The Status of Eating Habits and Nutrient Intakes of Preschool Children in Kyungjoo

경주지역 유치원 아동들의 식습관과 영양소 섭취상태

  • Choi, Mi-Ja (Department of Food and Nutrition, Keimyung University) ;
  • Jung, Youn-Soo (Department of Food and Nutrition, Keimyung University)
  • 최미자 (계명대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 정연수 (계명대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2006.02.01


The purpose of this study is to estimate the nutrient intakes and food habits among preschool children in Kyungjoo city. The subjects were 210 preschool children, aged 4 - 6 years. Measurements of the weight, height, chest circumference, and head circumference of the children were conducted. And general home environment and factors related to eating habits for preschool children were collected using a questionnaire that included information about family income, parents' education and occupations. The average weight-length index (WLI) for the subjects was $103.9\%$. Using the WLI, $20.0\%$ of the preschool children were underweight, $48.6\%$ were normal, $19.0\%$ were overweight, and $12.3\%$ were obese. On the R$\ddot{o}$hrer index, $13.8\%$ of the preschool children were underweight, $38.5\%$ were normal, and $47.7\%$ were over weight or obese. The average daily intake ($\%$ of RDA) of energy and each nutrient was 1323.5 kcal ($81.3\%$), Ca 484.3 mg ($80.7\%$), Fe 7.05 mg ($88.1\%$), vitamin A 420.0 RE ($105\%$), vitamin $B_{2}$ 0.76 mg ($95.0\%$), vitamin $B_{2}$ 0.87 mg ($87.0\%$), and vitamin C 53.1 mg ($106.2\%$) , respectively. In particular, older subjects had lower intake in RDA $%$ of calcium and iron. The energy intake ratio from snacks was much higher than the recommended level of the preschool children. With regard to frequency of regularity of breakfast, $1.9\%$ of preschool children skipped every morning and $7.6\%$ of the children skipped more than 5 per week. With regard to the intake frequency of vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates, and milk, $13.3\%$, $19.9\%$, $22.8\%$, and $41.8\%$ of the children ate more than 5 times per week. The eating habit score was positively correlated (r = 0.18, P < 0.05) with household income. This study suggests that nutrition education to increase fruit and vegetable consumption for preschool children should be emphasized. Also a nutrition education program is needed to enhance consuming calcium and iron intake for adequate growth.



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