The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of food habits and anxiety level of obese children on body weight control program. The body weight control program included nutrition education, psychotherapy and exercise for weekly session during 9 months. The results from this study were as follows. A total of 27 obese children(boys 44.4%, girls 55.6%) participated in this study. The average age of children was 11.7 years, average height and weight were 141.7cm and 48.1kg respectively. R¨ohrer index(RI) of children was significantly decreased from 167 to 163(p<0.001) and BMI was significantly decreased from 24.5 to 23.9 (p<0.01) after body weight control program. This study also found obesity index(OI) was significantly decreased from 133% to 128%(p<0.01) of 18 children after program. There was not significant difference in food habits score but frequency of overeating, and eating frequency of meats were significantly decreased(p<0.05) after body weight control program. Also depression score significantly decreased after body weight control program(p<0.001) and there was significant negative correlation(r=-0.552) between food habits and anxiety level. The factors analysis of anxiety items indicated that children had feelings more calm and sate after program(p<0.05). Therefore continuous and practical nutritional education and psychotherapy to change food habits and anxiety level are necessary to decrease child obesity. These results suggest that body weight control program including nutrition education, exercise and psychotherapy may be effective physiological and psychological body health of obese children.
The research is focused on relationship between body fat percentage and physical characteristics of women in age group between 20s and 30s who experience great deal of physical change such as marriage, pregnancy, delivery, breast-feeding, and etc. The research used physical measurement of two hundreds women: 50 women in their early twenties, 50 women in their late twenties, 50 women in their early thirties, and 50 women in their late thirties. The research provides base data for women clothing industry by observing relationship between physical figure and body fat percentage rate based on obesity study on body fat percentage, physical BMI, R¨ohrer Index, and Vervaeck Index. Followings are conclusion of the research. The older the ages, the shorter the height and the heavier the weight. Recognizable differences in circumference, thickness, and width rather than in length are found. Also recognizable increases in average body fat percentage and average physical characteristics by age have found. By observing body fat percentage and physical measurements, it was revealed that weight has more effect on body fat percentage than height in all ages. Circumference, width, and thickness have more impact than length measurements among physical measurements. Main body or upper body has more impact than legs and arms or lower body. Body fat percentage increase rapidly by ages. 2.0% of age 20~24, 20.0% of age 25~29, 28.0% of age 30~34, and 54.0% of age 35~39 were sorted as obesity.
A survey on 4,117 (Boys:2,004, Girls:2,113) High School students in an urban area was conducted for assessing their physical growth, development and nutritional status from may throuth june 1971, and the following results were obtained. 1. Physical Growth and Development. a) Maximum growth was seen during the period from 12 to 16 years of age. b) The Maximum annual growth rates were as follows; Height: Boys-8.1cm from 14 to 15 years of age Girls-4.7cm from 13 to 14 Weight: Boys-8.0kg from 14 to 15 Girls-4.5kg from 13 to 14 Chest Girth: Boys-6.1cm from 14 to 15 Girls-4.2cm from 13 to 14 Sitting Height: Boys-4.6cm from 14 to 15 Girls-2.5cm from 13 to 14 c) The greatest individual differences in growth and development were observed during 12-15 years of age. d) Korean students were shorter than Japanese in 12-16 years of age group but after 17, Korean students become taller than Japanese. e) The standards of growth of rescent urban korean students show much improved than that of 1955. 2. Various Indices about Physical Growth and Development. a) Relative body weight was increased steadily annually and the crossing point of boys and girls appeared at age 11 at which girls surpassed boys and at 14, boys surpassed girls. b) Relative chestgirth showed narrow chest style in boys from 11 to 15 and from 11 to 14 in girls. c) The average relative sitting height was 54.0 in both sexes. d) The R¨ohrer index was 1.1 in boys and 1.2-1.3 in girls. e) The Kaup index was lower than 2.0 in boys from 11 to 16 and in girls from 11 to 14. It becomes higher than 2.0 after 17 in boys but in girls after 15.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutrient intakes, nutritional knowledge, food habits, and lifestyle behaviors of moderately or severely obese children living in the Kyonggi-do area. The subjects in this study were 37 obese children with an obesity index higher than 130% in the forth to sixth grades of elementary school. Anthropometric measurements, 24-hour recall of dietary intakes, and a survey on nutritional knowledge, food habits, and lifestyles behavior were conducted in the 37 obese children (25 boys and 12 girls). The average age, body weight, BMI, and R¨ohrer Index were 12.4 years, 68.6 kg, 29.6kg/m2, and 194.9 in boys and 12.7 years, 65.7 kg, 29.8kg/m2, and 201.8 in girls, respectively. The percentage of correct answers on nutritional knowledge and nutritional attitude score/max score were 85.8% and 23.0/50 in boys and 87.0% and 17.5/50 in girls, respectively. Except for calcium (85.3%) in girls and calcium (62.7%) and folic acid (83.3%) in boys, the average daily nutrient intakes percentages of nutrients were greater than the DRIs values (107.9~327.3% in boys and 103.0~416.0% in girls). This study showed the existence of some problems associated with obesity, such as higher frequency of skipping breakfast, irregular meal times, unbalanced diet, lack of intake of some nutrients, low nutritional attitude, lack of physical activity, and time management in obese children. These results suggest that a systematic education program including nutritional education on balanced diet, good eating habits and behaviors, and importance of eating breakfast and meal regularity must be emphasized to improve nutrient intakes and food habits in obese children. Obese children also require a more concentrated program that includes physical activity, weight reduction, and weight maintenance strategies to improve their life habits.
This study analyzes the body characteristics of Korean obese women using 2004 Size Korea data. For selecting the obesity sample, 7 obesity judgment indices were chosen from previous clothing-related studies. A total of 636 females defined as "obese" by 5 out of 7 indices were selected as subjects for this study. 54 body measurements and obesity judgment indices were used. First, the subjects had a BMI 27.11, R¨ohrer index 1.76, Vervaeck index 104.77, Relative weight 133.00, and WHR 0.90. In the case of the distribution by age groups, the twenties were 6.4% of the entire subjects, the thirties were 18.2%, the forties were 16.4%, the fifties were 37.4%, and the sixties were 21.5%. The result of the ANOVAs (divided into 5 age groups) showed significant differences in 41 measurement items except for bust circumference, waist length front, and all of obesity judgment indices. Second, according to the ANOVAs among stature groups divided by 5cm pitches there are significant differences in all measurements except for bust circumference. The results of the ANOVAs among bust circumference groups divided by 5cm pitches show that significant differences were observed in all measurements except four measurement items (including body rise). According to the ANOVAs among the waist circumference groups divided by 5cm pitches, there are no significant differences in all height measurements and shoulder length, waist to hip length, and crotch length. It is confirmed that stature and bust circumference have a deep relationship with measurements other than waist circumference. Third, as the factor analysis were conducted using 39 measurement items to extract the body characteristics of obese women Factor 1 is "circumference measurements & obesity judgment indices," Factor 2 is "heights & arm-related lengths," and Factor 3 is "size and ratio of waist circumference & hip circumference." Factor 4 was "lengths in upper body," Factor 5 was "back width in upper body," Factor 6 was "side neck point to bust & bust circumference," Factor 7 was "length in lower body & arm circumferences," and Factor 8 was "neck base circumference & front widths in upper body." These 8 factors explained 76.54% of the total variance.
The aim of this study is to develop upper bodice pattern for obese girls aged 10~12 by using 3D virtual garment simulation system. The criteria for subjects in this study were girls who had over 1.46 of the R¨ohrer Index. A total of 229 schoolgirls who met these criteria were enrolled. The results of this study are as follows: First, by using 3D virtual garment simulation, new upper bodice pattern considered obese-schoolgirls was development. The basic numerical formula were as follows ; bust girth B/2+4.5, armhole depth B/4-1, waist girth W/4+0.5+dart amount, front chest width B/6+2, back width B/6+2, neck width B/12-0.5 and neck depth B/12+0.5. Second, armhole darts were added to compensate the loose amount of front armhole and dart manipulation was used to ensure a better appearance on armhole in the design. The dart side line was modified concavely to help cover the protruding stomach. Curved lines on the armhole were significantly relieved using dart manipulation and the darts side line was modified concavely to reduce the tightness around the front waist darts. Third, according to the results of the new upper bodice pattern's appearance evaluation, it estimated more highly than existing pattern in silhouette and ease amount, confirming that new upper bodice pattern was appropriate for the obese-schoolgirls. This study is expected to serve as one of important basic data for ensuing studies that may utilize 3D virtual garment simulation system with 2D patterns.
In general, it is fact that most educational institutions have lots of problems about shift of education facility and equipment because of insufficient budget. However, most high school girls live a lot of period in the school and most of them wear student uniform. Thus, it is necessary that educational environment has to be improved by actual body size of high school girls. The main objective of this study is to provide numerical guideline for the improvement of educational environment about high school girls (17∼19 years) through comparison and analysis on physical standard of nation (report published in 1997). The sample for this work chosen from data which were collected and measured by Size Korea during two years (2003∼2004). In order to analyze feature of the somatotype of high school girls, analysis was performed about 734 subjects on 25 body parts such as height (7 parts), width (4 parts), thickness (4 parts), circumference (5 parts), length (4 parts) and body weight. For the specific comparison on somatotype, R¨ohrer index and Mollison's comparison graph were used. The result of this study can be utilized in various fields such as design of classroom, student uniforms, facilities and equipments for education, etc.
In order to investigate the complaint rates of subjective fatigue symptoms and study the relationship between them and body type, health awareness in middle school students, we carried out a survey of 1,209 students (654 boy students and 555 girl students) at a middle school in Taejon City by a self-recorded questionnaire. The survey was conducted in June, 1997. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Among complaints of fatigue, "feel like lying down" was the highest, followed by "feel anxious about things", "feel drowsy", "yawning a lot", "eye strain" and "whole body feels tired" in descending order. 2. In the average weighted score of fatigue complaint, dullness and sleepiness (I) was the highest, followed by a difficulty in concentration (II) and bodily projection of fatigue (III) in descending order. Fatigue seems to create mental stress rather than physical burdens. 3. In the classification of body type based on the R¨ohrer index, the obesity type (145 and above) was 11.0%, standard type (110~144) was 64.7% and leptosomic type (l09 and below) was 24.3%. Comparison between both sexes revealed that the rate of obesity and leptosomic types were significantly higher in boy students than in girl students. 4. In terms body type awareness, the statistics are the following: those who consider themselves to be standard type, 44.3%, slightly obese 24.5%, leptosomic, 23.5% and obese 7.8%. However, the level of obesity awareness was significantly higher in girl students than in boy students. 5. As for health awareness, 36.5% considered themselves healthy, 5.4% generally healthy and 10.1% a little unhealthy, but the level of unhealthy awareness was higher in girl students than in boy students. 6. In the relationship between body type and health awareness, most students thought that they were obese in spite of their standard body type. Also, many students who were obese and leptosomic tended to consider themselves to be a little unhealthy. 7. The more the students were obese or felt unhealthy, the more the average weighted score of fatigue complaints was high.
The purpose of this study is to estimate the nutrient intakes and food habits among preschool children in Kyungjoo city. The subjects were 210 preschool children, aged 4 - 6 years. Measurements of the weight, height, chest circumference, and head circumference of the children were conducted. And general home environment and factors related to eating habits for preschool children were collected using a questionnaire that included information about family income, parents' education and occupations. The average weight-length index (WLI) for the subjects was 103.9%. Using the WLI, 20.0% of the preschool children were underweight, 48.6% were normal, 19.0% were overweight, and 12.3% were obese. On the R¨ohrer index, 13.8% of the preschool children were underweight, 38.5% were normal, and 47.7% were over weight or obese. The average daily intake (% of RDA) of energy and each nutrient was 1323.5 kcal (81.3%), Ca 484.3 mg (80.7%), Fe 7.05 mg (88.1%), vitamin A 420.0 RE (105%), vitamin B2 0.76 mg (95.0%), vitamin B2 0.87 mg (87.0%), and vitamin C 53.1 mg (106.2%) , respectively. In particular, older subjects had lower intake in RDA of calcium and iron. The energy intake ratio from snacks was much higher than the recommended level of the preschool children. With regard to frequency of regularity of breakfast, 1.9% of preschool children skipped every morning and 7.6% of the children skipped more than 5 per week. With regard to the intake frequency of vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates, and milk, 13.3%, 19.9%, 22.8%, and 41.8% of the children ate more than 5 times per week. The eating habit score was positively correlated (r = 0.18, P < 0.05) with household income. This study suggests that nutrition education to increase fruit and vegetable consumption for preschool children should be emphasized. Also a nutrition education program is needed to enhance consuming calcium and iron intake for adequate growth.
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① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.