• Title/Summary/Keyword: RF Amplifier

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Design and Fabrication of Ka-Band Active PIN Diode Limiter for a Millimeter Wave Seeker (밀리미터파 탐색기용 Ka 대역 능동 PIN 다이오드 리미터 설계 및 제작)

  • Yang, Seong-Sik;Lim, Ju-Hyun;Na, Young-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.220-228
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we explained the design technique about Ka-band active limiter for protecting the receiver of a millimeter wave seeker. To implement low flat leakage power, we proposed the control circuit of active limiter to control limiter voltage with PRF(Pulse Repetition Frequency) signal and input power. This active limiter consisted of the conventional 2 stage passive limiter, a feedback circuit with a directional coupler, detector, non-inverting amplifier and over-current protection resistance. As the test result of the fabricated Ka-band limiter, it had 1 GHz bandwidth, 3.5 dB insertion loss at the small input power and -7.5 dBm flat leakage at the 4 W RF input power, respectively.

Suppression of Parasitic Resonance Modes for the Millimeter-Wave SiP Applications (밀리미터파 SiP 응용을 위한 기생 공진 모드 억제)

  • Lee Young-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.17 no.9 s.112
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    • pp.883-889
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, parasitic resonance modes generated in a conductor backed coplanar wave guide(CBCPW) and stripline band pass filter(BPF) and the oscillation phenomena of a 40 GHz power amplifier module(PAM) are analyzed and several methods to suppress them are presented for low-temperature co-fired ceramic(LTCC) based millimeter-wave RF System-in-Package(SiP) applications. Parasitic rectangular wave guide(RWG) modes of the CBCPW structure are completely suppressed in the operation frequency band by decreasing the distance between its vias and by increasing the mode frequency. In the stripline structure, RWG resonance modes are clearly eliminated by removing some vias facing each other and by placing them diagonally. In the case of the 40 GHz PAM, in order to reduce a cross talk due to radiation that is generated from interconnection discontinuities, high isolation structures such as embedded DC bas lines and CPW signal lines are used and then the oscillated PAM is improved.

Real-Time Respiration and Heartbeat Detector Using a Compact 1.6 GHz Single-Channel Doppler Sensor (소형화된 1.6 GHz 단일 채널 도플러 센서를 이용한 실시간 호흡 및 심장 박동 감지기)

  • Lee, Hyun-Woo;Park, Il-Ho;Kim, Dong-Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.18 no.4 s.119
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a real-time respiration and heartbeat detector comprised of a 1.6 GHz single-channel Doppler sensor and analog/digital signal processing block for remote vital sign detection. The RF front end of the Doppler sensor consists of an oscillator, mixer, low noise amplifier, branch-line hybrid and patch antenna. We apply artificial transmission lines(ATLs) to the branch-line hybrid, which leads to a size reduction of 40 % in the hybrid, while its performance is very comparable to that of a conventional hybrid. The analog signal conditioning block is implemented using second order Sallen-Key active filters and the digital signal processing block is realized with a LabVIEW program on a computer. The respiration and heartbeat detection is demonstrated at a distance of 50 cm using the developed system.

Vital Sign Sensor Based on Second Harmonic Frequency Drift of Oscillator (발진기의 2채배 고조파 주파수 천이를 이용한 생체신호 측정센서)

  • Ku, Ki-Young;Hong, Yunseog;Lee, Hee-Jo;Yun, Gi-Ho;Yook, Jong-Gwan;Kim, Kang-Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.299-306
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, a vital sign sensor based on impedance variation of resonator is proposed to detect the respiration and heartbeat signals within near-field range as a function of the separation distance between resonator and subject. The sensor consists of an oscillator with a built-in planar type patch resonator, a diplexer for only pass the second harmonic frequency, amplifier, SAW filter, and RF detector. The cardiac activity of a subject such as respiration and heartbeat causes the variation of the oscillation frequency corresponding impedance variation of the resonator within near-field range. The combination of the second harmonic oscillation frequency deviation and the superior skirt frequency of the SAW filter enables the proposed sensor to extend twice detection range. The experimental results reveal that the proposed sensor placed 40 mm away from a subject can reliably detect respiration and heartbeat signals.

Fabrication and Characteristics of SAW Gas Sensor (SAW 가스센서의 제작 및 특성)

  • Jun, C.B.;Park, H.D.;Choi, D.H.;Lee, D.D.
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 1994
  • $112^{\circ}$ rot. x-cut $LiTaO_{3}$ wafer was used as the substrate of SAW gas sensor. Dual delay line SAW device with IDTs which consist of the reference delay line and the sensing delay line was fabricated using photolithigraphy. Each IDTs had 10 finger pairs and finger spacing is 10 microns. One delay line channel is the reference, while the second is the sensing channel with Pb-phthalocyanine film in the propagation path. Pb-phthalocyanine film which is p-type organic semiconductor was evaporated in $10^{-5}$ torr vacuum using shadow mask selectively. Dual delay line oscillator was constructed by using the rf amplifier and AGC. Frequency of the IDTs had the range of $87{\sim}$89 MHz oscillation frequency. Oscillation frequency shifts were investigated as a function of the temperature and the concentration of $NO_{2}$ gas.

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Development and Performance Test of TWTA Maintenance System for the Low Altitude Surveillance Radar (저고도 탐지레이더용 진행파관증폭기 정비시스템 개발 및 성능시험 연구)

  • Yoon, In-Chul;Yun, Seok-Jin;Kwon, Jong-Won;Kim, Hie-Sik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, the TWTA (Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier) maintenance system for the low altitude surveillance Radar was developed using the embedded Linux system, and its superiority was demonstrated through the performance test. Nowadays, the necessity of maintenance system and reliability testing on military equipments has been increasing steadily. In addition, nonlinear characteristics of the maintenance system for the low altitude surveillance Radar are more likely to have serious problems as well as to slow down durability. Therefore, after analyzing characteristics of RF input-output signal and TWTA, we designed interface circuits between the TWTA equipment and the embedded Linux system. The Linux kernel on the system was optimized to improve the efficiency and reliability. And our new TWTA maintenance system was evaluated in the real field. As a result, the proposed system was contented with desired specifications, and demonstrated military's fighting capabilities. Therefore, our novel system will advance military maintenance technology and will help to develop similar equipments.

Design of the Low Noise Amplifier and Mixer Using Newly Bias Circuit for S-band (새로운 바이어스 회로를 적용한 S-band용 저잡음 증폭기 및 믹서의 One-Chip 설계)

  • Kim Yang-Joo;Shin Sang-Moon;Choi Jae-Ha
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.16 no.11 s.102
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    • pp.1114-1122
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, the study of a design, fabrication and measurement of the receiver MMIC LNA, mixer for S-band application is described. The LNA is designed by 2-stage common source. The mixer is composed of active LO and RF balun to integrate on a chip and applied a newly proposed bias circuit to compensate the process variations of active devices. The LNA has 15.51 dB-gain and 1.02dB-Noise Figure at 2.1 GHz. The conversion gain of the mixer is -12 dB, IIP3 is approximately 4.25 dBm and port-to-port isolation is over 25 dB. The newly proposed bias circuit is composed of a few FETs and resistors, and can compensate the variation of the threshold voltage by the process variations, temperature changes and etc. The designed chip size is $1.2[mm]\times1.4[mm]$.

Current Status of Ocean Satellite Remote Sensing Data and Its Distribution (해양의 인공위성 자료 현황과 배포 소개)

  • Yang, Chan-Su
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2007
  • As for satellite programs, the multipurpose satellite 1(KOMPSAT-1) was successfully launched on Dec. 21, 1999 and operated for three years. It is still properly operated even though its life cycle was ended. The development of KOMPSAT-2 (Korea Multipurpose Satellite-2) is near completion and the development of KOMPSAT-3, KOMPSAT-5 and COMS (Communication, Ocean, Meterological Satellite) are proceeding swiftly. In KORDI(Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute), the KOSC (Korea Ocean Satellite Center) construction project is being prepared for acquisition, processing and distribution of sensor data via L-band from GOCI(Geostationary Ocean Color Imager) instrument which is loaded on COMS(Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite); it will be launched in 2000. Ansan(the headquarter of KORDD has been selected for the location of KOSC between 5 proposed sites, because it has the best condition to receive radio wave. The data acquisition system is classified antenna and RF. Antenna is designed to be ${\emptyset}$ 9m cassegrain antenna which has 19.35 $G/T(dB/^{\circ}K)$ at 1.67GHz, RF module, is divided into LNA(Low noise amplifier) and down converter, those are designed to send only horizontal polarization to modem The existing building is re-designed and classified for the KOSC operation concept; computing room, board of electricity, data processing room, operation room Hardware and network facilities have been designed to adapt for efficiency of each functions. The distribution system which is one of the most important systems will be constructed mainly on the internet, and it is also being considered constructing outer data distribution system as a web hosting service for to offering received data to user under an hour.

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Improving the PTS Method for the PAPR Reduction in the OFDM System (OFDM 시스템에서 PAPR 감소를 위한 PTS 기법의 성능개선)

  • Kim, Dong-Seek;Kwak, Min-Gil;Cho, Hyung-Rae
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.1165-1171
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    • 2010
  • The OFDM system has better characteristics in transmission rate, power efficiency, bandwidth efficiency, impulse-noise immunity, and narrow band interference immunity etc. in comparison with other conventional systems. However, high PAPR of an OFDM signals causes some serious non-linear processing of RF amplifier. And performance of the communication system gets worse. Therefore, various methods reducing PAPR of an OFDM skills such as the clipping method, block coding method, and phase rotation method etc. have been researched. In this paper, we propose a high-speed adaptive PTS method which eliminates high PAPR. And we compare the proposed method with other conventional methods. The proposed method has decreased quantity of calculation compare with an adaptive PTS method. Of course, The more its calculation amount is decreased, the more its BER characteristic is not better than an adaptive PTS method. However, keeping up satisfactory BER performance, we highly improved calculation amount of a PTS method.

60GHz band RF transceiver of the broadband point-to-point communication system (광대역 점대점 통신시스템용의 60GHz 대역 무선 송수신기)

  • Choi, Jae-Ha;Yoo, Young-Geun
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.39-43
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    • 2012
  • 60GHz band RF transceiver was made with the NRD waveguide structure for the point- to-point communication. A dielectric line that of comprising NRD waveguide was the milling process was not easy because a material gets soft, and also compression and expansion according to a temperature were serious, so this line was not suitable for the device in which the resonance characteristic was important. In addition, the thing for comprising amplification module was difficult in the NRD waveguide structure. In this paper, a way in which to overcome mentioned in upper part, the transceiver was made by below technology. Components in which the resonance characteristic was not important were made with the NRD waveguide hybrid IC, and components in which the resonance characteristic was important were made with waveguide. An amplifier packaged and modularizing the bare chip, it equipped at the NRD waveguide within. Manufactured transceiver communicated with FDD method, and it had 10dBm output power, and -60dBm minimum receive sensitivity.