LDH 200 IU, pleural LDH/serum LDH ratio 0.6, pleural cholesterol 60 mg/dl and pleural cholesterol/serum cholesterol ratio 0.3. Each parameters were compared, and misclassified rate and diagnostic efficiency were calculated. Results: The most common cause of exudate pleurisy was tuberculosis (82.3%) and malignancy was next (12.2%). The chief complaints of pleural effusion were noted as dyspnea (58.7%), chest pain (54.9%), coughing (50.2%) and fever (36.2%). Location of pleural effusion was noted as right side (51.4%), left side (41.3%) and both sides (7.3%). Amount of pleural effusion of the chest X-ray was minimum (46.8%), moderate (40.5%) and maximum (12.7%). Misclassified rates for each parameters in seperating the exudates from the transudates were as follows; protein: 5.2%, pleural protein/serum protein:7.6%, LDH: 13.9%, pleural LDH/serum LDH: 6.9%, cholesterol: 8.0%, pleural cholesterol/serum cholesterol: 5.6%. On the pleural biopsy, the tuberculosis granuloma was 60.8%, malignancy was 13.6%, infection was 2.3% and nonspecific inflammatory reaction was 23.3%. Conclusion: on the basis of the above results, the most common cause of exudative pleurisy was tuberculosis. We think that the plerual cholesterol/serum cholesterol ratio is the most useful supportive parameter in separating the exudates from the transudates. For accurate diagnosis, the pleural biopsy is the first procedure and repeated pleural biopsy of nonspedcific inflammatory reaction is required.

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Change of Volume of Isoflow in Pneumoconiosis Patients with Small Opacity (소음영 진폐증 환자에서의 등기류용량(Volume of Isoflow)의 변화)

  • Oh, Sang-Yong;Kim, Jee-Won;Jung, Chang-Young;Kim, Kyung-Ah;Yun, Im-Goung
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.540-547
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    • 1993
  • Backgrounds: The measurement of volume of isoflow has been considered as a sensitive test for detecting small airway diseases showing normal pulmonary function in a routine pulmonary function test. To evaluate the functions of small airway among dust exposed workers, the changes of volume of isoflow were measured and its applicability of managing early stage pneumoconiosis patients was studied. Method: The subjects were 67 male, pneumoconiosis with small opacity and FEV1>80%, FEV1/FVC>75% in spirometry and the controls were 20 male, no dust-exposed office workers. The maximal epiratory volume curves after inhalation of indoor air and $He-O_2$ gas mixtures were measured and ${\Delta}V_{max50},\;{\Delta}V_{max75},\;V_{iso}V/VC$ between the dust exposed and control workers were compaired. Results: 1) There were no significant differences between two group in ${\Delta}V_{max50}$ and ${\Delta}V_{max75}$. But the ratio of $V_{iso}V/VC$ of the subjects was siginificantly higher than that of the control (p<0.01). This study confirms that $V_{iso}V/VC$ is a very useful index in early detection of small airway dysfunction. 2) The ratio of $V_{iso}V/VC$ of the subjects was signigicantly different between only smoker group and mixed group(smoker and nonsmoker). It suggestes that smoking is an important cousative factor of small airway dysfunction. 3) As the profusion of the chest X-ray increased, the rartio of $V_{iso}V/VC$ increased, but no significant difference of $V_{iso}V/VC$ was found between categories of pneumoconiosis. The categories of pneumoconiosis and small airway dysfunction may not be related. 4) No significant relationship was established between the duration of work and the ratio of $V_{iso}V/VC$. Conclusions : It is concluded that the measurement of $V_{iso}V/VC$ is useful to detect small airway dysfuction of early stage pnuemoconiosis patents with small opacities but showing normal pulmonary function in a routine pulmonary function test.

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