• Title/Summary/Keyword: Radial basis function interpolation

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Gravity modeling and application to the gravity referenced navigation (중력모델링과 중력참조항법에의 적용)

  • Lee, Ji-Sun;Kwon, Jay-Hyoun;Yu, Myeong-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.543-550
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    • 2011
  • The gravity anomaly is a basic geophysical data applied in various fields such as geophysics, geodesy and national defense. In general, the gravity anomaly is used through a interpolation process based on the constructed database. The gravity variation, however, is appeared in various shapes depending on the topography and the density of the underground structures. Therefore, the interpolation could lead to a large differences if the gravity fields do not satisfy the assumptions on the signal behavior like linear or a certain degree polynomials. Furthermore, the interpolation does not reflect the physical characteristics of the gravity such as the harmonic condition. In this study, the gravity modeling using the plane Fourier series and radial basis functions are performed to overcome the problems in the usual interpolation. The results of the modeling is analyzed for the case of the gravity referenced navigation focused on the signal characteristics. Based on the study, it was found that the results from modeling are not much different to that from the interpolation in a smoothly varied area. In case of the highly varied area, however, a large differences are appeared among the three methods. Especially, the Fourier series shows the most smooth variations in the modeled gravity values while the highest variations appeared in the interpolation. Applying to the gravity referenced navigation, it was found that the modeling is more effective in calculation cost. It is considered that the results from this study provides a basis on effective modeling of the gravity fields in terms of the signal characteristics and resolution for various application fields.

Terrain Geometry from Monocular Image Sequences

  • McKenzie, Alexander;Vendrovsky, Eugene;Noh, Jun-Yong
    • Journal of Computing Science and Engineering
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.98-108
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    • 2008
  • Terrain reconstruction from images is an ill-posed, yet commonly desired Structure from Motion task when compositing visual effects into live-action photography. These surfaces are required for choreography of a scene, casting physically accurate shadows of CG elements, and occlusions. We present a novel framework for generating the geometry of landscapes from extremely noisy point cloud datasets obtained via limited resolution techniques, particularly optical flow based vision algorithms applied to live-action video plates. Our contribution is a new statistical approach to remove erroneous tracks ('outliers') by employing a unique combination of well established techniques-including Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) for robust parameter estimation and Radial Basis Functions (REFs) for scattered data interpolation-to exploit the natural constraints of this problem. Our algorithm offsets the tremendously laborious task of modeling these landscapes by hand, automatically generating a visually consistent, camera position dependent, thin-shell surface mesh within seconds for a typical tracking shot.

The Distribution Analysis of PM10 in Seoul Using Spatial Interpolation Methods (공간보간기법에 의한 서울시 미세먼지(PM10)의 분포 분석)

  • Cho, Hong-Lae;Jeong, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2009
  • A lot of data which are used in environment analysis of air pollution have characteristics that are distributed continuously in space. In this point, the collected data value such as precipitation, temperature, altitude, pollution density, PM10 have spatial aspect. When geostatistical data analysis are needed, acquisition of the value in every point is the best way, however, it is impossible because of the costs and time. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the unknown values at unsampled locations based on observations. In this study, spatial interpolation method such as local trend surface model, IDW(inverse distance weighted), RBF(radial basis function), Kriging were applied to PM10 annual average concentration of Seoul in 2005 and the accuracy was evaluated. For evaluation of interpolation accuracy, range of estimated value, RMSE, average error were analyzed with observation data. The Kriging and RBF methods had the higher accuracy than others.

Charted Depth Interpolation: Neuron Network Approaches

  • Shi, Chaojian
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.629-634
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    • 2004
  • Continuous depth data are often required in applications of both onboard systems and maritime simulation. But data available are usually discrete and irregularly distributed. Based on the neuron network technique, methods of interpolation to the charted depth are suggested in this paper. Two algorithms based on Levenberg-Marquardt back-propaganda and radial-basis function networks are investigated respectively. A dynamic neuron network system is developed which satisfies both real time and mass processing applications. Using hyperbolic paraboloid and typical chart area, effectiveness of the algorithms is tested and error analysis presented. Special process in practical applications such as partition of lager areas, normalization and selection of depth contour data are also illustrated.

Implicit Surface Representation of Three-Dimensional Face from Kinect Sensor

  • Wibowo, Suryo Adhi;Kim, Eun-Kyeong;Kim, Sungshin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.412-417
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    • 2015
  • Kinect sensor has two output data which are produced from red green blue (RGB) sensor and depth sensor, it is called color image and depth map, respectively. Although this device's prices are cheapest than the other devices for three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction, we need extra work for reconstruct a smooth 3D data and also have semantic meaning. It happened because the depth map, which has been produced from depth sensor usually have a coarse and empty value. Consequently, it can be make artifact and holes on the surface, when we reconstruct it to 3D directly. In this paper, we present a method for solving this problem by using implicit surface representation. The key idea for represent implicit surface is by using radial basis function (RBF) and to avoid the trivial solution that the implicit function is zero everywhere, we need to defined on-surface point and off-surface point. Based on our simulation results using captured face as an input, we can produce smooth 3D face and fill the holes on the 3D face surface, since RBF is good for interpolation and holes filling. Modified anisotropic diffusion is used to produced smoothed surface.

Improvement of Face Recognition Rate by Normalization of Facial Expression (표정 정규화를 통한 얼굴 인식율 개선)

  • Kim, Jin-Ok
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.15B no.5
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    • pp.477-486
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    • 2008
  • Facial expression, which changes face geometry, usually has an adverse effect on the performance of a face recognition system. To improve the face recognition rate, we propose a normalization method of facial expression to diminish the difference of facial expression between probe and gallery faces. Two approaches are used to facial expression modeling and normalization from single still images using a generic facial muscle model without the need of large image databases. The first approach estimates the geometry parameters of linear muscle models to obtain a biologically inspired model of the facial expression which may be changed intuitively afterwards. The second approach uses RBF(Radial Basis Function) based interpolation and warping to normalize the facial muscle model as unexpressed face according to the given expression. As a preprocessing stage for face recognition, these approach could achieve significantly higher recognition rates than in the un-normalized case based on the eigenface approach, local binary patterns and a grey-scale correlation measure.

A Multi-Resolution Radial Basis Function Network for Self-Organization, Defuzzification, and Inference in Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems

  • Lee, Suk-Han
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.124-140
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    • 1995
  • The merit of fuzzy rule based systems stems from their capability of encoding qualitative knowledge of experts into quantitative rules. Recent advancement in automatic tuning or self-organization of fuzzy rules from experimental data further enhances their power, allowing the integration of the top-down encoding of knowledge with the bottom-up learning of rules. In this paper, methods of self-organizing fuzzy rules and of performing defuzzification and inference is presented based on a multi-resolution radial basis function network. The network learns an arbitrary input-output mapping from sample distribution as the union of hyper-ellipsoidal clusters of various locations, sizes and shapes. The hyper-ellipsoidal clusters, representing fuzzy rules, are self-organized based of global competition in such a way as to ensute uniform mapping errors. The cooperative interpolation among the multiple clusters associated with a mapping allows the network to perform a bidirectional many-to-many mapping, representing a particular from of defuzzification. Finally, an inference engine is constructed for the network to search for an optimal chain of rules or situation transitions under the constraint of transition feasibilities imposed by the learned mapping. Applications of the proposed network to skill acquisition are shown.

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Automatic Generation of the Input Data for Rapid Prototyping from Unorganized Point Cloud Data (임의의 점 군 데이터로부터 쾌속조형을 위한 입력데이터의 자동생성)

  • Yoo, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.144-153
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    • 2007
  • In order to generate the input data for rapid prototyping, a new approach which is based on the implicit surface interpolation method is presented. In the method a surface is reconstructed by creating smooth implicit surface from unorganized cloud of points through which the surface should pass. In the method an implicit surface is defined by the adaptive local shape functions including quadratic polynomial function, cubic polynomial function and RBF(Radial Basis Function). By the reconstruction of a surface, various types of error in raw STL file including degenerated triangles, undesirable holes with complex shapes and overlaps between triangles can be eliminated automatically. In order to get the slicing data for rapid prototyping an efficient intersection algorithm between implicit surface and plane is developed. For the direct usage for rapid prototyping, a robust transformation algorithm for the generation of complete STL data of solid type is also suggested.

A Study on Efficient Technique of 3-D Terrain Modelling (3차원 지형모델링의 효율적 기법에 관한 연구)

  • 윤철규;신봉호;양승룡;엄재구
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.207-213
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to aim at presenting efficient technique of 3-D Terrain Modelling through multilateral approach methods and to compare with raw data, using low-densed randomly located point data. The subject religion of this study are selected two sites and take into consideration for degree of freedom about low-densed randomly located point data. The result of this study by precision analysis of digital cartographic map-ping using low-densed randomly located point data bave shown that . First, making digital cartographic map, the technique of making it using low-desned randomly located point data by TIN-based results to good and fast run-time in A and B sites all together. Second, the visualization analysis results of digital cartographic map using TIN and GRID-based terrain modeling techniqus similar exacts A and B sites, but the terrain modeling techniqus by TIN-based are small data size than GRID-based with the data with the data size of saving with DXF files. Third, making digital catographic map using terrain modeling techniques by Grid-based, the standard errors of low-densed randomly located point data and interpolated data using gridding method have more good results by radial basis function interpolation techniques at A and B sites all together.

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The Prediction of Aeroelasticity of F-5 Aircraft's Horizontal Tail with Various Shape of External Stores (외부 장착물 형상에 따른 F-5 항공기 수평미익의 공탄성 특성 예측)

  • Lee, Ki-Du;Lee, Young-Shin;Lee, Dae-Yearl;Kim, In-Woo;Lee, In-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.39 no.9
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    • pp.823-831
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    • 2011
  • According to the development of loading equipments, it is usual to change or replace the existing stores. It has been known that pylon-mounted under stores strongly affect aircraft dynamics characteristics due to the change of aerodynamics. To predict the aerodynamics and aero-elasticity is essentially requested with considering the configuration and shape of external stores during the development of aircraft and/or external stores. In this paper, computational fluid dynamics and computational structure dynamics interaction methodology are applied for prediction of aerodynamic characteristics for F-5 aircraft's horizontal tail with various shape of external stores. FLUENT and ABAQUS were used to calculate fluid and structural dynamics. Code-bridge was made base on the globally supported radial basis function to execute interpolation and mapping. As a result, even though the aeroelasticity of the horizontal tail slightly changes according to the shape of external store, the flutter was not occurred at the considered flight conditions in this study.