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A Study on Anthropometric Data of 5 th Grade Students I. The Distribution of Physical Conditions (국교 5년생의 성장발달에 관한 조사연구 I . 전국 5학년 생의 체격분포)

  • 문현경
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.309-317
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    • 1987
  • The Purpose of this study was to investigate physical conditions and related factors of 5th grade, in Korea. The number of students surveyed was 10.751 . School health records of 63 grade schools were used. The school health record of 5th grade contains results of physical examination from 1st grade to 5th grade and results of physical fitness assessment for 5th grade. A questionnaire was also administered to the student. 1) The proportion of mother who has a job was 29% of students surveyed. Since some of mothers were working at odd hour, it is hard to take care of student's meal and nutritional intake. The proportion of students who didn't eat breakfast everyday was 5.8% . Students who took medicine for health were 26% of total students surveyed. 2) Male students were taller than female students until 4 th grade. At 5 th grade, the mean height was 137.1cm for male students and 137.6cm for female students . At 5 th grade, the mean weight was 31.5kg for male students and 31.2kg for female students. The 10, 25, 50, 75.90 percentile of the total distribution was examined . By rising in grade, the height velocity was decreased for male student and increased for female students . The weight velocity was increased sharply for male and female students and the increasing velocity was larger in female than male students. Using heights and weights from 1st grade, BMI, RI, and RW were calculated. 3) The proportion of students who drank milk everyday was 49%, The \intake frequency of cookies, eggs, ice cream, chocolate were higher than the intake freguency of cheese, ham and soy bean milk

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Characterization of the scr Gene Cluster Involved! in Sucrose Utilization in Bifidobacterium longum (Bifidobacterium longum의 Sucrose 대사 관련 scr 유전자군의 특성 규명)

  • 권태연;이종훈
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2004
  • The nucleotide sequence of 8.6-kb EcoRI fragment containing sucrose phosphorylase gene isolated from Bifidobacterium longum SJ32 was determined. It was found that the fragment contained five open reading frames including the gene cluster for sucrose utilization such as a sucrose phosphorylase (ScrP), a sucrose transporter (ScrT), and a GalR-LacI-type transcriptional regulator (ScrR) identified by amino acid homology. Each gene showed over 94% amino acid homology among various B. longum strains. Genomic organization of the gene cluster is the same as those of other strains of B. longum but different from that of B. lactis. In spite of high homology of each gene among B. longum strains, the difference of flanking sequences of the gene cluster between strains SJ32 and NCC2705 insinuates the horizontal transfer of scrPTR between B. longum strains. The increase of sucrose phosphorylase activity in heterologous E. coli system by the co-expression of scrT with scrP against the single expression of scrP was measured. It seems to be the result of sucrose uptake increment by scrT in the host and is an indirect evidence that scrT is the gene for sucrose transport. The existence of multiple sucrose uptake systems in B. longum is supposed from the findings of several genes besides scrPTR involved in sucrose uptake in the genome of B. longum NCC2705.

Caring related to Health in Korea - Ethncgraphy centered Wichon-ri, Kangwon-do - (한국인의 건강과 관련된 돌봄 - 강원도 위촌리 지역민을 중심으로 한 문화기술지 -)

  • 황혜연
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.194-201
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    • 2000
  • The propose of the study is to try to support the practice of caring suitable for our cultural emotion by cognating the meaning of caring related to health which is melted in korean culture. Concrete purposes were as followings; to first, confirm the caring of civilian in Kangwon-do, to secondly search the caring in the traditional culture idea, and to thirdly present the conceptual frame about the caring. The methodology of this research is the ethnography to use the depth interview and the participative observation. The geographical area of this research was in Wichon-ri, Songsan- myon, Study participants were, 6men and 18women, totally 24 persons. Their average age was 72.6 years old. The period of data collection was from January, 1998 to April, 1999, which original data became saturation. Data collection was done after accept allowance of the participants, their stories were recorded in cassettee, by the way of the Spradley analysis was applied and adjusted. The results which was analyized as domain, category and property were as following; First, the category was the life serving other persons, which is the for mind, the benefiting one, the comprehensive one, the respective one, on soon. Second, the category was the controling life, and its property was the moderate mind, that is, vegetables were tried to be fed moderately, pleasantly and comfortable. Thirdly, the category was the eagerness life, and the properties were diligent mind, and mind which accomplished the complete resposibility. Fourth, the category was a happy life, and the properties were positive mind, satisfying one, thankful one, one of their ancestors benefit, and supplicatory one. Fifth, the category was the accepting life, and the properties were the submissive mind, resign one. Sixth, the category was the joint life all together and the properties were the harmonized mind, and the mutual helping one. Seventh, the category was the ruling life, and the properties were the pure mind, the ones which controls the body, the mind, the nature; which could surely confirmed the source of the life that lived with the nature, the native idea of our people. Eighth, the category was the retaining life, and the properties were the inherits the native custom, and the one that keep public morals. According to the result of examining the caring in ethnography, the general caring was performed the conceptual frame about the caring which is related to health was found in the principle of consideration, harmony, compliance, and transcendence.

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Landscape Characteristics of the Dangsan Forests at Chungmak Village, Buan-gun and Perspectives on 'Protected Area' Designation (부안군 죽막마을 당산숲의 경관 특성 및 '보호지역' 설정)

  • Choi, Jai-Ung;Kim, Dong-Yeob;Rhee, Sang-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2014
  • Although the Chungmak village, Gyeokpo-ri, Buan-gun is a small seashore village, it's an important place that has the largest ancient maritime ritual sites in Korea. This 'Chungmak-dong Ritual Site'(5~6 century, Baekje of the Three-kingdom period) was located in the Dangsan forest of Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii) Colony, and that has a significant meaning concerned with Dangsan forest's origin. Chungmak village located in the Scenic Site # 13 named 'Chaeseokgang and Jeokbyeokgang coastal cliff in Buan', and have retained the Jeollabuk-do Tangible Cultural Property # 58 named 'Suseongdang', the Natural Monument # 123 named 'Machilus community in Gyeokpo-ri, Buan'. The 'Suseongdang Gaeyang Grandmother Dangsinje (Village Ritual)' which is Dangsan ritual has been held every year by village residents. The practical management of Suseongdang and Machilus community has been conducted by village residents. In this study, the landscape characteristics of the Dangsan forest were investigated including neighborhood elements such as Bibo forest, seashores, and farm fields. The conservation of cultural landscape was thought to be achieved by designating 'Protected Area of Sacred Natural Sites'. The Dangsan forest ought to be recognized for their valuable landscape characteristics. It should be managed as a protected area and a sacred natural sites in order to be registered as a World Cultural Heritage.

Scientific Analysis of Slags and Furnace Wall collected from Iron Production Site at Suryong-ri Wonmorongi in Chungju (충주 수룡리 원모롱이 야철지 수습 철재 및 노벽의 과학적 분석)

  • Cho, Hyun-Kyung;Cho, Nam-Chul;Kang, Dai Ill
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 2013
  • This study focused on iron making related information through analyzing slags and furnace wall collected from iron production site of Suryong-ri Wonmorongi, Chungju. Total Fe content of slags were from 36.98% to 44.47% and this range was general recovery rate of iron in ancient. Compounds of calcium included slags was supposed to add intentionally during smelting process as deoxidation agent in order that these helped to separate iron from impurities. Furnace wall didn't make of high alumina clay because of low Al2O3. Microstructure and main components of slags show that No. 1 to 3 slags with fayalite and wustite were products of iron ore smelting. However, No.4 slag is more likely to smelt by iron sand because of ulvospinel with TiO2 in No. 4 slag. Therefore, iron ore were not only used but iron sand in smelting and furnace wall made of general clay with low Al2O3 content in this area.

Isolation of dhlA Gene Responsible for Degradation of 1, 2-dichloroethane from Metagenomic Library Derived from Daecheong Reservoir (대청호로부터 제작한 메타지놈 라이브러리에서 1, 2-dichloroethane의 분해에 관여하는 dhlA 유전자의 분리)

  • Kang, Cheol-Hee;Moon, Mi-Sook;Song, Ji-Sook;Lee, Sang-Mhan;Kim, Chi-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.38 no.2 s.112
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2005
  • Traditional screening techniques have missed up to 99% of microbial resources existing in the nature. Strategies of direct cloning of environmental DNAs comprising tine genetic blueprints of entire microbial metagenomes provide vastly more genetic information than is contained in the culturable. Therefore, one way to screening the useful gene in a variety of environments is the construction of metagenomic DNA library. In this study, the water samples were collected from Daecheong Reservoir in the mid Korea, and analyzed by T-RFLP to examine the diversity of the microbial communities. The crude DNAs were extracted by SDS-based freezing-thawing method and then further purified using an UltraCleanTMkit (MoBio, USA). The metagenomic libraries were constructed with the DNAs partially digested with EcoRI, BamHI, and SacII in Escherichia coli DH10B using the pBACe3.6 vector. About 14.0 Mb of metagenomic libraries were obtained with average inserts 13 15 kb in size. The genes responsible for degradation of 1, 2-dichloroethane (1, 2-DCE) via hydrolytic dehalogenation were identified from the metagenomic libraries by colony hybridization. The 1, 2-dichloroethane dehalogenase gene (dhlA) was cloned and its nucleotide sequence was analyzed. The activity of the 1, 2-DCE dehalogenase was highly expressed to the substrate. These results indicated that the dhlA gene identified from the metagenomes derived from Deacheong Reservoir might be useful to develop a potent strain for degradation of 1, 2-DCE.

A Landscape Possessor and Enjoyment of Jongho on the Mansutan River Traced by Stone Inscription and 'Jongho Eight Views' (바위글씨와 팔경으로 추적한 만수탄(萬水灘) 종호(鍾湖)의 경관 향유자와 풍류상)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Hwa-Ok;Park, Yool-Jin;Kim, Hong-Gyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2020
  • This study was attempted to seek the garden enjoyment of the Yang Un-geo etc., in the head house(宗宅) of Namwonyang's family and Jongho in Sunchang Gumiri through literature and field research. Admirers of Jongho were "six old Taoist hermit", including Cholo(楚老) Yang Un-geo(楊雲擧, 1613-1672) and Yangjindang Haman-ri, the author of Jongho-palgyeong, who was very close friends of Yang, as well as his son-in-law or out-law. Jonghojeong Pavilion, overland rock and nearby Takyeongjeong, which were built around a stone island shaped like a helmet, and a pool along the river, are known as 'Imcheonwonrim(林泉園林)' as the center of the custom that was conducted based on head house, which is up to 2km away from Jongho. Jongho-palgyeong is found to share the characteristics of Jeongja Palgyeong, which is based on Jonghoam, overland and Takyeongjeong, and the characteristics of the town's township of Namwonyang, Gumi-ri. The number of rock letters identified by the Mansutan members is a total of nine points, which clearly indicates that the scene was a scene where the custom of call to create poetry·fishing·playing musical instruments and drinking, as well as the scenery and landscape structure of the Jongho Palgyeong. Jongho Palgyeong, its customs and surrounding rock writing are highly suggestive and valid cultural views to remind or direct the old landscape of Mansutan Jongho and suggest to modern traditional landscapes as well as the "Noblesse oblige landscape enjoyment case."

Association among Serum Lipid, Apolipoprotein Levels and Related Factors in Healthy Adults (중.장년층의 혈청 지질 및 아포지단백질의 농도와 관련된 요인 분석)

  • Lee, Hoe-Seon;Kim, Gyeong-Eup;Park, Mi-Young;Youn, Hee-Shang;Choi, Sun-Young;Kim, Sung-Hee
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.949-958
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to examine the association of age, nutrient intake, alcohol drinking and smoking on serum lipid and apolipoprotein levels in 100 healthy adults (54 males and 46 females). The serum total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (p<0.05), apolipoprotein B (Apo B) levels, LDL-C:high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) ratio, Apo B:apolipoprotein(Apo A-I) ratio and atherogenic index (AI) (p<0.001) were significantly higher in males than females, but HDL-cholesterol level was significantly lower (p<0.01) in males than females. The plasma ascorbic acid concentration had no difference in both genders. Most of nutrient intakes except Ca, vitamin A and vitamin B2 were higher than RI (Recommended intake) in both males and females. The meal frequency per day was significantly higher (p<0.01) in males than females, while meal speed, the heaviest meal, meal quantity and meal regularity had no significant differences. The rates of drinking and smoking were significantly higher (p<0.01) in males (59.3%, 37.2%) than females (17.3%, 6.9%). The age was positively correlated with triglyceride level in males (p<0.05), and with total cholesterol (p<0.001), LDL-cholesterol (p<0.001), Apo B (p<0.01), LDL-C:HDL-C ratio (p<0.01), Apo B:Apo A-I ratio (p<0.05) and AI (p<0.01) in females. The levels of serum lipid and apolipoprotein were more correlated with protein intake than other macronutrient intakes in males, while those in females were more correlated energy, carbohydrate and lipid intakes than protein intake. The effect of drinking on serum lipid and apolipoprotein levels was bigger in males than females, while the effect of smoking on those was bigger in females than males. The plasma ascorbic acid concentration was positively correlated with HDL-cholesterol (p<0.05), Apo A-I levels (p<0.001), whereas negatively correlated with Apo B:Apo A-I ratio (p<0.05) in males. And that was positively correlated with HDL-cholesterol (p<0.05) in females. These results suggest that moderate macronutrient intake, less alcohol consumption and non-smoking were necessary to maintain healthy lipid profile with aging in adults.

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Regional Identity and Symbolic Representation by the Historical Figure - In case of the making 'pottery culture village' in Kurim-ri, Youngam - (역사적 인물을 이용한 지역의 상징성과 정체성 형성 전략 - 영암 구림리의 도기문화마을 만들기를 사례로 -)

  • Chu, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.326-346
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    • 2002
  • This study examined how the tradition and culture based on the historical experience of the region are regenerated on the making regional identity and symbolic representation in Kurim-ri, Youngam. Kurim has represented the most typical community of the aristocratic class through Daedong-gae of 400 years. But, since 1970's Kurim has undergone a rapid change in regional identity in Kurim ; from the beginning of the spot of Wangin festival to the village of earthenware, the village of pottery culture heritage most recently. The process of history-making around Wangin in Kurim was connected with the strategy of the pottery culture village-making centering around the Youngam Pottery Culture Center. These projects ultimately were resulted in expression the regional identity, 'Kurim of Wang-in'. The regional tradition of Daedong-gae and Wangin in Kurim was linked together solidly through the Wangin festival procedures. And the excavation of a kiln site in Kurim which was going on with the process of history-making at the same time around Wangin in Kurim provided the cultural episode on related 'earthenware' with an archeological foundation. As a consequence of these, the cultural space, the Young-am Pottery Culture Center has came to establish in Kurim finally. However, recently the Kurim of Wangin and Daedong-gae which was representative of regional identity in Kurim is bringing Dosun who was distorted and estranged during the history-making focused on Wangin in Kurim. Now, there are some cultural issues in Kurim ; an authentical settlement of the Youngam Pottery Culture Center in Kurim and how Wangin and Dosun is linked together into the cultural strategy of 'the traditional village, Kurim'.

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