• Title/Summary/Keyword: RI관련

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The Changes of Socio-economic Environments of Rice- and Fruit-cultivated Area : In Case of Rural Villages in Sangju Region, Kyongsangbuk-do (미작과 과수 재배 지역의 사회와 경제 변화 : 상주권 농촌 촌락을 사례로)

  • Park, Kyu-Taeg
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.744-756
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the natural environments and the changing socio-economic activities of the rice and fruit - centered rural village located in Sangju region, Kyongsangbuk-do. Its results are summarized in the followings. Firstly, most of the rural villages in Sangju region is located on the erosional basin of Sobaek range and the sedimentary region of Nakdong river and the farmer's life of those regions has been influenced by such a natural environment. Secondly, the reproduction structure of population in the rural village of Sangju region had been maintained until the 1970s. After that, however, it was broken because the young generation of the rural villages moved to large cities to get a job or to receive high level of education. Thirdly, the changing path of the rural villages of Sangju region was different based on a type of crop and its related mode of production after the 1980s. The socio-economic structure of the rural village has been developed based on either a rice oriented traditional mode of production or a fruit-oriented commercial mode of production. The two villages, Ch'ekdong 1 ri, Hamch'ang-up and Sinch'on 2 ri, Modong-myon have been changed according to the path of a traditional and commercial mode of production, respectively.

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The Korean Old Maps in Toyo Bunko, Japan (일본 동양문고(東洋文庫) 소장 한국본 고지도 연구)

  • Yang, Bo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.717-734
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    • 2015
  • The Toyo Bunko (東洋文庫) in Tokyo, Japan is one of the largest library that holds the Korean old geographical documents. About 200 topographies of counties and prefectures, including Giinhansangnyang 杞人間商量 which recorded compilation and improvement plan of the geographical annals belong to it. Several maps and geographical annals of Joseon Period possessed in the Toyo Bunko are set high values on geography since the materials are only belong to it and have not yet been found in Korea. There are very important map collections including six copies of Daedongyeojido 大東輿地圖(1861, 1864) by Kim Jeongho(金正浩) and Suseonjeondo 首善全圖 by Kim, Jungho, collectible stamp of Maema Kyosaku(前間恭作) is imprinted on it, and Gangyeokjundo 疆域全圖 and Dongyeodo 東輿圖 which made with 20-ri and 10-ri grid, owned by Sidehara Daira(幣原坦). Especially Gwanbukjido 關北地圖 which is the northern border map recorded the Lee Sam's(李森) preface who served as a military official of Hamgyeong and Pyeongan Province in early 18th century. These maps and some other maps have a historical value to supplement of the history of Korean Cartography.

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Conservation of The Human Shaped Terra Cotta Mask Excavated from Jungcheon-ri, Jinju (진주 중천리 출토 인두형토기(人頭形土器)의 보존)

  • Lee, Hyunkyoung;Choi, Hyunwook;Lee, Seungli;Gwak, Hongin
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.14
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2013
  • This paper aimed to show the whole conservation process of the human shaped terra cotta mask that was excavated from one of construction sites at Jungcheon-ri, Geumsan-myeon, Jinju. This mask was X-rayed to get the correct making techniques and there are 4 holes on the top of the head and each diameter of the 3 holes is exact and the other hole is different from the three. The long and sharp shape of the nose is in trapezoid which was separately made with clay and put on (the face). It's found that there are round grooves each around upper and down lips. (upper in length: 10mm, down in length: 6 mm). All restoring materials and adhesives used for restoration to associate each piece are reversibility materials. According to a few points on buried bones of animals distributed around the sites, holes and grooves on the top of the head, ears and teeth to wear something, it academically presumes that this mask could be possibly used for the group ritual. Especially, the whole procedure from excavation to scientific conservation process resulted to have a special exhibition to give the public new eyes how the exhibition realizes to the public.

Naming and Object Specifying of Dangsan Forests and Bibo Forests Designated as Natural Monument (천연기념물 지정 당산숲·비보숲의 명칭 부여 및 지정 물량 실태 고찰)

  • Choi, Jai Ung;Kim, Dong Yeob
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.28-55
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    • 2010
  • Currently, the natural monument system of Korea for naming and designation of natural monuments is based on "Chosun Natural Monument Conservation Acts for Treasure, Ancient Landmark, and Natural Beauty" enacted in 1934 during Japanese colonization period. The framework of natural monument system is still in effect, which is pointed out as a problem. The Dangsan forests and Bibo forests are Korean traditional cultural resources representing countryside of Korea. Cultural Heritage Administration follows and relies on the 'Limsu of Chosun' (1938), a report written by a Japanese, for naming and classification of natural monuments. A Dangsan forest at Yesong-ri was named "Yesong-ri evergreen forest" in 1938. They followed the naming system of "evergeen forest" until today. The objective of this study is to review the issues and problems of 'Limsu of Chosun' and natural monument naming system begun during Japanese occupation period, and suggest an alternative to the current situation where naming natural monument accordingly without discretion. Eighteen dangsan forests bibo forests were selected for examination and analysis. The names of the dangsan forests bibo forests were evaluated to find out whether various aspects of the forests are reflected in the name. The study suggests that many forests and old trees designated as natural monument should be named as "~Dangsan forest", "~Dangsan forest Bibo forest", or "~Dangsan tree" with consistency accordingly. The new names will bring a momentum to overcome the limitation of natural monument naming system continued since Japanese occupation period, and also enhance the value of Dangsan forests and Bibo forests as Korean traditional and cultural landscapes.

A Starting Point of Formation and Development of Baekje-style Stone Stupa (백제양식석탑의 형성과 전개의 시발점(始發點))

  • Jun, Ji Hye
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.172-197
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    • 2009
  • The stone stupas of the Mireuk Temple Site and Jeongnim Temple Site were the beginning of Korean stone stupa and the unique ones stemming from the Baeje period. Therefore, the work of investigating the characteristics of these two stone stupas would give us a basis for understanding Korean stone stupas in a large scale and Baekje-style stone stupas in a narrow sense. As shown in some records, the excellent architectural skills of Baekje could be known by the fact that Abiji was invited to the building of Hwangryong Wooden stupa, one of the national undertakings of Shilla and the skills and styles related to stone stupas were thought to be disseminated in this process. However, it has not been very convincing that the stone stupas with Baekje styles were disconnected in an instant with the unification of Shilla, in terms that culture and art would inherited and developed. The current academic circle set a frame and defined all these types of stone stupas as Baekje-system stone stupas built in Goryeo period and put them in a uniformly chronological order. The popularization of Buddhism, support of regionally powerful clans and cultural revival were suggested as the factors of their appearance, but it seemed difficult to be assured that these led Baeje-style stone stupas to reappear in a moment by breaking the gap of about 300 years. Of course, it has not been active in Gyeongju area, but they have greatly influenced the stone stupas of Shilla; therefore, it would be possible to consider that they were developed but limited to certain areas. This study focused on the starting point of such development and investigated the formation of Baeje-style stone stupas through the stone stupas of the Mireuk Temple Site and Jeongnim Temple Site and their subsequent development through Wanggung-ri Stone Stupa.

A Reinterpretation of Sacheon Seonjin-ri Stone Monument's Chinese Characters of Empress Wu(則天文字) - On the Issue of the Introduction and Acceptance of Chinese Characters of Empress Wu to the Korean Peninsula - (사천 선진리비석 측천문자의 명문 재해석 - 측천문자의 한반도 전래 및 수용 문제에 대해 -)

  • Shin, Dong-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2022
  • Since the discovery of the inscriptions engraved with the "Chinese characters of Empress Wu(則天文字)" at 251 and 256-1, Seonjin-ri, Sacheon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do in 2003, researchers from the Gyeongnam Institute of Cultural Properties, Kwak Seung-Hoon, and Kim Chang-Gyeom have attempted to read and interpret the inscriptions. However, there are still different theories as to the origin of the "Chinese characters of Empress Wu" appearing in the inscriptions and the use of Idu(吏讀)-type notation. This study aims to clarify, this inscription was erected by the king of Silla in the late 7th and mid-8th centuries to commemorate his participation in the Sacheon and Jinju patrols and Buddhist activities, and it is revealed that the main character of the inscription is likely to be King Seongdeok who has visited southern countries. In addition, in the case of "上了言", which has been interpreted as a human name, it should be understood as an Idu-type notation or a 變體漢文 because of the use of the proposition 了, and it should be interpreted as a character that means the end of a specific act. Although it is not a religious text like 『Mugujeonggwangdaedaranigyeong (The Great Dharani Sutra)』, the reason why the "Chinese characters of Empress Wu(則天文字)" was used is that in the process of accepting the Huayan school, the royal family of Silla came into contact with the Buddhist scriptures of the period of the Empress Wu, which is closely related to the rise of the Huayan school in the Middle Ages, and it appears to have learned and used in this process.

A Case Study of the Utilization of Cultural Property in Border Areas led by Local Residents - Focusing on the Horogoru Tong-il Balagi Festival in Wondang-ri, Jangnam-myeon, Yeoncheon-gun - (지역 주민주도를 통한 접경지역 문화유산 활용사례에 관한 연구 - 연천군 장남면 원당리 호로고루 통일바라기 축제를 중심으로 -)

  • LEE Sejin;PARK Kyujin;CHOI Jongtaik;LEE Donghae;KANG Sangsik
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.270-286
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    • 2023
  • This article is about the conservation and use cases of Horogoru, a Goguryeo site located in Wondang-ri, Jangnam-myeon, Yeoncheon-gun in Gyoenggi Province. After Horogoru was excavated, it was decided to build a park around it as a way to prevent damage, and also to plant sunflowers to symbolize the sun. Naming the park 'Tong-il Balagi Park', which refers to the wish for unification, local residents and other related organizations jointly opened the site. Afterwards, they looked for ways to utilize the location and park, and chose to hold the 'Tong-il Balagi Festival'. The festival is an event held under the leadership of local residents, which has the effect of promoting both conservation and cultural property, as well as generating economic benefits. In other words, the Yeoncheon-gun, Jangnam-myeon Tong-il Balagi Festival can be said to be an exemplary example of successfully overcoming various disadvantages associated with the border area near the ceasefire line through local residents' own utilization of cultural property.

Assessment of wetland ecosystem services for ecological management in the border area of the Han River Estuary (한강하구 접경지역 습지 생태계 서비스 평가를 통한 생태적 관리 방안 분석)

  • Hyun-Ah Choi;Donguk Han;Woo-Kyun Lee;Cholho Song
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.683-696
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    • 2023
  • The conservation of wetland ecosystems has a significant role in climate change. Notably, the Han River Protected Area, including the Siam-ri wetland and Janghang wetland, provides high biodiversity value. Thus, it is necessary to comprehensively evaluate the function and value of wetland ecosystems. This study evaluated the ecosystem services of Siam-ri and Janghang Wetlands located in the Han River Protected Area using the Rapid Assessment Wetland Ecosystem Services approach, a function-oriented ecosystem analysis. The results were calculated using the Ecosystem Services Index formula to analyze wetland ecosystem services. We also assessed the key ecosystem services based on a focus group interview. We identified that the supporting and cultural services index scores were relatively high in the study area. The results can provide helpful information for sustainable wetland conservation, conservation planning as primary data, and raising awareness for the Han River Protected Area.

Comparison of the Dietary Factors between Normal and Osteopenia Groups by Bone Mineral Density in Korean Female College Students (골밀도 분류에 의한 정상군과 골감소증군 여대생의 식사관련 요인 비교)

  • Choi, Ji-Hee;Kim, Soon-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.869-878
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to obtain baseline data on nutritional management of women's bone health. We examined the bone mineral density (BMD) by ultrasound bone densitometer, anthropometric measurement and dietary intake to assess the nutrient intakes. The subjects were 102 Korean female college students (normal=59, bone disease group [osteopenia+osteoporosis]=43) and the mean age was 21.4 yr. Mean T-score (BMD) were -0.42 and -1.52 in normal and bone disease groups, respectively. Anthropometric measurement showed that 59% of the subjects were normal weight and bone disease group had lower value than normal group in majority of anthropometric index. The average energy intake was 1539.7 kcal, which was 73% of Korean EER. The subjects had lower vitamin C, folic acid, Ca and K intake than Korean RI independent of BMD. Bone disease group (1:2.05) showed significantly lower Ca:P ratio than normal group (1:1.86). Normal group had more intake frequency of milk and milk product than bone disease group. In relation to anthropometric index with T-score, significant correlations have been found in weight, PM, BFM, MM, TBW, SLM, FFM WHR, BMI and SMM. In relation to dietary factors with T-score, significant correlations have been found relating to intake frequency of milk and milk product. Our results indicate that for nutrients, ratio and balance may be more influential than intake for bone health in young women.

A Study on the Construction and Landscape Characteristics of Munam Pavilion in Changnyeong(聞巖亭) (창녕 문암정(聞巖亭)의 조영 및 경관특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Ung;Ahn, Gye-Bog
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to investigate the history, cultural values prototype through literature analysis, characteristics of construction, location, space structure and landscape characteristics by Arc-GIS on the Munam pavilion(聞巖亭) in Changnyeong. The results were as follows. First, Shin-cho((辛礎, 1549~1618) is the builder of the Munam pavilion and builder's view of nature is to go back to nature. The period of formation of Munam pavilion is between 1608-1618 as referred from document of retire from politics and build a pavilion. Secondly, Munam pavilion is surrounded by mountains and located at the top of steep slope. Pavilion was known as scenic site of the area. But damaged in a past landscape is caused by near the bridge, agricultural facilities, town, the Kye-sung stream of masonry and beams. Thirdly, Munam pavilion is divided into the main space, which is located on the pavilion, space in located on the pavilion east and west and the orient space, which is located on the Youngjeonggak. Of these, original form of Munam pavilion is a simple structure composed of pavilion and Munam rock, thus at the time of the composition seems to be a direct entry is possible, unlike the current entrance. Fourth, Spatial composition of Munam pavilion is divided into vegetation such as Lagerstroemia indica trees in Sa-ri in Changnyeong, ornament such as letters carved on the rocks and pavilion containing structure. The vegetation around the building is classified as precincts and outside of the premises. Planting of precincts was limited. Outside of area consists of front on the pavilion, which is covered with Lagerstroemia Indica forest and Pinus densiflora forest at the back of the pavilion. Ofthese,LargeLagerstroemiaIndicaforestcorrespondstothenaturalheritageasHistoricalrecordsofrarespeciesresourcesthatareassociated withbuilder. Letterscarvedontherocksrepresenttheboundaryof space, which is close to the location of the Munam pavilion and those associated with the builder as ornaments. Letters carved on the rocks front on the pavilion are rare cases that are made sequentially with a constant direction and rules as act of record for families to honor the achievements. Fifth, 'The eight famous spots of Munam' is divided into landscape elements that have nothing to do with bearing 4 places and landscape elements that have to do with bearing 4 places. Unrelated bearings of landscape elements are Lagerstroemia indica trees in Sa-ri in Changnyeong, Pinus densiflora forest at the back of the pavilion, Okcheon valley, Gwanryongsa temple and Daeheungsa temple. Bearing that related element of absolute orientation, which is corresponding to the elements are Daeheungsa temple, Hwawangsan mountain, Kye-sung stream and Yeongchwisan mountain. Relative bearing is Gwanryongsa temple, Yeongchwisan mountain and Kye-sung stream Gongjigi hill. At Lagerstroemia indica trees in Sa-ri in Changnyeong, Pinus densiflora forest at the back of the pavilion, Kye-sung stream and Okcheon valley, elements are exsting. Currently, it is difficult to confirm the rest of the landscape elements. Because, it is a generic element that reliable estimate of the target and locations are impossible for element. Munam pavilion is made for turn to nature by Shin-cho(辛礎). That was remained a record such as Munamzip(聞巖集) and Munamchungueirok(聞巖忠義錄) that is relating to construction of pavilion. Munam pavilion located in a unique form, archival culture through the letters carved on the rocks and Large Lagerstroemia indica forest and through eight famous spots, cultural landscape elements can be assumed that those elements are remained.