• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quantitative interpretation

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Quantitative Real-Time PCR of Porcine Parvovirus as a Model Virus for Cleaning Validation of Chromatography during Manufacture of Plasma Derivatives (혈장분획제제 제조공정에서 크로마토그래피 세척 검증을 위한 모델바이러스로서의 Porcine Parvovirus 정량)

  • Kil Tae Gun;Kim Won Jung;Lee Dong Hyuk;Kang Yong;Sung Hark Mo;Yoo Si Hyung;Park Sue-Nie;Kim In Seop
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.216-224
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    • 2005
  • Chromatography has now been used successfully to provide the requisite purity for human plasma-derived biop-harmaceuticals such as coagulation factors and immunoglobulins. Recently, increasing attention has been focused on establishing efficient cleaning procedures to prevent potential contamination by microorganisms as well as carry-over contamination from batch to batch. The purpose of present study was to develop a cleaning validation system for the assurance of virus removal and/or inactivation during chromatography process. In order to establish an assay system for the validation of virus clearance during chromatography cleaning process, a quantitative real-time PCR method for porcine parvovirus(PPV) was developed, since PPV, a model virus for human parvovirus B19, has a high resistance to a range of physico-chemical treatment. Specific primers for amplification of PPV DNA was selected, and PPV DNA was quantified by use of SYBR Green I. The sensitivity of the assay was calculated to be 1.5 TCID50/ml. The established real-time PCR assay was successfully applied to the validation of PPV removal and cleaning during SP-Sepharose cation chromatography for thrombin purification and Q-Sepharose anion chromatography for factor VIII purification. The comparative results obtained by real-time PCR assay and infectivity titrations suggested that the real-time PCR assay could be a useful method for chromatography cleaning validation and that it could have an additive effect on the interpretation and evaluation of virus clearance during the virus removal process.

The Effect of Attenuation Correction with CT on the Interpretation of Myocardial Perfusion SPECT: in Patients with Normal Coronary Angiogram (관상동맥조영술상 정상소견을 보인 환자에서 전산화단층촬영술(CT)를 이용한 감쇠보정이 심근관류 SPECT의 판독에 미치는 영향)

  • Chun, Kyung-Ah;Cho, Ihn-Ho;Won, Kyu-Chang;Lee, Hyung-Woo;Hong, Geu-Ru;Shin, Dong-Gu;Kim, Young-Jo;Shim, Bong-Sup
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.246-251
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: There has been many reports for the effect of attenuation correction on myocardial perfusion SPECT. We studied the effect of attenuation correction with CT (computed tomography) in patients with normal coronary angiography. Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients with normal coronary artery on angiography and low likelihood of coronary artery disease were enrolled in this study (male: 6, female: 9, mean age: 58±8 year). Myocardial perfusion SPECT was done with Millennium VG with Hawkeye device (GE, SPECT/CT camera). A visual analysis and polar map quantification (Emory tool box) was performed. In quantitative analysis, percent uptake of each myocardial wall on polar map (percent of maximal uptake) was compared between non-corrected (NC) and corrected (AC) images. Results: Visual analysis showed AC images led to an increase of uptake in the inferior wall, but decrease of uptake in the anterior wall, apex and septum. liver activity is also increased in AC images. In quantitative analysis, the percent uptake is decreased in the anterior wall, apex and septum, but increased in the inferior wall. It is helpful to interpret the images in the inferior wall after AC, but difficult in the apex and anterior wall after AC. Conclusion: AC is helpful in the inferior wall. But in the apex or anterior wall, AC must be carefully applied to normal perfused myocardium.

Comparison of Clinical Usefulness between N-13 Ammonia PET/CT and Tc-99m Sestamibi SPET in Coronary Artery Disease (관상동맥질환에서 N-13 암모니아 PET/CT와 Tc-99m 세스타미비 SPECT의 임상 유용성 비교)

  • Kong, Eun-Jung;Cho, Ihn-Ho;Chun, Kyung-Ah;Won, Kyu-Chang;Lee, Hyung-Woo;Park, Jeong-Sun;Shin, Dong-Gu;Kim, Young-Jo;Shim, Bong-Seop
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.354-361
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: N-13 ammonia uptake and retention in the myocardium is related to perfusion and metabolism. There are several potential advantages of N-13 ammonia positron emission tomography (PET) to detect myocardial ischemia, such as higher spatial resolution, greater counting efficiencies, and robust attenuation correction. But there are few reports comparing Tc-99m myocardial perfusion single photon emission tomography (MPS) and N-13 ammonia PET. We thus compared adenosine stress N-13 ammonia PET/CT and Tc-99m sestamibi MPS in patients with suspected coronary artery stenosis. Materials and Methods: Seventeen patients (male 13 : 63±11 years old) underwent adenosine stress N-13 ammonia PET/CT (Discovery ST, GE), Tc-99m sestamibi MPS (dual head gamma camera, Hawkeye, GE) and coronary angiography within 1 week. N-13 ammonia PET/CT and Tc-99m sestamibi MPS images were assessed with a 20-segment model by visual interpretation and quantitative analysis using automatic quantitative software (Myovation, GE). Results: Both sensitivities and specificities of detecting an individual coronary artery stenosis were higher for N-13 ammonia PET/CT than Tc-99m sestamibi MPS (PET/CT: 91%/89% vs MPS: 65%/82%). N-13 ammonia PET/CT showed reversibility in 52% of segments that were considered non-reversibile by Tc-99m sestamibi MPS. In the 110 myocardial segments supplied by the stenotic coronary artery, N-13 ammonia PET/CT showed higher count densities than Tc-99m MPS on rest study (p < 0.01), and the difference of count density between the stress and the rest studies was also larger on N-13 ammonia PET/CT. Conclusion: Adenosine stress N-13 ammonia PET/CT had higher diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, more reversibility of perfusion defects and greater stress/rest uptake differences than Tc-99m sestamibi MPS. Accordingly, N-13 ammonia PET/CT might offer better assessment of myocardial ischemia and viability.

Validation of QF-PCR for Rapid Prenatal Diagnosis of Common Chromosomal Aneuploidies in Korea

  • Han, Sung-Hee;Ryu, Jae-Song;An, Jeong-Wook;Park, Ok-Kyoung;Yoon, Hye-Ryoung;Yang, Young-Ho;Lee, Kyoung-Ryul
    • Journal of Genetic Medicine
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (QF-PCR) allows for the rapid prenatal diagnosis of common aneuploidies. The main advantages of this assay are its low cost, speed, and automation, allowing for large-scale application. However, despite these advantages, it is not a routine method for prenatal aneuploidy screening in Korea. Our objective in the present study was to validate the performance of QF-PCR using short tandem repeat (STR) markers in a Korean population as a means for rapid prenatal diagnosis. Material and Methods: A QF-PCR assay using an Elucigene kit (Gen-Probe, Abingdon, UK), containing 20 STR markers located on chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y, was performed on 847 amniotic fluid (AF) samples for prenatal aneuploidy screening referred for prenatal aneuploidy screening from 2007 to 2009. The results were then compared to those obtained using conventional cytogenetic analysis. To evaluate the informativity of STR markers, the heterozygosity index of each marker was determined in all the samples. Results: Three autosomes (13, 18, and 21) and X and Y chromosome aneuploidies were detected in 19 cases (2.2%, 19/847) after QF-PCR analysis of the 847 AF samples. Their results are identical to those of conventional cytogenetic analysis, with 100% positive predictive value. However, after cytogenetic analysis, 7 cases (0.8%, 7/847) were found to have 5 balanced and 2 unbalanced chromosomal abnormalities that were not detected by QF-PCR. The STR markers had a slightly low heterozygosity index (average: 0.76) compared to those reported in Caucasians (average: 0.80). Submicroscopic duplication of D13S634 marker, which might be a unique finding in Koreans, was detected in 1.4% (12/847) of the samples in the present study. Conclusion: A QF-PCR assay for prenatal aneuploidy screening was validated in our institution and proved to be efficient and reliable. However, we suggest that each laboratory must perform an independent validation test for each STR marker in order to develop interpretation guidelines of the results and must integrate QF-PCR into the routine cytogenetic laboratory workflow.

Characteristics of Total Carbon and Total Organic Carbon Using Elemental Analyzer in Hyung-Do Intertidal Zone Sediments (원소분석기를 이용한 형도 퇴적물의 총탄소 및 총유기탄소 특성)

  • Lee, Jun-Ho;Park, Kap-Song;Woo, Han-Jun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.673-684
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    • 2012
  • Quantitative understanding of total carbon, total inorganic carbon and total organic carbon contained in ocean sediments is a basic data for interpretation of oceanic sediment environments. Elemental analyzer(EA) is frequently used for the analysis of carbon contents in inland soils and ocean sediments. Carbon and nitrogen contents of the soil reference material analyzed by an EA were 2.30% and 0.21% with standard deviations of 0.02 and 0.01, respectively. Relative standard deviations were 0.01 and 0.06, respectively, representing a high precision. Regression analysis of TOC and TC analysis results for the samples with TOC of less than 2.0% for the site in Hyung-Do showed a linear relationship with a slope of 0.9743(R2=0.9989, n=38), and the results of a relationship regression analysis between total organic carbon contents less than 0.5% and average grain size except for two samples showed a linear relationship with a slope of 0.0444(R2=0.6937 n=36). TOC contents of surface sediments were in the ranges of 0.10~1.67%(Average 0.26±0.37) with TOC values of 1.67% at S02 sampling site, 1.13% at S07 sampling site, and less than 1.00% at remaining sites. In the case of PC 01 core sediments, TOC showed the highest value of 0.20% near 70 cm. In the case of PC 02 core sediments, the highest value of 0.24% was indicated near 60 cm. The analysis method of organic carbon obtained from Hyung-Do Intertidal zone sediment sample results may be considered applicable to an organic carbon analysis for ocean sediments and useful for organic carbon analysis experiments of ocean sediments with a reduction in time required for the analysis and a high precision coupled with a high accuracy.

Recent Trends in Compensation for Mental Anguish of Airline Passengers (항공여객의 정신적 손해배상에 관한 최근 동향 - 미국 연방법원 판례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chang-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.33-62
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    • 2020
  • The current air transportation industry is facing a lot of changes not only in the quantitative growth of the market, but also in the legal aspects. For many years, the Warsaw Convention has contributed to the uniform discipline of civil carriers' legal liabilities arising from international aviation accident and has fulfilled the duties of legal guardians for the development of the air transport industry. In the process, however, the consumer interests of the air transport industry did not have much protection compared to other industries. In response, the Montreal Convention has effected for protecting the interests of aviation consumers, and there are numerous legal changes around the world to protect aviation consumers like passengers. The mental damages of airline passengers arising from the accident can also be understood as part of the protection of air consumers. Considering that the US Federal Court has dealt with the recognition of mental damages for air passengers since the early 1990s. However, Korean judicial precedent still excludes mental anguishes from the scope of damage compensation. From this point of view, it is considered academically meaningful to analyze the latest case of the US federal court. Recently, the United States Court of Appeal for the Sixth Circuit in Doe v Etihad Airways applied a different interpretation against the traditional opinion: passengers could not recover for mental distress unless that mental distress resulted from a bodily injury sustained in an airplane accident. The background of the court's conclusions can be explained in many ways, among other things, unlike the Warsaw Convention the new international rule, Montreal Convention is recognizing the importance of ensuring protection of the interests of consumers in international carriage by air and the need for equitable compensation based on the principle of restitution.

Usefulness of Blood Pool Half Body in Three Phase Bone Scan in Patients with R/O Reflex Symphathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (반사성교감신경 이영양증후군 환자의 삼상 골 스캔 시 Half Body 혈액 풀 영상의 적용)

  • Lee, Moo-Seok;Lee, Hyo-Yeong;Yun, Jong-Jun;Lee, Hwa-Jin;Song, Hyeon-Seok;Park, Se-Yun;Jeong, Ji-Uk
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Three phase bone scan was considered sensitive in Patients with Reflex Symphathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (RSDS). Generally, three phase bone scan in the RSDS patients shows increased uptake of one side extremity joint. But three phase bone scan has been performed with flow, blood pool and delayed scan. We performed blood pool half body scan in order to investigate its usefulness. Materials and Methods: From October 2007 to September 2009, three phase bone scan (flow, blood pool, half body blood pool, delayed) was performed after injection of 750 MBq of 99mTc-DPD in diagnosed patients with RSDS (M:F=8:7, R:L=9:6). For quantitative analysis, we obtained the count ratios of bilateral hands by drawing a region of interest (ROI) in the three phase images and compared with the count ratios of shoulders in half body blood pool and delayed images. Results: In flow images, right/left ratios were 1.09±0.53. In blood pool images, right/left ratios were 1.13±0.47 (hand), 1.08±0.26 (shoulder). In delayed images, right/left ratios were 1.24±0.75 (hand), 1.11±0.31 (shoulder). As a result, Log of right/left counts of the others and that of shoulder blood pool image were correlated well with statistical significance (Spearman's R, p<0.005 SPSS for windows ver.12.0). Conclusion: Half body blood pool scan may be helpful in the diagnosis of patients with RSDS. Moreover, Half body blood pool scan reduced false negative and false positive rates. In order to improve agreement on interpretation of RSDS, Blood pool half body scan should be established as common criteria.

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A Critical Review about Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional Level to Korean Endangered Vascular Plants Assessed by the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea (환경부 멸종위기 관속식물 지정 기준으로 사용된 IUCN 지역 적색목록 평가 분석)

  • Chang, Chin-Sung;Kwon, Shin-Young;Son, Sungwon;Kim, Hui
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.107 no.4
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    • pp.361-377
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study was to examine whether the guideline by the Ministry of Environment (ME) successfully and appropriately applied the IUCN Red List criteria at regional level and the rare and endangered national list considered eligible. A certain number of vascular plants, which are widely distributed in the world or in east Asia, deemed to be ineligible for assessment at a regional level as Not Applicable category (NA), because it occurs at very low numbers in South Korea. Among 377 vascular plant taxa evaluated by the ME, NA included 238 species, which represented 63.1%. The number of synonymized species or illegitimate name species were 13 species, which accounted for 3.4%. 21 species (9.3%) were threatened at global level and 103 species were possibly candidates species list for Red List assessments at regional level in the near future. The proportion of NA or waiting list was 66.6% among the list assessed by the ME. The most common errors involved incorrectly application of species extinction in case of population extinction in South Korea to the assessment and provided incorrect interpretation of the Red List criteria at regional level. The most assessments proposed by ME were not backed up without quantitative data quality, justifications, and sources. It is suggested that the risk of extinction should be reassessed at least in the Korean peninsula within the light of their overall distribution including far eastern Russia and North eastern China in north and for Japan and Taiwan in south for regional assessment. The results obtained here using the IUCN criteria at regional level showed that the list proposed by the ME produced an overestimation of the number of threatened vascular plants. Also, the misapplication of the term 'species extinction' for regional assessment was open to some degree of subjectivity and misinterpretation.

A Study on the Designer's Post-Evaluation of Gyeongui Line Forest Park Based on Ground Theory - Focused on Yeonnam-dong Section - (근거이론을 활용한 설계자의 경의선숲길공원 사후평가 - 연남동 구간을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Hong, Youn-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2019
  • This research is based on the analysis of in-depth interviews of designers who participated in the design of the Yeonnam-dong section, which was completed in 2016. The case study site has received many domestic and foreign awards and is receiving very positive reviews from actual users. 53 concepts were derived from the open coding of the ground theory methodology. Thirty-four higher categories incorporated the concepts and 18 higher categories that reintegrated them. Later, the six categories of the ground theory were interpreted as the paradigm, and it was determined that the aspects of 'will of client' and 'work efficiency', 'site resources' and 'field manager's specialty' were the categories that had the greatest positive impact on the park construction. The key category of this park's construction was interpreted as "a park-construction model with active empathy and communication." The results of the study and are linked to the following research proposals. First, the need to improve the trust between the client and the landscape designer and the need to improve the customary administrative procedures; second, the importance of the input of landscape experts into the park construction process; third, the importance of all efforts to develop the design; fourth, the importance of on-site circular resources and landscape preservation; and fifth active social participation to increase the opportunity. This study, which seeks to grasp the facts that existed behind the park's construction, which received excellent internal and external evaluations, and has a qualitative, objective and structural interpretation of the social network related to the park's construction, in contrast to the conventional quantitative post-evaluation. It is expected that the administration and system improvements related to landscaping will be further improved through the continuation of in-depth post-evaluation studies.

The Effect on Use Satisfaction and Revisit Intention of Spatial Storytelling Components in Historical Theme Park - Focused on Samgukyusa Theme Park in Gunwi-Gun - (역사테마파크 공간스토리텔링 구성인자가 이용만족도 및 재방문의사에 미치는 영향 - 군위 삼국유사테마파크를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Oh-yeon;An, Seung-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.64-78
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    • 2024
  • Storytelling is a communication technique to express and convey the story using various media, where the audience accepts the story, reinterprets the topic and interacts with the storyteller. It was assumed that the user's significance and awareness about the storytelling technique applied to historical theme parks would have an impact on the satisfaction of using the theme park and intention to revisit. In this study, it was purposed to derive the structural factors of spatial storytelling in historical theme parks, and to understand the impact of user's awareness and constituent factors on user responses. Based on previous researches, the structural factors of spatial storytelling in historical theme parks were derived related to theme, experientiality, unusualness, educationalness, unity, expressiveness, interactivity, and interest, and for which the users' awareness was surveyed. The survey was conducted targeting the users of Samguk Yusa Theme Park located in Gunwi-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, where the collected data was analyzed using EXCEL2020 and SPSS 21.0 statistical programs, and the results are as follows: First, the spatial storytelling technique applied as a conveying method of the theme of Samguk Yusa Theme Park affects users' satisfaction and intention to revisit, and most respondents responded that the storytelling was significant. Second, it showed that the significance of unusualness and educationalness among the awareness of significance of the spatial storytelling constituent factors of Samguk Yusa Theme Park has a significant impact on user's satisfaction, and the significance of unusualness, interactivity, educationalness, and interest has a significant impact on intention to revisit. Third, it showed that the awareness of interest, theme, and unity has a significant impact on user's satisfaction depending on the user's awareness of spatial storytelling constituent factors of Samguk Yusa Theme Park, and the awareness of interactivity and experientiality has a significant impact on intention to revisit. This study is meaningful in quantitative analysis and interpretation of the influence of storytelling on user's response to historical theme parks by the exploratory analysis of characteristic factors and spatial storytelling constituent factors on historical theme parks and deriving the structural factors of spatial storytelling in historical theme parks.