• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rainfall Frequency

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Hydrological homogeneous region delineation for bivariate frequency analysis of extreme rainfalls in Korea (다변량 L-moment를 이용한 이변량 강우빈도해석에서 수문학적 동질지역 선정)

  • Shin, Ju-Young;Jeong, Changsam;Joo, Kyungwon;Heo, Jun-Haeng
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2018
  • The multivariate regional frequency analysis has many advantages such as an adaption of regional parameters and consideration of a correlated structure of the data. The multivariate regional frequency analysis can provide the broader and more detailed information for the hydrological variables. The multivariate regional frequency analysis has not been attempted to model hydrological variables in South Korea yet. Therefore, it is required to investigate the applicability of the multivariate regional frequency analysis in the modeling of the hydrological variables. The current study investigated the applicability of the homogeneous region delineation and their characteristics in bivariate regional frequency analysis of annual maximum rainfall depth-duration data. The K-medoid method was employed as a clustering method. The discordancy and heterogeneous measures were used to assess the appropriateness of the delineation results. According to the results of the clustering analysis, the employed stations could be grouped into five regions. All stations at three of the five regions led to acceptable values of discordancy measures than the threshold. The stations where have short record length led to the large discordancy measures. All grouped regions were identified as a homogeneous region based on heterogeneous measure estimates. It was observed that there are strong cross-correlations among the stations in the same region.

Landslide Vulnerability Mapping considering GCI(Geospatial Correlative Integration) and Rainfall Probability In Inje (GCI(Geospatial Correlative Integration) 및 확률강우량을 고려한 인제지역 산사태 취약성도 작성)

  • Lee, Moung-Jin;Lee, Sa-Ro;Jeon, Seong-Woo;Kim, Geun-Han
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.21-47
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    • 2013
  • The aim is to analysis landslide vulnerability in Inje, Korea, using GCI(Geospatial Correlative Integration) and probability rainfalls based on geographic information system (GIS). In order to achieve this goal, identified indicators influencing landslides based on literature review. We include indicators of exposure to climate(rainfall probability), sensitivity(slope, aspect, curvature, geology, topography, soil drainage, soil material, soil thickness and soil texture) and adaptive capacity(timber diameter, timber type, timber density and timber age). All data were collected, processed, and compiled in a spatial database using GIS. Karisan-ri that had experienced 470 landslides by Typhoon Ewinia in 2006 was selected for analysis and verification. The 50% of landslide data were randomly selected to use as training data, while the other 50% being used for verification. The probability of landslides for target years (1 year, 3 years, 10 years, 50 years, and 100 years) was calculated assuming that landslides are triggered by 3-day cumulative rainfalls of 449 mm. Results show that number of slope has comparatively strong influence on landslide damage. And inclination of $25{\sim}30^{\circ}C$, the highest correlation landslide. Improved previous landslide vulnerability methodology by adopting GCI. Also, vulnerability map provides meaningful information for decision makers regarding priority areas for implementing landslide mitigation policies.

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A Root Cause Analysis for Drought in Taeback City, Kangwon-do in 2008 (강원도 태백지역 2008년 가뭄의 원인분석 연구)

  • Kim, Joo-Hwan;Choi, Gye-Woon;Park, Sang-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.351-359
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    • 2010
  • Recently, there have been flood damages due to the climate change and the flash flood continuously in Korea and there are several flood disaster mitigation plans that are normally most of management plan for water related disasters even though drought disasters are as important as flood disasters. In this study, it is underlined that the research on solution of water shortness due to the drought disasters is currently required since the frequency of drought damage is not very many but continuously increasing. There was big drought damage in TaeBaek City of Kangwon province due to the serious lack of water during autumn, 2008 to spring, 2009. This study therefore analyses the characteristics of hydrometeorological conditions by rainfall frequency analysis and the operations of Gwangdong dam that is a source of multi-regional water supply by analysing water demand. As results of study, there was a drought with 20 years returning period which is not really available to fill the reservoir as usual and which could only filled 52% of reservoir. The rainfall during the dry season was less than normal, however, the water demand from the TaeBaek City was higher than normal. As researching several reasons of water shortness including the reasons described above, this study might be useful for drought mitigation plan.

Estimates of Regional Flood Frequency in Korea (우리나라의 빈도홍수량의 추정)

  • Kim, Nam-Won;Won, Yoo-Seung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.1019-1032
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    • 2004
  • Flood frequency estimate is an essential index for determining the scale of small and middle hydraulic structure. However, this flood quantity could not be estimated directly for practical design purpose due to the lack of available flood data, and indirect method like design rainfall-runoff method have been used for the estimation of design flood. To give the good explain for design flood estimates, regional flood frequency analysis was performed by flood index method in this study. First, annual maximum series were constructed by using the collected data which covers from Japanese imperialism period to 1999. Wakeby distribution recommended by WMO(1989) was used for regional flood frequency analysis and L-moment method by Hosking (1990) was used for parameter estimation. For the homogeneity of region, the discordance and heterogeneity test by Hosking and Wallis(1993) was carried for 4 major watersheds in Korea. Physical independent variable correlated with index flood was watershed area. The relationship between specific discharge and watershed area showed a type of power function, i.e. the specific discharge decreases as watershed area increases. So flood quantity according to watershed area and return period was presented for each watershed(Han rivet, Nakdong river, Geum river and Youngsan/Seomjin river) by using this relation type. This result was also compared with the result of point frequency analysis and its regionalization. It was shown that the dam construction couldn't largely affect the variation of peak flood. The property of this study was also examined by comparison with previous studies.

Regional frequency analysis using spatial data extension method : I. An empirical investigation of regional flood frequency analysis (공간확장자료를 이용한 지역빈도분석 : I. 지역홍수빈도분석의 실증적 검토)

  • Kim, Nam Won;Lee, Jeong Eun;Lee, Jeongwoo;Jung, Yong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.439-450
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    • 2016
  • For the design of infrastructures controlling the flood events at ungauged basins, this study tries to find the regional flood frequencies using peak flow data generated by the spatial extension of flood records. The Chungju Dam watershed is selected to validate the possibility of regional flood frequency analysis using the spatially extended flood data. Firstly, based on the index flood method, the flood event data from the spatial extension method is evaluated for 22 mid/smaller sub-basins at the Chungju Dam watershed. The homogeneity of the Chungju dam watershed was assessed in terms of the different size of watershed conditions such as accumulated and individual sub-basins. Based on the result of homogeneity analysis, this watershed is heterogeneous with respect to individual sub-basins because of the heterogeneity of rainfall distribution. To decide the regional probability distribution, goodness-of fit measure and weighted moving averages method from flood frequency analysis were adopted. Finally, GEV distribution was selected as a representative distribution and regional quantile were estimated. This research is one step further method to estimate regional flood frequency for ungauged basins.

Flood Damage Reduction Plan Using HEC-FDA Model (HEC-FDA 모형을 이용한 홍수피해 저감계획)

  • Lee, Jongso;Kim, Duckhwan;Kim, Jungwook;Han, Daegun;Kim, Hung Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 2015
  • This study is estimated the flood damage probability of the flood discharge, the flood stage estimation and Economic Analysis for Flood Control about considering of uncertainty. Sum River Basin has chosen and the probability precipitation is estimated by using the concept of critical rainfall duration depending on the frequency of each flood stage estimation point. For calculating the expected annual damage, the functions of long term hazard, discharge-frequency, stage-discharge and depth-damage are established for 8 areas in Sum River Basin. The expected annual damaged is obtained which is based on the sampling informations through more than 500,000 simulation from the functions of considered uncertainty. The result about the optimum frequency and Investment Priorities are estimated by conducting the evaluation about planning the levee of various of Design Frequency. In analysis result, 12% of B/C value has increased if the uncertainty has concerned. Also the optimum frequency or Investment Priorities are possible to be changed. If the political and social analysis perform together it would be helpful to have a reasonable decision other than only the economical analysis as actual Flood damaged reduction planning.

Regional Frequency Analysis by Rainfalls using GEV Distribution (GEV 분포에 의한 강우자료의 지역빈도분석)

  • Maeng, Seung-Jin;Lee, Hyeon-Gyu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.403-407
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    • 2006
  • This research aims to reduce severe damages to human beings and properties from floods that ravage Korea every year, by estimating right time to hydraulic structures based on the characteristics of variations in flood flows. To establish this permanent means for the flood mitigation, this research analyse design floods of various dams and hydraulic structures in connection with time of occurrence of the weather abnormalities in Korea. This research was derived the optimal regionalization of the precipitation data which can be classified by the climatologically and geographically homogeneous regions in Korea. Using the L-moment ratios and Kolmogorov-Smimov test, the underlying regional probability distribution was identified to be the GEV distribution among applied distributions. The regional and at-site analyses using L-moment for the design rainfall were tested by Monte Carlo simulation. Error tests were computed and compared with those resulting from at-site Monte Carlo simulation. Consequently, optimal design rainfalls following the regions and consecutive durations were derived by the regional frequency analysis.

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The Proxy Variables Selection of Vulnerability Assessment for Agricultural Infrastructure According to Climate Change (논문 - 기후변화에 따른 농업생산기반 재해 취약성 평가를 위한 대리변수 선정)

  • Kim, Sung-Jae;Park, Tae-Yang;Kim, Sung-Min;Kim, Sang-Min
    • KCID journal
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2011
  • Climate change has impacts on not only the average temperature rise but also the intensity and frequency of extreme events such as flood and drought. It is also expected that the damages on agricultural infrastructure will be increased resulting from increased rainfall intensity and frequency caused by climate change. To strengthen the climate change adaptation capacity, it is necessary to identify the vulnerability of a given society's physical infrastructures and to develop appropriate adaptation strategies with infrastructure management because generally facilities related to human settlements are vulnerable to climate changes and establishing an adaptive public infrastructure would reduce the damages and the repair cost. Therefore, development of mitigation strategies for agricultural infrastructure against climatic hazard is very important, but there are few studies on agricultural infrastructure vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies. The concept of vulnerability, however, is difficult to functionally define due to the fact that vulnerability itself includes many aspects (biological, socioeconomic, etc.) in various sectors. As such, much research on vulnerability has used indicators which are useful for standardization and aggregation. In this study, for the vulnerability assessment for agricultural infrastructure, 3 categories of climate exposure, sensitivity, and adaptation capacity were defined which are composed of 16 sub-categories and 49 proxy variables. Database for each proxy variables was established based on local administrative province. Future studies are required to define the weighting factor and standardization method to calculate the vulnerability indicator for agricultural infrastructure against climate change.

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Analysis of Sea Clutter Removal Capability in a Weather Radar Based on a Vertical Phased Array Antenna (수직 위상 배열 안테나 기반 기상 레이다에서의 해수면 클러터 제거 성능 분석)

  • Lee, Jonggil
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 2018
  • Many short range weather radars with the low elevation search capability are needed for analysis and prediction of unusual weather changes or rainfall phenomena which occurs regionally. However, due to the characteristics of low elevation electromagnetic wave beam, it is highly probable that the received weather signals of these radars are contaminated by the ground and sea clutter. Since most of ground clutter appears around the very narrow low Doppler frequency region, it is somewhat easy to separate. However, the sea clutter removal is very difficult since it can occupy the broad Doppler frequency region according to weather conditions. Therefore, in this paper, the sea clutter removal capability is analyzed for a phased array weather radar which use vertical array elements for electronic elevation beam steering. Also, it is shown that the sea clutter removal can be achieved appropriately using the receiver beam forming technology in a phased array antenna.

The Characteristic of the Disasters caused by Typhoons passing through the Sea Area around the Korean Peninsula (한반도 주변 해역을 통과한 태풍의 재해특성)

  • Ahn, Suk-Hee;Choi, Ki-Seon;Kim, Baek-Jo;Shin, Seung-Sook
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.109-112
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of disasters caused by typhoons passing through the sea area around the Korean Peninsula. It analyzed two cases, that is, in WEST and EAST cases. These include the typhoons passing through the Yellow Sea, west of the Peninsula and East Sea, east of the Peninsula without landing on the Peninsula. FCM (Fuzzy Clustering Method) analysis was performed on typhoons affecting the Korean Peninsula from 1951 to 2006. The analysis shows that WEST case's cluster has the curved track of NE-S, and EAST case's cluster has the straight track of NE-SW. Typhoons that pass through the Yellow Sea have little change in frequency and the weak intensity. On the other hand, the frequency and the intensity of typhoons passing through the East Sea show the increasing trend. The characteristic of disasters by typhoons affecting the Korean Peninsula from 1973 to 2006 appears differently for each case: EAST cases caused significant damage in flooding, while WEST cases did damage in houses, ships, roads, and bridges. Rainfall amount and maximum wind speed data are analyzed in order to understand the impact of the typhoons, and the result indicates that the WEST cases are influenced by the wind, and East cases by precipitation. The result of this study indicates that the characteristic of disasters is distinctive according to the Typhoon's track. If applied to establish the disaster prevention plan, this result could make a contribution to the damage reduction.

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