• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quantum Time

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Effect of growth interruption on InN/GaN single quantum well structures

  • Kwon, S.Y.;Kim, H.J.;Na, H.;Seo, H.C.;Kim, H.J.;Shin, Y.;Kim, Y.W.;Yoon, S.;Oh, H.J.;Sone, C.;Park, Y.;Sun, Y.P.;Cho, Y.H;Cheong, H.M.;Yoon, E.
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.12 no.S1
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    • pp.95-99
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    • 2003
  • We successfully grew InN/GaN single quantum well structures by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and confirmed their formation by optical and structural measurements. We speculate that relatively high growth temperature ($730^{\circ}C$) of InN layer enhanced the formation of 2-dimensional quantum well structures, presumably due to high adatom mobility. As the growth interruption time increased, the PL emission efficiency from InN layer improved with peak position blue-shifted and the dislocation density decreased by one order of magnitude. The high resolution cross-sectional TEM images clearly showed that the InN layer thickness reduced from 2.5 nm (without GI) to about I urn (with 10 sec GI) and the InN/GaN interface became very flat with 10 sec GI. We suggest that decomposition and mass transport processes on InN during GI is responsible for these phenomena.

Effects of pH and Salinity on the Cultivated Brown Alga Sargassumfulvellum and Associated Animals (갈조류 양식 모자반(Sargassum fulvellum)과 해적생물에 대한 pH와 염분의 효과)

  • Hwang, Eun-Kyeong;Ha, Dong-Soo;Baek, Jae-Min;Wee, Mi-Young;Park, Chan-Sun
    • ALGAE
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.317-321
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    • 2006
  • The effects pH and salinity on the brown alga Sargassum fulvellum were investigated in the context of the removal of two major associated animals, Caprella scaura and Gammaropsis utinomi. Optimum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) of S. fulvellum was also examined in the same experimental conditions as an index of stress. Experiments on pH and salinity tolerances of the two animal species indicated that mortality was more than 80% at extremes of pH (2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12) and salinity (0, 3.5, 7, 10, 44 psu) after a 5 min treatment. Lethal time (LT50) from pH 2 to pH 4 was less than 90 sec in C. scaura, and less than 70 sec in G. utinomi. From 0 to 10 psu, LT50 was less than 20 sec in C. scaura and less than 60 sec in G. utinomi. The quantum yield of S. fulvellum was not significantly different from controls within the pH range 4~10, and within the salinity range of 7-40 psu. When exposed to pH and salinity conditions outside these ranges, the effect of these factors on the removal of two animal species was higher, but quantum yield was highly reduced. These results indicate that the optimal conditions for removing the animal species without affecting optimum quantum yield were pH 4-10, and salinities 7-10 psu and 44 psu.

Multilayer QCA D-latch design using cell interaction (셀 간 상호작용을 이용한 다층구조 QCA D-래치 설계)

  • Jang, Woo-Yeong;Jeon, Jun-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.515-520
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    • 2020
  • CMOS used in digital circuit design technology has reached the limit of integration due to quantum tunneling. Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA), which can replace this, has many advantages such as low power consumption and fast switching speed, so many digital circuits of CMOS have been proposed based on QCA. Among them, the multiplexer is a basic circuit used in various circuits such as D-flip-flops and resistors, and has been studied a lot. However, the existing multiplexer has a disadvantage that space efficiency is not good. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new multilayered multiplexer using cell interaction and D-latch using it. The multiplexer and D-latch proposed in this paper have improved area, cell count, and delay time, and have excellent connectivity and scalability when designing large circuits. All proposed structures are simulated using QCADesigner to verify operation.

Surface Morphology and Quantum Size Effect of ZnS Thin Film Grown by Solution Growth Technique (용액성장된 ZnS 박막의 표면형상 및 양자사이즈효과)

  • Lee, Jong-Won;Lee, Sang-Uk;Jo, Seong-Ryong;Kim, Seon-Tae;Park, In-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2002
  • In this study, the nanosized ZnS thin films that can be used for fabrication of blue light-emitting diodes, electro-optic modulators, and n-window layers of solar cells were grown by the solution growth technique (SGT), and their surface morphology and film thickness and grain size dependence on the growth conditions were examined. Based on these results, the quantum size effects of ZnS were systematically investigated. Governing factors related to the growth condition were the concentration of precursor solution, growth temperature, concentration of aq. ammonia, and growth duration. X-ray diffraction patterns showed that the ZnS thin film obtained in this study had the cubic structure ($\beta$-ZnS). With decreasing growth temperature and decreasing concentration of precursor solution, the surface morphology of film was found to be improved. Also, the film thickness depends largely on the ammonia concentration. In particular, this is the first time that the surface morphology dependence of ZnS film grown by SGT on the ammonia concentration is reported. The energy band gaps of samples were determined from the optical transmittance values, and were shown to vary from 3.69 eV to 3.91 eV. These values were substantially higher than 3.65 eV of bulk ZnS. It was also shown that the quantum size effect of SGT grown ZnS is larger than that of the ZnS films grown by most other growth techniques.

Analysis of Attacks and Security Level for Multivariate Quadratic Based Signature Scheme Rainbow (다변수 이차식 기반 서명 기법 Rainbow의 공격 기법 및 보안강도 분석)

  • Cho, Seong-Min;Kim, Jane;Seo, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.533-544
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    • 2021
  • Using Shor algorithm, factoring and discrete logarithm problem can be solved effectively. The public key cryptography, such as RSA and ECC, based on factoring and discrete logarithm problem can be broken in polynomial time using Shor algorithm. NIST has been conducting a PQC(Post Quantum Cryptography) standardization process to select quantum-resistant public key cryptography. The multivariate quadratic based signature scheme, which is one of the PQC candidates, is suitable for IoT devices with limited resources due to its short signature and fast sign and verify process. We analyzes classic attacks and quantum attacks for Rainbow which is the only multivatiate quadratic based signature scheme to be finalized up to the round 3. Also we compute the attack complexity for the round 3 Rainbow parameters, and analyzes the security level of Rainbow, one of the PQC standardization candidates.

A Study on the Characteristics of a Quantum Dots Light-Emitting Diodes Using a Mixed Layer of Quantum Dots and Hole Transport Materials (양자점과 정공 수송 물질의 혼합층을 사용한 양자점 전계발광 소자의 특성 연구)

  • Yoon, Changgi;Oh, Seongkeun;Kim, Jiwan
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.69-72
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    • 2021
  • Various studies for QLEDs using inkjet printing has been actively conducted. Multilayers in QLEDs need an orthogonal process inevitably using different solvents and it makes the inkjet printing process more difficult and expensive. Therefore, coating two layers in a single process can reduce the fabrication step, resulting in the process time. In this study, we fabricated QLEDs of standard structure using a mixture of emission layer and hole transport layer. The mixed layer was fabricated by dissolving TFB and QDs in chlorobenzene, and the maximum luminance of the device was 45,850 cd/m2. It shows the bright future of the electroluminescence devices applied with inkjet printing process.

Design of XOR Gate Based on QCA Universal Gate Using Rotated Cell (회전된 셀을 이용한 QCA 유니버셜 게이트 기반의 XOR 게이트 설계)

  • Lee, Jin-Seong;Jeon, Jun-Cheol
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.301-310
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    • 2017
  • Quantum-dot cellular automata(QCA) is an alternative technology for implementing various computation, high performance, and low power consumption digital circuits at nano scale. In this paper, we propose a new universal gate in QCA. By using the universal gate, we propose a novel XOR gate which is reduced time/hardware complexity. The universal gate can be used to construct all other basic logic gates. Meanwhile, the proposed universal gate is designed by basic cells and a rotated cell. The rotated cell of the proposed universal gate is located at the central of 3-input majority gate structure. In this paper, we propose an XOR gate using three universal gates, although more than five 3-input majority gates are used to design an XOR gate using the 3-input majority gate. The proposed XOR gate is superior to the conventional XOR gate in terms of the total area and the consumed clock because the number of gates are reduced.

Development and validation of multiphysics PWR core simulator KANT

  • Taesuk Oh;Yunseok Jeong;Husam Khalefih;Yonghee Kim
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.2230-2245
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    • 2023
  • KANT (KAIST Advanced Nuclear Tachygraphy) is a PWR core simulator recently developed at Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology, which solves three-dimensional steady-state and transient multigroup neutron diffusion equations under Cartesian geometries alongside the incorporation of thermal-hydraulics feedback effect for multi-physics calculation. It utilizes the standard Nodal Expansion Method (NEM) accelerated with various Coarse Mesh Finite Difference (CMFD) methods for neutronics calculation. For thermal-hydraulics (TH) calculation, a single-phase flow model and a one-dimensional cylindrical fuel rod heat conduction model are employed. The time-dependent neutronics and TH calculations are numerically solved through an implicit Euler scheme, where a detailed coupling strategy is presented in this paper alongside a description of nodal equivalence, macroscopic depletion, and pin power reconstruction. For validation of the steady, transient, and depletion calculation with pin power reconstruction capacity of KANT, solutions for various benchmark problems are presented. The IAEA 3-D PWR and 4-group KOEBERG problems were considered for the steady-state reactor benchmark problem. For transient calculations, LMW (Lagenbuch, Maurer and Werner) LWR and NEACRP 3-D PWR benchmarks were solved, where the latter problem includes thermal-hydraulics feedback. For macroscopic depletion with pin power reconstruction, a small PWR problem modified with KAIST benchmark model was solved. For validation of the multi-physics analysis capability of KANT concerning large-sized PWRs, the BEAVRS Cycle1 benchmark has been considered. It was found that KANT solutions are accurate and consistent compared to other published works.

Effect of Si-doping on the luminescence properties of InGaN/GaN green LED with graded short-period superlattice

  • Cho, Il-Wook;Lee, Dong Hyun;Ryu, Mee-Yi;Kim, Jin Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2016.02a
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    • pp.280.1-280.1
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    • 2016
  • Generally InGaN/GaN green light emitting diode (LED) exhibits the low quantum efficiency (QE) due to the large lattice mismatch between InGaN and GaN. The QE of InGaN-based multiple quantum wells (MQWs) is drastically decreased when an emission wavelength shifts from blue to green wavelength, so called "green gap". The "green gap" has been explained by quantum confined Stark effect (QCSE) caused by a large lattice mismatch. In order to improve the QE of green LED, undoped graded short-period InGaN/GaN superlattice (GSL) and Si-doped GSL (SiGSL) structures below the 5-period InGaN/GaN MQWs were grown on the patterned sapphire substrates. The luminescence properties of InGaN/GaN green LEDs have been investigated by using photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PL (TRPL) measurements. The PL intensity of SiGSL sample measured at 10 K shows stronger about 1.3 times compared to that of undoped GSL sample, and the PL peak wavelength at 10 K appears at 532 and 525 nm for SiGSL and undoped GSL, respectively. Furthermore, the PL decay of SiGSL measured at 10 K becomes faster than that of undoped GSL. The faster decay for SiGSL is attributed to the increased wavefunction overlap between electron and hole due to the screening of piezoelectric field by doped carriers. These PL and TRPL results indicate that the QE of InGaN/GaN green LED with GSL structure can be improved by Si-doping.

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Review on the Computer Simulation Tools for Polymeric Membrane Researches (고분자 분리막 연구를 위한 전산모사 도구 소개)

  • Choi, Chan Hee;Park, Chi Hoon
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.242-251
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    • 2020
  • Computer simulation tools mainly used for polymer materials and polymeric membranes are divided into various fields depending on the size of the object to be simulated and the time to be simulated. The computer simulations introduced in this review are classified into three categories: Quantum mechanics (QM), molecular dynamics (MD), and mesoscale modeling, which are mainly used in computational material chemistry. The computer simulation used in polymer research has different research target for each kind of computational simulation. Quantum mechanics deals with microscopic phenomena such as molecules, atoms, and electrons to study small-sized phenomena, molecular dynamics calculates the movement of atoms and molecules calculated by Newton's equation of motion when a potential or force of is given, and mesoscale simulation is a study to determine macroscopically by reducing the computation time with large molecules by forming beads by grouping atoms together. In this review, various computer simulation programs mainly used for polymers and polymeric membranes divided into the three types classified above will be introduced according to each feature and field of use.