• 제목/요약/키워드: Radiation dose distribution

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Dosimetric Effect on Selectable Optimization Parameters of Volumatric Modulated Arc Therapy (선택적 최적화 변수(Selectable Optimization Parameters)에 따른 부피적조절회전방사선치료(VMAT)의 선량학적 영향)

  • Jung, Jae-Yong;Shin, Yong-Joo;Sohn, Seung-Chang;Kim, Yeon-Rae;Min, Jung-Wan;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study is to evaluate plan quality and dose accuracy for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) on the TG-119 and is to investigate the effects on variation of the selectable optimization parameters of VMAT. VMAT treatment planning was implemented on a Varian iX linear accelerator with ARIA record and verify system (Varian Mecical System Palo Alto, CA) and Oncentra MasterPlan treatment planning system (Nucletron BV, Veenendaal, Netherlands). Plan quality and dosimetric accuracy were evaluated by effect of varying a number of arc, gantry spacing and delivery time for the test geometries provided in TG-119. Plan quality for the target and OAR was evaluated by the mean value and the standard deviation of the Dose Volume Histograms (DVHs). The ionization chamber and $Delta^{4PT}$ bi-planar diode array were used for the dose evaluation. For treatment planning evaluation, all structure sets closed to the goals in the case of single arc, except for the C-shape (hard), and all structure sets achieved the goals in the case of dual arc, except for C-shape (hard). For the variation of a number of arc, the simple structure such as a prostate did not have the difference between single arc and dual arc, whereas the complex structure such as a head and neck showed a superior result in the case of dual arc. The dose distribution with gantry spacing of $4^{\circ}$ was shown better plan quality than the gantry spacing of $6^{\circ}$, but was similar results compared with gantry spacing of $2^{\circ}$. For the verification of dose accuracy with single arc and dual arc, the mean value of a relative error between measured and calculated value were within 3% and 4% for point dose and confidence limit values, respectively. For the verification on dose accuracy with the gantry intervals of $2^{\circ}$, $4^{\circ}$ and $6^{\circ}$, the mean values of relative error were within 3% and 5% for point dose and confidence limit values, respectively. In the verification of dose distribution with $Delta^{4PT}$ bi-planar diode array, gamma passing rate was $98.72{\pm}1.52%$ and $98.3{\pm}1.5%$ for single arc and dual arc, respectively. The confidence limit values were within 4%. The smaller the gantry spacing, the more accuracy results were shown. In this study, we performed the VMAT QA based on TG-119 procedure, and demonstrated that all structure sets were satisfied with acceptance criteria. And also, the results for the selective optimization variables informed the importance of selection for the suitable variables according to the clinical cases.

An Experimental Study on the Effect of Combined X-ray and Microwave Hyperthermia on the Rectum and Urinary Bladder of Rats (흰쥐의 직장과 방광에 X-선 조사와 마이크로파 온열요법의 효과에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Kyung-Ja;Rhee, Chung-Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.115-128
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    • 1986
  • Hyperthermia can enhance the radiation effect as a synergistic reaction in combined X-ray irradiation and hyperthermia; hyperthermia sensitize radioresistant S-phase cells and inhibit cellular recovery from sublethal damage. We fabricated 100 watts, 2450 MHz microwave applicator for hyperthermia and planned the method and condition of heating and measured the temperature by using Agar phantom as a preliminary test. For biological examination, 102 rats were divided into 4 groups as hyperthermia, X-ray irradiation (6Gy-15Gy), combined X-ray and hyperthermia, and normal control groups. Microscopic examination of the rectum and bladder was done and the results were as followings: 1. The microwave generator with 100 watts, 2450MHz magnetron could be heating up to $40^{\circ}{\sim}50^{\circ}C$ for one hour in living tissue. 2. The thermal distribution in tissue equivalent phantom with microwave can be maintained at $40^{\circ}{\sim}44^{\circ}C$ in area of 3cm in depth and 2-10cm in diameter. 3. In Hyperthermia alone group, there was submucosal edema of the rectum but no histologic change in the urinary bladder was seen. 4. The minimal necrosis of the mucosa was appeared in the rectum and bladder after 15 days of 6 Gy and 8 Gy irradiation respectively. The minimal necrosis of the muscle layer of rectum and bladder was appeared after 15 days of 8Gy and 60days of 10Gy irradiation respectively. 5. In combined group of radiation and hyperthermia, thermal enhancement ratio (calculated at necrosis of mucosa and muscle layer) of rectum and bladder was 1.0, and it suggest that there is no change of tolerance dose of normal rectum and bladder.

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Effect of First-Aid Drugs on Internal Contamination of Radiostrontium (방사성(放射性) 스트론듐의 체내오염(體內汚染)에 대한 응급처치제(應急處置劑)의 효과(效果))

  • Chung, In-Yong;Kim, Tae-Whan;Chin, Soo-Yil
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 1989
  • To obtain the basic data for protective roles and first-aid of radiation hazard, the present studies were carried out to evaluate the decontamination of radiostrontium by the First-Aid drugs. Each mouse was administered intraperitoneally dose of sodium alginate 5mg, $CaNa_3DTPA$ 8.4mg and saline 5ml following the internal contamination with 1 $\mu$Ci of strontium as $^{85}SrCl_2$. $^{85}Sr$ was determined by the radioactivity of body burden, urinary excretion, fecal excretion and organ distribution by Ge-detector and MCA. The results are summarized as follows. 1. Effective half life on whole body retention $^{85}Sr$ was determined at 33 hours. 2. The decontamination effect of First-Aid durgs on the body $^{85}Sr$ burden were increased $CaNa_3DTPA$ (4.7 times), sodium alginate (1.7 times) and saline (2.4 times) respectively. 3. Strontium were excreted through urine (35.4%), feces (64.4%) and other (0.2%). But on the $^{85}Sr$ excretion routes following First-Aid drugs treatment, strontium-85 mainly were excreted through urine after $CaNa_3DTPA$ and saline treatment, and was excreted through feces after sodium alginate treatment. 4. The organ distribution of strontium-85 is vertebra, femur, sternum and liver in order Finally, the extrapolations from these data to victims were suggested that the rapid administration of $CaNa_3DTPA$, sodium alginate and saline simultaneously were markedly increased the decontamination effects on the internal contamination of radiostrontium.

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Dosimetric Evaluation of Amplitude-based Respiratory Gating for Delivery of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (진폭 기반 호흡연동 체적변조회전방사선치료의 선량학적 평가)

  • Lee, Chang Yeol;Kim, Woo Chul;Kim, Hun Jeong;Park, Jeong Hoon;Min, Chul Kee;Shin, Dong Oh;Choi, Sang Hyoun;Park, Seungwoo;Huh, Hyun Do
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to perform a dosimetric evaluation of amplitude-based respiratory gating for the delivery of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). We selected two types of breathing patterns, subjectively among patients with respiratory-gated treatment log files. For patients that showed consistent breathing patterns (CBP) relative to the 4D CT respiration patterns, the variability of the breath-holding position during treatment was observed within the thresholds. However, patients with inconsistent breathing patterns (IBP) show differences relative to those with CBP. The relative isodose distribution was evaluated using an EBT3 film by comparing gated delivery to static delivery, and an absolute dose measurement was performed with a $0.6cm^3$ Farmer-type ion chamber. The passing rate percentages under the 3%/3 mm gamma analysis for Patients 1, 2 and 3 were respectively 93.18%, 91.16%, and 95.46% for CBP, and 66.77%, 48.79%, and 40.36% for IBP. Under the more stringent criteria of 2%/2 mm, passing rates for Patients 1, 2 and 3 were respectively 73.05%, 67.14%, and 86.85% for CBP, and 46.53%, 32.73%, and 36.51% for IBP. The ion chamber measurements were within 3.5%, on average, of those calculated by the TPS and within 2.0%, on average, when compared to the static-point dose measurements for all cases of CBP. Inconsistent breathing patterns between 4D CT simulation and treatment may cause considerable dosimetric differences. Therefore, patient training is important to maintain consistent breathing amplitude during CT scan acquisition and treatment delivery.

Measurement and Monte Carlo Simulation of 6 MV X-rays for Small Radiation Fields (선형가속기의 6 MV X-선에 대한 소형 조사면 측정과 몬테 카를로 시뮬레이션)

  • Jeong Dong Hyeok;Lee Jeong Ok;Kang Jeong Ku;Kim Soo Kon;Kim Seung Kon;Moon Sun Rock
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : In order to obtain basic data for treatment plan in radiosurgery, we measured small fields of 6 MV X-rays and compared the measured data with our Monte Carlo simulations for the small fields. Materials and Methods : The small fields of 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 cm in diameter were used in this study. Percentage depth dose (PDD) and beam Profiles of those fields were measured and calculated. A small semiconductor detector, water phantoms, and a remote control system were used for the measurement Monte Carlo simulations were Performed using the EGS4 code with the input data prepared for the energy distribution of 6 MV X-rays, beam divergence, circular fields and the geometry of the water phantoms. Results : In the case of PDD values, the calculated values were lower than the measured values for all fields and depths, with the differences being 0.3 to 5.7% at the depths of 20 to 20.0 cm and 0.0 to 8.9% at the surface regions. As a result of the analysis of beam profiles for all field sizes at a depth of loom in water phantom, the measured 90% dose widths were in good agreement with the calculated values, however, the calculated Penumbra radii were 0.1 cm shorter than measured values. Conclusion : The measured PDDs and beam profiles agreement with the Monte Carlo calculations approximately. However, it is different when it comes to calculations in the area of phantom surface and penumbra because the Monte Carlo calculations were performed under the simplified geometries. Therefore, we have to study how to include the actual geometries and more precise data for the field area in Monte Carlo calculations. The Monte Carlo calculations will be used as a useful tool for the very complicated conditions in measurement and verification.

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Study on the calibration phantom and metal artifacts using virtual monochromatic images from dual energy CT (듀얼 에너지 CT의 가상 단색 영상을 이용한 영상 교정 팬텀과 금속 인공음영에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jun seong;Lee, Seung hoon;Park, Ju gyung;Lee, Sun young;Kim, Jin ki
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: To evaluate the image quality improvement and dosimetric effects on virtual monochromatic images of a Dual Source-Dual Energy CT(DS-DECT) for radiotherapy planning. Materials and Methods: Dual energy(80/Sn 140 kVp) and single energy(120 kVp) scans were obtained with dual source CT scanner. Virtual monochromatic images were reconstructed at 40-140 keV for the catphan phantom study. The solid water-equivalent phantom for dosimetry performs an analytical calculation, which is implemented in TPS, of a 10 MV, $10{\times}10cm^2$ photon beam incident into the solid phantom with the existence of stainless steel. The dose profiles along the central axis at depths were discussed. The dosimetric consequences in computed treatment plans were evaluated based on polychromatic images at 120 kVp. Results: The magnitude of differences was large at lower monochromatic energy levels. The measurements at over 70 keV shows stable HU for polystyrene, acrylic. For CT to ED conversion curve, the shape of the curve at 120 kVp was close to that at 80 keV. 105 keV virtual monochromatic images were more successful than other energies at reducing streak artifacts, which some residual artifacts remained in the corrected image. The dose-calculation variations in radiotherapy treatment planning do not exceed ${\pm}0.7%$. Conclusion: Radiation doses with dual energy CT imaging can be lower than those with single energy CT imaging. The virtual monochromatic images were useful for the revision of CT number, which can be improved for target coverage and electron densities distribution.

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Pelvic MRI Application to the Dosimetric Analysis in Brachytherapy of Uterine Cervix Carcinoma (자궁경부암의 강내조사치료에 있어서 흠수선량평가시 골반강 자기공명사진의 응용)

  • Chung, Woong-Ki;Nah, Byung-Sik;Ahn, Sung-Ja
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : Before we report the results of curative radiotherapy in cervix cancer patients, we review the significance and safety of our dose specification methods in the brachytherapy system to have the insight of the potential Predictive value of doses at specified points. Matersials and Methods : We analyze the 리5 cases of cervix cancer patients treated with intracavitary brachytherapy in the lateral simulation film we draw the isodose curve and observe the absorbed dose rate of point A, the reference point of bladder(SBD) and rectum(SRD). In the sagittal view of Pelvic MRI film we demarcate the tumor volume(TV) and determine whether the prescription dose curve of point A covers the tumor volume adequately by drawing the isodose curve as correctly as possible. Also we estimate the maximum Point dose of bladder(MBD) and rectum(MRD) and calculate the inclusion area where the absorbed dose rate is higher than that of point A in the bladder(HBV) and rectum(HRV), respectively. Results : Of forty-five cases, the isodose curve of point A seems to cover tumor volume optimally in only 24(53%). The optimal tumor coverage seems to be associated not with the stage of the disease but with the tumor volume. There is no statistically significant association between SBD/SRD and MBD/MRD, respectively. SRD has statistically marginally significant association with HRV, while TV has statistically significant association with HBV and HRV. Conclusion : Our current treatment calculation methods seem to have the defect in the aspects of the nonoptimal coverage of the bulky tumor and the inappropriate estimation of bladder dose. We therefore need to modify the applicator geometry to optimize the dose distribution at the position of lower tandem source. Also it appears that the position of the bladder in relation to the applicators needs to be defined individually to define 'hot spots'.

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Comparison of Doses of Single Scan PBS and Layered Rescanning PBS Using Moving Phantom in Proton Therapy (양성자 치료에서 Moving Phantom을 이용한 Single Scan PBS와 Layered Rescanning PBS의 선량비교)

  • Kim, Kyeong Tae;Kim, Seon Yeong;Kim, Dae Woong;Kim, Jae Won;Park, Ji Yeon;Jeon, Sang Min
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2019
  • Purpose : We apply the Layered Rescanning PBS designed to complement the Pencil Beam Scanning(PBS), which is vulnerable to moving organs with the Moving Phantom, and compare the homogeneity with the single scan PBS. Methods and materials: Matrix X (IBA, Belgium) and Moving Phantom (standard imaging, USA) were used. A dose of 200 cGy was measured in the AP direction on a hypothetical tumor $10{\times}10{\times}5cm$. The plan type was planned as 4 kinds of sinlge scan PBS, rescan number 4, 8, 12 times. Were measured three times for each types. During the measurement, the respiratory cycle of the Moving Phantom was generally set to 4 seconds per cycle, and the movement radius in the S-I direction was set to 2 cm. In addition, beam on time was measured. Results : The mean values of $D_{max}$ in the PTV were $246.47{\pm}18.8cGy$, $223.43{\pm}8.92cGy$, and $222.47{\pm}7.7cGy$, $213.9{\pm}6.11cGy$ and the mean values of $D_{min}$ were $165.53{\pm}4.32cGy$, $173.13{\pm}11.94cGy$, $184.13{\pm}8.04cGy$, $182.67{\pm}4.38cGy$ and the mean values of $D_{mean}$ $192.77{\pm}6.98cGy$, $196.7{\pm}4.01cGy$, $198.17{\pm}4.96cGy$, $195.77{\pm}3.15cGy$ respectively. As the number of rescanning increased, the Homogeneity Index converged to 1. The beam on time was measured as 2:15, 3:15, 4:30, 5:37 on average. In the measurement process, in the low dose layer of the MU, the problem was found that it was not rescanned as many times as the set number of rescan. Conclusions : In the treatment of tumors with long-term movements, the application of layered rescanning PBS showed a more uniform dose distribution than single scan PBS. And as the number of rescan increase, the distribution of homogeneity is uniform. Compared with single scan plan and 12 rescan plan, HI value was improved by 0.32. Further studies are expected to be applicable to patients who can not be treated with respiratory synchronous radiation therapy.

Evaluation of the Usefulness of MapPHAN for the Verification of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Planning (용적세기조절회전치료 치료계획 확인에 사용되는 MapPHAN의 유용성 평가)

  • Woo, Heon;Park, Jang Pil;Min, Jae Soon;Lee, Jae Hee;Yoo, Suk Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: Latest linear accelerator and the introduction of new measurement equipment to the agency that the introduction of this equipment in the future, by analyzing the process of confirming the usefulness of the preparation process for applying it in the clinical causes some problems, should be helpful. Materials and Methods: All measurements TrueBEAM STX (Varian, USA) was used, and a file specific to each energy, irradiation conditions, the dose distribution was calculated using a computerized treatment planning equipment (Eclipse ver 10.0.39, Varian, USA). Measuring performance and cause errors in MapCHECK 2 were analyzed and measured against. In order to verify the performance of the MapCHECK 2, 6X, 6X-FFF, 10X, 10X-FFF, 15X field size $10{\times}10$ cm, gantry $0^{\circ}$, $180^{\circ}$ direction was measured by the energy. IGRT couch of the CT values affect the measurements in order to confirm, CT number values : -800 (Carbon) & -950 (COUCH in the air), -100 & 6X-950 in the state for FFF, 15X of the energy field sizes $10{\times}10$, gantry $180^{\circ}$, $135^{\circ}$, $275^{\circ}$ directionwas measured at, MapPHAN allocated to confirm the value of HU were compared, using the treatment planning computer for, Measurement error problem by the sharp edges MapPHAN Learn gantry direction MapPHAN of dependence was measured in three ways. GANTRY $90^{\circ}$, $270^{\circ}$ in the direction of the vertically erected settings 6X-FFF, 15X respectively, and Setting the state established as a horizontal field sizes $10{\times}10$, $90^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, $315^{\circ}$, $270^{\circ}$ of in the direction of the energy-6X-FFF, 15X, respectively, were measured. Without intensity modulated beam of the third open arc were investigated. Results: Of basic performance MapCHECK confirm the attenuation measured by Couch, measured from the measured HU values that are assigned to the MAP-PHAN, check for calculation accuracy for the angled edge of the MapPHAN all come in a range of valid measurement errors do not affect the could see. three ways for the Gantry direction dependence, the first of the meter built into the value of the Gantry $270^{\circ}$ (relative $0^{\circ}$), $90^{\circ}$ (relative $180^{\circ}$), 6X-FFF, 15X from each -1.51, 0.83% and -0.63, -0.22% was not affected by the AP/PA direction represented. Setting the meter horizontally Gantry $90^{\circ}$, $270^{\circ}$ from the couch, Energy 6X-FFF 4.37, 2.84%, 15X, -9.63, -13.32% the difference. By-side direction measurements MapPHAN in value is not within the valid range can not, because that could be confirmed as gamma pass rate 3% of the value is greater than the value shown. You can check the Open Arc 6X-FFF, 15X energy, field size $10{\times}10$ cm $360^{\circ}$ rotation of the dose distribution in the state to look at nearly 90% pass rate to emerge. Conclusion: Based on the above results, the MapPHAN gantry direction dependence by side in the direction of the beam relative dose distribution suitable for measuring the gamma value, but accurate measurement of the absolute dose can not be considered is. this paper, a more accurate treatment plan in order to confirm, Reduce the tolerance for VMAT, such as lateral rotation investigation in order to measure accurate absolute isodose using a combination of IMF (Isocentric Mounting Fixture) MapCHEK 2, will be able to minimize the impact due to the angular dependence.

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The Change of Nearshore Processes due to the Development of Coastal Zone (연안역 개발에 따른 해안과정의 변화)

  • Lee, J.W.;Lee, S.J.;Lee, H.;Jeong, D.D.
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 1999
  • The construction of the coastal structures and reclamation work causes the circulation reduced in the semi-closed inner water area and the unbalanced sediment budget of beach results in an alteration of beach topography. Among the various fluid motions in the nearshore zone water particle motion due to wave and wave-induced currents are the most responsible for sediment movement. Therefore it is needed to predict the effect of the environmental change because of development and so the prediction of wave transformation dose. The purpose of this study is to introduce the relation between waves wave-induced currents and sediment movement. In this study we will show numerical method using energy conservation equation involving reflection diffraction and reflection and the surfzone energy dissipation term due to wave breaking is included in the basic equation. For the wave-induced current the momentum equation was combined with radiation stresses lateral mixing and friction Various information is required in the prediction of wave-induced current depending on the prediction tool. We can predict changes in wave-induced current from the distribution of wave especially near the wave breaking zone. To evaluate these quantities we have to know the local condition of waves mean sea level and so on. The results from the wave field and wave-induced current field deformation models are used as input data of the sediment transport and bottom change model. Numerical model were established by a finite difference method then were applied to the development plan of the eastern Pusan coastal zone Yeonhwa-ri and Daebyun fishing port. We represented the result with 2-D graphics and made comparison between before and after development.

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