• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ratio of Residual Strength

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Effect of cooling rate on the post-fire behavior of CFST column

  • Afaghi-Darabi, Alireza;Abdollahzadeh, Gholamreza
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.281-294
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    • 2019
  • The post-fire behavior of structural elements and the cooling process has always been one of the main concerns of the structural engineers. The structures can be cooled at different rates, where they affect the structure's behavior. In the present study, a numerical model has been developed using the Abaqus program to investigate the effect of cooling rate on the post-fire behavior of the CFST column. To verify the model, results of an experimental study performed on CFST columns within a full heating and cooling cycle have been used. In this model, coMParison of the residual strength has been employed in order to examine the behavior of CFST column under different cooling rates. Furthermore, a parametric study was carried out on the strength of steel and concrete, the height of the specimens, the axial load ratio and the cross-sectional shape of the specimen through the proposed model. It was observed that the cooling rate affects the behavior of the column after the fire, and thus the higher the specimen's temperature is, the more effect it has on the behavior. It was also noticed that water cooling had slightly more residual strength than natural cooling. Furthermore, it was recognized from the parametric study, that by increasing the strength of steel and concrete and the load ratio, as well as modifying the cross-sectional shape from circular to square, residual strength of column at the cooling phase was less than that of the heating phase. In addition, with reducing column height, no change was witnessed in the column behavior after the cooling phase.

Residual strength capacity of fire-exposed circular concrete-filled steel tube stub columns

  • Alhatmey, Ihssan A.;Ekmekyapar, Talha;Alrebeh, Salih K.
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.485-507
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    • 2018
  • Concrete-Filled Steel Tube (CFST) columns are an increasingly popular means to support great compressive loads in buildings. The residual strength capacity of CFST stub columns may be utilized to assess the potential damage caused by fire and calculate the structural fire protection for least post-fire repair. Ten specimens under room conditions and 10 specimens under fire exposure to the Eurocode smouldering slow-growth fire were tested to examine the effects of diameter to thickness D/t ratio and reinforcing bars on residual strength capacity, ductility and stiffness of CFST stub columns. On the other hand, in sixteen among the twenty specimens, three or six reinforcing bars were welded inside the steel tube. The longitudinal strains in the steel tube and load-displacement relationships were recorded throughout the subsequent compressive tests. Corresponding values of residual strength capacity calculated using AISC 360-10 and EC4 standards are presented for comparison purposes with the experimental results of this study. The test results showed that after exposure to $750^{\circ}C$, the residual strength capacity increased for all specimens, while the ductility and stiffness were slightly decreased. The comparison results showed that the predicted residual strength using EC4 were close to those obtained experimentally in this research.

Prediction of Residual Strength of CFRP Subjected to High Velocity Impact (고속충격을 받는 CFRP 복합재료의 잔류강도 예측)

  • 박근철;김문생
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.600-611
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this research is to propose a model for the prediction of residual strength. For this purpose, two-paremeter model based on Caprino's is developed and formulated by the ratio of indentation due to impact and normalized residual strength. The damage zone is considered only as an indentation. Impact tests are carried out on laminated composites by steel balls. Test material is carbon/epoxy laminate. The specimens are composed of $[{\pm}45^{\circ}/0^{\circ}/90^{\circ}]_2$ and $[\pm}45^{\circ}]_4$ stacking sequence and have $0.75^T{\times}0.26^W{\times}100^L(mm) dimension. A proposed model shows a good correlation with the experimental results And failure mechanism due to high impact velocity is discussed on CFRP laminates to examine the initiation and development of damage by fractography and ultrasonic image ststem. The effect of the unidirectional ply position on the residual strength is considered here.

Tensile Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Member due to Restrained Shrinkage (구속된 건조수축이 철근콘트리트 인장거동에 미치는 영향)

  • 안태송;김진철
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1998.04a
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    • pp.315-320
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    • 1998
  • The experimental set-up and one-dimensional analytical model have been developed to investigate the tensile behavior of reinforced concrete member due to restrained drying shrinkage. The experimental results have been compared with the analytical prediction of the maximum residual stress of steel and concrete due to restrained shrinkage. The tensile residual stress concrete by one-dimensional bilinear model shows 0.19 and 0.63 of tensile strength for 0.83% and 3.29 of steel ratio. The residual tensile stress of concrete increases as the steel ratio increases. The effect of steel fiber has not influenced the residual stress due to restrained shrinkage of concrete.

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Evaluating seismic demands for segmental columns with low energy dissipation capacity

  • Nikbakht, Ehsan;Rashid, Khalim;Mohseni, Iman;Hejazi, Farzad
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.1277-1297
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    • 2015
  • Post-tensioned precast segmental bridge columns have shown high level of strength and ductility, and low residual displacement, which makes them suffer minor damage after earthquake loading; however, there is still lack of confidence on their lateral response against severe seismic loading due in part to their low energy dissipation capacity. This study investigates the influence of major design factors such as post-tensioning force level, strands position, columns aspect ratio, steel jacket and mild steel ratio on seismic performance of self-centring segmental bridge columns in terms of lateral strength, residual displacement and lateral peak displacement. Seismic analyses show that increasing the continuous mild steel ratio improves the lateral peak displacement of the self-centring columns at different levels of post-tensioning (PT) forces. Such an increase in steel ratio reduces the residual drift in segmental columns with higher aspect ratio more considerably. Suggestions are proposed for the design of self-centring segmental columns with various aspect ratios at different target drifts.

Dynamic Increase factor based on residual strength to assess progressive collapse

  • Mashhadi, Javad;Saffari, Hamed
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.617-624
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    • 2017
  • In this study, a new empirical method is presented to obtain Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) in nonlinear static analysis of structures against sudden removal of a gravity load-bearing element. In this method, DIF is defined as a function of minimum ratio of difference between maximum moment capacity ($M_u$) and moment demand ($M_d$) to plastic moment capacity ($M_p$) under unamplified gravity loads of elements. This function determines the residual strength of a damaged building before amplified gravity loads. For each column removal location, a nonlinear dynamic analysis and a step-by-step nonlinear static analysis are carried out and the modified empirical DIF formulas are derived, which correspond to the ratio min $[(M_u-M_d)/M_p]$ of beams in the bays immediately adjacent to the removed column, and at all floors above it. Therefore, the new DIF can be used with nonlinear static analysis instead of nonlinear dynamic analysis to assess the progressive collapse potential of a moment frame structure. The proposed DIF formulas can estimate the real residual strength of a structure based on critical member.

Evaluation of Residual Strength Under Impact Damage in Woven CFRP Composites (평직 CFRP 복합재료의 충격잔류강도 평가)

  • Choi, Jung-Hun;Kang, Min-Sung;Koo, Jae-Mean;Seok, Chang-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.654-663
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    • 2012
  • Damage induced by low velocity impact loading in aircraft composite is the form of failure which is frequently occurred in aircraft. As the consequences of impact loading in composite laminates, matrix cracking, delamination and eventually fiber breakage for higher impact energies can be occurred. Even when no visible impact damage is observed, damage can exist inside of composite laminates and carrying load of the composite laminates is considerably reduced. The objective of this study is to evaluate and predict residual strength behavior of composite laminates by impact loading and for this, tensile test after impact was carried out on composite laminates made of woven CFRP.

Seismic Performance and Flexural Over-strength of Circular RC Column (원형 RC 기둥의 내진성능과 휨 초과강도)

  • Ko, Seong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2013
  • Eight small scale circular reinforced concrete columns were tested under cyclic lateral load with constant axial load. Test specimens were designed with 4.5 aspect ratio. The selected test variables are longitudinal steel ratio, transverse steel ratio, yielding strength of longitudinal steel and axial load ratio. The test results of columns with different longitudinal steel ratio, transverse steel ratio and axial load ratio showed different seismic performance such as equivalent damping ratio, residual displacement and effective stiffness. It was found that the column with low strength of longitudinal steel showed significantly reduced seismic performance, especially for equivalent damping ratio and residual displacement. The regulation of flexural over-strength is adopted by Korea Bridge Design Specifications (Limited state design, 2012). The test results are compared with nominal strength, result of nonlinear moment-curvature analysis and the design specifications such as AASHTO LRFD and Korea Bridge Design Specifications (Limited state design).

Fatigue experiment of stud welded on steel plate for a new bridge deck system

  • Ahn, Jin-Hee;Kim, Sang-Hyo;Jeong, Youn-Ju
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.391-404
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents push-out tests of stud shear connectors to examine their fatigue behavior for developing a new composite bridge deck system. The fifteen push-out specimens of D16 mm stud welded on 9 mm steel plate were fabricated according to Eurocode-4, and a series of fatigue endurance test and residual strength test were performed. Additionally, the stiffness and strength variations by cyclic loading were compared. The push-out test, when the stiffness reduction ratio of the specimens was 0.95 under cyclic load, resulted in the failure of the studs. The stiffness variation of the push-out specimens additionally showed that the application of cyclic loads reduced the residual strength. The fatigue strength of the shear connectors were compared with the design values specified in the Eurocode-4, ASSHTO LRFD and JSSC codes. The comparison result showed that the fatigue endurance of the specimens satisfies the design values of these codes.

The Effect of Compressive Residual Stress on Fatigue Fracture of the Spring steel (현가장치용 SUP-9강의 피로파괴에 미치는 압축잔류응력의 영향)

  • Park, Kyoung-Dong;Jin, Young-Beom
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2004
  • The lightness of components required in automobile and machinery industry is requiring high strength of components. In particular, fatigue failure phenomena, which happen in metal, bring on danger in human life and property. Therefore, antifatigue failure technology takes an important part of current industries. Currently, the shot peening is used for removing the defects from the surface of steel and improving the fatigue strength on surface. Therefore, in this paper the effect of compressive residual stress of spring steel(JISG SUP-9)by shot peening on fatigue crack growth characteristics in stress ratio(R=0 1, R=0 3, R=0 6)was investigated considering fracture mechanics. By using the methods mentioned above, I arrived at the following conclusions: (1) The fatigue crack growth rate(da/dN) of the shot peening material was lower than the unpeening material And in stage I, ${\Delta}K_{th}$, the threshold stress intensity factor, of the shot peening material is high in critical parts unlike the unpeening material. (2) Fatigue life shows more Improvement in the shot peening material than in the unpeening material. And compressive residual stress of surface on the shot peening processed operate the resistance of fatigue crack propagation.

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