• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quantum Time

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Multistep Quantum Master Equation Theory for Response Functions in Four Wave Mixing Electronic Spectroscopy of Multichromophoric Macromolecules

  • Jang, Seog-Joo
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.997-1008
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    • 2012
  • This work provides an alternative derivation of third order response functions in four wave mixing spectroscopy of multichromophoric macromolecular systems considering only single exciton states. For the case of harmonic oscillator bath linearly and diagonally coupled to exciton states, closed form expressions showing all the explicit time dependences are derived. These expressions can provide more solid physical basis for understanding 2-dimensional electronic spectroscopy signals. For more general cases of system-bath coupling, the quantum master equation (QME) approach is employed for the derivation of multistep time evolution equations for Green function-like operators. Solution of these equations is feasible at the level of 2nd order non-Markovian QME, and the new approach can account for inter-exciton coupling, dephasing, relaxation, and non-Markovian effects in a consistent manner.

Optical Characteristics of Multi-Stacked InAs/InAlGaAs Quantum Dots (다층 성장한 InAs/InAlGaAs 양자점의 광학적 특성)

  • Oh, Jae-Won;Kwon, Se-Ra;Ryu, Mee-Yi;Jo, Byoung-Gu;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.442-448
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    • 2011
  • Self-assembled InAs/InAlGaAs quantum dots (QDs) grown on an InP (001) substrate have been investigated by using photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PL measurements. The single layer (QD1) and seven stacks (QD2) of InAs/InAlGaAs QDs grown by the conventional S-K growth mode were used. The PL peak at 10 K was 1,320 nm for both QD1 and QD2. As the temperature increases from 10 to 300 K, the PL peaks for QD1 and QD2 were red-shifted in the amount of 178 and 264 nm, respectively. For QD1, the PL decay increased with increasing emission wavelength from 1,216 to 1,320 nm, reaching a maximum decay time of 1.49 ns at 1,320 nm, and then decreased as the emission wavelength was increased further. However, the PL decay time for QD2 decreased continuously from 1.83 to 1.22 ns as the emission wavelength was increased from 1,130 to 1,600 nm, respectively. These PL and TRPL results for QD2 can be explained by the large variation in the QD size with stacking number caused by the phase separation of InAlGaAs.

Irreversible luminescence from graphene quantum dots prepared by the chain of oxidation and reduction process

  • Jang, Min-Ho;Ha, Hyun Dong;Lee, Eui-Sup;Kim, Yong-Hyun;Seo, Tae Seok;Cho, Yong-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2015.08a
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    • pp.222.1-222.1
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    • 2015
  • Recently, graphene quantum dots (GQDs) have attracted great attention due to various properties including cost-effectiveness of synthesis, low toxicity, and high photostability. Nevertheless, the origins of photoluminescence (PL) from GQDs are unclear because of extrinsic states of the impurities, disorder structures, and oxygen-functional groups. Therefore, to utilize GQDs in various applications, their optical properties generated from the extrinsic states should be understood. In this work, we have focused on the effect of oxygen-functional groups in PL of the GQDs. The GQDs with nanoscale and single layer are synthesized by employing graphite nanoparticles (GNPs) with 4 nm. The series of GQDs with different amount of oxygen-functional groups were prepared by the chain of chemical oxidation and reduction process. The fabrication of a series of graphene oxide QDs (GOQDs) with different amounts of oxygen-contents is first reported by a direct oxidation route of GNPs. In addition, for preparing a series of reduced GOQDs (rGOQDs), we employed the conventional chemical reduction to GOQDs solution and controlled the amount of reduction agents. The GOQDs and rGOQDs showed irreversible PL properties even though both routes have similar amount of oxyen-functional groups. In the case of a series of GOQDs, the PL spectrum was clearly redshifted into blue and green-yellowish color. On the other hand, the PL spectrum of rGOQDs did not change significantly. By various optical measurement such as the PL excitation, UV-vis absorbance, and time-resolved PL, we could verify that their PL mechanisms of GOQDs and rGOQDs are closely associated with different atomic structures formed by chemical oxidation and reduction. Our study provides an important insights for understanding the optical properties of GQDs affected by oxygen-functional groups. [1]

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Photophysical Efficiency Factors of Singlet Oxygen Generation from Core-modified Trithiasapphyrin Derivatives

  • Ha, Jeong-Hyon;Kim, Min-Sun;Park, Yong-Il;Ryu, Shin-Hyung;Park, Mi-Gnon;Shin, Koo;Kim, Yong-Rok
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.281-285
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    • 2002
  • The photophysical properties and the singlet oxygen generation efficiencies of meso-tetraphenyl-trithiasapphyrin $(S_3TPS)$ and meso-tetmkis(p-methoxy phenyl)-trithiasapphy rin ((p-MeO)-$S_3TPS$) have been investigated, utilizing steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopic methods to elucidate the possibility of their use as photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy (PDT). The observed photophysical properties were compared with those of other porphyrin-like photosensitizers in geometrical and electronic structural aspects, such as extended ${\pi}$ conjugation, structural distortion, and internal heavy atoms. The steady-state electronic absorption and fluorescence spectra were both red-shifted due to the extended ${\pi}$-conjugation. The fluorescence quantum yields were measured as very small. Even though intersystem crossing rates were expected to increase due to the increment of spin orbital coupling, the triplet quantum yields were measured as less than 0.15. Such characteristics can be ascribed to the more enhanced internal conversion rates compared with the intersystem crossing rates. Furthermore, the triplet state lifetimes were shortened to -1.0 ${\mu}s$ as expected. Therefore, the singlet oxygen quantum yields were estimated to be near zero due to the fast triplet state decay rates and the inefficient energy transfer to the oxygen molecule as well as the low triplet quantum yields. The low efficiencies of energy transfer to the oxygen molecule can be attributed to the lower oxidation potential and/or the energetically low lying triplet state. Such photophysical factors should be carefully evaluated as potential photosensitizers that have extended ${\pi}$-conjugation and heavy core atoms synthesized for red-shifted absorption and high triplet state quantum yields.

Grover-Based Quantum Security Analysis Using width Efficient QuantumCircuit of ASCON (Width 효율적 ASCON 양자 회로를 이용한 Grover기반 양자 보안비도 분석)

  • Jinseob Oh;Chanho Choi;Dooho Choi
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.1189-1199
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    • 2024
  • This paper discusses the need to reevaluate the security of existing cryptographic systems due to the advancement of quantum computing, and analyzes the security level of the NIST lightweight cipher ASCON based on the Grover key search algorithm. In particular, we present a novel quantum circuit implementation of ASCON-128 with a consist of clifford+T gates, which solves the problem of initializing the auxiliary qubit value. We simplified ASCON's cryptographic structure and measured the resource consumption to analyze the security level based on Grover's key discovery algorithm, and found that the cost associated with the space-time complexity, Td-M and Fd-M, was reduced by 85.65% and 83.73%, respectively, despite solving the secondary qubit initialization problem.

Change in Photoluminescence of Porous Silicon with Processing Condition and Heat Treatment (다공성 실리콘의 제작조건과 열처리에 따른 Photoluminescence 변화)

  • 서영제;최두진;박홍이;이덕희
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.1170-1176
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    • 1996
  • Porous silicon was prepared by anodic reaction. The process was controlled by current density and etching time an the thickness change and the room temperature PL was measured. The thickness of porous silicon was increased with etching time and was decreased after critical time. It was the same as increasing current density. It needed only 15 sec to electropolish the surface of porous silicon above current density 70 mA/cm2. We can understand that increasing etching time leads narrow size of Si column by porous silicon formation mechanism. And the sample with narrow Si column revealed PL blue shift. The specimens were heated in the range of 300-1000$^{\circ}C$ in order to see PL changes. The heat treatment was proceeded in H2 atmosphere vacuum system to avoid oxidation. The PL was disappeared above 600$^{\circ}C$. In high temperature some sintered Si columns were observed in SEM photography. There was no difference of -Hx bonds which was suggested as evidence of hydride compounds luminescence between 500$^{\circ}C$ and 600$^{\circ}C$. Thus it is concluded that quantum confinement is major factor of PL of porous silicon.

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Energy separation and carrier-phonon scattering in CdZnTe/ZnTe quantum dots on Si substrate

  • Man, Min-Tan;Lee, Hong-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2015.08a
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    • pp.191.2-191.2
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    • 2015
  • Details of carrier dynamics in self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) with a particular attention to nonradiative processes are not only interesting for fundamental physics, but it is also relevant to performance of optoelectronic devices and the exploitation of nanocrystals in practical applications. In general, the possible processes in such systems can be considered as radiative relaxation, carrier transfer between dots of different dimensions, Auger nonradiactive scattering, thermal escape from the dot, and trapping in surface and/or defects states. Authors of recent studies have proposed a mechanism for the carrier dynamics of time-resolved photoluminescence CdTe (a type II-VI QDs) systems. This mechanism involves the activation of phonons mediated by electron-phonon interactions. Confinement of both electrons and holes is strongly dependent on the thermal escape process, which can include multi-longitudinal optical phonon absorption resulting from carriers trapped in QD surface defects. Furthermore, the discrete quantized energies in the QD density of states (1S, 2S, 1P, etc.) arise mainly from ${\delta}$-functions in the QDs, which are related to different orbitals. Multiple discrete transitions between well separated energy states may play a critical role in carrier dynamics at low temperature when the thermal escape processes is not available. The decay time in QD structures slightly increases with temperature due to the redistribution of the QDs into discrete levels. Among II-VI QDs, wide-gap CdZnTe QD structures characterized by large excitonic binding energies are of great interest because of their potential use in optoelectronic devices that operate in the green spectral range. Furthermore, CdZnTe layers have emerged as excellent candidates for possible fabrication of ferroelectric non-volatile flash memory. In this study, we investigated the optical properties of CdZnTe/ZnTe QDs on Si substrate grown using molecular beam epitaxy. Time-resolved and temperature-dependent PL measurements were carried out in order to investigate the temperature-dependent carrier dynamics and the activation energy of CdZnTe/ZnTe QDs on Si substrate.

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Investigation of a best oxidation model and thermal margin analysis at high temperature under design extension conditions using SPACE

  • Lee, Dongkyu;No, Hee Cheon;Kim, Bokyung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.742-754
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    • 2020
  • Zircaloy cladding oxidation is an important phenomenon for both design basis accident and severe accidents, because it results in cladding embrittlement and rapid fuel temperature escalation. For this reason during the last decade, many experts have been conducting experiments to identify the oxidation phenomena that occur under design basis accidents and to develop mathematical analysis models. However, since the study of design extension conditions (DEC) is relatively insufficient, it is essential to develop and validate a physical and mathematical model simulating the oxidation of the cladding material at high temperatures. In this study, the QUENCH-05 and -06 experiments were utilized to develop the best-fitted oxidation model and to validate the SPACE code modified with it under the design extension condition. It is found out that the cladding temperature and oxidation thickness predicted by the Cathcart-Pawel oxidation model at low temperature (T < 1853 K) and Urbanic-Heidrick at high temperature (T > 1853 K) were in excellent agreement with the data of the QUENCH experiments. For 'LOCA without SI' (Safety Injection) accidents, which should be considered in design extension conditions, it has been performed the evaluation of the operator action time to prevent core melting for the APR1400 plant using the modified SPACE. For the 'LBLOCA without SI' and 'SBLOCA without SI' accidents, it has been performed that sensitivity analysis for the operator action time in terms of the number of SIT (Safety Injection Tank), the recovery number of the SIP (Safety Injection Pump), and the break sizes for the SBLOCA. Also, with the extended acceptance criteria, it has been evaluated the available operator action time margin and the power margin. It is confirmed that the power can be enabled to uprate about 12% through best-estimate calculations.

Growth mechanism of InP and InP/ZnS synthesis using colloidal synthesis (반응 용기법을 이용한 InP/ZnS 양자점 합성과정에서 InP 코어의 성장기구)

  • Seo, Han wook;Jeong, Da-woon;Lee, Bin;Hyun, Seoung kyun;Kim, Bum Sung
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.6-10
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates the main growth mechanism of InP during InP/ZnS reaction of quantum dots (QDs). The size of the InP core, considering a synthesis time of 1-30 min, increased from the initial 2.56 nm to 3.97 nm. As a result of applying the proposed particle growth model, the migration mechanism, with time index 7, was found to be the main reaction. In addition, after the removal of unreacted In and P precursors from bath, further InP growth (of up to 4.19 nm (5%)), was observed when ZnS was added. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the synthesized InP/ZnS quantum dots was found to be relatively uniform, measuring about 59 nm. However, kinetic growth mechanism provides limited information for InP / ZnS core shell QDs, because the surface state of InP changes with reaction time. Further study is necessary, in order to clearly determine the kinetic growth mechanism of InP / ZnS core shell QDs.